Has anyone had bleeding in pregnancy that turned out fine?

I bled some after finding out pregnant at 7 weeks and bled some for next few weeks. Baby was fine and is turning 3 tomorrow! Some women bleed and even still have menstrual cycles during pregnancy and all the way through. Remember all pregnancies are different and none the same. Just be mindful and watchful

Hey I bleed my Entire pregnancy and was told my whole pregnancy I would have a miscarriage but I had a healthy full grown 41 week old baby weighing 7 pounds and 2 ounces 

Threatened miscarriage is just a blanket term for bleeding during pregnancy. Any bleeding during pregnancy is termed as threatened miscarriage. That being said, I had bleeding like a period from week 4 until week 18, my baby was born healthy last weekend.

What did your OB say? I did have spotting, but my progesterone was low!

I had this happen and our son died 17 weeks

I bled my whole pregnancy. I was considered high risk but babygirl came out premie and healthy as ever!

I bled after sexual activities

I bled like a horse my last I had a hematoma she’s 8 now

Happened to me too even the er trip. Everything was fine and at next OB app my progesterone was low so I got a supplement. He’s now a 4 yo tornado. :pray:t2:

I lost one and was given a 50/50 chance of having anymore living babies. For almost 3 years i been waking up to this. I would bleed a little with her and went to the doc a lot, but all worked out fine. At one point the doc even thought I was going to have her way to early. Faith and prayer got me through. Now I’m watching this beauty grow.

Every woman and even every pregnancy is different. I have always been told by my doctors that any bleeding during pregnancy is not a good thing and should be checked out right away. I hope everything is ok with you and your little one. Please get checked out.

It happened to me 32 years ago. I also discovered it while using the bathroom. Scared me too ,of course. But nothing happened after that.

Bleeding in the first trimester is fairly common but, always get checked out to be safe!

Bled with every single one of my pregnancies & each was diagnosed as a “threatened miscarriage”. … Birthed 3 healthy babies & currently on “threatened miscarriage” number 4 :joy::joy: … not really funny, but at this point it’s just normal to me. :woozy_face:

I bled like a period my first trimester with my 5th pregnancy. If I hadn’t have known I was already pregnant, I’dve thought I was just on my period. My boy is 4 and healthy.

I would contact your OBGYN- immediately. I was on bed rest for 5 months bc of this very thing. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have my youngest daughter. Whom I am so grateful for bc I lost my oldest to cancer in 2019.
Please call your doctor. Prayers

Yes , my placenta was high at it caused some spotting.

I bled like a normal light period for first 3/4 months of all 4 of my kids. Nothing was wrong and my docs weren’t stressing.

why wouldn’t you call your dr rather than post such a private thing?

I had my period for the first 3 months of my first pregnancy and one month into my last one :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes, and all was fine

I bled and when i went to the hospital they told me i was having a threatening miscarriage. They were wrong, i now have a healthy 13lb 1oz… 2 month old.

Implantation bleeding perhaps?

Yes you need bedrest

Remember that everyone is different. It may be nothing, but its best to talk to your ob-gyn and make sure.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone had bleeding in pregnancy that turned out fine? - Mamas Uncut

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At 15 weeks on my 1st pregnancy I woke up to gushing blood. I rushed to the dr sobbing and had an ultrasound and he was fine. I had a tear in my placenta. Had to take it easy but had a beautiful baby at 39 weeks. He is perfect and is 7 now! Hang in there mamma. It’s soooo scary.


Stress can cause this i ended up on bed rest my entire pregnancy do to spotting and being high risk. So just listen to ur body and rest and always get checked out if its persistent better to be safe than sorry


I bled constantly until I was 20 weeks pregnant it was super scary I guess I had a open scar tissue in my placenta that eventually would close and heal? And it did

I got to see baby a lot tho cause I went to emergency a couple times thinking something was wrong

Eventually the dr was right 20 weeks it healed :woman_shrugging:t4::heart:


Yes,I had a history of miscarriages and started bleeding at like 10 weeks.i was scared I was losing this pregnancy just like before,but the bleeding stopped and I have a happy healthy little girl who will be 4 in a few months.

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This happened to me too. I’m almost 11 weeks and I was told it’s normal


Yes I had that & my placenta detached from the lining please go get it checked by a ob specialist just to be sure. That happened when I was 3 months pregnant & by the time I was almost 6 months it’s slowly stopped now I’m due in 2 weeks

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This happened to me at 11 weeks with my second. They also called it a threatened miscarriage but it was actually a subchronic hematoma, my baby was fine🙂


It’s been really hot, make sure you’re drinking lots of fluids. It definitely happens sometimes through the whole pregnancy. You will start to feel baby moving more soon and cold water usually helps


Very normal apparently on obviously see doctor to be checked but from what I have seen over the years it’s very normal and most of the time their is no cause for concern unless you bleed threw a full pad

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I bled and passed clots in early pregnancy with my daughter I have a bicornuate uterus and the bleeding was in the opposite side . Lasted a few weeks but all was ok x

Every pregnancy is different. My grandmother had regular periods with 4 of her 5 pregnancies all were born healthy. If you are worried make an appointment with your dr as followup to er visit

Yes. ! I had bright red bleeding and cramping with my only living rainbow daughter around 8 weeks ! We went right to the hospital for a scan and she was perfect.

Yes! Kind of. It was prior to my 1st ultrasound. I had a rush of bleeding start. Went to ER. Was diagnosed with threatened miscarriage and they seemed pretty sure about that. Went back 2 days later to have my Hcg levels checked and they had risen! Great news! Flash forward to labor time and my water broke 3 and a half weeks early. I got to the hospital and nothing was going right. They induced labor and the pictocin was very hard on me and my girl. Her heart rate kept going down and about 2 am they rushed in with the crash cart because my heart was stopping. At that time my Dr finally decided to make an appearance. Despite being the on duty obgyn at the hospital the whole time and having only 1 other Mama on the floor. He finally popped in 14 hrs after I was admitted and discovered it wasn’t actually my daughter’s sac that had broke. He then manually broke her sac because they had already induced labor not knowing… I had an emergency c-section after over 33 hrs in labor and she was and is PERFECT. I guess when I was diagnosed with miscarriage I actually did lose a twin I never knew existed due to no prior ultrasound and no ultrasounds noticing a second sac apparently?.. Im just happy to have my healthy little girl. She is 4 now and I am 41 so I had my one and only at 36 and Dad was 39 and she’s his one and only child too. She’s our whole world.

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I had chorioamniotic seperation, I had a lot of bleeding around 14 weeks and 5 days. I was put in strict bed rest and was told it was a 50/50 chance of being a viable pregnancy. I was preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. The last month of pregnancy. I got to finally enjoy it, we were in the clear that if I gave birth pre term, she would survive. She is a healthy 2 year old :heart::blush:

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Yes! When I was pregnant with my daughter (who is now 3) I bled off and on between 9 and 13 weeks and then had a big gush of blood. Turns out I had a subchorionic hematoma/hemorrhage, or SCH, and is common in early pregnancy.

I didn’t know I was pregnant with either of my kids till I was three months along cause I bled every month and had cramps until then and both were full term children. The doctors didn’t say anything to me about any of it and never mentioned miscarriages etc :woman_shrugging:

Had this happen twice early in my second pregnancy. Was told sometimes some small veins break and bleed. I had a rough time with that one due to hyperemesis and my baby was delivered about 3 weeks early by C-section but she is now 34 years old and a mama herself. Nevertheless, if it continues and you feel uncomfortable or scared, see your doctor!

I did throughout most of my second’s pregnancy. It was a subchorionic hemorrhage. I went to the ER too and was told everything was fine and it was. She was full term and happy and healthy. Good luck mama

I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant and just went to the ER for the same reason yesterday. I didn’t bleed with my first either. Doctor said every pregnancy is different and that some women bleed during pregnancy. I’m guessing it’s because I’ve had a baby already so my cervix isn’t as tight as it was with my first.

It’s normal. I bled a lot for the first 8 weeks. Was in OB triage 3 times bc I thought I was miscarrying. They told me it was normal especially for the first trimester.

From about 8-12w with my first pregnancy, I bled off and on (spotting to light bleeding with mild cramps). Turns out I had something called a subchorionic hematoma, which burst, causing the bleeding and cramping. It resolved itself after that and was gone. I had a successful pregnancy with a healthy baby. Take it easy, follow your doctors directions.

This same thing happened to me but I had a miscarriage before this pregnancy. I got pregnant right after a miscarriage and started bleeding it was mostly spotting but still quite a bit of blood and they told us that it was a threatened miscarriage so I’m high risk pregnancy and I had to rest for the most part of the beginning of the pregnancy just don’t worry or stress too much and take it easy. Im now 26 weeks and 3 days but still considered high risk my bleeding was a subchronic hematoma but I’m not bleeding anymore. Just take it easy on yourself and your body

For some reason with my second pregnancy I did this also. I didnt go to the er because it happened two days before my app. She said everything looked ok, baby’s heartbeat was great. :woman_shrugging:

I had this happen right around 20 weeks and everything was fine. It’s more common than people realize. And isn’t always a sign that anything is wrong. You did the right thing by going and getting checked out. I would just keep your eyes on it and if it happens again go back to the dr.

I bled every time I was pregnant in the first trimester with the first pregnancy I thought they were regular periods. Which is why I didn’t find out until I was 4 months pregnant. all of my kids are school age and healthy

I had my last baby at 41. I was going to the bathroom and had bright red blood in the toilet, while wiping snd some cramping. Come to find out, I had hemorrhoids that were bursting. Ugh…it was miserable, but she was born healthy.

I had bleeding and cramping, especially with my first baby but it went away and all was fine. They told me if was normal and mentioned nothing about a possible miscarriage to me then.

I had a blood clot that passed in one of my pregnancies, baby was fine. And then placenta previa which caused heavy period-like bleeding bleeding long periods of time in another pregnancy, also baby was fine. Don’t get discouraged!

Early pregnancy bleeding is actually really common I had three and bled with all of them. But I wouldn’t hesitate to get checked. I lost my fourth baby due to miscarriage and that’s also how it started. So can’t be to cautious imo

My baby boy I had in march i had a threatened miscarriage or whatever its called was gonna go swimming and instead had a toilet looking full of blood I pretty much put myself on bed rest for a week and it stopped the day after i went to Er I pray everything is fine with you and the little one

I spotted during my third trimester. Low lying placenta. Doctor put me on 2 weeks bed rest/off my feet. Everything turned out okay.

Happened to me at 12 weeks. Baby is now almost 2 weeks old and healthy

I had a good amount of bleeding at about 7 weeks with my first. He’s 3 now :slightly_smiling_face:

I had a threatened miscarriage at 7 weeks i bled pretty heavy for a day and then it went back to normal and I had a happy healthy little girl who will be 5 in November

Yes bleed from 12wks to 21wks! Had to go wkly for scans, every time expecting to be told i’d lost it, the bleed didnt effect the sack, Zaki is 6now :grinning: I was never told what the bleed was. Stay positive xx

If someone is worried about a possible miscarriage they should be asking a doctor because things can change very quickly. They shouldn’t be asking Facebook. What’s normal for one person isn’t necessarily normal for another.

i have a subchronic hematoma and i bled at 11 weeks…i panicked and went into my dr everything was fine and i stopped bleeding a day later

I had some spotting in my 1st trimester with my second, I was told to rest and drink lots of water… as well as monitoring it
My boy was born at 36 weeks and is a very healthy 3 year old

I spotted throughout my whole pregnancy and my son weight 8 lb 11 oz. Healthy and 41 weeks

I had a subchronic hematoma behind the placenta (sch) that resulted in a partial placenta abruption with my third pregnancy and I bled throughout my pregnancy and everything ended great!

I did two of my six pregnancies and everything was fine

I did also. Baby was perfect. I was told it was an inflammation of my cervix. Everything cleared up on its own.

I did with my second child. Everything turned out just fine.

Yes I had a tear in my lining that healed itself

Have them check your cervix!!! Like now. I had bleeding in one pregnancy at 12 weeks, lost my mucus plug and miscarried at 18 weeks. Then again bled at 14 weeks. Asked for an ultrasound to check cervix said inwas fine but had to have a cerclage at 16 because I was dilating (I knew it). Ask ask ask I don’t care if they think you’re crazy. You’re not. You know your body better than anyone

2 subchorionic hemorrhages (2 separate babies) both are fine. One i was told i was having a miscarriage, she’s 5 now.

My daughter in law bleed with both pregnancies the entire pregnancy and had both her babies full term !

I had my period for 3months when I was pregnant with my first child wasnt heavy very light

I did very early in the pregnancy. It could be implantation or if you had intercourse you can vleed slightly

I had a subchorionic hematoma. I had a huge gush of blood which i thought was miscarrying at 10 weeks and then I bled brown for the next almost 6 weeks like a period. It’s awful and definitely stressful

I had it at 8 weeks. My daughter is almost 5 now.

I bleed my whole first trimester with my girls everything was fine

I bled from week 6 to week 9 I’m now 28 weeks x

I just went threw this couple of months ago ended in a misscarage.

Do not ask medical advice especially with a pregnancy go to a professional.

also sexual intercourse can cause bleeding because yoir cervix is soooo sensitive

I did with my 2nd and she’s turning 4 next month.

It’s normal. It’s called subchorionic hematoma

I had some bleeding with a couple of my pregnancies. Like a light period. Just take it easy

I had my period with all my pregnancies. All big abs healthy babies.

Yes I had a normal cycle for two months into my pregnancy

Me with both my kids , and there perfect

Yep all my pregnancy and I have a 3 year old 11 month old and a 3 week old xxx

I did… turns out I was having twins! :rofl::exploding_head: good luck mama!

Every case is different so that said. I’d call my doctor

This happened to me. Relax. Rest. Things will be ok xx

Pretty much every time I had intercourse I’d have bleeding

spotting is normal but always consult with your gynecologist/doctor :blush:

I just went thru this last week.

I had bleeding behind placenta that caused it. Baby was fine but sure Is scary! Stay off your feet if you can and rest

When i was pregnant with my first . Around 3 months there was some bleeding. It stopped within a month, with bed rest. My daughter turned 50 yrs old 2 months ago.

My sister is actually going through something similar. All I know is that the baby is doing fine so far. :woman_shrugging:t2: i guess some bleeding and cramping is normal and was a sustainable pregnancy, from what I’ve heard. We don’t really talk anymore because of stupid stuff but that’s all I know. I’m sorry this is happening. I can’t imagine.

Yes. Had it happen with my last 2 pregnancies

I gushed blood while I was in a Wal-Mart, 3 months pregnant with my second child. Went to the er, fully examined and everything was fine. Went on to deliver my now, 17 year old baby girl. Still have no idea what ever happened…lol