Has anyone ever experienced this in pregnancy?

I was like this during all 3 of my pregnancies it’s seriously just the pregnancy hormones! I’m extremely attracted to my bf but I just don’t have any sex drive once I get pregnant.

Figure out a solution. I doubt your bf will last the whole time without it…


Girl that is completely normal. Im 32 weeks pregnant and I barely have wanted to have sex at all this pregnancy. With my last pregnancy I wanted it all the time. Its hormones. Sometimes they make you horny sometimes they dry you up lol it’s nothing you can control. Now admittedly because of this I do give my partner oral sex more and I do still have sex with him at least once weekly. But he is pretty understanding that im just never in the mood.

It’s normal. I hated sex when I was pregnant. Some people love it but for me it was so uncomfortable. But I would just sort my husband out other ways :woman_shrugging:t2:

He’s being a selfish little boy. You’re carrying his child. He should have respect & emphathy for you. Look at the rest of his behavior. Is he gaslighting, belittling or abusive? Men change when their girlfriend gets pregnant. They either get overly protective & sweet or they become possessive & abusive.


Guys an ass if he gives you attitude
I know pregnancy is hard on men too but you’re growing his child in there. He could at least try to show some understanding instead of acting like an oversized teenager .
On saying that…libido often improves as the pregnancy goes on.

It’s just hormones. But you need to sit him down and talk to him about it.

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When I was pregnant I wanted sex all day everyday :rofl:

There are things you can do to take crate off his needs even if you are not up to it. Men need the physical attention even if you just give him a hand job. Part of the problem causing your lack of desire is you might be afraid sex will hurt the baby that is nearly impossible.

Somebody fixing to get cheated on lol


He’s an ass. There are times where I don’t want sex because of my pregnancy and my husband understands and doesn’t get mad about it.

Like what kind of person gets mad over sex?

And all the guys commenting she’s gonna get cheated on.

I hope y’all’s women cheat on your ass cuz your dick small or you a broke joke :woman_shrugging:t2:

Him getting a attitude is a red flag


Okay so with the consideration yes your pregnant and he should be understanding about the changes your going through,but you can’t use your pregnancy as a excuse for everything being your way or no way at all. If your in a mature relationship everything is about compromise and communication. You both need to look at the others prospective. He needs to understand that your not going to want to do it as much due to aches and pains and just overall feeling kinda sick or tired. As well as you need to also realize that if you put no effort into trying to be intimate at all that he could feel like you don’t want him. When your constantly rejecting him it sends a sign that you don’t really want him at all in his mind most likely because let’s be honest men can’t comprehend truly how exhausting it is being pregnant and that’s really not their faults. A lot of time when people reject their partner’s sexual advances it could come off as harsh to that partner. I’m not saying oh do it even if you don’t want to but maybe explain why you don’t want to and suggest a alternative way of being intimate to show him yes I still want you but I’m honestly just uncomfortable have sex right now etc. Relationships have to be a balance of give and take and it’s human nature to have needs and people have a right to have their needs meet. :woman_shrugging:t3: and that’s just the truth. If you don’t find some common ground then just know he will eventually resort to porn or some other way (hopefully not cheating but it’s a possibility unfortunately). So best of luck but you should find some type of common ground if you don’t want to push him away completely.

With both my pregnancies i barely ever wanted to have sex. I mean we’ve gone 7 months without and he understands. Growing a baby is a lot. And bugging u definetly isn’t helping. Tell him i love u im still attracted to you. Just my body going through a lot and I’m not in the mood right now.

Sometimes it’s not always about you, I have been there believe me but that’s how men feel love and right now he’s not feeling like he’s loved there’s got to be some give or take


In my experience you got about 2 more weeks before your sex drive is off the charts in a great way for you and him

I was hypersexual on top of being diagnosed as hypersexual during my pregnancy. HOWEVER. It is insanley common to have a low drive or none at all. He needs to be understanding and accept that your body is really going through it right now. It’s okay, it should come back eventually and may even come up the last 2 months of pregnancy.


Say yes cause you are on the way to leave you or cheating on you.That’s a poor excuse at your age .Good luck girl.This is the time of your life to have sex as much as you can.

I was the same way with both of my pregnancies like don’t even look at me like you want to drive can drop just like it can go up during pregnancy

Sounds like low hormones. Usually during pregnancy they are high. Tell your Dr how your feeling. Ask to test your thyroid. The thyroid balances hormones. 78% of Americans have thyroid disease and don’t know. Let him know they are low. Ask also for a vitamin panel. During pregnancy the baby will pull nutrients from you. I had to double up and take prescription doses.God bless.


Yup, it happened my whole pregnancy! Mine had go do with stress to because our baby was high risk due to some birth defects. But it’s completely normal! Your hormonal changes are insane. Tell your partner to be patient with you.

Girl I’m the opposite. When I was pregnant my husband was telling me no because it was too much. But any other time I could care less for it. It’s all about hormones.

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Have him go to 1 of your appts with you and let your Dr explain to him that it is completely normal for your sexlife to take a hit while you’re pregnant and postpartum. Not all women are like this but a majority are. I had to do this with my husband when we had our daughter and I had -20 drive lol literally nonexistant. Sometimes as petty as it is men will listen to the same information we told them but they hear it differently coming from someone else. Sending love, it does get better! :heart:

My daughter is 1 next week and I can count on 2 hands the amount of times we’ve had sex since I started my second trimester. It’s completely normal hun xx

You don’t need to have sex with with, just do other things.

Tell that dirt bag maybe when your done creating a new life you’ll have energy for extracurriculars. Get to rubbing feet, dude.


Have him go to appt with you have your doctor help explain it

Just the thought of sex would make me gag when i was pregnant. Dont worry it is only temporary

Some of y’all talking like sex is necessary to survive. Like he’ll die with out it.


I felt like that with 2 pregnancies. I sucked it up n did it anyway


Pregnancy definitely made me not want sex at all but it’s important to keep your partner and their needs in mind. Sounds like Physical touch is his love language and when it doesn’t happen he feels neglected and unloved. I understand pregnancy is exhausting but effort should be made on both parts to keep a healthy relationship.

You’re experiencing a little dose of being married


With my last pregnancy, it very much made my sex drive low!! And I would also get annoyed with the thought of sex, I’m still, 8 weeks after birth, wanting to get back my second drive.
But, that being said, I still never told my husband no, because I wanted him to feel wanted and happy, and I didn’t want my hormonal issues affecting our relationship. The longer sex is out of a relationship the harder it is to get it back, and it could eventually lead to major issues.
I’m not saying make yourself uncomfortable, but come to.some kind of compromise so that both sides are getting what they need at the moment!!

Yes it is normal it happens sometimes your sex drive goes thru the roof sometimes it comes to a screeching halt it will come back. Talk to him tell him that it definitely isn’t him and this pregnancy got you feelin all meeh. I would suggest something for him he is your man and all if i wasn’t feelin sex i would at least take care of my man in some fashion. How far along are you

He needs to understand.


tell him mayby romanticism a pregnant lady and u might get in mood

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Imma just say how would you feel if you were in his shoes?? How would you FEEL if he told you that he wasn’t in the mood. Men have feelings too. Sometimes hurt comes out as anger or frustration.


I had this after my second pregnancy. And ever since I haven’t been sexually active with my SO I have no idea why. And no other man or woman makes me feel anything either :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Go to the dr to explain to him :weary::weary:

Well, I am older and I am married and he never gets it. We maybe have sex once or twice a month, if he’s lucky. I love him but I am not interested in sex at all. Basically, I could care less. When I give in, it’s just for him because I get nothing out of it. It just does nothing for me.

First pregnancy I’m guessing, what you are experiencing is normal I’d say but of course discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider. As for your boyfriend…his behavior is more concerning he sounds very immature


I was the same exact way. My drive came back after I had my son. I just felt gross & huge. My husband used to say “ I thought most women were horny while they were pregnant. “ :joy:

If you have already explained to him that this pregnancy has you not feeling it, you’ve done your part. His feelings at this point are purely selfish and not your problem. You do not owe him sex. You are not his blow up doll nor his paid hooker. Focus on your well-being for both you and that baby and let him be in his feelings. You’re creating a whole life and that is exhausting in itself.

I mean… I’m never in the mood to clean the house but I still do it. There is no way I would ever risk making my husband feel rejected because “I’m not in the mood” if the shoe was on the other foot you’d be questioning him like a mf im sure.


I had the same issue during my pregnant I should have asked my Dr about definitely ask yours about it

definitely just because you’re pregnant lol also had the same issue i never asked my doctor about it but just figured that’s what it was. now that i’m not it’s back to normal but you could definitely still see with a doctor i never thought to ask mine!!

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It’s perfectly normal to have a change in your sex drive because of your hormones. It can be up and down your whole pregnancy. You might go through a period of time where you feel the opposite way and want it all the time. He’s being extremely selfish getting angry with you because you’re not in the mood though, pregnant or not. That’s not something that should be causing you 2 to argue/fight. With that being said, men can sometimes feel left out, like they’re kinda forgot about during their woman’s pregnancy so do what you can to try and make him feel loved but he needs to try and understand you’re going through a lot right now, physically and mentally.

It’s the hormones ! But you NEED to discuss with your Dr !!! Making a man wait 9 mo … is going to come back at you !


Totally normal. Im almost 4 months pp and my hormones are still trying to balance back out. Weve had sex one time since ive had the baby. I feel bad because i know its a mixture of my hormones and having 2 kids in our room lol. Youll get past it

Some women lose their sex drive during pregnancy, and some women’s amps up… either way, it’s totally normal.
If he’s feeling insecure about it… you need to make the effort to explain it to him. Maybe also find the time to be intimate toward him… and I don’t mean sex. Intimacy can be anything… your man is feeling neglected and unworthy.

My youngest is 3 an i still have this an its painful most of the time when i do

I’m going through this right now 29 weeks pregnant ATM… 3rd pregnancy.
He understands , I do it sometimes without being horny or anything but when everything starts I enjoy it… just try to relax if you try to be intimate with him, don’t think too hard of the fact that you don’t feel like it at all… if it doesn’t work still and if you are okay with it you can get him a toy so he can do it whenever he needs to get rid of the stress… remember that sex is also a stress reliever so that might help him not be too moody.

I had the same issue! I’m also pregnant (our first) and for the first few months I had no sexual drive. At all. Thankfully my fiancé was very understanding and we would still try and have that connection a couple times a week atleast. I’m 32 weeks now and it’s much better! I’m bigger but I actually enjoy it and my drive has come back. I think it’s just the hormones, plus I had very bad morning sickness (more like all day sickness) until I was around 16-18 weeks. Give it some time! In the mean time try to help him out (if you feel up to it of course) don’t do something you don’t want to. Hope this helps!

When I was pregnant with my daughter I went the entire pregnancy with no sex I just didn’t want my husband to touch me lol nothing wrong with it my husband understood and respected my decision. I felt bad but she was my 3rd pregnancy and it just wasn’t happening for me .

I was like that. I was over stimulated. I was pregnant, have a toddler plus being sick and low on iron so by the end of the day I just wanted to lay in bed in the dark without anyone calling for me or touching me.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone ever experienced this in pregnancy?

So my take is this(probably unpopular opinion) but if you have to have sex with someone to show your attraction to them and essentially prove that you want them, they aren’t the right person for you… Are you still intimate in other ways? Cuddling? Kissing? Hugging etc? It is completely normal to not want sex during pregnancy just as it is normal to want it a lot. Your hormones are ever changing, you’re literally sharing all of your nutrients and energy with another human. I’m always so surprised when I hear that woman want sex when pregnant. It seems so few and far between nowadays. What are your love languages? You both may need to look deeper into that and focus on that instead. You both may find physical touch isn’t his only love language, it might just be quality time for example. For me I was still intimate in other ways and would still kiss and cuddle with my partner but I just didn’t want sexual things. You don’t “compromise” and “make sacrifices” when it comes to your body and sex, especially when pregnant. If you’re not comfortable, you’re not comfortable. He needs to respect that being your partner or not, so it’s practically under 9 months out of presumably the rest of your lives together that he has to forgo.


When you are not in the mood it’s annoying. But perhaps…meet him half way and give him something once a week out of pity.
People can take care of things by themselves. But he probably feels a bit rejected right now. His body hasn’t changed and he has no idea what you are going through. Hormones matter.


Well maybe give him some head? ??
Idk just a thought :thought_balloon: poor guy!
I feel bad for him
no sex :grimacing: that’s gotta be tough


You think this is appropriate for Facebook?Talk to your gyn doctor.


He’s sounding very selfish :unamused: guess he needs to have a lesson in how to live with a pregnant hormonal wife. Is he excited about the baby? He needs to focus on that.


It’s so complex.
Here I am totally opposite, I crave sex all the time but my partner is always tired or just doesn’t catch the hint and I feel like I’m not attractive anymore.

So I can only imagine what your partner must be going through.

No bashing but you need to get to a mutual understanding…


No means no and it should be respected.
He can self pleasure untill you are ready.


We are not made the same, men and women are so different. No you shouldn’t be forced to have sex, but also just like you want him to understand you, you have to understand him too. Yes you are pregnant and it’s work and your hormones are all over the place, but he is isn’t. And he doesn’t understand it either, probably even takes you for granted right now. But withholding sex for the whole pregnancy isn’t right either. I would def talk to your OB about this and see if they have recommendations.

Also, this could just be a temporary phase in your pregnancy. I went through spurts where I didn’t want sex and other spurts where that’s all I wanted. Your hormones change so frequently, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to not enjoy it for a while.


Yes it happens because of the different hormones. You may go through phases where you can’t get enough and others like this when you could care less about it. Happens to most women.


I wasn’t with my pregnancy either. It was hard on my husband. I actually tired one time and started crying!! He didnt hurt me or force me. Ibwas just that not interested. My husband felt so bad after that and didn’t ask again. It took almost a whole year for me to actually want sex again after our daughter was born.


The comments scare me a bit. The lack of education around what pregnancy does to ones body and the lack of loyalty and respect just implodes my mind.


I can understand his frustration. Before pregnancy, it’s whatever whenever. Sex was part of why you got together in the first place. The intimacy drew you closer to each other. Now, he’s hearing, it makes me sick. Don’t touch me. Your selfish. Yuk. OMG. GO AWAY. Why wouldn’t he feel rejected, frustrated and confused. Wouldn’t you be if the role was reverse. You’re right, men don’t know what you’re going through. How would they know? But being considerate of each other, is part of what keeps a relationship alive and goes both ways. It can ultimately lead to a longer, and happier relationship for you and your partner. Enjoy your pregnancy.


It is completely normal and not all pregnancies are the same. He needs to find a way to understand and not make you feel bad for not wanting it. Find other ways to be affectionate and maybe he can self please until after the baby or until you are ready. With my first pregnancy with my man I didn’t want him touching me at all and felt disgusted when he did. I was a total b**ch and I apologized so much for it during and after. With the other pregnancies tho I was good. I was loving, affectionate, and wanted it all the time. Pregnancy hormones aren’t no joke and it’s hard for guys to understand that.


Yes! Both of my pregnancies! I didn’t want to be touched with a 10ft pole. After I had my second it was I could do to wait the 6 weeks.


First off let him know your body is going through a ton of changes physically and mentally your carrying a whole human reassure him your still attracted to him if thats what he needs but other than that relax it happens :heart:


I’ve had four kids currently pregnant as a surrogate. don’t feel like having sex a lot but I do it for him. We use lube to help Bc when im not in the mood I’m dry. But I’d say do what u want n what makes u happy. If pleasing ur man make u happy then try. If not don’t . Hormones suck :pensive: I know I’ve had sex when I wasn’t in the mood and we started having sex then got in the mood :heart:

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He shouldn’t be getting upset or annoyed. That’s selfish and he’s not understanding where you’re coming from. My last pregnancy I was like this and my husband completely understood. Not all men do. Take him to some classes to learn more about pregnancy and what it does to the female body. He should respect you no matter what. Unfortunately, I stayed like that majority of the pregnancy and even the first several months after now I’m fine with sex again. Just give it time. Good luck mama!

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As long as it wasnt uncomforatable. I gave in. Wanted to ease that stress for him And you. Lol Men are like babies and only know there needs . Lol.


Tell him to grow up. Your body is changing and hormones are changing. He needs to accept that.


I’m just saying, imagine if he put all that pout-energy into making your body feel good, regardless of whether that includes sex. Like a warm bath or massage with no strings attached. I imagine I’d feel more sensual and relaxed and open if my partner was focused on my needs instead of being upset that his aren’t being met due to pregnancy.

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I was like this about half way through my pregnancy ! I honestly believe it has alot to do with your hormones and not that your not attracted to your spouse anymore. After I had my son the heat was on again and waiting the 6 weeks felt like a lifetime for me :rofl::joy::sob: and then he was scared of doing anything didn’t want to hurt me so then I was the one feeling insecure! Eventually it all evened out again ! good luck girl just have to get a level of understanding with each other

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During both my pregnancies, even the thought of sex made me feel sick lol…it was just the pregnancy…I was back to normal afterwards.
Weird hormones I guess.
Annoying for partners I’m sure, but what can you do🤷
I couldn’t even pretend to give him pity sex, even though I felt bad …the first time I was actually really worried, but by the second time I didn’t care lol.

Maybe try some affectionate massage or something, but otherwise maybe point him in the direction of some information that explains that this can happen.

Good luck :heart:

I didn’t want touched both of my pregnancy. Everyone is different :slightly_smiling_face: I was 19 my first so it was odd for me but it’s something that can happen. If he can’t be understanding and is getting upset over it that isn’t good. Feels like pressure and that’s not good.

I didn’t want to be touched for most of the first 5 months of both of my pregnancies, you’ll probably be on him like white on rice on a paper plate in a snow storm from about 7 months till birth, then you won’t want sex after birth for at least a couple of months.


I am pregnant with our 6th, 9th pregnancy, and I have 0 sex drive to this day. It is going on 9 years and this pregnancy I don’t even fake it. It is normal and can come and go. My lack of drive is stress.

Sis throw the whole man away


So in the beginning before I started showing and when my bump was fairly small I wanted sex… but towards the 25-30 week mark I was completely uncomfortable and exhausted. Mind you. I’ve had three babies. I definitely recommend talking with your dr…

Personally, my husband and I fought about this a lot. The way we used to be intimate did not give the same feelings. We had to try different things… even after giving birth things have been different. I need more of the affection before we get to the nitty gritty lol

Hormones are a wild thing to try and understand but moving out of your comfort zone to try to get back to some sort of normal might help :woman_shrugging:t3:

it’s literally hormones in pregnancy. i was the same way. tell him to go wack one off and leave you alone about it. he’ll live

Normal. I also went through a sex drive drop with both pregnancies. But with a more understanding partner.

It’s your hormones. Talk to your doctor. And try to satisfy him in other ways. Good Luck! Happy Pregnancy!! Congrats!

I agree with you 100% I am 22 weeks pregnant and haven’t wanted sex in over 3 months Just dont want it at all no pleasure in it for me anymore.

I am 23 weeks and I feel the same way. It’s just different when u are pregnant.

I didn’t want to be touched my whole pregnancy either. Most people try to say, “Oh you get hornier when you are pregnant”. I believe some do but I think it’s more common to not want to have sex. Your hormones are doing all kinds of weird things to your body. Everything is changing and growing a human. I always felt bad so I met my partner halfway and pleasured him so he knew I was still attracted to him, I just didn’t want sex.

I’m like that now 3 kids later. This started while pregnant with baby 3 and hasn’t went away. Once in a blue moon I want to and that’s it.

I was never interested in sex when i was pregnant xxx

Don’t ignore your partner he has needs also


Start checking his phone, if he doesn’t get it from you he might get it from somewhere else


Take him to the baby appointment with the gyno and have them explain it to your husband that its normal for some woman to not want sex during pregnancy


Yesss !
It’s your hormones, they change a lot ! And even after having a baby as well!

That could be cause of the hormones in your body

It’s hormonal have a sit down with him when he’s not mad or moody let him know you love him and all that jazz but let him know that with this pregnancy it’s uncomfortable, your body is not up for it and it’s not a him issue heck it’s not even a you issue it’s just the hormones and the fact you’re growing a whole ass human inside your body that is shifting all your internal organs all over the place ,if he tries to make you feel terrible about it stand your ground and let him know you will not allow him emotionally manipulating you. If he becomes spiteful again stand your ground and take some time away, pregnancy normally tests the foundation of most relationships, this is where you’ll find out if he truly worth a shit by the way he acts and treats you when he doesn’t get what he wants

Losing (or gaining) sex drive is so normal in pregnancy. You might find that in the later weeks you’re insatiable and can’t get enough.

I think just keep reiterating to him that you do still find him attractive and maybe have some intimacy that doesn’t involve actual sex?:heart:

Omg wait till the baby is born cuz you will be to busy/ tired for sex unless you have help. Explain to him it’s most likely the hormones and changes to your body. If he doesn’t understand that then maybe you should be upset with him.