Has anyone had to be induced early?

I had my daughter at 35 weeks. She had cracked my rib and to prevent anymore damage to me, the doc took care of it. It was also a c section though. She was big enough and went right home with me.

steroids help a fetus’s lungs mature faster if there is a chance of premature birth. It also develops other organs like the brain and intestines. In any decision you make consult your doctor.

Both my boys were early. One was 6 weeks and one was 2 weeks early , I was induced with my youngest because I couldn’t stand the pain anymore, my kidney was double the size and I couldn’t stop vomiting and I couldn’t sleep

Just an FYI some states have laws that unless you or the baby are at emergent risk it’s illegal to induce or aid labor before 39 weeks

Most states have laws stating the earliest you can voluntarily be induced. Where I live it is 39 weeks unless you have a serious medical issue. Pain is not a medical issue. Welcome to pregnancy.


Hang in there Mom I have no idea how much you’ve had to go through to make you think this would be the best decision. But all I can tell you is focus on the wellbeing of baby long term. Try not to focus on the pain your feeling right now, if you feel something is wrong with baby push doctors to make sure he/she is okay. But do not do it unless it is due to medical reasons.
As a mother of a premie (born at 27 weeks) I can tell you that the pain we go through does not compare to the pain/worry of seeing your baby in the NICU for months and check ups (in many cases years) or medical issues afterwards. The longer baby stays in the better to finish developing. Don’t ask for something you may later regret.

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I will let you know my baby was born at 23 weeks she still alive and grown and off the ventilator she a fighter I am having hard because she in the nicu right now fighting for her life


My first baby was born at 33 weeks. My next 3 were induced at or around 37 weeks. Only because I showed up at my checkup 5cm dialated, 50% effaced. I don’t think doctors make it a practice to induce early unless there is a danger to the baby or you. Hang in there momma. Maybe see a chiropractor that specializes in pregnant women. Good luck!


I was bn induced at 34 weeks but only because she wasn’t doing well. She quit growing and they said she would be better out than in. Her health was the concern and she probably wouldn’t have made it if I stayed pregnant. But as for for bn induced that early because of pain… I’ve never heard a doctor agree to something like that. Its risking thenbsby and it will be born prematurely with possible NICU stay. Talk to your doctor regardless though. Good luck

Dude being induced is the way to go lol of course talk to your ob but heck ya

Wouldnt induce me until 39 weeks and i have lupus and severe fibromyalgia.was pretty much on bedrest since 20 weeks

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Babies aren’t quite viable that early on. The last thing to develop is the lungs. As my obgyn told me last visit. There ARE state laws surrounding how early you can be induced. The earliest is 37 weeks and thats if you have a severe issue such as preclampsia. Otherwise, he said 38 weeks if my test comes back positive for gestational diabetes and size becomes a worry, but basically I gotta suck it up until 38/39 weeks. Trust me I know the severe pain issue. I’m pregnant with baby number 5 and have to go through WEEKLY physical therapy bc of the awful pain I’m in. My right hip has arthritis, its also rotated the wrong way. My pelvis is out of alignment and I have a weakened pelvic floor. Most days I can’t stand but 20 mins at most at a time, I can’t sit without my hip literally locking up excruciatingly, I can’t lay down anyway other than on my left or right side with a pillow between my legs or same issue. Most days I can barely walk and when I do I can’t put pressure on my right side. Any movement results in terrible pain. I have 17 trigger points in my right thigh down to the back of my knee where the muscles are bunched up in a knot instead of stretched like they should be. Pregnancy is a lot of suck it up. That’s not including the severe chronic migraines that I can’t take my meds for bc theyre not safe. If I can suck it up, I think you can too. Besides, ive been induced with all my kids and it sucks. Labor is longer, harder and more painful. It increases risk of c section and other complications. Every time I get induced their is an issue ranging from blood pressure sky rocketing and staying that way for a few months following birth, potassium bottoming out mid labor, emergency c section, iron issues, vitamin d issues, high protein levels in urine but with no preclampsia issues. Let your body do what it needs to in order to bring a happy healthy baby in

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I was induced at 38 weeks due to low fluids it isn’t the best way too go! I hated it I laid there 2 days before I had him plus I immediately got sick after having him bc of all the meds plus the meds they give makes labor so much worse

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I was 37 +6 when I was induced with my first hoping for the same this time. She was healthy and nothing wrong with her other than jaundice. People are so judgy… Not everyones pregnancy is the same. Hang in there momma hopefully baby will come soon for you

I was induced with my first child at 36 weeks. Hes now a healthy, mouthy 15 year old!

When I was pregnant with my daughter my dr told me that the baby isnt technically full term until 36 weeks and unless there is a medically necessary reason they can’t induce labor or do a C-section, I also was having a lot of pain but she said that wasn’t a good reason bc the baby was still doing fine and I wasn’t having any emergency reasons.

My Dr. agreed to induce me me the day I hit 37 weeks bc I was so sick & in pain & miserable. I went into natural labor 2 days before my scheduled induction.

All 4 of my kids were born 35-37 weeks and were completely healthy. I was induced at 39 weeks with #4 bc my blood pressure was too high. I’m pretty sure they cannot induce until 37 weeks though?

Most doctors will tell you that isn’t a good enough reason. Your baby is still growing and maturing. Especially their lungs. If there isn’t a medical emergency they won’t induce you because your in pain and sick of being pregnant. Just think of your baby right now and how it is more important that they stay in as long as they can to keep growing and the pain and discomfort will be over soon. 34 weeks is still pretty early and baby may need to be in the nicu. Not sure why you’d want that.

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I was induced only 10 days early with my first due to sciatic pain and discomfort, but My body was not ready to give birth and in the words of my doctor “my baby mutilated me” down below. With my second, I was in so much pain and discomfort but I held on to 40weeks and 2 days… my body was actually ready this time and my recovery has been above and beyond the first. I know it’s tough and it sucks… but your recovery will likely be so much less painful bc your body will be ready when it’s ready. Just my experience though! Everyone is different :). Hang in there mama!!! You are stronger than you know!

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Unfortunately I gave birth to a 34-weeker it leads to time in the NICU it leads to time where you have to worry about whether or not their heart continues to be whether or not their blood sugar continues to stay stable whether or not their blood pressure continues to stay stable a lot of times the babies put through a lot of pain just because of the fact that they have to have IVs put in them they have to have extra pokes all the time and they’re constantly being monitored you do not want to induce too early. this was not by choice this was because my son decided that he just did not want to stay in.

A doctor will not induced that early unless it is medically necessary. Just being in pain does not make it necessary.

I was induced with all 3 of my babies but my first 2 I couldnt get induced until I was a week past my due date but my 3rd child i was induced at 39 weeks. N it was right at 39 weeks they wouldnt go any earlier. I asked my doc over n over again but she said there is nothing wrong with baby or with me so I had to wait til 39 weeks.

Unless there’s a medical reason causing the pain other than normal pregnancy related stuff, they will not induce. I had horrible prodromal labor and hadn’t slept in weeks and was told even with that they wouldn’t even consider inducing until 39 weeks. Then they decided to wait for him to come naturally which he did at 39+1 and I still had a 9.6 Lb baby but yeah, it sucks . I would try to just do as much comforting things as you can and hang in there mama!

With my second, at 16weeks I was almost made to have a D&C as the hospital was useless, 7.5hrs later we found out baby was still there, then at 24weeks I was in hospital with a bleed and fluid leak, 4 days later, steriod injections etc i was sent home, then I had very low fluid and had to be monitored, I went into early labour and that lasted 7 weeks and was absolutely horrendous, i was in and out of hospital so many times. I begged and begged for them to induce me and I was 40 weeks and even then it took some convincing.

Hang in there, the end is always the hardest on our bodies! Remember you are strong

I got induced at 37 weeks bc of preeclampsia I’m not sure they would do it before then unless “something is wrong”

Most drs wont let you have your baby until 36 weeks. I was induced at 36 weeks with my son due to medical reasons and my daughter at 39 weeks cuz I wanted her here and my dr agreed with it!

Yes. With all of mine

If I would of known what I know now the answer is Don’t get induced … wait it out !! I wish I did