Has anyone ever experienced this in pregnancy?

Please ignore everyone saying meet him half way or whatever, you don’t need to have sex if you truly don’t want to. it’s probably pregnancy hormones killing your sex drive, another fun part of having babies :woozy_face: Id personally tell him that it’s not because of him but because of all the hormones but goodness gracious don’t just give into sex to keep him “satisfied” and non moody that’s some bullshit that’ll make you resent sex when you finally do have a sex drive again :sparkles:


Your partner has needs or wants too… and most times women are worried their man may not be attracted to them anymore pregnant, swollen and stretch marks etc. At least he is still very much attracted to u. He’s not running roads cheating. Maybe too he’s trying to make u feel and know he’s still wants u he’s still attracted to u. Men don’t understand what women go through they don’t understand hormones or changes. Especially if he is used to getting sex prior to now. Just because ur not in the mood isn’t gonna change that he is. Everyone saying well he should get over it and respect u etc but his feelings matter too. Just saying


Try giving him some oral that’ll release some of his stress, be careful he might stray to get some nookie :thinking:


I was never interested in sex in either pregnancies and even took 7 month to get it back .

I apologize Tiffany Miller

It means it’s a girl :heart_eyes:

From what I’ve heard :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s biology 101
You are pregnant.
Your urge to have sex is turned off now.
There is no need to have (or desire) sex now as the outcome of sex( pregnancy) has now occurred. It’s all in the hormones

I’m extremely grossed out by the number of WOMEN saying “suck it up,” and “He has feelings too.”
He does have feelings, and right now he’s using them to guilt you into doing something you don’t want to do, something extremely normal during pregnancy, something that hey guess what?? You don’t need a REASON to say no.
It doesn’t matter if you’re married, if he’s the father of your baby, if you’ve been together a million years, etc.
Putting you through his bad mood bc he’s not getting any is petty and childish. This is how emotionally stunted people act. If he can’t show some empathy for the partner HE just knocked up, and hasn’t learned how to regulate his own emotions, or put someone ELSE’S needs first now and then, then he should probably seek therapy.

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Tis comment section does not pass the vibe check…i wouldnt just give into sex because my partner is upset thats not ok. If he cant understand why you are not in the mood he needs to do some research

Woooow this comment thread is just ewe.
Girl you dont have to do a damn thing if you dont feel like it. He’s acting like a baby and needs to grow tf up.

It’s normal.
Your bf is being immature. If he wants it, tell him to show you a little TLC and see if that gets your gears going. Can’t just say it and expect it everytime :roll_eyes:

i’m 30 weeks, at the beginning of my pregnancy i was always down for it but now it’s so uncomfortable and i feel bad too but my boyfriend is very understanding about it.