Has anyone quit their job to be a stay at home mom?

Were hanging in there ,God always finds a way … :heart:I quit due to health issues but I got better,I felt like due to stress and working my life pass me by and no kids and that’s whatt most companies brain washed you to think …so I decided to have a baby and best decision I ever made …not easy it’s life changing but so worth it and whi better than you to raise her …am still nursing my toddler so am not going to lie she loves to nurse alot and unfortunately I get in social media alot due to that and many people judge thinking am on the phone alll the time but what they don’t know am nursing or playing with her taking pics all at the same time … advice I can give you …let people talk … you know baby and God knows …let them judge …plus you need a little bit if social media when your home all day with a toddler …we di have her enlisted in a few activities … swimming, dancing,soccer, and gymnastics …so we do stuff here and there … Hubby is great he gets us what he can :heart:

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I became a stay at home mom after our 3rd son because day care is to expensive for 3 yet alone 1 child, but I didnt get an allowance lol I’m grown with kids🤦‍♀️ I knew what my better half made a week an we had to adjust since I wasn’t working anymore, he gave me his check an I did the bills n shopping n if he wanted something we took money out for that, I never had to ask to buy anything for my kids or myself or say like cleaning supplies or stuff we needed, I did ask before I went to get nails done, hair done just to make sure it would be a good time to schedule that n not take from bills due


I did. I dont really have an allowance though. We have a joint acct and I am able to spend money if it’s needed. I keep track of all the bills and make sure those are paid first. If there is money left over after bills and groceries are paid, then we can spend the extra money on something fun to do as a family or if we need new clothes or any other extras we may want/need.

I did, I never thought I’d be a stay at home mom, but eventually I will go back to working :smiling_face: my husband’s been really supportive and works more hours to be able to keep us going


My husband makes 5 times the minimum wage to support our family of 4,
Here in OK.
Not necessarily an allowence but our budgest has spots for bills, grocery/house needs and I also have a weekly meds money . If we need anything we just use out debit card. Anything big we check the budget and talk about it.

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I did i have full access to our joint account hes usually asking me if he can buy something lol i take care of all finances

No way. I will never rely on someone to totally support me. I have seen people fight way to many times money…“i work so money is mine” no matter if stay at home dad/mom…just read some of the previous posts here on fights with money and staying at home🤣


I did after my second son and stayed home for 10 years. Then once my youngest started kindergarten I got a job in the school cafeteria. Never got an allowances. I pay all the bills from our account so I know what is i there if we need anything after bills and groceries. You learn to adjust to 1 income.

I quit my job when I got pregnant with my second. My husband makes about $90,000. There’s not really an “allowance” I just know how much we need to pay bills and how much I can spend on “extras”. When I quit my husband added me to his account so I have a card and don’t have to ask for money. I would 100% recommend having a joint account so it doesn’t feel like an allowance.


It really all comes down to how much your husband makes compared to your cost of living. If it will make you live paycheck to paycheck, you shouldn’t do. One person needs to make enough to pay all the bills and still be able to save money plus more if you want non necessary things (hair, nails, eating out etc.)

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I did for my son… stayed home two years and it was nice to be able to raise my baby, but then I was a single mom for a bit and his dad and I shared custody so I was able to go back to work… now that I’ve been working again, I’m about to have my second child and only plan on staying home for 6 weeks and going back to work. I have a better support system now and feel comfortable doing it. It’s just kind of boring being home when everything is done and the extra income is definitely a bonus.

I did and plan to homeschool for a little while and continue to stay home. At first we talked about an “allowance” because I was worried about not being able to do anything I enjoy but it balanced out and now I just do what I want within reason and we do the budgeting together. I also started a side gig of selling nail polish sets which is fun/gives me adult interaction and spending money on myself without guilt lol. It’s honestly been a really great choice for us


I did for a few years. He quickly started using finances as a way to control and trap me. It took a long time to be able to safely get out.


Yes I did and well at the time I had 1child now I have 2 and one on the way. Plan on a career change I did work in the medical field but with the way things are anymore a career change which will probably require more school. Financially we are doing ok. I honestly can’t wait to get back out to working but enjoying the time with my littles and caring for my family.

I quit working when my oldest started school because I didn’t have anyone to take her to and from school… it’s been hard really hard honestly, I love my girls but I miss the social interaction and adult time that comes along with working. I don’t really have an allowance I just get what I want unless it’s a big purchase then we discuss it an fit into the budget.

We have a joint account, but we allow $20 a week with no questions asked. That way we can get that drink or lunch we want just because. Of course we both can naturally buy what we absolutely need we just keep each other informed if it has to come out of the joint account.

My oldest is special needs with a physical disability. I really could not put him in a daycare…so when my grandma became unable to care for him I quit my job. That was back in 2016.
We have a joint account.
I do most of the financial balancing.
So the short version of this is I put us both on an “allowance” for things other than the essentials.
I pull out cash and once we spend it then we’re done.

Most of the cash I keep actually goes to doing activities with the kids…Like trips to the pool. Occasionally art supplies. My husband mostly spends his on drinks and food while he’s at work.
We’re pretty low maintenance over here.

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When I was pregnant with my youngest, I had HG so I had to quit my job(it wasn’t safe for me to continue working) and after I had him I didn’t go back to work. I became a stay at home mom. My husband made enough to cover our bills plus extra spending cash and it was cheaper for me to stay home than to pay childcare for 3 children. I loved it at first, but then, don’t get me wrong, I love every second I spend with my boys, but I missed people. I missed having conversations with adults and just the social interaction with someone other than my husband and 3 young boys. As far as spending, we shared(and still share) a bank account and I have always done our finances so I was well aware of where we say financially. Whenever I asked my husband if he cared if I bought something, he would always just say “if we have the extra money for it, that’s fine”. I also work in the kitchen of our local High School so I don’t work summers, so you could say I’m a stay at home mom in the summers and we still manage perfectly fine. My husband makes over $50k a year so that’s plenty for us to live off of if I didn’t work. But, I like my job and have no intention on becoming a stay at home mom again, especially since my youngest is now 9.

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I quit my job. My husband makes good money for us to live comfortably. We have a joint account &I just swipe the card when needed. The only time I talk to him about it is if I’m spending quite a bit but he does the same thing.


I did and I only got a certain amount of money for food nothing else

This is kind of a silly questions because there are SO many factors in it. You can quit and your partner can make $60k or $200k but everyone’s expenses are different. Some people have car payments, school loans, mortgages, rent, etc. I work full time and so does my husband. Sometimes things get tight but what tight is for me might not be tight for someone else.

This is really about your own family and when you figure out your income and expenses you have to see how much “extra” money you might have and decide what’s right for you both.


Yes I did and I love it. Somedays you need a break. I do a small gig from home that brings in some spending cash. Otherwise I do get benefits of having an allowance.

I would love to bit financially can’t so im doing part time at an amazing job where I can bring my daughter if I need to its kind of a win win

I stopped working when I got pregnant with our first daughter in 2009, and continued to stay home, our youngest starts kindergarten this fall, I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. My husband has never used money to control me, I don’t get an allowance I spend how ever I choose to, he always says I have one of the hardest jobs in the world.


Been a full time mom for 3yrs and i think my partner didn’t appreciate all of my efforts since he was the only one earning​:pensive: can someone help me out even work at home part time jobs?I want to earn for myself and for my baby too, I can’t even have a new dentures.I’m willing to train and willing to learn.Can someone be a blessing to me.Don’t know how to start , I can’t left my daughter alone and it’s pandemic here in our country :pensive: we are quarantined for more than a year.

I didn’t quit, but I lost a job and we chose for me to just stay home and not apply for others. Both had kids from previous marriage, and then had one together, currently 32 weeks with the second. I love it, and feel like I missed so much of my older kids’ littleness with work and graduate school. My husband makes pretty good money for the area, and we live within our means. I do all the shopping for the family, and make sure everything is paid. It’s been great for our marriage and family.

I gave up work just before our 10 year old was born & have had 2 more since.
My husband works but all money is ours. It goes into a joint account & we both use the account. If the money is there & not needed for bills etc then it’s spent by whoever wants it needs it.
Tbh, he’s useless with money management so I tend to have more say in what money is free, but there’s never been a his money & my allowance set up. We are married & everything is equal.

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When I had my babies I stayed home, with my 1st and 2nd for 3 years (they were 26 months apart) and I was a single mom. I’m in Canada so moms get family allowance each month, that helped. My 3rd I stayed with her for basically 5 years because of Covid, she did go to “school” for about 5 months before Covid hit. So I worked. Then I worked from home part time for a bit during Covid. Schools are uncertain if they’ll open yet in September, but if they do she will be in school (shes 5) and I’ll be back at work full time. Again, family allowance pays good. So I don’t need to work… my husband makes a lot

I did with my first. Stayed home 3 years. Just went back 6 months ago. We didn’t have an “allowance” he’d get paid , take the money out for bills and savings & extra money would go in the joint.

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I did and wouldn’t change it for the world. We have made it work with 5 kiddos and have everything we need. We may not have the best of the best but that is ok with us. I didn’t want to miss any of their firsts since you can never get that time back. When our youngest goes to school I plan on going back to work part time.


I’ve done it 3 times. I’m the banker in our house, so he takes what he needs and I use the rest as I see fit. We’re a family of 6 and able to do extras, so he makes enough lol I honestly just don’t know :joy:

I did. It was such a great gift that my husband gave us. I had no allowance. His money is my money. It took me a bit to adjust to that way of thinking but he helped me with reassurances. I went back to work 5 years ago when my son was 8 years old.

Fuck no!
I would never do this unless I had no other choice!
Props to any of you strong lady’s who would but being a stay at home mom is the hardest and least rewarding job I have ever had!

I did.
My Mr makes decent pay.
We just gave up a lot of our social life to do it tho. We use to eat out at restaurants and shop more lol
Now I do majority of the cooking…which I’ve actually come to love doing…now that I do it lol
As to allowance…I ain’t got one. BUT if I ask the Mr to stop and get something…he does…or if I see something online I want, his card is on my accounts and I get it lol or in store, I have his bank card. I have complete access. His money is my money.
We do alright. We arent rich, but we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.

Then for bigger things…we save. Then I do a lot of searching on sites for free things that we need, to help cut costs. Like recently I found a desk for free. Been wanting one for a bit for my room. Then went to a secondhand store(habitat for humanity) and paid $5 for a chair for it. I now have a craft station :slight_smile: for $5 lol


I was laid off at the beginning of Covid, 8 months pregnant with my 2nd. I don’t have an allowance, but he pretty much just pays for things. He offers money if I mention I want to take the kids or myself somewhere. We definitely had to get more realistic on spending in general, though. Needs before wants. This is an important conversation to have when thinking about kids.

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It is crazy to me husband’s give their wives an “allowance”. It’s our money, I figure up bills, groceries, and our budget, and then I give him some of what is left over. He is the only one working currently. But, even when we both worked thats how it worked.


Before quitting, take time to write down all expenses for the month and look at your spouse’s income. What would you need to cut? Would you still be able to save any for emergencies or vacations? If you can, then do it. For our family, I have worked and I have stayed home. Hubby has worked consistently throughout. He makes approximately $30,000/yr and we have 7 kids. Fortunately, we do not have a ton of expenses and can make it work. If we were to move, our circumstances would probably change due to the cost of living where we move to.

I’m a 43 year old stay at home Grandma. I worked for 10 years (30 to 40 years of age) I was a stay at home mom from 17 to 29 years old. My husband works for himself and we decided 3 years ago, I would be a stay at home wife again for the 2nd time and then Boom I became a Grandma. I love it and wouldn’t change it for the world. Everything has worked out perfectly and our bills are paid and we still have our weekends on the boat with friends and family. The days I don’t have my granddaughter I sometimes Door dash and I bring home about $220 a day if I stay out for an entire day. I make $100 if I only go out for like 3 hours, every little bit helps. Makes me feel like I’m contributing something and I also do all household chores indoor and outdoor.

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My husband and I had a conversation when the middle child was born and then I got pregnant right after. (Boys are 10 months apart). Anyway it was decided I would stay home and take care of the kids, appointments and so on. Money wise we share an account. If we need something one or the other of us get it and we pay certain bills a week.

We have 4 kids , I have always worked and became a stay at home mom 2 years ago . My husband wanted me to quit working to raise our babies and he’s now self employed and makes more than what me and him made together working a 9-5 . As far as allowance , no I’m not a child . He makes the money I budget and pay the bills and I’m comfortably able to get what I want or need for myself or kids .


I did for our son’s medical condition he makes the money I use it to pay bills get things we need and he has part of his check go to different card for gas and lunches for himself and we just work together and communicate on our money needs and wants for our 4 kids and selfs

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I think this is gonna be individual based. It really depends on your bills as to whether it’s a good move for y’all. Not just bills, but if you are aware you will have to make big purchases soon as well. Then make a spreadsheet of you can and put in the one income, bills coming out, and how much you would want to save and spend per week. If y’all can save enough and still have spending money each week then do it.

I lefty job after my second child because it didn’t make sense to spend my whol income on 2 kids for daycare then have no money. We paid bills but i didn’t need an allowance. Whatever i need for us and the kids I had


Learn to coupon and that will put money back in the home and plan.on big spends like holidays and birthday they are the same every year or close to it and I babysit my grandkids and one that isn’t that brings in 125.00 week and that pays house hold items that where couponing come in play

I’m not married, engaged to the father of our girls, but I am a SAHM. I don’t get an allowance I pay the bills his, mine & any medical from kids. He makes 100K a year. I always have one of his cards etc…

I haven’t worked in like 4 years. If I want something I ask my husband and he buys it for me other than that I really don’t have my own money

Yeah I had to quit my job after my son burned himself around dec 2020. Only my husband is working now and he was only making $12/hr. We have no food stamps, no section 8, no assistance except wic. We have 3 kids ages 6 3 and 1 and I get like $150-$200 every 2 weeks from him. And our rent is $600 a month. Don’t ask me how we’re doing it cuz idk! I give God all the glory for seeing us through and providing for us. It’s like I have more food in my kitchen then I did on food stamps :woman_shrugging:t5:


I quit mine in 2018 to be a stay at home momma. I manage the money & he makes it lol. I pay the bills then the rest is fun money. My husbands money is my money how its been since we got together in 2017. We cannot afford daycare even if I work. & I have a degree plus I wouldn’t have other things coming out of my checks like he does. So even with me being able to make $700+ a week or biweekly we cant afford daycare & he makes too much for us to get help from the state.

I’m a stay at home mom. I have no allowance. I make my own money. Jobs like door dash allow me to take my kids

Been a stay at home more for 5 months now.! My husband says his money is my money.:blush: He doesn’t care what I spend but I’m more of save money or spend it on my kids than myself.lol

Before you quit, put all of your paycheck into savings for a few months and only live off of his. If you are able to easily, then go for it.


Yes, I quit to be a stay at home mom and am so thankful my hubby works so hard to make that a reality for us :heart: he makes pretty good money, we always have the things we need and he makes sure we get the things we want when we can. It’s just “our money”. I have access to his cards. He sacrifices his wants for our wants most of the time and we make it work. I’m going through school to be a registered social worker now too so that when my son starts school I’ll have my dream job, every bit of which I owe to him for making it happen for us. If you can do it I’d go for it but It can get VERY tough and isn’t always rainbows and butterflies but so worth it. I wouldn’t trade our little fam for anything :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A lot of people live on a budget!! What a hell of a thing to complain about!! Me me me!! How much do your children get??

I did because I had to. I had three who needed childcare and a father in law with cancer. We were used to working opposite shifts. But I had another baby and before I went back to work, father in law fell ill. I stayed home, but my husband took him to appointments. I learned to bake bread, and breads, and school snack bars. I learned to make my own laundry detergent. I cooked everything from scratch (today’s roast will be tomorrow’s stew). Bought in bulk and used a deep freezer. Shop by sales and freeze. Just a few tips.


I quit my job as a manager to be a stay at home mom/wife. My husband brings in between 30-40,000 a year. We budget on a week by week basis. Some weeks are better than others, I enjoy being a stay at home mom but I really do miss working sometimes

I hear people say all the time “I can’t afford to be a stay at home Mom”. I think to myself, I can’t afford to go to work, and pay daycare, stress myself over a job and three kids, get off work to clean and have no family time. My husband and I adjusted our income by paying cash for our vehicles and having liability insurance only. You won’t see me in a brand new vehicle in the car rider line but my kids, home, and family are taken care of and organized for a smooth going week. I treasure my job as a stay at home Mom. I would much rather spend my time with the kids and home than working my tail off and driving a new $60,000 vehicle every year. Some people are working just to make the car payment and daycare payment. I would rather spend a month loving on my kids and doing for them than carry a Tory Burch purse. We live a great life on a small income. I buy things for myself on occasion but being home, means I don’t need very much. My husband doesn’t even question what I spend. I also save money on prescriptions, gas, eating out in restaurants and doctor visits because we are able to live a healthier, less stressful lifestyle now that I have time to meal plan and cook. We are no longer running around looking for matching socks in the mornings because everything is in its place. God has us all in his hands. We have never been without a meal or anything that we truly needed. My husband doesn’t make a lot of money but we seem to have more now that I am home. Everyone has the choice to do what’s best for their situation but for us, both of us working was not what we wanted for our daily life and for our children it was very hectic and everything was more of a struggle for our situation. I discovered this when I quit work to care for my mother with early onset Alzheimer’s disease. After she passed away, I continued to be a stay at home mom. I enjoy my days much more now that I am home and I no longer take anxiety medication because life is more easygoing for us now that my focus is more on doing for the family.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone quit their job to be a stay at home mom?

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I did. I didnt have an allowance, but I handled all the bills and knew what was due when and how much it all was so I did tell my husband how much he could spend. It wasn’t an allowance though, it was just thats how much we will have left over after bills, gas, food, and all the must haves.


I have been a SAHM for the last 5 years, i am a Social Worker by profession and my husband is in the military, I decided to stay at home and I have no regrets… it was the best Decision I have ever made, I have equal access to our Finances. I will return to work part time come September when both my kids will be in school full time.


I have 3 kids. 18, 16,11
I was a sahm for about 14 yrs. LOVED it!
My husband didn’t make much money when we first started out. And if it was to have worked my pay would have went to child care so it didn’t really make sense to have 2 incomes.
we lived pay check to pay check. There was no allowance. We got what we needed and that was about it. It was some of my most favorite memories tho. Just me and the kids during the day. We all looked forward to dad coming home in the evening. I wouldn’t change it for nothing.


I just became a sahm to my infant; hubs and I had been making about the same, so now our income is significantly less; the reason that I was confident enough to quit is that I know he’s going to make enough to pay the bills and feed us, even if we don’t have as many nice extras as we used to. He pays me per week, and I organize all the bill payments and do all the major purchasing, more like our paycheck instead of my allowance.


I quit my job when my husband was in the military, and with the constant moving, i wanted my children to have one stable parent. I was a senior paediatric clinical practitioner, there are days where i miss it, and days i feel lonely when the boys are at school, so have now just started back part time.
I have a full spread sheet on my computer of finances that come in, the bills that need to be paid & what’s left over is used for food/clothes meals out etc.
My husbands income is good

I’ve been a stay at home mom for the last 11 years. My youngest starts kindergarten next week. Staying at home is a decision that I will never regret. As far as finances I have equal access to all of our money. We do run it by each other if we plan on spending over 100 dollars on something.


Not me … as soon as my daughter was born and my feet hit the floor I had to go to work . when I remarried and took a leave of absence … woman had to leave when they were 4 mo. … back then most companies weren’t insured to carry the cost of a settlement if the mother had a miscarriage… when he was 3 yrs.old I went back to work… a very sad time for me leaving my 2 older ones and now my youngest


My ex made me.continually aware of how he was the bread winner, it was his money and that I didn’t work…even though I did for him with our business, during the summers, and every damn day raising a family. I had to listen to him berate me for spending a extra 2 cents a gallon on gas. We agreed that I’d stay hone, work for our business and raise kids, but that was a trap. Terrible man and I was under so much pressure. Do what you want and if.you feel the need to BE independent, WORK.


I don’t think asking how much money someone makes is an appropriate question. Best to speak to your significant other and come to an understanding of what your budget and expenses will be


I had to quit my job to be a sahm in January. I have 4 kids. 1, 5, almost 6 and just turned 7 year olds. My boyfriend works full time and we pay the bills and get what we or the kids need. We stay within budget so we have $ saved up.

I did when I had my son. I was a SAHM for about 3 years but that was mostly do to a pretty severe car wreck I had when my son was 6 months. Anyways I never had an “allowence” we had a joint bank account and I had full access to it. I did all the grocery shopping and paid all the bills so I had to have full access. If anything he had an allowence cause I would pull out whatever he needed.

These guestions are structured to get as much Information as possible…why would anyone answere some of those questions???..


After being independent for many years, after my first child was born I was able to stay home. We discussed finances and every month $$ was deposited in my checking from my husband’s paycheck—for me.
We were both working.
Once the kids were older I was able to get a job in my kids’ school. I was very lucky.


Yes, but only for a couple of years. We decided that we missed having money for vacations and activities the children wanted to be involved with.

Yes!!! I would do it one thousand times over!!! The most important jobs is being a mom!! No nannies no sitters and no day care can do it better!!!


Nope…I worked about 40 years, then retired.my dad told me to make my own money, not to rely on a man to support me. I did!


I actually started a daycare from my home. I did work but no daycare could watch my son correctly. Most tried to make him nap, but he only slept 3 hours at bedtime so that wasn’t happening. Yes his doctors knew and was working on it. Then the other problem was he was ADHD and was always energetic so some of them would spank him. That’s a no no to a little boy. I told them to put a movie on during quite times and some cars or legos in front of him to keep his hands busy, but they didn’t listen. So no more daycres. But in kindergarten he had no problems, so they should have listened to me and his doctors then it would have been fine

Yes, because my son has a disability. I work 10 hours a week and my son gets SSI. I don’t get an allowance. If I need something hubby provides it, plus whatever money I get from my job and the SSI.

Try acting like you don’t work now and put your earnings in an account and see how it feels not to have it. It’s the best test without leaving your job too soon. I did it for 2 years before I was home

Stay at home mom since the pandemic. Husband makes just enough to pay bills. We don’t qualify for any type of assistance anymore but we are making it thanks to family looking out for us when needed. It doesn’t help matters that we have been waiting almost two years for our 2019 tax return to come back to us, as well as the amendment for this year’s taxes. But in due time and that is needed for fixing our only vehicle as well as our hot water heater in the house. We cut as many extra costs as possible and as time has gone on if we can add them back we will like Hulu and Netflix. We don’t have cable tv so we just pay for phone and internet. Use coupons when able.


I stayed home with my kids for a year or two and then returned part time…when we had our third child I took four years off. Our money was for both of us…we have always had our money together and it’s worked for us

I had a client for 4 years.I had no more hours to give her after my son got more hours.we have been living in our house for 2 years.

Yes I did and my husband was extremely chinsy with money. He would say there’s no money for kids shoes and then come home with a 12 string guitar. I would say I’m going to go visit my mom and I then Id stay there until he agreed to increase my allowance. I finally got a job evenings and weekends so he could watch the kids and I could make my own money. After a few months he started badgering me for my earnings. I finally just gave up and divorced him.


Stay at home daytime mom that worked at night,… then I brainstormed… I started my own business, cleaning wealthy peoples summer houses, in a seaside town ,I had all week to do them because they were only used on weekends, million dollar homes, I could bring my babies/ children take my time like I lived there…even had permission to use the pools after I was done… no way would I rely on a man to be the sole provider financially. If there is a will, there is a way.

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Initially I was partially disabled and my son had medical issues at birth. I could have made an effort to return to work when he started 1st grade despite his ongoing medical issues. Between the summer of kindergarten and !st grade, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It turned out to be benign but it cost many issues for me. I then went on disability totally and permanent.

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I did in 1975. When my daughter was born. We only had 1 car & that was what made sense to me.

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Yes. I did but went back to work when they were all in school.

I was a stay at home mom for 15 years and I would not have changed that for anything if I could have been a stay at mom longer I would have because my youngest son ended up having to go to daycare after I became a single mom of four and I had no choice but to get a job and where I live there wasn’t too many choices for daycare so the daycare I found was a in home daycare and he was not being treated right so I had to take him out and figure things out!!! As far as needing to know how much others make shouldn’t be anyone’s business but theirs that is not something you should ask because everybody does not pay the same amount in bills so as long as you can make things work on your budget then go for it!!

Yep I did when I had my last baby we struggle at times but to me it’s worth it my husband makes around 42000 year maybe little more

I did way back when. Don’t remember numbers. It was 74 or 75.

I stayed home best decision I made

I used to be a SAHM and I hated it. I didn’t have an allowance, but I paid all of the bills and was in charge of our finances so my husband didn’t have to do anything. My husband only worked and helped with the children. I enjoyed spending time with my children, but not having contact with adults was really hard on me.


I did and still needed income, so I got my home up to code and opened a home daycare. I did this for five years, until my husband’s income was high enough to allow me to just be a SAH mama.


Don’t screw up!!! No ss. Think. Think

I quit my career as a cartographer to be a stay at home mom. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. My husband and I don’t have a “mine vs his” allowance. I run my own resale business online and make extra cash that way. We simply communicate if we want something and make sure we can afford it in our joint funds.

I have been a stay at home mom for 28 yrs. 3 boys, 2 autistic ( young men now) . I felt so fortunate to be able to stay home with the boys. Good income but with therapy bills still made some financial sacrifices . I don’t regret it.

I quit my job when I had my first, which was over 3 years ago. We have had another one since then. I get $100 a week deposited from my spouse’s check. Spouse pays the bills from paycheck, I buy food weekly from his check. The money I get in my account is mine to buy something I want or save for something I want.
I don’t have to ask for money. We have a joint account where bills come out of, and seperate accounts for gifts and big personal items. It works for us. I budget very well for us to be able to afford me not working. We don’t go out to eat or go on. If vacations.

Did you just ask me how much my bf makes :rofl:

Back in the late 60’s.

Yes and then when grand kids came along I did it again.


If you can, it’s very rewarding. You don’t miss the milestones. They grow so fast. Make sure you get time for yourself


This day and age would be difficult.


I quit my job 2 yrs ago to be a stay at home job and my husband brings home 2k biweekly and we make sure all bills are paid put some money in savings and then see how much we have left and divide it between the 2 of us on how much play money we have. We also factor in our bills things like diapers, wipes, pull ups