Has anyone given the rights up of their child?

Drop the child off with me. :woman_shrugging:
My son is the same way.
We’re dealing. You do that as a parent.


That’s the second time today I saw a parent talk about their children this way. I hate social media.


This is insane. First of all you’re the mother! You need help and get your child help. Why would you want to give your child up just because you’re having trouble with him/her. You never give up on your children no matter what the circumstance is. 2nd of all this is poor of you to want to even think about doing this. Where are your morals. I’m sure your parents never gave up on you if you gave them the slightest problem. Smh…


coming from someone who has custody of kids that are in no way related them…. sometimes removing the kids from the situation isn’t the worst thing to happen. i suggest therapy for everyone no matter what you decide- before and after. also, find a great family lawyer.


Coming from someone who has been thru the system. You will create a life time of unnecessary grief of the relationship between you and your child for “giving up” Children are not objects you get rid of when the going gets tough. Find support. Get a diagnosis if needed medication and counseling if needed. NEVER give up on your child.


We were foster parents for teen boys for 12 years. A few of our kids were placed in care because their parents could not handle their behavior. It didn’t really do the kids any favors.


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What the fuck get the child and yourself some help

Parents can’t win. We hear about abuse, of course say “why didn’t the parents seek help” then when they do they get hate. When kids go on rampages hurting others we say “its all on the parents” but when parents know they need to do something drastic again get hate. WTH is wrong with you people.


No one know how said child behaves what they have done who they have hurt or damage they may have caused either way who are we too judge I congratulate this mumma for being brave enough too admit that’s she not capable off giving this child what he needs and looking too find help too find someone who can


How about looking at your parenting skills and behaviour that’s where lies the problem. Kids are not born this way. Kids are not to be thrown away cause they don’t fit in with your life anymore


Whatever the process is, the final step needs to be you going to get your tubes tied and burnt cause being a parent clearly isn’t for you :neutral_face:


Uhhh, hate if you will but my cousin within foster care and I talked to him recently and he is doing just fine so no need to hate on people because they can’t handle kids with their anger issues or behavior issues


It’s so sad to see how many people think status is terrible. This is someone clearly struggling. Everyone always flies the mental health flag until it’s a mother who can’t look after a child. Not one single person asked if this poor lady was okay but every single comment made sure that they told her how much of a bad parent she was. Jesus Christ, no wonder there are such high suicide rates. You don’t ask for help and suffer in silence at the expense of your sanity… you ask for help and get strung out for how useless you are. Ever thought the best possible outcome for a child in a situation like this, would be for the mother to hand her child over to someone who can look after them better? To admit you can’t parent is the most courageous things to do because I can’t believe how many people made such disgusting comments. Whoever the OP is, I hope you’re okay and you find the help both you and your child needs. Personally I’m not judging because I don’t know your situation or the behaviour of you or your child, but I hope you do find help


Wtf?!? Yo, this is crazy. I’m out.

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I would never, but absolutely no judgment. I would rather someone give up their child instead of hurting them or even worse. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Being a parent is so hard, but the best thing at the same time. Hopefully it gets better for you! I’m here for you if you wanna talk :heart:


Giving up on a child should never be an option they didn’t ask to be born. What a selfish life you must live to create a human and throw them away when times get hard like a piece of trash.

Why don’t you ask social services for advice and respite first. They won’t just come and take your kid away unless they are at significant risk of harm.

If you truly don’t want your child and it makes it dangerous for you and other children then I understand

Is there other children
Family around


Please don’t give up on your child
Get your child counceling or to the doctors to see if there is a reason there acting that way or to a anger management program or something and put them into something they like for example basket ball or dancing or something
Support love and encourage your child try get them to open up don’t ever give up just coz it’s tuff parenting will always be tuff
Also speak to a looked after person survivor and see what they had to go through there experience as sometimes it’s not the best option trust me.


My mom did this with me when I was younger and although I love her it ruined us and now I have two beautiful kids & partner that she barley sees due to us arguing to much and me not wanting that around them :woman_shrugging:t4: turns out she was actually the problem and not me. Either learn how to be a parent, or find that child an amazing home cause it’s clearly not with you. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Well done to this Mama for asking for help and being honest.
For all the nasty comments: At least she wants to keep the child safe, some people can’t cope with their child, lose it with them and the child ends up dead.
Here in the UK, we’ve sadly had a few children murdered by their adult recently :disappointed:


Majority of you need to educate yourselves- must be amazing to walk around living life with blinkers on - with everything so black and white.

I haven’t seen anywhere that’s it’s written she’s “giving up on the child”. And as for you all saying you would never do this regardless - well imagine one child - bigger stronger then you, hitting you and siblings daily… threatening everyone with knives daily. Your other kids living in fear and mentally and physically traumatised- but you’d still keep the child in your house? If so - that would make you an awful parent, for not protecting your other kids.

Sometimes as a last resort, for others mental and physical well-being - a child needs to leave the family home… doesn’t mean contact is severed etc.


so many judgemental comments. You never know their situation or if it’s dangerous or if the kid needs help beyond than what they can get at home and sometimes beyond therapy. Sometimes the parents have tried endless doctor visits and counseling and their child is a danger to the other children living with them. we just never know the situation. Coming from a home where a child was out of control even after so many doctor and therapy visits and having the best parents- I understand just how cruel others can without understanding why.


I had to take myself there as a child and I cannot imagine anyone doing that to their child with their own will. If you need help. You need to find some harsh way of doing it and wake them up. Take everything away. Don’t talk to them. Lock everything in your room. Do not do that to your child. Any child.


Have the child committed. Some states make you go through the courts to do this. Do it especially if you have other kids in the home because they WILL be affected for life if the kid isnt dealt with.


I would get them checked first with doctors if they are diagnised with anything and sometimes it can be what they eat. My nephew went wild when he ate certain foods bread chocolate anything with a few ingredients contained in it. When we stopped him eating them and changed hisbdiet he was a complete different child. Occasionally he use to eat chocolate and he use to go crazy and then cry later he didnt mean to be naughty he just couldnt stop. With this could be different cenarios parenting, ADD like diognosis or food he eats. Cant judge and call you bad parent when dont know whats going on so my first step would be getting full blood and allergic tests done if all ok take him to see if he has to be diognosed if not then it leaves it to parenting dicipline you need to get help with


No… I know it happens but maybe try talking to their doctor and seeing what can be done first? They might refer them to see a physiologist which might not be a bad thing, kids acting out shows that they’re trying to get attention and also there could be underlying issues on why they’re doing it… seek help first babe, don’t give up there’s still hope.

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Some ppl just don’t deserve to be parents :woman_facepalming:


If they’re uncontrollable and disrespectful you need to take some accountability on some level.


Tell me ur a shit parent without telling me :roll_eyes:

I’m so sorry you are having to face this mama. Are you ok?

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This is a joke, RIGHT?


When someone is at such a low point in their life, that they feel the need to reach out and ask for help, we should embrace them and support them in any way we know how, otherwise there’s a good chance we will see them on the news, having committed a crime against the poor child …. and we will be the first ones to say ‘why didn’t they ask for help’ … ‘why didn’t anyone see what was happening’ …. ‘surely somebody must’ve know what was going on’ …… :woman_shrugging::frowning::cry: damned if you do, damned if you don’t :cry:
I applaud you for reaching out mumma, and though I have no advice to give on the process, I wish you and your child, nothing but the best :pray:t2::frowning::kissing_heart: I hope things work out for you all x

I wouldn’t do this… But my sons super close to military school.


My son was ODD and we couldn’t get help anywhere. We just struggled through it, one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. We lost many friends,because they thought we weren’t strict enough, relatives thought we were too strict and we had no clue how to handle all the mood swings. We were told until he hurts someone, we couldn’t get any help. But, by then, it’s too late. We were trying not to get to that point. I’m hoping that with all the mental health issues of today, you are more likely to get the help you need. Your child needs your love, no matter what. They don’t understand why they act the way they do. Please don’t give up. My son has come a long way and he still has some issues, but he is a great dad, and son.


I don’t think i could give my child up, but I have seriously considered military school for my now 13 yr old son.


Obviously a fake submission. No one with even a toddlers level of intelligence would bring this to a universal online forum where no one can give any useful info other than contacting their local authorities on the issue.


How about try some inpatient care for the child? Put them in a psych ward or somewhere for behavioral issues for children. Maybe don’t just throw your kid to the system where they will likely be abused and neglected


My mother did this to me as a child. I was being abused almost daily and forced to take care of my siblings while she was out doing whatever. I was constantly bullied and beat on by my older sibling and her friends. And forced to raise the younger ones, cook, clean, do any and all the house work, yard work, farm work. My mother was drunk almost daily. She went and filed beyond parental control charges at the local police station when I started running away. They had me evaluated she was looking for any and every excuse she could for me being the way I was. Eventually I ended up in a juvenile detention center (I loved it there. I could actually be a kid and not have pressures of adult life coming down on me constantly) I went through their program graduated the program and went back to court only for the judge to ask what I wanted. I told him I’d rather be in juvenile detention. My mom played the crocodile tears, was ordered to attend therapy as well as AA and anger management. She only done one session. I was later released into foster care and I begged them to never send me back to my mother’s. Later they closed my case and sent me back to my mom because I was doing better and my mom had attended the 1 therapy session and 1 AA meeting. I was tricked saying I was going for a weekend visit with my mom and they closed my case. 1 week later me and her got into a fight because she was drunk again. I had been working on the farm all day and she picked a fight over if I had fed dogs yet or not. That night I was told no one loved me, everyone hates me, and she was going to send me off again. I left to live with my grandparents that night after she called them and said if they didn’t come get me that night she would kill me… fast forward now I found out from younger siblings In her eyes I was the expendable one and her escape goat. I only ever wanted closure as to why it happened to me. When I had turned 18 I gained custody of 1 of my younger siblings as well due to the same things happening to her. We have learned we will never be good enough for our mother and are quite ok with that. We have each other and live a relatively normal happy life. It just took us getting away from her for us to realize sometimes it ain’t the kids. The kids ask for help. Its when the system fails us is when we act out to try and get help


If ur struggling there is help and support out there, losing a child is one of the worse pains imaginable I don’t know what it would be like to give them up but I assume it’s not easy, again if ur struggling then reach out and ask for help BEFORE you do anything drastic that will change both ur lives forever

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Wow! I would never give up on my child!


Why have you given up? How old? You’ve got to ask yourself why, how long, and what’s going on with the child and their behavior. You just don’t give up a child.


it takes alot to ask for help and most times it ends in someone getting badly hurt or worse but this parent had opted to have someone else give this child the help they need which isn’t the worse thing maybe the child will be better off but i know it wasn’t an easy decision to make for this parent so instead of judgment maybe try some compassion


Honestly if you don’t think you could give them a good life and you think it would be better for them then go for it but think long and hard about it before doing it because they won’t let you have contact with the child or anything
I unfortunately am havin to go through the same thing to join the military, I have to give custody to my mom but Im still in their lives

Please understand this: I myself as a parent lost my children(due to bullcrap with my ex) to the system. I had very respectful children going into the system. I fought 2 long hard years(would have been sooner but courts closed to covid) and got my babies back home. My children now steal, lie, are disrespectful, do not clean up their messes, break things, yell they hate me when I punish them, along with many other things. If you think your helping your child by giving them to cps you are SADLY mistaken. And might I add my kids are only 6 & 4 years old. Please seek help through a person who specializes in behavioral issues before putting your kids through what mine was forced to go through. You wouldn’t be helping them as a parent but hurting them more.


I didn’t read all the comments but I’m posting from the child side of this only from my own experience. I didn’t drink, do drugs, have any criminal mischief and neither did my parents BUT I did not like or accept authority from anyone. More of a you’re not going to tell me what to do so…my parents would tell me to leave, I would leave them they would call sheriff say I ran away etc sheriff would take me to juvenile shelter and this happened multiple times to where it wasn’t my parents severing parental rights but the state and I became a CHINA in my state (child in need of assistance) state became my guardian, went to detention center at 12 then to foster care, 17 went into independent living but still award if the state. This entire time I still had home visits, counseling with parents etc. I honestly wouldn’t change it for the world. Sounds crazy I know but I’m a better person today than had I continued the cycle living at home. I had a better relationship with my mom as an adult having my own children because of this. It’s not giving up and I could never be resentful to my parents/ state as an adult. If yes as an adolescent I didn’t understand it. Just know there are options and support out there. I also had amazing foster parents that I still stay in contact with to this day. Hang in there and know there is help out there it’s just finding the right help.


You need a break, not to give your child up. Take a deep breath, a bath, relax. Don’t do something you’ll regret


Look into residential care facilities. It was the best choice for my son. Giving up on him was never an option for me but at my lowest I thought it would be better. I am fully involved but he has 24 seven staff members that care for him and where he’s located they have better therapies. It’s truly saved my family.


Wow. Some people should not be allowed to have children.

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I pray you find the best possible solution for you and your child. This can’t be easy. :heart: Hugs mama.

to tramatic on tje child and you will never forgive your self. get help !!

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Yes. My brother became violent and they suggested government group house support. It was beneficial. I’ve got trauma from my brother that’s lasted 40 years

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My oldest daughter is a great kid but she is very disrespectful when she doesn’t get her way I’ve been using the corner and it seems to work at first she didn’t sit in the corner or stand she would run away and kick and fight. So I left her there one day for 30 min instead of the 5 mini for her age and she then started to sit in the corner and face the wall now she stands and now I don’t even really have to do it to much. She pushes her mom’s buttons on purpose tho to get attention it’s bad and were trying to get on top of it. My middle daughter screams bloody murder about every type of food or anything in general if she doesn’t get her way she’s 4 and won’t listen or sit on time out when she gets in the rants and screams we now just say if u can’t stop we are going to put u to bed and she usually calms down and asks for a drink and chills out till her Older sister gets at her. They fight like cats and dogs too which is hard to deal with but separating them at times is the only option. I’d not give up on any of my kids and they all have some degree of extra need my son has infant scoliosis and has a bad temper but he still is sweet and nice not every day is a good day I’d say there are more bad then good but that doesn’t mean give up hopes and let someone else do it find something to stimulate them more give them something more to do sports ect even of they don’t listen now when they see other kids participating and listening they seem to learn faster but that’s up to u if u can’t drive or get to events don’t try it will make it worse when he or she can’t go to a game.

Please don’t give up on your child. It will only make their life worse. Have you exhausted all resources? Have you tried therapy?


People really should never pass judgment but still will on those that had no choice but to give up violent children! Walk a mile in their shoes, then you can pass judgment period!

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No, even though I was told once I should send my oldest to a juvie home and I angrily told her “No!!!” And make him feel unwanted, I will take care of him myself because he’s mine and I love him very much!!" He was just going through the normal teenage years and I never went back for family therapy again. My kids all turned out awesome and have independent productive lives of their own thanks to my single parenting skills when time’s were difficult and they are thankful I was there for them :heart_eyes::grin::pray::sparkling_heart: