Has anyone given the rights up of their child?

Breathe mama! I can feel the stress in your post. I am so sorry you’re going through this! Get some therapy for both of you! This too shall pass!

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This is something I would never do, also would never anything like this.


I really hope this post is a sick attempt a joke!! If not you are a failure as a parent and should NEVER have anymore!! Lord forbid you have to actually be an adult and raise your child.


Funny how literally every single person who’s commented on this post has made the assumption that it’s the person who wrote this post who is giving up their child… when in fact, NOWHERE in this post does it directly say or specify that. This person could be asking for a friend or family member, or this person could be a teacher asking about a student/parent that came to them for help, or a million other scenarios. Yet everyone on here just immediately started bashing the OP assuming it’s them who wants to give up their child… on that note, I do agree that the OP was vague. There are not enough details to really know this scenario or this persons situation so with that being said, how about if you are able to help and give sound advice, then do that. If you aren’t, KEEP SCROLLING! :woman_facepalming:t2:


Oh Hun… Please do not give up on your child. That is Your child. That child did not ask to be here, you brought that child into this world. How can you give up on that. I hope you come up with a better solution… I couldn’t imagine being a child and my parents just gave me up…

My son has adhd and odd, beyond disrespectful at times and occasionally violent… I could NEVER even think about being done with him and just tossing him away to someone else. Disgusting.
With that being said, call CPS on yourself so that child can have a chance at help and LOVE.


I have a child who is going through a lot of stuff and she kicks, screams, calls me names hits etc. She is only this way with me. She is getting all the help I can get her. Please message me if you would like to talk. It’s hard, I know. I’m a single mom and it gets rough.


I feel your pain. I have a child like that. I have 3. 2 of them are kind loving respectful. But the other one. I swear is a sociopath. I have had the feelings and thoughts you are having. You are not alone! I even have reached out to CPS for help. People who are judging you shame on y’all. You people have no idea. It is terrible to have these feelings for your own child. We know that. You do not have to tell us. My god they are asking for some damn help. NOT to be put down or asked what kind of person they are. They are already doing that to themselves.
What a bunch of asshats

Not sure the whole situation. Have you tried seeking outside help like therapy for your child? Do you feel you’ve done everything yiu could to help the child? There’s a lot left unsaid for anyone to accurately answer this. The amount of people judging is terrible on this.


Having a child that threatened suicide got turned away more times than I can count for the mental help he needed Bc of prior abuse with stepparents and just the major depressive disorder and super high anxiety who lashes out because they don’t know how to mentally control their emotions is also no joke to have to deal with. However it took getting into the legal system for him to get the help he actually needs. I feel for this momma and all of the emotions she’s going through. There is help out there but the mental health overload has made fighting with drs an absolute nightmare. We have done everything to keep ours from going to cps to get the inpatient healthcare he needed. Bc the cost is through the roof for most insurances and there are caps of time they will pay for after everything is said and done. I hope you find the help you need for your child. And for anyone being judge mental you never know until you’re in that position and feel completely helpless when you’ve tried every option to get a life you brought into this world the help they need.


This sounds like you need serious counseling, probably dealing with a variety of anxiety depression maybe undiagnosed PPD… it’s hard to not be angry at your post, it’s infuriating thinking of what the child is dealing with if you’re considering abandoning them. The system is littered with horrible, dangerous people so I would not trust your child would go to a “good home”. You and the child need counseling together and separately or if it’s that severe talk to your doctor about what’s going on and you can both get on the correct medication.

Don’t give up on your child. And don’t give up on yourself as a parent. I can’t decipher the tone of the post if it’s coming from a mental breakdown place or a sociopathic “I don’t care about my child” place… either way, please just get a therapist to work through these issues and find a healthy coping mechanism for you and your child.

Don’t give up

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Please try therapy/dr if you havent yet. Maybe hes sick. I would seek help from dhs/child welfare for advice on this. There are parents on my mental support pages that have to do this sometimes. You can get great advice on support pages too. Is important to get him better while hes still a child as an adult he may get fired/go to jail.

Wow, all those bashing. There are instances where a child is in fact uncontrollable. There are children that were born psychopaths.


I really do hope you’re not going to give up the child to children services.
See if a family member can take the child for a little bit while you gather yourself.


I’d ask anywhere else but this group. People are assuming and judging based off of very little information. I’m sorry you’re going through this and I wish whoever is dealing with this situation, along with the child, peace and happiness.


A woman abandoned her kid on the side of the road and everyone judged her. A woman asks about giving their child up to social or youth services and everyone judges her. A man can abandon his children and their mother and nobody says a word. Interesting world we live in. :frowning:


Tried too and was unsuccessful. Not my biological child of course. CFS wouldn’t take them and rehome them. So I was left to deal with them and their behavior problems by myself. They’re now adults and off doing their own (not good) things. I pray for them everyday. Good luck with your situation :pray::pray:


How old is the child?
I hope you and your family get the help you need :heart:

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Probably not the group to post something like this in because these people are ruthless and have no sensor :grimacing:


I think it would depend on the situation. But personally I would exhaust all medical and mental services first. I can’t confidently say a child is beyond help without meeting them of course but I would hope no parent is in this situation!

Also, no child is born uncontrollable or disrespectful, so you really need to reevaluate what you or whomever the child is around and has learned this behavior from.
Because if it’s disrespect and you’re unable to control the child, I’m willing to bet he’s been disrespected, or seen someone disrespectful towards you, so they think it’s acceptable, and because they’re disrespectful and you can’t seem to control their behavior, thus making them “uncontrollable”

We’re definitely missing a lot of important key information here…
But it all starts at home.


Have some of you all never seen where children actually kill their parents, or siblings when the parents do everything in their power to help their children? It’s a thing.
Sometimes it’s not even due to how the parents parent it’s from peer pressure and making poor choices in general, or due to mental illness. You can’t help someone unless they want to be helped, including your children.
I couldn’t give up on my child but I’ve never been in a situation where I felt my other kids or I were in danger, if that be the case.

Prayers for you, your child and your family. :heart:


I hope all the people on here that want to judge, never find themselves in a situation where you are seeking answers, not judgement. It’s so easy to say “you’re a horrible person”, when you know nothing about that person or their struggles. Kindness and empathy can go a long way.


No advice, just sending hugs and good vibes to whomever is involved.

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not one of these people in these comments has the right to judge you for this. they don’t know you nor do they know your situation. pay no mind to those people. if you’re serious about this then you should call social services and get the ball rolling, don’t take advice from strangers on the Internet.


You don’t have to give up rights of your child to help them. There are usually programs through the state that can temporarily house your child and you and your child can work on any issues together with help and resources from the state. A team of people come together to support you and your child and make a plan with goals. It’s usually short term, but will help. Good luck.


Praying for all involved :pray::pray:

I teach kiddos with behavior related issues. A few are in group homes, and the parents are educational guardians. The kids seem happier, and the parents are too. :heart:


All the mad faces smh when a child gets abandoned in the middle of the road there was one on the news lately where a birth giver dumped her autistic non verbal child in a whole different stat unfamiliar to him luckily he was found unharmed. And people would say didnt she just give him up etc.Atleast you know you need help or cant do it. So much better than physically harming your child.


Coming from someone who’s parents tried RELENTLESSLY to give away and give up unsuccessfully I might add. I have no input, just hugs and love. I hope you can get through it. No ONE has any right to pass judgement


I think its good b4 you end up doing something you regret like in most cases!!!


Feel free to reach out to me. Being a foster parent, a family interventionist and parent, I’ve seen it all and witnessed it all. No judgment here.


Have you tried whipping him yet lol jkn


Wow the acts this way becouse you never taught them that child is better off away from you


I would have thought omg no I could never do that what a horrible thing to do. Because I’m blessed with “regular difficulties” in my children.
But have you ever watched Dr Phil and seen home footage of violent children that have to be sent off. Have you seen the kids that hurt animals and siblings not to mention their parents?? They exist. Not just dr Phil but other documentaries as well. I’m sorry. I hope you both get help


Looks like I’m gonna be the honest one here ! And I’m sorry about all these ladies !

I have a 10 year old biological child that has severe ocd odd bipolar etc… he is definitely a lot to handle so yes I’ve had those thoughts and sometimes a lot stronger thought out then other times but I’ve never acted on those thoughtless impulses… go out side or go stay with a friend for a day or two… the feeling will pass and you get to start all over again… granted leaving and staying away for 2 days while he’s with a family member when I come back those thoughtless feeling of mine don’t come back for months to a year or more… parenting is hard you will want to run away but it shows a lot when you decide to stay it shows that child how to get going and not give up !


Maybe you should talk with someone that’s been in the system and understand the the pure hell, sadness and being traumatized while being in the system. I lived my entire life and I’m 40 still reminding myself that I am loved, worthy of love and I’m not trash. The system will destroy part of your soul. There are good foster parents out there and there’s some that will make your nightmares look like a happy place. I’m a mom now with twin boy’s and I daily have fears I’m not good enough. When you hear that your stupid and unlovable you believe it. The system is a place of pure sadness and hell!!! Just think if the psychology damage you’ll inflict on this kid because you want to give up!!!

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Don’t ask this group, it’s full of woman who like to bash and bully! What if she getting her ass kicked! I had a friend who got abused by her son and she got judge by women just like the ones in this group like Hannah Naramore,

I haven’t, but you can contact cys on giving up your rights.

You know this is a human being right and not a toy, and giving them up may cause irreversible damage that directs their life in a much worse direction.

On the other hand though they might be better off without you. If this is how you handle things when shit gets rough, and this is how you talk about them I can only imagine how you treat the child. You probably yell and scream all kinds of messed up things huh? Hit em and shove soap in their mouths. “WhY wOn’T tHeY rEsPeCt Me”.

Please do not have anymore children. I hope that child survives you. You don’t deserve sympathy. Idc how much rope you have left giving up on a child for THEIR struggling is never a viable option. You seek help and you keep seeking help until help is found. You move if you have to. You don’t give up though, especially when that’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you have any heart and love left do not do this.

Social services! You.can talk to someone and they can give you the guidance needed to make the best choice for your family and situation.


Please please try therapy first before you just go running to Facebook for advice to just give your kid to the state that kid needs you so I’d try and work through it what kind of parent just wants to throw away there kid because of behavioral issues that’s so wrong on so many levels if you give that kid up for that purpose that kid will resent you

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I was the child in this situation. I went to DJJ for 9ish months, charged with incorrigible/ungovernable. I did, indeed, end up in foster care (again). Mom ended up signing her rights away. But it was for the best. She shouldn’t have been a mother. I know it was very hard for her because she did love me in her own way. Hope you figure this out…


The question was…. Has anyone given up rights of their child,NOT please judge me and try to figure out my circumstances and or give me your opinion, since it looks like some of y’all
can’t read.


I couldnt imagine a more soul crushing regret than giving up on a child, good luck living with that, “The remembrance of what I had thrown away when I was quite ignnorant of its worth” Charles Dickens


I fully support someone taking these steps to ensure that a child is in a safe environment before they are put in a situation that could possibly lead to death of themselves, death of the child, or some sort of case involving child abuse, mistreatment, abandonment, etc!

To the OP I say, “Thank you for being a responsible adult and trying to do something to ensure the safety and well-being of all parties involved!”


My parents started the path to do that when my sister was acting out in highschool. After they tried all they could and she wanted out they found a way to get her into a group home. However once my sister realized what that all meant she changed her mind and made it through her last two years of high school.
Eta- she was acting out because she wanted to be an adult and do her own thing not because anyone was messing with her. She wasn’t crying for help.


What’s the age of the child. Is there a diagnosis?

My child went last night and they didnt take my rights away at all.

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No child is ever “disrespectful” because they want to be. It’s usually a blend of not having tools to cope, or having a disability of some sort, or even a home environment that is chaos or toxic. Anger comes from being hurt, or let down or neglected….
Try finding the root of the issues instead of giving up. Doctors, Social workers, teachers, Therapist are all there is help.
Every child has the right to an adult/parent/Guardian who helps shape, mould and care for them. Even the most violent, angry children with the right tools and a little love can turn it around.
The system is NOT always a safer place.


Some of y’all are EXACTLY why some mothers don’t ask for help. Y’all are judging this woman without knowing ALL of the details. For all y’all know, the kid beats the hell out of her. Instead of trashing her and telling her that she’s a horrible person try offering some encouragement or other options.


Don’t give up! You with regret it! No judgement I am just saying you will regret it! It’s hard to be a kid too if you give up on the child you will damage them forever! I was not around for my girls n I know it hurt them extremely deep down n has affected them! I know what u r planning to do is going to break that child! Look for resources n why the child is acting out… I’m sure there is a reason behind the behavior

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What a terrible place to ask this😂


I may not understand your level of frustration or your situation but from a child who grew up without love, all this will do is teach them they are not enough and not worthy of fighting for.

Maybe you have considered this I don’t know, but counseling for ALL parties might help


Omg :pensive: feel sorry for this child. Please don’t ever own animals. How could someone abandon their own flesh and blood??


Amy Percevault I have never been more triggered in my entire life :sob:


How old is the child first off??

Y’all are so judgmental. You literally don’t know this persons full story…
i knew a woman who tried & did everything. For years, it wasn’t even her own biological child but a child she adopted… She feared for her own life as well as her kids… in the end she ended up taking her own life because she couldn’t handle it anymore.

Remember to be more kind vs putting another mom down right away.


This post literally made me cry. I’m not judging but i couldnt even imagine looking at my baby in the face while a stranger takes him from my arms. Never. But the upside is there are many people who cannot have children and would love yours unconditionally. Praying for that child of yours.

I was this kid. The one nobody wanted instead of work with me get me therapy and meds and recognize my trauma they just threw me away to the next from age 6 to 18. I aged out of foster care at 18 and took my new baby and ran states away and started a new life without all those fu*kers who gave up on me. I was broken yes; but they were all lazy self seeking grown people in my mind and I’ll never make a child feel like that.
I don’t know your situation…and I hope it works out. Just speaking my truth.


What did I just read?


I hope this is a joke. Why would you ever get rid of your kids for being disrespectful or being “uncontrollable”. I’m sorry but they don’t deserve a mom like you if this is your logic


The child deserves better. I could never give up on my kids. I’ve been fighting for my kids for 3 years.


Massive loads of love, light and strength to you mama. Whatever you’re going through must be heavy. I applaud your strength in reaching out. I hope everything gets better.


To this parent
You dropped the ball in the first few years how dare you turn your back in this Child


Literally nobody can judge, these things never come lightly nor do the decisions around it…. Try reaching out to your closest family preservation service, out of home care service or even DCJ if you can


Sounds like maybe more is wrong with you than your kid. First, get you BOTH some therapy & read The Explosive Child. Then ask the therapist about maybe getting them evaluated for ODD (if the problem persists) & go from there.


My son suffers from many many many different issues, from behavioral some severe, to sensory, to extreme hyperactivity I’ve felt the way you do. And that hurt worse then my child’s behavior. He’s 8. I have a long road ahead of me. Currently seeking any amount of help I’m offered. I can’t give up if I do as his mother who else will. Get help not only for ur child but you also. I’m serious. Sometimes it’s us who needs to learn to cope with them.


Wtf my flabber has never been so gasted


I couldn’t ever :broken_heart: I’m sorry you feel so strongly this way, please maybe seek some type family counseling or help before doing this.

It’s literally your job as a parent to fix the problem not give your child away. Do you really think your kid will get better in the car of strangers?


I work with crisis pediatric patients and actually see this quiet often. Most of the time it’s children with severe mental health illnesses, that in turn come out as behavioral outbursts that parents cannot control. You need to think though, how much trauma this will in turn cause your child because it will be a traumatic experience being taken from their biological family and being put into a group home or foster care


Don’t let all of these people make you feel bad.
There ARE kids out there that just don’t conform, disabilities aside.
Not EVERY child with behavior problems has a disability. Or, even a reason to be awful. Some kids are just that way.


How old is said child?

Maybe just try sending the child to an impatient mental health facility for behavioral issues?

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I feel like there is more info needed to get any real advice. People are only going to be mean judgmental until they know that you’ve exhausted all other options.

Do you have family that could take the child and provide what they need? The state is a horrible place for anyone and should be an absolute last resort. I know that some kids are just born sociopaths and that makes the home unsafe for everyone else involved so without knowing more it’s hard to help.


Have you tried to seek out assistance from the state as in cps for programs to attempt to help them? I know this post is full of judgement and I’m sorry for that. I have not and hope not to ever be here with any of my children, but we all know there are children out there that are horrible people, and it is not always from upbringing. Stop judging her for being at the end of her rope. What if her child is a true threat to her and other people safety? They’re not all a god send!

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Seriously WTF you just going to give up?


If you haven’t been through this you have no right to judge. I’ve been in your shoes, I completely understand what you are going through and feeling. For the people that say it’s bad parenting that makes the child that way you have no clue. My son has severe adhd, odd, the behavior doesn’t come from bad parenting. When my son was 4 yrs old he was taken and placed in a mental hospital for a week due to his behaviors and it was not by my choice. Many times I’ve had the feelings of giving up but I stuck it out we went to lots and lots of therapy. He’s now 15 yrs old and a totally different child. He learned how to control his impulsiveness and his anger. I learned techniques to deal with what he was going through and how to handle it properly. Things can get better but you can’t give up.


Seek counseling for u and the child.

I mean, you can’t really come here with a shock value statement and not give a little backstory and expect people to not react a little…


First look into inpatient behavioral hospitals in your area see if they can do an assessment and admit the child for treatment (individual and family therapy, psychology, diagnosis, coping skills and many other helpful resources) I hope this helps mama, be encouraged and don’t give up :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Counseling, psychiatric care. Try anything and everything first. Counseling for you.

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I’m glad you’re giving this child up. Instead of working with him/her, getting them therapy, possibly medication, you’re giving them away and hopefully they’ll end up with someone who isn’t garbage. You clearly don’t care about him/her.


In SC I believe you just write a letter. I would reach out to a lawyers office for advice

You sanctimommies are horrible people for judging. I wish my parents had considered this at one point b/c it would have saved myself & my younger siblings from YEARS of abuse. Coming from a person who grew up in a house where myself & siblings as young as 3 were being abused & put in the hospital regularly this is a parent whose reaching out for help. She’s at her wits end obviously. If she were to do something terrible you all would the same people preaching about moms reaching out for help. Why don’t you guys practice what you preach & instead of judging, maybe ask what the circumstances are, why this mom is so stretched thin?


Contact DCS (Child protective services) and make a report on yourself. Explain the situation and state if you are in fear for others or yourself. They’ll be able to help you or give you the next step of who to contact.

Get mental health support, therapy. Med prescriber, and bamsi assistance and they’ll help get you on the right track.

I’ve had so many difficulties with my son and many house calls for the police to come, dcf investigations.

There’s more to the child that you don’t know or understand, get the help the child needs and get a Neurology test done to see what is the root to all the behavior.

Your child needs help and you ,
Not you abandoning your child!!


So let me get this strait…I always see comments when children are murdered by their parents that they should have “reached out”. :woozy_face:

Comments like this thread is why children will continue to get hurt and killed. I could never personally do this either but I’m not going to attack this parent for trying to do the right thing instead of hurting or abandoning the Child. Most of these comments are shameful. Grow up people and do better!

For OP…call the department of children and families and they can help you. Good luck.


Oh momma how hard it must be. Have you looked into in patient or out patient therapy or medication for his diagnosis. How old is your child?. If this is your last option I guess start with your local county family services. Sorry your going through this


You’re the mother, should be there for your kid(s) regardless. Not any background or history given at all. So it’s hard to give any advice with almost no details other than you’re tired of your kid.


Have YOU tried therapy for YOURSELF?


I have no advice or judgment toward this mother. I hope and pray that whatever decision she makes will be in the best interest of her child. :pray:t3:


People are just going to tear you down on here.
I much rather you give the child up than to see you on the news for killing your child or your child on the news for killing you…
To each their own, but YOU do what’s best for YOU and YOUR child.
I don’t know the steps for you to take, but I wish you and your child the best…


So you give your kids up??? People are truly insane.

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You can take the child to any fire department or hospital. That way the child is safe. I’m not judging you. Please do this before you might loose self control. I’m not saying you have or will. It’s just the best option.

Don’t let these ppl on here make you feel bad. I commend you on trying to find help. If it comes down to you having to relinquish your child don’t beat yourself up, know you did your best with what you had. My heart breaks for you. I’ll be praying for you and your baby. Good luck and God bless you all.


Dcfs will help get your child into treatment. They will help

OP- YES. You can absolutely give up the rights to your child. You can call child and family services for support with that and they can answer all the many questions you are going to have.

Just please, do what is safest for the child first.


Well what is the child doing that is making things hard? Have you seemed therapy for the child? What’s the child’s age because you can get them inpatient treatment for behavior. Id ask the nearest therapy center for help in getting things under control trol.dont give up just because it’s hard.