For my C section mamas

I had staples both times. But second time I had to have more tape to keep it closed better because he didn’t put enough staples on the one side and it was healing weird. They didn’t hurt me though and didn’t hurt at all to be removed pain was equivalent to like plucking my eyebrows or something

My wife had 2 layers of sutures. One inner layer that dissolved and 1 outer layer that was removed before leaving the hospital. It’s was more woven then regularly stitch. 1 long piece that they just pulled out. She didn’t feel any pain as it was still numb when they removed.

I had both at the same time

I had staples with my 2nd & 3rd. I was glued with my 1st & 5th. It’s definitely a doctor preference. With my 3rd the dr who was there with me before I was moved to the delivery floor said she glued. 5 hours later of try to keep my daughter in just a few more hours and it was another Dr and she stapled😫
I had no issues with my 3rd. My 2nd was the painful ones.

I just had my 4th c section Tuesday. They used stitches and superglue. My biggest issue I’ve had is if I sit for too long it gets tight

I’ve had smile stitches, heated back close and not sure what else. I don’t remember that part.

I had them and some of them didn’t dissolve so I had to go to my OB, they hurt but not too bad. But everyone says c section pain is horrible and it wasn’t for me, I was back at work when my daughter was 8 days old. I had staples and dissolvable stitches.

I just had a csection in October I had dissolvable stitches and mine looks as good as the first time I got a csection honestly they work great for me

Dissolvable stitches on the inside, Glue on the outside

Staples but that was almost 16years ago.

I’m assuming they used dissolve able stitches because they never removed anything either time but this second time they put a vacuum bag on me I wore for a week after I hated it I called it a fart bag it was a huge paid

I got the glue/dissolvable stitches. Some do too much and they come open and they are notorious for pulling on the skin more but i healed sooooo good and can’t tell I ever had anything done.

I had staples and my incision broke open the day they took the staples out. A bad infection had set in and it had to be packed daily by a home nurse. Grossest thing I’ve ever seen lol

Glue and dissolvable stitches.

I had dissolvable stitches. It was great

stitches are better you cant not even tell they took a baby outta i had a bath 3 days after having my son . plus i was waking around and visiting him in nicu

I’be had 3 c sections and they have never used staples on me they always used the dissolving stitches, and I had no problems with them.

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I really don’t know how to give thanks to priest Roso for bringing my beloved back with his powers. I never would have believed that I could have my wife again after leaving my kids angry and my wife got frustrated because I didn’t care for them. I realized that I have done the wrong thing to my lovely family, which resulted in a separation between myself and my wife and children. I have been in pain for a number of years after trying by all possible means to get it back but to no avail. Someone talked about Priest Roso and I felt that I could be helped too and had to ask him for help too, to feel happy again for the first time in so many years It felt like a dream to me, but it was a reality. In short, I and my family are reunited and my wife is very happy to be with me again. I feel very comfortable with the help of priest Roso is blessed and I really appreciates his great effort towards my life and that of my family. Since the great priest Roso was referred to me, I would ask and I’m also happy to pass onto anyone who needs help to contact him through the page by clicking on the link below :point_down::point_down::point_down: Redirecting...

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First 2 was staples. 3rd was the dissolve ones and I did fine with all. Only thing was my 3rd c section was the worst pain standing up the first time. I guess from having so many

I had staples with my C-section in April! But dissolvable sutures with my breast reduction 4 years ago, definitely didn’t mind the dissolvable sutures over the staples!! :rofl:

Staples for all 3 of mine, last one was January of last year

My mom had staples years ago said it was the worse ever both my C-sections I had the dissolvable stitches and had zero issues

I had them. Healed great, can’t even see my scar anymore.

I just had a csection I have had 3 total and got dissolvable stitches with all 3 they’re amazing!!! I’m currently a weeks and 3 days pp, I have a question though since I’m so far into pp almost would it be possible for me to tear the inside from sitting up in bed?

I’ve had 3 c sections. The first I had staples, second dissolvable stitches, and the third glue. Stitches weren’t bad even though the inside dissolved too quickly leaving me with a blood spot (bruise) for months after, glue sucked majorly I always found myself moving to quickly or standing up to straight and painfully pulling the muscles. Honestly I would say Staples were the best they prevented me from moving or standing wrong as I could feel the pull of the staples before creating pain.

2018 2020 n 2021 were all dissolvable

I had staples for my c-section, didn’t care for them, my second child was born vaginally

Preferred my staples for my first 2 over the stitches for my last

I had dissolvable sutures for both of mine, 2009 & 2015

Dissolvable stitches. I had one big stitch on outer layer that they removed about a week later. Felt so weird lol

I had almost the same exact experience! Had my second C-section and got dissolvable stitches. The recovery was SOOO much easier!

I had staples 29 of them. By the time I went to get removed I only had 10 left.

Dissolvable is better

First one was glue and tape. Second one staples

Dissolvable stitches

I had all dissolvable and I made a point to tell my doctor never to use staples on me. Ouch

Had dissolvable ones with my first, amazing - staples with the second, whilst they didn’t give me any trouble I wasn’t thrilled when they were removing them!! Good luck x

I’ve had 2 c-sections and stitches with both, no problems either time.

I had sutures with mine. It went fine. Only thing wrong one of them got a bit infected. Doc had to remove that 1

I’ve never had a surgery before my c section. But I got the dissolving sutures. They were alright but I might’ve preferred the staples. I have a high pain tolerance so I think I would’ve been fine with staples.

I say the sutures were just mediocre cause I accidentally ripped a few off prematurely. That made my scar heal a bit wonky.

My first c-section was staples to which I had an allergic reaction so they had to be removed on day 2 :cry:. Horrible experience! My second c-section was glued and dissolvable stitches and it healed so much better! The only thing I notice with having had 2 c-sections is that my scar is really itchy sometimes. My girls are 12 and 14 and it still itches really bad from time to time.

Sutures are much easier and the dissolvable ones are great. Every time I have had one or two that took longer but you can massage them and it will help them dissolve once you’re cleared by your doctor

I had staples with both my c sections. And I had no problems with them at all. I think I would prefer them then stitches because I would worry they would dissolve to soon

3 years ago - glue and dissolvable stitches, but mine opened up on one side (seroma?) and they guessed that i might have been allergic to the type of dissolvable stitches they used.

I’ve had 4 c-sections. All have been with glue and tape. Never had any problems.

I’ve not had a c-section but I’ve had a fair few abdominal surgeries one being when my little boy was 5 months old and all except 1 was dissolvable stitches I had a fantastic recovery with the dissolvable stitches

Staples first and my incision got infected. Switched doctors and hospitals for my second and they put sutures. Night and day. Sutures were way better.

Mine was disolvable sutures but my incision is like impossibly tiny and I have no idea how they got my daughter out. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They dissolved and I had no issues. I would massage it after it is fully healed, mine felt tight

I had dissovable stitches and they healed so well. Definitely speak to the OB doing your surgery and talk to them about your concerns and not wanting staples x

Make sure you can have your baby natural before doing another surgery. I had an emergency section my first child and used staples and yes they do hurt but they took them out before I left the hospital before the skin started growing over them and they still hurt like heck. My second child was natural with no problems.

I had staples with my 2nd kid… painful. My 3rd was born 11/2 and I had dissolvable and it was awesome

I had staples with my C-section (worst pain I’ve ever had), but dissolvable sutures with my hysterectomy…. I’ll take those over staples any day!

I had staples and my husband told a joke when they were putting the staples in so I would go with sutures less painful

My first c section was staples and my second was dissolvable stitches. I would so much rather have the dissolvable stitches! The staples were so much more painful to me

4 c sections, dissolving sutures each time :smiling_face:

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First one they used staples, recovered so well and quickly, second was stitches, also healed well.

I had dissolvable ones with both of my c sections and they are so amazing

I had a c sec also i don’t remember if they use the dissolving ones

Stitches but I got an infection a was cut back open a week later. I had an open wound and it had to heal from the inside out.

Dissolvable sutures were way better for me! I had staples with my first and sutures with my 2nd and 3rd

I had both… At the same time. The inside had dissolvable sutures… The outside had dissolvable sutures AND some staples. I had issues with some is the sutures popping open.

I only had the Staples. They hurt like hell. Good luck!

I just had glue :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: it didn’t dissolve or anything, I just had to peel it off. When I had my second (completely different OB in a completely different state) I ask what he would use if I had to have another c section and he said it would be glue too. I’d ask if that would be an option, I never had any difficulty with it

With my first C-section I had the dissolve n was awesome didn’t really feel em. Second n third had staples on outside and stitches on inside very painful.
However with the dissolve ones my cousin had them bust open cause she was moving furniture and picking up to much n hers was awful had to be stuffed and it took forever to heal

I was glued. I highly recommend it. It closes the incision completely. You can just barely tell I was ever cut into as far as a scar goes. It looks like a very fine, pale line.

I had the staples with my first child and I feel like your first C-section is just terrible regardless but I had dissolvable stitches with my second and they literally burned so bad the whole time I hated it.

I had internal dissoluble sutures with steri strips across the outside. No problems at all with a bikini scar.

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1st one I had staples
2nd one I had steri-strips/sutures on the inside
3rd one I had Glue/ sutures on the inside

My first was the worst recovery ever because the nurses wouldn’t let me out of bed at all. So painful.
My 3rd was the easiest recovery. I was only taking Tylenol and walking non stop.

1st glue, 2nd glue, 3rd staples. Healed so much better with the staples.

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they glued mine lol. Could be that dissolvable sutures and the surgeon did the cut as low as possible…bikini line. I saw a tiny part opened onetime but I just bathed it with salty water for a short time. No issues after that. They tickle during winter time but I had to have it. It was not possible to have a natural birth on my two bubs (twice)

i had the dissolvable ones!
and i actually had one come out! it was weird, like a white bump there, and i could feel it when i cleaned and showered myself and thoufht it was weird. i pulled it out after a few days, it was like the size of my finger nail long and just came right on out with a little tug. it was so weird but it was okay.
made an appt to get seen and its quite common for that to happen apparently… but that was it for me.
healing sucked of course but everything will be alright

Disolvable stitches on my 3rd baby 8 months ago , never a problem

Staples for my first 2, then I had 2 vaginal, and my last baby they did stitches that dissolve

Just had my baby Jan 4th through cesarean and I had dissolving sutures. Washed the area with antibacterial soap and warm water. Made sure it air dried as well. Sweatpants and pajama pants is all I’ve worn for a while now until I’m completely healed there.

I had both, staples np, sutures I opened a bit… poured out fluid… FREAKED ME OUT!! Likely from too much activity after… too much walking. So… just be careful… Don’t over do it… until fully healed.

I had dissolvable sutures and all you could see was a thin red line 2 days later… it was almost like i’d not had major surgery :joy:

I had disolvable sutures with a vacuum seal bandage with a pumpkin had to wear for a week but you can barely see my scar and I’ve had two. Even my ob when I went for my 6 week check up after my second one thought it had to have been longer than 6 weeks with how little of a scar I already had

Dissolvable staples for me. Scars not super bad

I had neither, I had gestational diabetes so the doctor used a wound vac for my inscion to close up.

They used dissolvable stitches when they operated when I was 10, they discovered stitches that didn’t dissolve when I was 28

Both times I had dissolvable stitches. Never had a problem. Was up walking with very little pain the day I gave birth.

Dissolvable stitches are the best.I remember being in comfortable clothes and after a week I had my jeans on.After 6 weeks they fell out and I never had a problem.

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I had staples all 3 times. I also have a vertical incision so it looked like I had a zipper.

I had staples. However, I would speak to your OB about pain relief. My cousin has little devices put on the side of her incisions and she didn’t feel pain for days. My anesthesiologist injectioned little pockets of numbing stuff on both sides of my incision and I had very minimal pain. I don’t think I had any pain for like the first 5 days.b

I just had a c section 3 months ago and it was sutures!

I had the dissolvable things and they were amazing didn’t hurt too bad but probably because I couldn’t feel too much there anyway :rofl: I literally only took the ibuprofen 800 after I got home best pregnancy and my only one

Both had staples. I hated getting them taken out.

Dissolvable stitches for both of mine…

I had staples then steri strips

I had both the staples was the worst, only had it because of complication but the other one wasn’t so bad and heal quicker with it .

I had dissolvable staples and stitches and she put the butterfly tape on as well… she told my hubby to pull them off slowly in the shower when it was time and I remember it being uncomfortable

Glue and internal disolvable sutures I was up moving the same day but I had a nice u baby so that was probably my motive for moving quickly

I’ve done both. Didn’t have any troubles with either congratulations

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Sutures and a wound vac so I couldn’t see or feel the stitches.

Didolvable…my scar still gets irritated sumtimes and can be itchy…11 yrs on

Staples and it caused a bad infection that I had to be on IV antibiotics. I heard the risk of infection is worse for staples.

I just had a C-section and only had dissolving stitches and glue. I had absolutely no issues with it at all.


I had dissolvable stitches with both and it amazing! And my scar looks so good

My first c-section was dissolveable sutures and steri-strips I barely have a scar healed up beautifully! My scent c-section was dissolveable sutures and staples healed up great, but I have more noticeable scar plus the staples left little scars and I have less feeling around the scar… I’m satisfied with both but am way more happy with the way my 1st was done…