Has anyone every had this happen during a pelvic exam?

(I think male gynos are perverts as it is and only get into the business to see vagina all day and that’s completely a personal opinion.) But He probably just scraped your membranes but definitely legally is supposed to explain everything he does as he does it. I use an all female practice and am going for my first pelvic exam with baby #6 this morning. I’m actually planning to ask for my Dr to do this at my next appointment lol

Even if it was a membrane sweep, she should have been notified or even asked if that’s what she wants done. I opt out of membrane sweeps because baby will come on their own. This definitely isn’t right.


Membrane strip and yes its uncomfortable. .

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That’s what it felt like when they stripped my membranes. My baby is 3 months so it was very recent I had it done.

I am sorry this happened to you. This sounds like a membrane sweep and your dr should of had your full consent, he/she should of also explained what they were going to before hand. Your feelings are valid and you are not the 1st mom I have heard saying this, I’ve only had 1 membrane sweep and would of been shocked as hell to be in the middle of it , if it wasn’t explained clearly before hand, because it was more painful than I imagined it would be.


Membrane strip and my doctor did the same. He told me, what I am about to do, might cause you a little of discomfort but is going to help you.

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He was probably stripping your membranes to help progress labor quicker.


It’s a stretch and sweep and it’s normal…however the physician should have told you prior what he was doing. Most people know what they are, and how towards end of pregnancy they do this…which is why he said you’ll feel pressure.


In the future if ANYONE does something that makes you uncomfortable, say something IMMEDIATELY. I think what he was trying to “jumpstart” was labor by stripping your membranes. He should’ve explained it to you first. He probably figured since this was your 3rd pregnancy that you knew what it was. That was wrong on his behalf. Just remember in the future that it’s YOUR body and you have the right to speak up.


Same doctor who delivered both of my kids (and soon my 3rd) stripped my membranes without asking, but I was also induced both times (41w and 39w) so I never thought anything out of the ordinary. I was there to get my labor going, I certainly would not have refused but yes it is extremely uncomfortable. First time I sobbed uncontrollably. He just warned me I would feel some discomfort and that was the end of that. Once it was done, I was alright. First time I was just shocked.

Could have been membrane sweep and moving your cervic as this happened to me i lost my show shortly after and went into labour the next day x

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That’s a membrane sweep and he should have told you he was doing that. I had a male doctor for both my pregnancies and he was a very big man. He did the same thing to me my first pregnancy and did not tell me he was doing that. His fingers were huge and i was in pain for a week after that. I was so mad.

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He should have asked. Doctors take so many liberties with pregnant women. I had a female OB try to strip my membranes without asking. They need ask for consent and they often don’t.


Sounds like he was stripping your membranes. But he should have let you know what was going on

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Yes that’s normL. Is this your first baby? Just wait till there whole Arm is in you


I feel like what he did was a membrane sweep. But like- he should have told you he was doing more then just checking dilation. I’ve have 3 kids and never had it done though So I’m not completely sure if that’s what it was. Next time you go in ask him if he did one. Cause if not you do need to ask him about it. Or even the nurse that was in the room if your not comfortable asking him directly.


They cannot strip your membrane without consent.

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He should have told you. No matter what anyone says, even if it’s medical reasoning, you should have been informed. Never be afraid to speak up. Maybe next time you see him, talk to him and tell him how it made you feel uncomfortable. This is exactly why my obgyn will always be a woman.


Thrusted into your vagina?? My membrane sweep felt like someone checking my cervix but swirling around where it opens. No thrusting involved… this sounds strange and i would feel extremely uncomfortable. Im sorry this happened to you.

Sounds like a membrane sweep they did one when I was pregnant with my oldest and that’s what it felt like but she also asked if I wanted it done

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Its called striping your membranes I had it done both pregnancies its to get labor moving at home like you wanted


Sounds like he was stripping your membrane. I had the option to do it at 38 weeks. I had to give consent though. Baby still came 2 weeks late. Good luck!


Probably a sweep and he deffinitly should have asked for consent first😮


He stripped your membranes, it never worked for me. Good luck

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Yeah sounds like he stripped your membranes. That’s exactly what my doc did to me too. He’s basically just scraping your cervix


Definitely did a membrane sweep. He should’ve absolutely asked you before hand though. But I’ve heard of friends saying they weren’t asked before

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Membrane sweep honey, but he should’ve told you what he was doing?

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Unfortunately I’ve heard so many horror stories of doctors giving membrane sweeps without consent. I would contact the office

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Really he was pushing u along ruptured ur membranes. Do me a favor don’t ever have another child. Like a dr is gonna find u attractive at 39 weeks come on. You should only be allowed to have a female drs


Sounds like he did a sweep, he’s supposed to fucking ask you first though.

Was he trying to strip your membranes? That’s kind of what it sounds like but most doctors will ask/give a heads up before they go for it.

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Your doctor should have gotten consent to do a membrane sweep. That is medical assault!!!


He was doing a membrane sweep. He should’ve talked you through it


Report this to the medical board. Thats seggsual assault.


Stripping your membranes but he should have told you what he was doing


Usually the Doc will explain the procedure so you know what’s happening and why. He was trying to help strip your membranes and kick start your progress. He was not being sexual - you’re a patient and expressed frustration with your slowed progress. If you feel violated, you could let him know (or his office staff know) that you would have appreciated being informed as to what was happening.


It sounds like a membrane sweep. He should have told you what he was doing


He just stripped your membranes because you complained of nothing advancing. Omg, making stuff up like that is disgusting. Doctor’s have a hard enough job without patients like you claiming violation for doing their job. And they only did their job because you said it was advancing :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I highly doubt you don’t know this if it’s your third child. Your whole post sounds sketchy. I hope the doc finds out about this post and drops you for his safety.


Don’t forget that he does basically the same thing all day long … your vagina is nothing special to him … I know you would like to think he was “ attracted “ to you …

That happened to me both times ( 2 different doctors) but they explained what they were doing💕 maybe he thought “pressure” was an adequate explanation.
I’m sorry you felt that way and I’m sorry everyone in the comments are so rude😡

You are entitled to the way it made you feel and even though I’m sure in was unintentional on your doctors part it’s OK to feel uncomfortable about something you weren’t expecting. Having a baby causes you to be extremely vulnerable. It’s weird. It’s part of the process.
Especially since you’ve had other kids he probably just assumed you knew how it went💕
I hope you can be at ease that it was normal and even though should have been explained further you weren’t violated purposefully :blue_heart:

Just a membrane sweep. No worries. He should of warned you but it’s perfectly normal.


He may have just assumed you knew what he was doing, but he still should have informed you about what he was about to do.


Sounds like he did a membrane sweep. There is absolutely no reason in a routine pregnancy to look up there. Since you said progress had slowed, and allowed the cervix check he probably assumed it was too kick things up again so went ahead with the sweep.

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No matter what he was doing a doctor always has to ask consent, you have a right to feel violated. Don’t let anyone try to unjustify your feelings, you have the right to feel however you want. Even if you expressed concern on the progress slowing he should have asked and gotten permission. You expressing concern is not consent to do what he wants, that goes for a male or female doctor! You are still a person and have feelings and rights. I would definitely talk to the nurse that was in there and express how you feel, maybe she can convey to the doctor how it made you feel! Good luck and I’m super sorry this happened :heart:


He stripped your membrane w/out your permission. That could cause your water to break before your body & baby are ready for labor. It’s one way that doctors set up c-sections :rage:


Normal, trying to strip membranes

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They swept your membranes. That’s typical at 39 weeks but he should’ve 100% asked your permission and told you.


I never had a membrane sweep when I had my daughter so I wouldn’t have known what was going on either.

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He may have been feeling for the babies head to be in downward position in birth position… that’s all sometimes it feels deep but it’s just uncomfortable… there a lotta pressure already down there so any more makes Intensified…
when your labor they go in deep… it was done for medical reason sweetie not to Violate you in anyway I’m sure that’s not his intentions ever he was just checking membranes I just see if your baby was turned in the birth canal head down to the normal procedure honey it’s just uncomfortable. Congratulations on your new new baby coming to the family going to have siblings to love her or him and a great mom and dad here to a perfect delivery I celebrate your new life coming into the world

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Make a report. If he did something medical without consent then it’s an issue. If he did it in a sexual manner, it’s an issue. If you feel violated over a routine care visit that you have experienced multiple times without that feeling … its an issue. Regardless of the “why” it’s an issue because of the how.


Everyone saying she’s in the wrong for feeling how she’s feeling, you should be ashamed, regardless of what was being done, she should have been in informed & asked for consent!! She has every right to feel violated!! Completely unprofessional from the doctor!!! It’s her body. Maybe she didn’t want a membrane sweep regardless if she felt progress was slowing down.


Consent doesn’t matter at the doctor’s office apparently

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If your doctors office is a spin off of a major hospital call the patients advocacy center and they will get to the bottom of what happened and will help you file a complaint against him & his nurse.


Stripping membranes but he definitely should have told you prior to doing it


Sounds like a membrane sweep, that being said… as a medical professional it is a huge no-no to do things without explaining or asking permission. It’s your body and you weren’t given the right to have a choice. I’m sorry this happened and you were left with this icky feeling. You should put in a complaint if you want because doctors need to be reminded that bedside manners are needed occasionally.


Yup, sounds like a membrane sweep. I had it done with 2 of my pregnancies


You need to feel comfortable with your doctor. Things should have been explained. Call the office, ask to speak to who is on call as you have concerns from your last appointment. You have to feel comfortable with this doctor especially so close to your due date. Your body, your right to have everything explained to you in detail. If you don’t get answers check with a senior partner at the practice. If you don’t get any satisfaction then contact the local American Medical Society.


He absolutely should have let you know what he was doing prior to doing it. Yikes.


Sounds like a membrane sweep but I’d be talking to the dr about telling you beforehand before doing something!


He did a membrane sweep completely normal, especially at 39 weeks and you had told him the progress slowed down now. With out consent though was un called for by every means.
This happened to me when I was 37 weeks 5days and then bam 2 days later I gave birth!

Sorry this happened to you girl!


He was stripping your membranes , older doctors tend to do this without telling you :weary: baby should be here before next week lol

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Nothing about that was normal. I’ve had 4 babies all naturally and have never had anything like that happen. If your doctor did a procedure with out your approval that is assult no matter the intentions.


I don’t think that’s normal and if he was trying to do something medically to jump start birth then he should have told you before doing it.

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It does seem like a membrane sweep but you should have been explained things as he was doing it so you were aware of what was happening


He should have asked you if he could you to strip membranes.

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Was their a nurse in the room?

Sounds like he was giving you a membrane sweep to me.


It’s a membrane sweep. It is done when the patient complains labour is not progressing. I had it done with all my kids. How the tell you is by saying “your going to feel some pressure here”. Not sure if it’s protocol but it’s happened with three different drs for me. Not sure if that requires consent first as you saying you are unhappy with how labour is not progressing is consent for them to perform the sweep. It’s not a major procedure or even anything major. If you are concerned please bring it up to the doc. They do it so much they may see it as a minor thing. So please bring your concerns to them


Well no and yes, i was pregnant with my #2 baby and i went to my dr. And another man came in with my dr. The other man had on the white coat and had stethoscopes around his neck. My dr. Introduced him and tells me he is a college student studying and said he would be helping him. Well the real dr. Did give me an examination to check my pelvis and baby. Well when he was done examining me, my dr. Ask if the other person could examine me? And i said yes. As he was doing his examine on me he was rough with me. It did not feel right i felt uncomfortable. After i had my baby, he was born in October and in November my dr. Was sued because the student was not studying any kind of a medical degree. He was the dr’s friend. The dr’s nurse reported him. And the dr. Lost his medical license.


Why didn’t you ask him “what did you just do?” And "you should have said something "


Sounds like your membranes we’re swept. Call them and ask why that was done.

Membrane sweep. It’s a common thing drs use during the end of pregnancy to try and open the cervix more. He should have told you what was happening, but he wasn’t violating you to violate you, he did it to hopefully help you progress. Also you could have asked him what that was. Perhaps he thought you knew about it or perhaps he is an older dr as they tend to not say anything I’ve noticed. My first who was an older lady did it to me without warning too. I asked her what the heck she did and she explained it to me. She apologized after I said that it hurt and to please warn me next time. That said, it put me into labor that night so… honestly wasn’t that upset about it.


Sounds like he swept your membranes . I went into full on labor a few hours later


Happened to a few of my friends. Doctor went to jail.

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:grimacing: sounds like a sweep, I refused all checks with my second after my first came early and was sick :disappointed: I was finally checked at 39 and 5 due to pain, I was 4cm and they think I had been for two weeks or so when my contractions began. She did a sweep after asking, but it fas a lot more than you described, I had my daughter 7 hours later. I think he was maybe listening your cervix up maybe? So not a full on sweep, but this is still not ok! He needs reporting for sure

He assaulted you.
Informed consent.
I’ve had my membranes swept with and without consent 3 different times, not ONCE was it the way you described.

It seems like some of you ladies try to hard to scream “assault , etc” IF you felt violated why didn’t you speak up RIGHT then and there ? Instead you come on a mom group trying to act like the doctor did something inappropriate to you. Yes he should have let you know he was gonna do the sweep HOWEVER this post just was not necessary. It seem like some of you make posts for attention. Why tell a Group instead of bringing it to the doctors attention?


Sounds like a membrane sweep perfectly normal

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That was a membrane sweep but he should have informed you or asked before hand if you’d never had that done before…


It was a membrane sweep. It does seem a bit forceful especially If your cervix is higher up.

That’s why I refuse any make drs. Sorry but imo I don’t think men should be gynos. It’s weird and pervy


Membrane sweep - however my doctors always discussed this with me prior to having done it and I gave her consent to do it. I would have been livid had she done it without explaining it to me first and letting me ask questions.


A membrane sweep to help your labor

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Sounds like a membrane sweep.


I had a sweep with my son … but they didn’t do that, that’s odd in my opinion.

Would you not feel the need to ask the doctor or nurse in the room what that was or front desk? I know if something happened to me I was not comfortable with, I would be asking immediately and not a bunch of strangers hours later. Membrane sweeps are very common, and you trusted this doctor the whole time to the end? Also sometimes they are checking the cervix wall. Its part of the exam.


Thats wat doctors here in Kenya do it. Its normal for us.

He was probably sweeping your membrane to jumpstart labor.


That happened to me when I asked to have my progressed checked. (Was 3+ centimeters). I had my baby the next day! I think it’s normal but painful, nonetheless.

It sounds like a membrane sweep. It can help jumpstart labor but it should not of been done without talking to you about it and with your permission first.


So I see we’re just out here ignoring the importance of informed medical consent.


Why didn’t you ask him ?


Trying to brake the membrane

I would have been saying, “WTH was that?”


Most likely a membrane sweep.


Sounds like a stretch and sweep not a pleasant thing

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Sort off but I was told before hand that he was trying to remove the rest of the mucus plug then going to finish breaking my bag of water as I showed up to Labor & Delivery already leaking. I was also in labor and hadn’t moved past 1cm in 14 hours so maybe that makes it completely different.

A female nurse should always be present

Seems like a stretch and membrane sweep but when my doctor did this to me, we discussed it beforehand in detail and I said I wanted it done.


I would ask for another doctor

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