Has anyone had a child put under for dental work?

My son has surgery for his mouth on the 28th because he chipped a tooth down to the nerve, and they have to put him completely under. He’s 22 months old. I was wondering if anyone has had experience with this. I am very nervous about it. He also has to get a COVID test on the 25th before he can get the surgery, which I’m scared its going to be a traumatizing experience for him. Any encouraging words or some of your experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


I thought babies under 3 cant get covid tests

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My son was 4 and had to be put under for dental surgery. It went well for us. As far as the COVID test, I’m not sure what’s available where you are but I know someone who had the test done yesterday and he said they don’t shove it all the way up your nose anymore, so there’s that.

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Yes I had to for my 3 year old because she’s not 30lbs…i was scared I cried i prayed and she came out fine…the dental assistant txt me every move they made and let me know her vitals and helped me to relax…my daughter needed her whole mouth done so I had no choice…


My son was put under. Did not have any issues

My son was 2 when he was put to sleep for dental … he was fine but I wasn’t I was crying… and also when he woke up it was hard i cried with him.

My daughter had a similar problem at about that same age. Although Covid wasn’t a thing then. But as far as being put under everything went fine. When she came out of it she alternated between being kind of fussy and confused to laughing. She spent a good bit of the day sleeping it off and was back to normal by the next day.

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I did it for my daughter when she was 2 it was really sad but she wasn’t traumatized or anything … she still loves going to the dentist

My son was put under for dental work when he was 2 or 3. He did fine. We just had to watch him after to make sure he didn’t bite the inside of his mouth.

My daughter was put under at 8monthd old to get an audio gram done to test her hearing for her hearing aids, then again at 3 to see what was causing the hearing loss it’s definitely scary but just know it’s for their benefit to get done what needs to, so they are no longer suffering.

My daughter was put under at 3 for dental work. We had no issues at all. They were super quick and let us sit with her in recovery, even gave us a private room. Hope all goes well!!

My daughter was put under when she was two and I also work in an office where kids with extensive dental work are put under all the time.
My daughters surgery went well, she doesn’t even remember having it and she doesn’t mind going to the dentist for checkups and cleanings.
It goes well, everything is monitored and anesthesiologist is usually there to keep an eye on things. These dentists undergo years of school and training to do these surgeries so I wouldn’t worry much but just like with any other surgery it’s typical to be nervous. Good luck mama!

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Had my daughter knocked out at 3 for dental work. She did great and the team was excellent at keeping me posted while she was under. I asked for updates as often as they could. They obliged!

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I am in the same boat. My two year old is having dental surgery September 9 and has to have a covid test! I look at the covid test as a precautionary measure. If they did happen to have it, their little bodies wouldn’t be able to heal properly. Better safe than sorry. I don’t know if this comforts you, but it did me a little. Prayers for you and your baby. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi i had surgery last thurs and had covid test before surgery its not that bad tbh a quick sweep of the throat and run round the back of the nostrils …to answer your other question my 9yr olds on the list for dental surgery

Mine hasn’t had dental work but he’s 8 months old and had to get t he Covid test before having heart surgery last month. I was worried about it too but it wasn’t that bad at all. Just like the flu test. They just stuck the swab in and out real quick, not like any of the horror stories I’ve been seeing going around fb. He cried but mostly bc he doesn’t like being held down.

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Both my kids went through dental work at 2 yrs old. They were fine thank God. They chilled for 2 hrs after the procedure but were fine the rest fo the day. They advice you to not let them climb and play too rough or outside for the rest of the day but its gonna be fine. Both procedures lasted no more than 1 hr.

My daughter had surgery to get princess teeth and she did great…my friend son had same thing done great everything should be just fine! Prayers for ur son & u :slight_smile:

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My grandson, the dentist put him under and did all the work that needed to be done. He did well

Most Covid tests should not be invasive and they were in the begining and all 3 of my kids have underwent iv sedation for dental needs. There is nothing to worry about they will be out of it for rest of day and back to them selves the next day

I did. It was terrifying. She didn’t come out right away. But it was all good!

I did, he got his back teeth capped! It all went fine… when he came to, from surgery, he was crying and almost inconsolable, but after a bit, he was fine… just be patient with him and it will all be fine!

My friend’s daughter just had dental surgery and same thing. She had the covid test a couple days before (she said it wasn’t bad at all. She is 2) and then went under for surgery where she had like 7 pulled and multiple capped and everything was fine.

Yes its very scary for us but kids are amazingly resilient. I would be whining :unamused: but my daughter was just like yeah its whatever. Both of my kids have been put under (one for dental at 2.5 and the other at 18m and 3y for nonelective plastic surgery) both came out fine but i know every child is different and their is always a risk.

My daughter has had to be put under anesthesia several times for dental procedures. She did fine each time but was a little nauseated and tired/sleepy from the anesthesia. She was always back to normal the very next day with no residual pain

My daughter fell face first in concrete while running. Chipped one of her front teeth. She has a gap in her two fronts. I decided against getting it fixed, as it’s a small chip and she’s goes to lose those teeth in a short time anyway. She is 4. If you don’t have to do it to save the life, or livelihood of said child, why do it? To each their own. Especially when raising kids, you know what is best for your child.

My granddaughter had to have surgery when she was around that age to snip the skin under her tongue everything went fine my only advice is be honest about what’s happening my daughter thought it best not to divulge the whole truth and my granddaughter was more upset she wasnt told about the procedure then about the mild pain afterwards

I would ask if you can sit in with him at the time of the surgery for your own peace of mind and to let him know your there, praying everything goes well

Hello… My daughter was 2 when she was diagnosed with a brain tumor… She was put to sleep many many times over the last 10 years… For everything from brain surgery to leg,dental and eye surgeries… Also for MRIs every 6 months for about 6 years … All kids are different but my daughter never experienced any issues in 10 years

He’s gonna be SOOOOOO cranky when he wakes up from being under
I’ll tell ya that much

I too had the same exact problem around the same age my daughter chipped it as well and had to do surgery to get it capped n fixed or what ever n they had to put her completely under they wouldn’t let us be in the room with her but maid us wait in the waiting room at the time my daughter was only about 18 months I was so nervous I cried when they took her back but apparently these surgery’s on dental happen more then not every thing went fine she was very loopy n tired n just way confused when she woke up n it called for a long day, now she chipped the same tooth but the cap they put on came off n took more tooth so she just just had another surgery on friday to get it recapped. They said the tooth was fone n they should have been able to recap it , not tryna scare u or anything , but. We were under the intentions they could save the tooth again but when they called us back in after the surgery we found they pulled her teeth, very furious now my daughter has no front teeth, not saying this will happen because the first time went very smoothly but this recent surgery to fix it again didn’t go as so called planned . She came out alot better wasnt so confused n loopy but the discomfort of loosing her teeth called for lots of cuddles and another long day

I had to for my 5yr old who has EXTREME dentist anxiety. He had to be put completely under for a cleaning and fillings. He’s also epileptic so it was an ordeal. He was ok. Was under less than an hour :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey girl!!!:two_hearts: my son actually just got out of surgery today. It’s his second oral surgery and it went great! Your baby will be fine! Even though it is stressful for us as mammas!.. the covid test was a piece of cake! My son said it tickled and laughed the entire time! Plz feel free to message me if u have anything you’d like to ask!:heartbeat:

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Never for dental surgery but for surgery yes it’s more stressful for you then them I promise

I understand your concern. I felt the same way when they put my grandson under for dental. He has had it done a few times because he has sensory issues and doesn’t like being touched especially his mouth. He came through just fine and is happy! He doesn’t mind going to the dentist now. I ended up being the one who sprung several more grey hairs.:joy: my daughter probably got her first grey hair that day! Honestly we take it harder than the kids most of the time. As for the covid test, everyone has to have them done before any medical procedure. It’s quick. You just have to do the best acting job ever so your child isn’t scared. If you’re strong they’ll be strong and not think anything of it. Maybe have one done so your child can see that it’s no big deal. If your son has a favorite stuffed animal have it get a “covid test” also. Sending good thoughts your way.

My son had 4 teeth pulled, 4 capped, and then had a spacer put in. When he was 7. And they put him under.

My son had to be put under for dental work when he was 4 yo ( 1year ago). It was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. He had to have several caps put on his teeth due to overcrowding. It took maybe 20 minutes total. As soon as he was asleep good he was done. The recovery was easy as well. He barely even need tylenol and by the day after he was back to normal.

My oldest did last October. The entire procedure lasted about 25 minutes. They gave him a shot first that made him loopy and put him under after I was walked back to the waiting room. No complications at all and he was back to his old self in no time.

covid test is just a swap around the nose the pictures that have been circling the internet are fake it’s nothing to worry about

Yes I did and she was just fine.

My 6mo had the covid test. His reaction was equivalent to the reaction of an immunization. And he tested positive for covid and was perfectly fine within a few days. Less sick than if he had an ear infection. My pedi says that’s what their experience has been that infants rebound quickly with minimal symptoms.

No experience with sedation for dentistry though.

I was as a kid. Was definitely a random thing but wasn’t horrible. Waking up sucks so definitely just bee there

My daughter ( 7 years old) had a dental procedure performed under full anesthesia. That was the best decision ever! She said she’ll do it again if she had to and is asking when she’ll go back for a check up with her dentist :))). It makes them avoid the traumatic experience of dental work if awake. It’s totally worth it!

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My son has when he was also 22months. The doctors were all great and everything went well. When he woke up he was very distraught (which is normal) and because his mouth was frozen he bit his tongue really hard. So that hurt for a few days.

My son was put under when he was about one and a half. It was scary, and he was upset when coming to, but he did great, and he was perfectly fine. Just out of it, and very cuddly when we got home. :heart:

My daughter had to go under for cavity feelings. They let us stay in until she was under, and I wont lie, it was scary when she did this quick breathing thing. They call it ‘snoring’, and although she looked awake, she wasnt. Afterwards, they let us go back there when she was waking up, and she was crying, but I think all gas does that to children. We just coddled and spoiled her for the rest if the day and praised her.

Not yet, my 3 year old may need to be when he goes back to the dentist, he has SPD, possible autism, and he wont even let the dentist in his mouth to look. They said they will try it 1 more time and if he doesnt cooperate, he will need to be put under :sob:

My daughter (who just turned 7) had oral surgery this past September. She broke a molar and since it was a baby tooth, they opted to remove it and put in a spacer as opposed to putting her through filling it. The worst part was her not being able to eat anything the day of surgery. She kept telling me she was hungry and I couldn’t feed her. Then of course when they were putting her under. That broke my heart, I think more than hers. She was a little cranky and confused when she woke up and she was a like a tiny drunk person, demanding snacks. She was right back to her sassy self the next day.

My son at 2 years of age chipped his front top tooth and needed to remove it because of how bad it was but they did not put him completely under they did the “laughing gas” and the pediatric dentist sang him a song and the tooth was out in no time. Different topic: My Daughter at 6 years of age had to be put under to get tubes in her ears because she had so many ear infections and they put her completely under. I was a nervous wreck but it was very quick and she was back in my arms. Any surgery feels like a big deal regardless of how small it is. It’s okay to feel how you feel. Be strong mama and my prayers are with you and your little guy.

My son was 3 when he was put under to have 2 front teeth pulled . He came out fine! They will do a physical to see if he’s well enough to be put u set anesthesia! Don’t worry momma!

My son had the covid test done and they definitely stuck the swab way back there but they were fast. At that age he may have to be held down though. I’d just have a bag of goodies ready to give him immediately afterwards and he’ll forget all about it. As far as them going all the way under for dental work…4/5 of mine had to and I never had an issue. However, none of them have ever had an issue at the dentist. I know a lot of kids are scared of the dentist so I’m sure that could have an adverse reaction if that’s the case?

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I did with my older daughter but with my son he used gas to calm him its a scary thing

My son (4 yrs.) had to be put under for dental surgery a few months ago…I was freaking out, but it honestly was not even nearly as bad I thought it would be, they let me be in the room w him when they put him under and kept me updated the whole time…Took an hour or so…The recovery was very easy too, he didnt even know what happened…A little bit of tylenol and he was all good…

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My son at 3 had to be put under for some work. It was terrifying for us as parents and after he woke up he was groggy and in pain and very grumpy from being confused… just be prepared for them to be out of it still when they come to.

Mine was put under everything went well. . kids are resilient and he barely seemed bothered by the pain when it was over

My son needed dental work done and was supposed to be put under but they opted for novocaine and a medication (cant remember the name) that basically paralyzes them (not really but it makes it so they have a much harder time moving). Needless to say, it was fucking terrifying and I would have much rather have had my son put under rather than be put on that medication. Now my youngest has to go through dental work as well (when he was learning to walk he bashed his face off the coffee table, chipping two teeth and busting the nerves in the other two) and I am absolutely terrified to not only go through that again but put another child through it as well. Definitely stick to your child being put under. My oldest still remembers what he went through and is now terrified of dentists.

My son had dental surgery when he was 4. He went under well, procedure went great and no bad side effects. He was tired and didn’t want to eat much for first couple days but otherwise good. If it’s done at a hospital, then it’s more better because you have that safety net. I wouldn’t have them do it at their office. My kids dentist required it to be done at the children’s hospital

It won’t be traumatic for him if he sees you staying calm

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Yes twice. She did absolutely fine.

Yep my son has been put under 4 times first time was
18 mos for tubes in ears he did fine every time

My daughter was put under at 5 months for tubes. In her ears. No problems!

My niece had dental surgery for a broken took at about 2. They had her Mama sit in the dentist’s chair and hold her for the duration of the procedure.

Not sure about the test but my son has been sedated for a few MRIs, hernia surgery, and tonsillectomy and did great.

Yes i had dental treatment under General Anaesthetic but i was older than a baby, think i was about 5? (Need to double check that with mum)

I had two teeth growing at an inward angle next to each other so they looked like the top of a triangle, and one tooth growing up the middle of them… and the 3 would never sit properly the dentist said, and it was too far down inbedded in the gum for him to remove, so i got reffered to hospital where they had to split my gum open, to remove the tooth… i had the paper stitches & remember wakening up, clutching my Pink My Little Pony, and the dentist had put a little tiny Oxygen mask on it so i wouldnt feel strange. :rofl:

But in a way im glad it happened because the family knew i wasnt allergic to anaesthetic & should i need operations in the future i would be okay getting it.

I do remember only being able to eat soup, ice cream & yoghurts & i think mum had to blend stuff for me like i was a baby again :joy:

My girl had to have dental surgery when she was 2, they suggested making her as comfortable as possible. Which was getting her fluffy pajamas, fuzzy slippers. We stayed in a hotel close to the place she had it at. Then when she came out I just babied her and then let her sleep it off. I do recommend giving the pain medicine an hour before it’s supposed to wear off, once they start hurting it’s hard to make it stop. Especially oral surgery, also soft foods. Pudding and ice pops were what she went for

My 6 yo was put under to have cavities fixed and some removed. Just know that when they wake up they will be disoriented and confused. My son cried non stop for an hour and he doesn’t remember any of it. It was heartbreaking to see as i tried to comfort him. I wish they would have told me that could happen sometimes.

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My 10mo jas had a test done and she was fine, it tickles more than anything, and I had to be put under when I was little for dental work and was fine after

My daughters both did a bit older. They did great. I wasn’t so good with it Their dad had to take them.

I work with kids and one of them had to be tested for covid, all they did for her was a cheek swabs. Maybe itll be like that

My son screamed and tried to fight off the mask when he was put under for teeth work. It was horrifying he was 4. I cried, but I knew it was for the best as he was in so much pain and they wake up completely forgetting what happened :slightly_smiling_face: he was very funny to watch waking up so there was lots of laughs in the room.

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Just don’t be scared if your child wakes up sobbing…that can be a side affect of anesthesia. My daughter had to have surgery and she cried for like an hour. I just crawled on the bed and held her tight til she stopped

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I’ve had a Covid-19 test done. It is not the most comfortable thing in the world and it is a little bit painful but it’s nothing your baby can’t handle now just to let you know they will have to have you hold the baby still because if you let the baby move when they are doing the nose swab it will and it can make your baby’s nose bleed. It takes seconds to perform the test and my best advice is to get someone that has experience performing the test and will be gentle with your baby. If your baby has no medical history that they should be concerned about when they’re putting your baby down to sleep it will be fine now when they put your baby to sleep they may give your baby something to relax before actually putting him to sleep just to make it easier to put him to sleep they may or may not give you the option to walk back there with him to be put to sleep but to be honest I don’t know because of the whole virus thing. It will be over before you know it just take something to keep yourself entertained so that you’re not sitting there a nervous wreck you might want to take your babies favorite toy blanket whatever he or she uses to soothe when they are upset because some babies do wake up upset and disoriented. it will be okay just make sure they do what they need to do in a hospital setting so that they have what they need should I complication arise.

My daughter had work done we played alots of pretend dentists at home before hand everyday and they do give them sedation medicine before hand that’s just like Panadol which calms them down beforehand just make sure you’re there before they wake up

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The covid test is just a nasopharyngeal swab. It’s like an uncomfortable poke, but it doesnt hurt (think the pap test swab, but in your nose). It will suck but he will quickly recover. Dont make a big deal about the covid test, and then when it’s over and hes upset, offer him immediate comfort and something fun. He will forget about it.
I feel like at his age (even my age) being put under is far less traumatizing. He wont remember anything, it will be safer and quicker. Again, dont make a big deal about it, and maybe when he wakes up surprise him with a new toy or something comfy.

I have a special needs of autistic child and I had him put under that was terrible and traumatizing and I was young mother and didn’t know what I was doing all hope in the hospital hands and I’ll never do that again we found a great Dentistry that specialist with autistic children that are wonderful so out of all the comments I’ve read above make sure you do your homework and rely on your motherly instincts put your child first blessings

The surgery will probably be less traumatic than the Covid test. My oldest was put under for dental work and the only bad part was when he they were done and he was coming off the anasthesia he was irate and scared it took him about 2 hours to calm down. But after that he was fine. Just a heads up about how he could react after the surgery.

The COVID test isn’t bad at all. I have had it multiple times. It is like a simple strep test. And i think being put under for dental work is less traumatizing than them doing it while he is awake, at 22 months I am not even sure a dentist would try and do dental work with them awake.

The best you can do is remain calm for him and reassure him he’s ok and brave and strong… don’t let him see how scared you are!! For going under, it’s not too scary for kids when they wake up. They’ll want to play and act like all is well like after a nap… but he’ll look like a little drunkard. Lol. You’ve got this, and he’s gonna be ok!

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My younger brother did. For us they gave us a nursery type room and it was nice being able to comfort him until it was time for him to go back. He was a little scared when he woke up, but there was a rocking chair to help us sooth him afterwards.

Probably will traumatize him at that age. He shouldn’t need a test unless theres doubt for starters so I’d be pissy with that.

My son got put under at 7 months old, they took his tonsils and adenoids out.

My son was 2 and put under for dental work had no problems waking up and he was up playing that night like nothing had happen

My son was put under for dental work when he was 8. The dentist he went to left blood all over his mouth, and he was suppise to be fully awake and aware before they sent him home but they sent ys home as soon as he opened his eyes. He was out of it for about 24 hours, cried the whole 2 hours home. I felt soo bad for him! I chose to have it done at the dentist office, i would recommend having it done at the hospital if it is an option.

The covid test is the least of your problems here…

Being put under will not be half as traumatic as novacain and being worked on while awake. He will be fine

Not dental work but my son was your childs age when he had eye surgery. He was put to sleep of course for that. It was before his second birthday. My child has a tongue tie and am thinking of having it revised. It hasn’t caused speech problems. They will probably put him under for that.

I was always scared when mine had to do this, but they were always fine. Find a dentist that you feel is conscientious of working with children. Mine did a great job helping me and my child.

No experience with being put under for dental work but we have had 3 COVID tests due to hospitalization… there’s a possibility of a bloody nose or the swab may just be bloody… my daughter who is now 17 months old did forget about it soon after

You’re always going to be nervous when your child goes under. I was just as nervous when he had his wisdom teeth removed at 18 as when he had a tooth extracted between 3-4. It’s only a few minutes & you’ll both be ok. It’ll be forgotten quickly, so there’s that.

My son had his tongue tie released when he was about 2 and had to be put under for it. Him waking up was pretty rough with lots of crying and confusion, but within about an hour of waking up, he was totally fine like nothing even happened

We had to do this with our son when he was two to pull two baby teeth. I was so scared but everything went fineeeee. They should bring you in the room before he wakes up so your there with him and our son was a little scared when he woke up so I just hugged him and told him I was there and he was okay but tell them your concerns and its OK to cry. Fast forward 3 years he just had to go under again for stiches and again did amazing. I still cried being nervous but its OK mama :slight_smile:

My daughter has had to be put under three times for dental work when she was 4, 6 and 8. It all worked out. My daughter is now 9 and soon to be be 10 unfortunately has had two COVID tests, one on May 19th and one this past Monday each for surgery. that is pretty brutal. The first one they told a white lie and I had to hold her down. That thing goes so far up there and they have to keep it in there for 10 sec, it was pretty traumatizing. The one on Monday at PCH in Mesa they had to bring in a pretty big male nurse because she knew what was going to happen to assist with holding her down. Her results always came back within 24 hours.

I think the COVID testing was more traumatizing than the going under. Both came back negative and surgery is tomorrow morning.

Goodluck mama!!!

Yes I have. My son has had to go under a several times for dental work after he turned two (due to a medical problem). We have never had a bad experience. The first time was a little scary but everything went well.

My son had some teeth removed under general anesthesia a few weeks ago
I was sooo stressed but all went well he wasnt in pain at all dentist was great

Was stressing and had sleepless nights for nothing😅but a mom is a mom haha
Strongs :bouquet:

When my daughter had teeth removed her dr made an appointment at the hospital and put her under. It all went good.

My daughter had to be put under a few weeks ago to have her teeth crowned & to have 4 teeth removed. She did very well & was back to normal by 5pm.

My daughter was strapped down in a paposse and given laughing gas/ nitrous oxide. She was a little woozy but not completely nocked out.

My son has 2 small cavities. I’ve been putting it off because they won’t allow me to go back there with him.
Not happy about it at all.

Oh and for the covid test docter took a smaller swab

If you freak out, he will freak out. Downplay it. It’s no big deal to him, so make sure it is no big deal to you.

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