Has anyone been through similar?

Me and my kids father are separated but co parent really well. We even do family days with our child sometimes.

Kids Father used to live with his mother and brother, then lived on his own and about 2 years ago moved in with his mother and sister after abit of a mental breakdown (was only suppose to be 6months but I understand things change). Sister moved out just over a year ago and now its just him and his mother. Our child spends 2 nights a week with dad at dads/nan’s house. Ever since I was pregnant there’s always been drama with his mother in regards to our child, very manipulative, narcissistic and a compulsive liar.

Father told his mother last year that he will be moving out once the lease is up. Lease renewal happened and he signed for what he thought was 6 months and she tricked him and changed the form to 12 month. (Was always 6month leases before this) Anyway once he told his mother he will be getting his own place once this lease is over she then threatened to take me to mediation (I think because she isn’t getting the “companionship” from her son and is afraid of being alone) which we went to, to have our child every couple weekends “ALONE”. But she already has the opportunity to spend time with our child a couple times a week even if it is only for a short time. But as I’ve been told by father and child. His mother will just relax on her bed or do laundry when she has so many opportunities to spend time with our child when at their house even if it is only for a short time. The dad even invites her to places sometimes with them and she either takes up another shift at work, double books herself, decides to stay home or has a sulk and decides not to go because she hasn’t been left a hand written invitation (not literally but thats the way the son sees it)

Now she has threatened me with court a few times through text and voicemail which stresses me out more as we shouldn’t be put in this situation when she already has many opportunities to spent time with our child. Our child almost every week comes home to me upset about something saying, " Nana is being mean or nana asked me all these different questions and forced me to answer her" (manipulating and acting like she cares but she just wants information about me and our life) I’ve had enough with seeing our child put in this situation as well as myself and the stress and anxiety that comes with it. Every week I’m anxious about our child going there because of what the Nana is going to say and do and the effects it has on our child.

An opportunity has risen for us to move to another area (a couple hours away) where i will have a few more opportunities of work and father has agreed and he will see our child every fortnight instead of week but because our child will be homeschooling, child will be able to spend the whole time with dad instead of the time being at school. And holidays he can have child for longer periods of time. (But dad may move closer to where we are planning on moving also which will be good for this whole situation i believe) we will be sending off an updated parenting consent order.

Thankyou for reading this far, I hope it makes sense

So my questions are,

  • Has anyone been through similar ?
  • what was your outcome ?
  • does anyone have any supportive advice?