Has anyone just considered not doing Santa with your children this year if they’ve been REALLY bad leading up to it? I keep telling him Santa is watching him, and I am totally considering putting coal in his stocking.
LMAO it probably not his fault he bad … it your fault letting him get by with crap cause mommy lil angel can do no wrong
No. Just threatened he wouldn’t come. I think taking him away completely would be a little traumatizing.
Maybe make Santa a little less this year. Like he’s seen how you acted and you just didn’t get much.
I’ve always said “ Santa sees if you are being bad “ but I’ve never considered taking away Christmas for bad behavior in place of actual discipline. In my opinion That probably won’t fix the issue .
That’s how you make a blacksmith
I’ve made “coal” with rice crispy treats and black food coloring for my kids
Yes, and the crazy part is he said that’s fine if I don’t get presents from Santa because all my presents say love grandma, grandpa, and aunty so I don’t need presents from Santa
My brother has a security alarm system at home and use to tell my niece and nephew when they were little that the motion sensor in the corner of the rooms were Santa’s monitors and when they lit up red was when he was watching them! It definitely made them behave a lot more!
How can your kids be “really bad”?? Do you not discipline them properly when necessary?? People like you shouldn’t have kids.
Yes and i felt like the biggest piece of shit, especially cause i made him watch the others open their presents:sob:
Tell him when he miss-behaves that Santa takes a present off of his list.
On a kid younger than 10, nope try different behavior technique/parenting technique.
My cousins got coal one year in their stocking, lol no joke. It was hilarious, but they never got it again
Not this year, as it’s been hard for everyone, but last year. I considered it. I thought really hard about it. In the end, I just couldn’t take it away from him. I just kept his gift small and simple.
Felt … But why is everybody mad isn’t that what Santa does? He puts coal in children’s stockings that dont behave
also they have chocolate coals in a little mesh bag
My mom did one year because my sisters were being awful and wouldn’t listen. They got coal that year, and they started acting right
I know someone who’s child had nothing for Christmas because of bad behaviour and the child didn’t give a shit
Probably take the tablet or phone away.
I took my kids out Christmas shopping and told them to pick a present each. Then brought what they picked and then explained why the present was not for they and made them put it under the Kmart wishing Tree…
It worked and the bonus was the next year they wanted to gift a present to the wishing tree.
Isn’t that the purpose of “Santa”? Manipulating them into behaving? So if you don’t take Santa away then next year he will be worse. Won’t matter. In his mind he was bad and Santa still came so it doesn’t matter.
I told my kids he has COVID and can’t make it this year. Lol.
As a parent, you do what you need to do to modify your child’s behavior. Back in the days there was no such thing as being bad… cause an ass whooping would’ve fixed it in a heartbeat. It was that “you want it you earn it” kind of love.
My daughter is now 7, and this year she has been a mess. Into everything that isn’t hers, tearing lots of things up. And she will innocently tell you “sorry mama, I was just playing”
I want to RIP my hair out some days, and she is the youngest of 4. Point is, no matter what, kids are doing their best to just be kids. And none of the “naughty” warrants ruining their Christmas.
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No, absolutely not! How could you even be so cruel !!
Just tell the kid the truth. There is no Santa. You buy the presents. As punishment, all they get is a new coat and a pair of shoes that’s needed for winter
Don’t you EVER do that to a child !!! WTF is wrong with you
My mom did when I was a kid, I found out later it was because she just couldn’t afford it.
Santa is supposed to put coal in bad kids stockings. Why is this even a question? Considering rewarding bad behavior?
These comments explain the newest genarations
I put coal in my youngest kids stocking a few years back and the same year I put presents under the tree and 1 was a bag it was my son’s he was a hellun that year, but he pulled it out and a damn spider came jumping out of the bag, he threw it and ran while we were killing it, told him Santa knew he was really bad that year and stuck the spider in it, he was good ever since. He was 9 when that happened now hes 14, but I guess it taught him a lesson that year bc he’s settled down alot after that.
How does anyone consider this cruel? Just because santa doesn’t come doesn’t mean the kid wont get any gifts. Maybe the kid wont get the one gift they really wanted bc they asked santa for it (and Santa didn’t think they behaved well enough for it) Its to help discipline when younger to be completely honest since this holiday season is hectic with (4 holidays in 4 months) maybe the kid will get the gifts later on during a birthday or something when they behave better. She was asking advice thats it. Not if it was cruel or anything. Maybe this is her first kid and is pulling her hair out because no matter how she disciplines them they wont listen. It should be a last resort but nothing wrong with it if it comes down to Santa not visiting.
It depends what the bad behaviour is. I so would if they were being super naughty for no reason. That’s why Santa has a naughty list. It would have to be quite bad though, as most kids only act up through frustration
I would still do some presents but if there is a particular item they want, don’t get it. Explain on Christmas that to receive good you must act good. Outside of Christmas, seek out other disciplinary actions to punish bad behavior. If it’s extreme, consider behavior counseling.
I used to tell my kids they got 1 gift for everyday they were good throughout the year. And that one gift was taken away for every bad attitude or behavior.
Nothing wrong wbputting coal in his stocking. You shouldn’t reward bad behavior. But you could also just tell him that you’re going to tell Santa to give his gifts to someone else or that’s santa wont be visiting
My mom put x’s on a calendar one year when we were bad. Wrapped empty boxes and took png ”gift” away for each x but we git the rest! Bit we’re we good the following year. Told us when we were in our teens
Considering the year we’ve all had everyone is acting out. Don’t punish him with Santa when you should be handling his actions on a daily basis.
I never had to but I think I would if they deserved it. I raised four kids and I am a retired teacher so I’ve seen a lot of behaviors. Kids really need to have consequences for behavior
Sabrie Belanger-Larabie
I have had coal put in my stocking when I was younger. A bread bag full. I don’t find it cruel. Your child/children might think about their behavior.
My kid was gonna get a brand new tablet with service on it. She’s failing 3 classes now, no tablet.
Mine were always told that he would put one of there gifts under the giving tree in one of the shops for the kids that don’t have much, that worked
Yep. If they want to chose bad behaviour they also chose to accept the consequences.
You are MAD weird if you use a fake man as a way to get your kid to act right. Christmas isn’t a “reward” its a once a year holiday. Get over yourselves and parent better.
Compose a latter from Santa where Santa is giving them a final warning before he takes their presents away as they’re currently on the naughty list, and if they aren’t on the good list by Christmas Eve, he won’t be visiting to leave presents.
Uhhhh no…
I’m sure you never got coal as a child when you were bad.
Maybe sit down and try to figure out WHY hes acting out instead of punishing him ?!
I never had the balls to do this…lmao!
No. Don’t ruin your kid’s Christmas bc of your bad parenting
I’ve considered coal and barbie dolls. Still debating
Have you had Santa give him a call??
Maybe instead of gifts this year, he gets to give to others. Nothing wrong with that. It isn’t about gifts. It’s about the giving.
Im here too im just done
I have said I will cancel Chirstmas However never Had to As They changed behaviour.(I have ONLY said it when I Tired everything&advice and nothing worked) However! I wouldn’t Say it or cancel this Year Chirstmas As im Sure everyone&kids Could do with something Good this Year! Kids have had So MANY changes being off school&The changes of school. I wouldn’t Change Chirstmas aswell by Not having chirstmas.
Give the coal it will be ok YOU’ER NOT A BAD PARENT girl I’ll even mail it
To you I live beside a coal mine
I won’t even threaten Santa in our house , it literally. Special holiday pick other things , PlayStation , tablets or whatever something special but why something “magical” that only once a year
Yes. When my daughter was younger I cancel Xmas at my house 2 yrs in a row. Then after she found out about Santa my kids had to earn their Xmas. This year is different cause I’m struggling real bad. If my kids can’t be respectful and help me out for the last 2 months of the year then they do not deserve gifts. Don’t gave to worry about my son he’s 18 but my 11 yr old daughter is a different story!
You cant use Santa as the disciplinarian or teacher. That doesn’t even make sense which means…well your the parent.
There has been years that I sat down with the kids and let them make the decision about using it as a teaching opportunity. Volunteering, taking a little their presents and giving them to somebody else so they kind of understand what’s going on here. Santa is not a parent, he’s not the parent of your children or any other children and it’s not his responsibility to be their teacher or their provider or their disciplinarian. You’re kind of giving your power away as a parent doing that
I threatened my kids with coal too… they said “yay we’ll have good steak on the grill” lol if thats what you gotta do then do it momma.
My mum did it to me when I was a kid… I got prezzies from mum and dad and other people but Santa gave me a rock lol maybe you could attach a note saying somthing like Santa’s giving you a second chance if you behave one last chance Santa bring you somthing small Boxing Day?
So, we didn’t ruin my daughters Christmas, but we told her since she was bad she would get coal. Her first present was a piece of coal and she got upset. We kept the coal and all she wants is coal for christmas this year
Give coal from Santa and gifts from you he’s not going to care especially if you go to other homes and get more gifts
Our son has had a trying year… we all have! If it were me instead of buying more toys and video games I would have more experiences, or equipment and other things to enjoy things together as a family (eg. soccer stuff, a 16 week ninja membership at the gym, board games). Chances are there’s a lesson to be learned as a family without compromising your family traditions. Good luck xo
When my son was younger I didn’t take Santa away but he decided to go and unwrap his presents and hide them in the house but I made him go get them and when he was not at home I took them and hid them so come Christmas morning he didn’t have any present under the tree
My kids don’t know what Santa is my kids are 5 and 2 . We just buy them stuff and get rid of old stuff.
I did this one year my son was so mad lmao i waited till a few hours n went n found his stocking as santa hid it behind the sofa with a lil note attached lol he is 25 now with my 2 granddaughters
Wrap a bunch of empty boxes. When they act up, start tossing them!!
I think all kids are acting up this year due to the circumstances i mean we are adults not dealing with it very well everybody is stressed and kids pick up on parents actions and behaviours how we deal with their behaviour is how we teach them i just praise the good behaviour n ignore the bad as much as i can i dont think a punishment that severe would resolve the heart ache the child would feel on christmas morning but would drasticaly have a huge impact on worse behaviour try talking kids can be very understanding when situations are explained in age approperiate language
I threaten it, but never follow through. I agree with wrapping empty boxes and tossing when needed.
Ours got coal last year and will this year too. We ordered ours off of Amazon
I threatened it, my son said santa can bring him coal because on minecraft you can make so many cool things out of coal. BACK FIRED
Do it!!! I did it to both of my kids bc they were shits one yr. Needless to say they straightened out real quick an learned an worked to act better…
Gifts as a reward system. That is interesting. Santa is the spirit of love that compels us to inspire joy in others. Gifts, by nature, aren’t conditional. They are from the goodness of your heart.
Even though parenting is challenging and difficult, even more so during times of high stress, you should be able to find the goodness in your heart and the desire to spark some joy in your child. Ditching Santa is a very real option. Traditions evolve and change. I wouldn’t use it as a threat or a form of punishment though. Use the gift giving season to let your child know how much you love and appreciate them unconditionally. Work on managing your stress.
Yall are savage…lol
A neighbor did it once for their kid…he learned his lesson
Number one, don’t get on Facebook asking parent advice because there are no right or wrong answers. Number 2, do what you feel you need to do to get your child under control. If you don’t get control now, it just gets harder when they get older. I wouldn’t dare put on fb what I’ve went through with my 13 year old and the discipline that has been taken. IT HAS ALL BEEN VERY LEGAL, but I honestly just don’t want other people’s opinions because what works for one, may not work for another child.
If you don’t want to completely take away Christmas, maybe wrap up some coal and let him/her open it first thing. Hide the other gifts and bring them out later in the day with a note from “Santa” saying he decided to give them another chance at behaving, but next year, would be different. Idk. That’s just a suggestion, but don’t take anyone’s comment to heart.
My sister and I gave my brother a chunk of coal one year
Last year I went to dollar tree got a christmas tin, took 4 pieces of charcoal and wrapped them in tin foil and wrote Coal, 1 letter per piece and put them in there. Then I printed off on santa stationary a note telling her that she was on the naughty list and even had a certificate of her name on a naughty list lol
I wouldnt personally, especially after the year we’ve had.
When I was younger I got Halloween taken away 1 year and i still am kinda jaded about it when it comes up.
To me its messed up, do what you feel you need to, but I couldn’t, theres plenty of other punishments IMO.
Um no. That would make you a bad parent.
My son is 3 and gets horrible at times. He loves the grinch but knows that the grinch stole Christmas. I told him if he acted up the grinch was going to come and take all his toys. A phone call to his mama who acted like the grinch and it helped a bit. You just have to be really creative about things.
That’s mean. I’d do it for a joke then give him he’s actual gift stockings. Lmao
Brilliant I’d definitely put coal in his stocking
but it depends on his age hun, I wouldn’t take Christmas away because you can not rely on Santa for your child to be good (I know we all say Santa only comes if you good) I’d maybe try a chart of some sort so if he’s good all week he gets a treat ( a toy/sweets/book or trip out) anything that he likes and if he’s not good on any day of the week he gets nothing and as to do chores (dishes or cleaning his room or no tv) and go from there, I think it will take a few weeks but he should get there good luck
Y would you do that? I get it your child has been naughty but really taking the joy out of Christmas morning from your child is so wrong on all levels. If you actually sit back n think abt this whole last year your child prolly is having trouble dealing with everything that is happening in the world right now. Think abt it if adults are having a hard time adjusting how tf do you think our children are feeling? Do NOT take Santa from your child
As a kid that has legit received coal from Christmas I promise you it’s not as funny to them as it is to you lol
Back story. My dad gave us coal all wrapped up pretty because I tried saying there was no coal where we lived, I was not a believer of Santa from a very young age, not because of my parents but because of the private school I went to, so to prove me wrong my dad gave us coal for Christmas. Safe to say it was our least favorite gift but years later it is now a funny story on how misbehaved kids don’t get gifts.
We got gifts that year but my dad made a point that coal was still a possibility lol
My son is getting coal. There will be plenty for his sisters tho guess he’ll see what he’s missing.
Ive tried everything to help him change his behavior. And have threatened coal for years. It’s time he sees real consequences.
I just made up some naughty list warnings for the elves to bring, just to scare them straight lol we all know they’re still going to get their presents either way (also because I’ve already bought them so I’m not wasting my own time either lol), but I’m sending them a little reminder to behave! I also printed up some “you made the nice list certificates” to send them before Christmas (assuming the behavior is better lol)
Well depends on ages and just how much trouble they’ve been in? If really young nope. Don’t do it. If older- teenagers, they’re old enough to understand they’ve been deceitful. But also take into consideration the year everyone’s had. Kids get stressed out too. Plus if you tell a child they’re bad that’s how they’ll view themselves. You have to tell them their choices were bad. I just dont think I could ever do that… But it’s your kids
There are different things you can do to help with behavior … but taking away Christmas I feel is cruel . No matter what happens that is still your child and Christmas is about peace love and hope . Teach kindness give consequences for the behavior be consistent don’t give in and stand your ground … but to me holidays and birthdays is not something to use as a consequence or threat … that’s an extra opportunity to show love
Don’t. I still have really bad thoughts/memories of being 6 years old and getting a letter from Santa that I wasn’t getting much because I’d been bad. I was also required to show the letter to my aunts and uncles. I’m now 73 and still think it wasn’t very nice.
This could work to improve behavior, but I think it could also be very traumatic to a young child. You must imagine how hurt you would be if you received nothing for Christmas.
I did coal In stockings last year but gave real gifts after. This year has been tough on everyone I had to pur my quiet very well rounded 13 in therapy she just could not cope with the virus and distant learning
I mean if you already bought the Christmas presents, not giving the important ones at Christmas is not a bad thing. And if behavior improves, give the gifts later and say that Santa left you a note saying to hold them until they behaved.
Not rewarding the bad behaviors but reinforcing the good and still keeping Santa alive!
Can also do the elf on the shelf leaving them messages from Santa.
I hear ya Momma, mine are grown now with families of thier own, My eldest was 15 and getting OUT of control, I didn’t cancel Christmas, I chose to teach Mine the True meaning of Christmas, We went shopping and bought EVERYTHING on thier list, then I took them down to The Star of Hope Shelter and had them pick a child to give them to. We spent the evening having Hot cocoa and looking at Christmas lights, Made a HUGE difference in my kids behavior and appreciation for what they had.
My dad gave me coal as a gift once but it was purely a joke I still had other gifts and even a stocking. I would joke that it was the best present because I was really into charcoal drawings at the time. In my opinion this year has been rough on a lot of kids maybe set up a weekly reward system or a prize box to positively motivate your children rather then threaten punishment
Consequence should be aline w behavior.
My kids are assholes at any given time, but I’d never ever ruin their Christmas
Santa isn’t going to make your kid listen. Taking him away won’t either. Santa comes once per year, you the parent are around all year.
Make him give the gifts to charity
Absolutely not. That is wrong in so many ways.