Has anyone gotten pregnant after a tubal?

I have 3 girls, then had my tubes cut, burned and tied. 5 years later got pregnant and had a boy. Dr said tubal ligation is only 99%
My son is a miracle baby.

Yep Happens more often than you think.

I had mine cut, tied, and burned so NO CHANCE!!

So happy for you. Congratulations

I guess it can happen.

I had the rings placed on mine…yall got me over here like OHHH :poop:.:flushed::flushed:

I know someone that happened to

I was told by my Dr, 1 in 10 chance. Sounds high to me. But it is possible

My granddaughter had one 5 months ago and she’s already pregnant doing very well

5 years after having my tubes cut and tied I got pregnant. Have a healthy 3 year old now

Yes I had a baby in 76 and I had another baby 11 month and 29 days now they are 43 and the other one is 45

Many doctors are recommending a bilateral salpingectomy! This is what I had done after my third child. They completely remove both tubes. It is recommended because it’s pretty much 100% and decreases the risk of ovarian cancer significantly; the cancer usually starts in the tubes before it spreads.

My dr told me to still be careful because 1 in every 300 tubals there’s a chance it didn’t hold so basically 1 out of 300 will get pregnant with tubal my sister did but it wasn’t viable waited to long to see dr so it happens my grandmother also got pregnant with one my aunt my mom and my grandmother was all pregnant at same time lol 2 sisters and a mom all pregnant within 3 months of one another lmao

I had a tubal litigation and got pregnant. She turns 3 in June.


1 in 200 women get pregnant even after having a tubal ligation. Exactly what my gyno told me so i decided to get my fallopian tubes removed.

My cousin had her tubes tied years ago (10+) when they did her hysterectomy they ( they told her it was endometriosis (she had alot of pain )) they found a 8 wk old fetus on her tube.

Look up PTLS… I’ve had this happen numerous of times and I’d get EVERY pregnancy symptom in the book. Then it would come the next month. I cant count how many times I’ve taken tests… but I’m not saying it couldnt be possible. Many women have had pregnancy after tubal ligation. Dont stress momma. Wait until your next cycle and see what happens.

This happened to me 23 years ago so yes it is possible.

I had a full tubal ligation (cut, tie, burn) after 3 children. I found out I was pregnant 9 months following the procedure after also being late.

For 3 weeks, I was told I was having a tubal pregnancy as they closely monitored my symptoms and the baby with ultrasounds every couple of days. Their hope was I would pass the baby on my own vs needing a surgery.

At 10.5 weeks I lay there crying bc my husband was late to the appt. The ultrasound tech found not only a heartbeat, but a fetal pole as well. Four and a half years later, I lay here in bed snuggled up to my daughter that “shouldn’t have been”.

(After delivery, they figured out that my right Fallopian tube was not burnt completely through and over the course of 9 months either reattached to the opposing side or the embryo made it’s way to the not completely closed side.)


I had the same thing happen, went to the doctor for pregnancy test, as soon as they stuck the needle to draw blood, I started my period. I think subconsciously I was wondering if I made a mistake getting them tied and maybe wanted to have another, the mind is a powerful thing.

Didn’t have a problem cut burned and then had a have hysterectomy a few years after that never got pregnant but it can happen

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My daughter’s bf had a tubal they removed some of her tube and she now has a baby girl a little over a year old so it’s possible God knows when you’re ready hun

I’m almost 50. My mom had me at 23. She had her tubes tied after me, after my baby sister 5 years later and after my baby brother 7 years later. It’s not 100% that’s for sure. Thankfully, my Doc cut, tied, burned and took one tube out after my third son 16 yrs ago and we’ve not been pregnant since. As a side note, I also has a thermal balloon ablation in 2013.

A tubal is only something like 96% effective and that number goes down each year. Nothing other than celibacy is 100%

Its possible, tubles are very effective but nothing is 100% unless you have menopausa or Hysterectomy. But it can be dangerous. You can have what’s called ectopic pregnancy. Where the baby is growing in the tubes. That can be life threatening. I would take a pregnancy test just to be safe.

Oh it can happen. In 2011 I had a tubal (Adiana) and an endometrial ablation. I even went and had a dye test done and and was told I was sterile. Well, three years later I got sooo sick. Found out I was pregnant. It was a difficult pregnancy and an even more difficult delivery at 29 weeks but I now have a happy and healthy 6 year old daughter

Sometimes I skip periods after my tubal, longest break was 63 days between cycles. I was scared that I was pregnant too luckily it’s been 5 years since my tubal and no more pregnancies.

I did the Drs said I could never have another baby without help yet I’ve got 10 after the tubal . Surprisingly my left tube still works and I’ve gotten pregnant several times from it . Our bodies are amazing!! Good luck

Could be a tubal pregnancy, please go to the doctor to be checked. I had my tubes tied and got pregnant but was in tubes had what they called a missed pregnancy, if fetus matures in tubes, tubes could burst. Do not let them tell you , I know doc who did tubal litigation, your not pregnant, make them do pregnancy test!

Yes, my daughter did. Has a 16 year old son now. Best wishes. :pray:

I knew a lady that had three babies after her tubal,had two and got pregnant,after both

I did years ago. Had it undone and had a son.

My daughter in law got pregnant after her tubal. It was about 16 months after their daughter was born.

I did ten years later but unfortunately I had a miscarriage.

Yes I did get pregnant after a tubal. However miscarried!

I had a tubal as soon as l was old enough to get one after two children. I was pretty young when l got it.

But l told the doctor who done it…to cut them, burn then, tie them or take them out cause if l had another baby it was going to be his.

Well l am 75 now…and my tubal worked…lol.

Got pregnant 4 yrs after, it was tubular

I had mine cut and clamped and had normal periods until about 3 months ago … some months I had 2 other months id be a week or two late

It sounds like not to get a tubal with all these comments

I was born after my mom had a tubal.

Yes almost 18 months after but mine was another tubal I have no tubes now.

I had my tubes removed so for me its literally impossible

How old are you? That’s peri menopause

My step moms sister got pregnant 15 years after she got her tubes tied. I however got mine tied in 1989 and haven’t got pregnant but my body doing weird stuff like having a low hcg level continously and keep getting fibroids in uterus.

I had a friend get pregnant 16 years after her tubal.

My sister had twins on one tube!

Yes I know a lady who did.

I had a friend but that was30 years ago.

How Are you Doing miss talking to you

No. Had one years ago.

My mom did… I’m 32 :wink:

Yes. I had a tubular pregnancy. I had to have my tubes removed

yes. but ended up miscarrying. got my tubes completely removed now

Yes had my tubal ligation this past December found out this past march I was pregnant and am 16 weeks now. I also have history of ecotopic pregnancies.

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Yep! I had a tubal almost 8 years ago and just found out that I am pregnant. I am currently 12 weeks


5 yes ago, and still no issues

It can happen depending on how you had it done. More likely with clamping or partial removal. My doctor will be removing ALL of my tube to be sure!

I had an ectopic pregnancy and they removed my left tube back in 2018.

I’m 36 weeks pregnant now.

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I have. But unfortunately miscarried. Wasn’t a tubal pregnancy either

I had my tubes tied in Oct 2004 found out in April 2006 I was pregnant. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage.

I’ve heard it’s pretty common which is why I refuse to have it done.

Ugh. I had my tubes tied in 2018 and just have nightmares bout this. Stop scaring me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

This is why I opted to have my tubes completely removed to avoid this possibility lol

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Just saw where a man had a vasectomy 23 yrs ago. But got his wife pregnant!!

I did but both of them ended in miscarriages.

Not me, but my best friend is the product of having a tubal reversed, ten years after getting it

That’s how I got my youngest granddaughter, happen to my daughter after 3years

It can happen when it’s tubes tied … I’m in bc and actually talked my dr about this after I have my c section in July and here they remove tubes fully as its more effective to not have a chance of pregnancy

I had a tubal in 1996 six months to the day I was pregnant with twins. I lost one of them but carried the other to full term he is now a 23 year old United States Marine


I haven’t , but I know several women who have. My doctor told me it all depends on how the tubal was performed.

When I did mine they removed them and not really get pregnant

I was told in 2010 the tubal was not reversible

My ex mother in law did twice lol after like 20 some odd years

I have heard of it happening. I had a tubal reversal September of 2019 and still have not gotten pregnant. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I did 7 months after

Here for the comments…

I’m here for the comments…I’m curious as well

I got mine May 2016 and so far so good. Thank God.

I had clamps on my tubes in 2014 and have conceived 3 times since then, all miscarriages.


I had mine January 2010 and haven’t gotten pregnant.

Yes, it happens. I had a tubal in 90 and a baby in 91

Yes. I have a tubal ligation in 2016 and August 8th of 2020, I had to have emergency surgery for a tubal pregnancy. They then removed both of my tubes

My mom did. Now I have a 27 year old sister I wouldn’t have had.

My sister got pregnant with a tubal and 1 ovary. But she had her tubes tied not removed

I pray every day for my boy I’m fixed

Got mine done last years secretly hope I get pregnant but then again I have nightmares I do but when I’m 50 :sob::flushed:

Had mine done 32 years ago, never a problem

Had mine done 3 years ago secretly hoping a healthy pregnancy happens for me :grimacing:

Had mine done 5yrs ago after my third kid, I was in a bad situation. Now I’m with my fiance, who has no kids of his own, and I dream of accidentally getting pregnant, even though I dread the actual thought of going through labor again.

Had mine done 18 years ago with no issues.

Have your tubes removed, not just tied. Less chance of that happening. My dr described it as the egg having to cross an ocean instead of a lake. :joy:

This all depends on the type of tubal that has been done. If they just tie them, the can easily come untied. This is how most happen. When I had mine done, I was lucky enough to be having a c section with my last child and they cut part of them out, tied each end(all 4) and then burnt each end as well. Supposedly is an irreversible procedure. The only way I am supposed to be able to get pregnant is to have invetro

I’ve heard of it before…

Not a chance. They didn’t just clamp. They took sections of tube out and burned the ends closed.

Typically with clamps you have a higher risk. I had part removed and ends burned so highly highly unlikely

I have known friends who got their tubes done
And have had more babies

Had mine in 88. It worked out for me great.

Had tubes tied in 2010, haven’t got pregnant

If they take tubes out no chance