Has anyone taken away santa due to bad behavior?

I would never do that to my children. They are children and they make mistakes. They are still growing and learning. I would punish them in other ways depending on what it was that three did but I would never take away Santa. They only believe in Santa for a few years so why take the Christmas magic away from them? You would totally regret it.


I’m not going to break my kids heart for being a kid


No you get the Santa call app and call Santa and tell him and let him tell them they better behave

Our boy had a really naughty year once - Hitting, yelling at teachers, clearing classrooms with fits. He received one small gift from Santa and a letter that reminded him that the gift was for the times he was kind, and that he left the rest of the gifts in the garage for his parents to offer if he earned them.

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Take Santa away and limit the number of gifts they get from parents on Christmas morning. Give them a shock to make them realize you were being serious. Then maybe that evening or the next day (pending good behavior and an apology letter so Santa), give them their gifts.

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I wouldn’t personally take Santa away but I did tell my eight year old that if she continued to not listen that her elf on a shelf would not be back because the elves don’t like to be around rude children. our kids are having a hard time too.

Show him this text. This is mrs claus and Santa is watching you so be good for your mom

I think taking Christmas away is a cop out. You, as a parent, have had months to get their behaviour under control. How is it totally a kids fault? Punshishment HAS to match the crime or it isn’t going to be effective. Stop buying special things through out the year, don’t wsit for holidays to make your point. Smh.


One year my mom was fed up with my siblings and put all their presents on our porch so when they woke up they saw only my presents and she went all day without telling them they had gifts. Needless to say, they didn’t act up again and I never attempted

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I absolutely could never do that…that breaks my heart to even read. You can encourage better behavior by using the Santa app or writing letters to him from Santa. Kids make mistakes and are kids. Christmas is once a year. Don’t do that :disappointed: it could be a traumatizing experience honestly


I have gave coal lol

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yep one of mine is getting coal


I’m making my son write a letter to apologize. To tell Santa why he deserves to be on the nice list and how he will be better.


Well, what’s the plan for the remainder 364 days. Address the behavior and follow through with a behavior plan. Positive reinforcement and consequences. I don’t think threatening santa is very effective, not in this insane house of mine anyway. :laughing:

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Shit yea my son has been extra horrible lately but when it comes down to it he will still get Santa gift and enjoy the holiday with us but hell yea I threaten the crap outta him bout santa

Nope I’d take other things away instead. But never holidays or birthdays.

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No way! They only have Santa x amount of years, don’t take it away

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In our house Santa only brings 1 gift that is left unopened and the rest are wrapped and are from my parents and others. Parents stop over doing Santa and let them know the real reason for the season! One gift is good enough for Santa so if you had to punish them for being bad then truthfully they would only lose one present and not everything! If your child is that bad to lose gifts then maybe you need to look at who the real problem is!

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When my kids are being bad I call Santa aka my brother and have him talk to them lol works all the time


Just a thought: Wrap empty boxes and place under the tree, every time they act up to the point you want to cancel Xmas destroy a box in front of them.
May work it may not :woman_shrugging:


I would probably do a few small presents an a letter from Santa, an then with the letter I would say about the behaviour an how behaviour needs to change and when it does Santa will send presents from the North Pole during the year when he sees his been good. (He sees u when ur sleeping he knows if ur awake, he knows if u have been bad or good)

My kiddos are a pain right now too, I would never take Santa or their presents away (we only do 1 Santa present for each kiddo). I “call Santa” and tell him that they aren’t listening, after I hang up I tell them Santa won’t come if you’re not nice, after that they usually listen and clean up, then i “call santa” again and tell him the boys were good.

I had to do that a couple years ago. My oldest was having behavior issues. So Santa left a note explaining that he couldn’t leave presents for children behaving that way. A few months later with improved behavior santa came and left her gifts and another note telling her how proud he was of her improved behavior and encouraging her to keep it up!


My husband and his brother got Christmas taken away as kids. They had to earn back every present one at a time


Why don’t you send a letter from Santa to say he’s currently on the naughty list and has until Christmas Eve to improve his behavior to get on the nice list :christmas_tree:


We told our son last year when he asked every single person who got him a gift if that was all even if it’s was $250+. He also doesn’t listen in school and talks back. He is getting coal!

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That’s probably the one thing I could never do. I just couldn’t. Thinking about taking away Christmas for my child feels cruel and sad, and I don’t think I could live with myself for doing it.


It’s up to you, it’s your parenting no one else is having to deal with the bad behaviour! X


Stolen from some part of the Facebook world.

I think in your case positive reinforcement may work better than negative reactions.


I have taken it away. Showed them everything they weren’t getting (I took pics and made a book “The Xmas that almost was”) until they got their act together!##

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No i couldn’t do that i think all kids are learning to know how to behave well and being little it takes time…No one is perfect not even adults…We have days were we have bad moods and bad attitudes nobody takes Christmas away from us…We do expect children tho to learn quickly how to behave when we haven’t managed it ourselves…I think when children are little Christmas should be cherished and santa…x

As a child who grew Up in foster care I can tell you horror stories about Christmas. One year I got a rotten banana and a piece of coal. I watched the other kids open toys galore. I wasn’t bad. I was just a foster kid. I still to this day 25 years later have nightmares about Christmas as a child. I’d never do it to mine


This year has been shit for everyone, including children. Why take away one small thing that will bring them joy?


In the future, it’s best not to threaten to do something if you can’t go through with it. I could never do that to my kids. I enjoy watching their reaction as much as they enjoy the gift.


We change a contact to Santa, and I have a picture with Santa shopping in my store. Never taken away Santa, but we have called him a few times when the 8 yo was younger

Wrap some empty boxes in wrapping paper. Tell him you’ll start throwing his presents away if he doesn’t listen. Also see if a friend or family member would be willing to call your child pretending to be Santa and explain to your child he is currently on the naughty list and if he doesn’t change his behavior he will not be getting any presents.


I was so close one year. The behavior was abnormally not good. But we had Santa write him a warning letter. And things improved a bit, but that year we also didn’t do extravagant gifts, it was more board games and things along that line, activities to do/ share. Small lego kits but nothing crazy.

My now 11 & 12 yes old boys were so bad 2 xmases ago, and man I mean soooo bad cas, kinark & community care has NO idea how to help us, that they didn’t even get a stocking. We even Hid their stocking after they went to bed Xmas eve, Told them Santa was so disappointed with watching their behavior he decided they had to earn their stocking back for next year!! Not a single gift for them. We have 5 kids at home, so NO its not always about “bad parenting” as I have 1 younger & 2 older that r great kids!! All treated the same. But the others don’t do ANY of what they do. But they r starting to teach the younger one some very bad things. So yes. Sometimes it OS necessary to go to the extreme! & for those who wonder, xas had NO problem with it!! They saw it as we were desperate & still trying!

Nope. I don’t use santa as a threat here. I want them to listen to me because I’m mom not listen to me because of santa.
Last year my oldest son’s behavior was so bad he was allowed to open his gifts but couldn’t play with them immediately.

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Yep… Santa “called” her and warned her that she wasn’t going to get anything from him if she didn’t start behaving. Nothing changed so Santa came that night, left her a note, and nothing else. She got presents from family but everything that was supposed to be from Santa got donated to charity.


I put coal in my kids stocking but he also doesn’t believe in santa and has known since he was like 7 that he wasn’t real. We just don’t give toys. They know that toys aren’t given to naughty kids. Just like happy meals are only given to happy behaved kids.

Try giving stickers for good behavior ,and take away a sticker for Bad behavior (use pen and cross through it) tell him santa will bring him the same number of presents as he has stickers.

My daughter got a phone call from “santa” last year saying he was really sad that she was being mean to her brother. Then two days later she saw an older gentleman that looked like santa and he asked her if she’s being good and it scared the daylights out of her.

Noooooooo that’s horrible

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Not Santa but I did have the Easter bunny leave a note for my son one year. He was like 8 or 9 and was so upset that he wasn’t getting an Easter basket because of the shit he pulled. Lesson in tough love

I’m sorry, I’d never do that.

I’ve given my nephews coal a couple years ago because of their poor behavior. But it was more of a gag gift. Their actual presents were things they NEEDED. Still didn’t get any toys, from me anyways.

Never! Christmas and all holidays happen regardless! You may go through the holidays without a phone and stuck at home staring at a wall but Santa always shows up.

A child misbehaving is normal here’s what’s not normal a parent telling children a big fat elf is gonna break into their home and give them a present!

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Don’t do it. You will regret it later. Its been a hard year for all of us. Gotta give our kids some slack


Yes we did. Lumps of coal this yr for a couple of kids
I don’t feel bad either
Teaches character

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Put a few lumps of coal in the stocking with the usual presents. Or watch Arthur Christmas and discuss that naughty kids still get gifts but not as many as good ones.

Nope. Never. There are many more punishments to give a child if they are naughty.

Had a neighbor who hid her gifts at the neighbors on Xmas morning so they only woke up to gifts from them, I still think it was a shitty idea

1 Christmas isn’t about gifts. 2. If you really feel that’s the best option to teach your kid a lesson, then do it. You could always still do a few gifts from you if you don’t wanna be too harsh. 3. With that said, I would really take into account what your kiddo is going through right now. I don’t know you or where you live, but this year has been far from normal for anyone. It could be that your kiddo is struggling with 2020 life. I would just consider that before being too harsh.


So this is what I’m going to do this year every time my kids misbehave I put a toy in the going back to the store bag and they have a chance to earn it back but I’m not playing I am so fed up with my oldest a behaviour and it’s falling down to my toddler


All these people saying Santa comes no matter what boggles my mind because he has a naughty and nice list for a reason naughty kids get coal


No, but our elf left for a few days. He Left a note about how sad he was when she was fresh and had to go back to the North Pole to tell Santa.

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How can we stop lying to kids? You guys know Santa’s a lie right cuz if you knowing me tell your children something that isn’t true then you’re lying to your kids.


In our home, we tell our kids and grandkids, good kids get toys and naughty kids get clothes! They get a little of each, and they get it.

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If they’re still young enough to believe in santa, I think they’re still too young to have their santa toys taken away.


Easter bunny didn’t come this year, gotta do what you gotta do


You kind of have to think about what kids are going through now as well of all this past year. They have had huge adjustments, no playing with friends or other kids, cant go to school in a normal manner, cant even go into the grocery store normally. No festivals, no family gatherings, no amusememts parks or other entertainment. They didnt even have a summer to let off steam. It has affected us so much and it has honestly probably affected our children more.


I told my kids this year every child is only geting 2 gifts from santa as he needs to be safe in these covid 19 shit we have going atound and that he needs to keep his elfs safe as well and its a harder job to just magic the gifts inside because he wants to not be in people houses with grems

Several years ago one of our kiddos was having a hard time and was bullying other kids at school, on the bus, just kind of being a real butthead. We absolutely took presents away, we even wrapped empty boxes (weighted because kids always touch the presents) and literally had him go throw one in the big dumpster when he had been especially mean to this other little kid at school.
We didn’t take Santa away because he got the message and we were able to work through some of what was going on and help him.

But if he would have kept it up I would ABSOLUTELY take Santa away. Lump of real coal (did you know that is actually LEGIT EXPENSIVE!?!?) and no stocking no presents etc. etc. Theres no room for bullying and sometimes you have to back up that naughty kids don’t get presents.

Luckily it never got to that point because we LOVE Christmas!

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Seriously? :joy::joy::joy:stop. Be the parent and take ownership of consequences lol I hope this is a joke. Repair the behavior and move on, leave a pretend fat guy out of it


Introduce him to krampus. That might scare him to behaving


Never made my kids believe in Santa it’s a lie and I want my kids to trust me. So when I say they gonna get dat ass beat they will believe me :joy:

Sorry I don’t think any bad behavior is worth taking away magic from your child. Remember they cant go out and do much. They cant really see friends … I wanna break things and throw tantrums I cant imagine how a child feels … :confused:


This makes me so sad. This has been a hard year on everyone. Being little is hard too. Kids test limits all the time. I honestly could not imagine having to look at my sons face as he finds a lump of coal on Christmas morning. :broken_heart:

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We only do stockings from Santa the rest comes from us.
I’ve debated a couple lumps of coal this year for for sure.
(But also it’s been a hard year with their worlds changing so much due to covid IDK)

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I’ve seen this posted before and the best response in my opinion was a woman saying on Christmas morning, the kids opened their smaller gifts. And the last one was a note from Santa, saying you have a week to clean up your act. If you behave yourself ill bring the rest. Next year there won’t be a warning.
Then the following year when you say Santa is watching they know you aren’t kidding. And it promoted good behavior all year. They didn’t miss Christmas.

This year has been really taxing on children, so maybe another approach would be more suitable.
Finding out why and where this behavior stems from. And figuring out what you can do as a parent, since so far nothing you’ve done is working.
Good luck mama.


If my kid’s behavior was that bad I would just because you can’t say something then not do it they’ll just end up taking advantage of it because they know they won’t have any repercussions for their actions. The way I explain it to my daughter is if I don’t listen at work I get fired if I get fired I have no money if I have no money we have nothing. Or if I don’t listen to the rules I could get arrested :woman_shrugging:t4:

Outbursts like that are for a reason. Denying Santa won’t fix the real problem. And to be honest, this has been a shit year. I wouldn’t ever take away Santa, but especially not on a year like this one.

Bad kids get coal for a reason, you can buy them some essentials for Christmas like socks, winter hats, pants and put that the gift is from you. It’s not taking the “magic away”, bad kids don’t get presents from him, which is why they try to stay off of the naughty list. Also you can get fake coal on Amazon for pretty cheap price. Be the enforcer :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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My daughter got switches one year! She was being difficult and my husband kept telling her she was getting switches from Santa b/c she needed a spanking. She improved but not enough so my husband took an empty wrapping paper roll, picked up sticks from the yard and wrapped them up for her. Made her open those first! Never had another problem around Christmas!

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This year has been hard on everyone especially kids, please don’t do that. Teach him about forgiveness and being kind and use Christmas as an example. God loves us through all our behaviors, good and bad, teach him that and let him enjoy the magic of Christmas


Js he’ll learn his lesson

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This is one big reason why we don’t do Santa in our house. The bribery and threats (empty or not) is not the type of relationship I want to build with my child. The giving nature of the season shouldn’t come with conditions.


Coal has gotten pretty expensive

I don’t think Santa should be associated with major gifts. Only bc not all parents can Afford the same things. So when a kid says I got a new phone or game console “from Santa” the other kids wonder why Santa didn’t get them one. Xmas has been made into something that it shouldn’t be. Also I think that this could be a great learning lesson if done a certain way. If u don’t follow the rules there are consequences. As a child and adult. Good luck Momma :four_leaf_clover:

Elf on the shelf.It worked for me

Absolutely done this they all got toilet rolls one year


It’s been a very rough year on everybody, but think of these kids…they have accommodated to so much this year between suddenly being taken from school, their friend, their family…to possibly seeing family get sick…having to cover up, not go anywhere, have birthdays cancelled. And they don’t even know what’s actually happening and unable to process the information properly. My kids have been off the charts since March but I totally understand why. This year especially needs to be magical and as normal as possible for them.


Wrap up empty boxes and if he acts up throw one in fireplace or garbage!!!


Can we remember that this year has been difficult. Get necessities only but I think taking anymore will not fix issues but dampen their little spirit. It’s your kid though.

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Dont… traumatize it’s awful. So dont…


My cousins told there dad that they didn’t believe in Santa one year and they didn’t get anything. Their little sister did. I thought my grandfather was going to kill my uncle, he was so mad. They boys were devastated they they didn’t get anything. They were pretty little.

Psychological manipulation and trauma, nice :ok_hand:t5:


If you don’t want your kid to grow up to be an entitled asshole. Do it. Happened to my husband as a kid. His mom took all his presents and returned them. He grew up and survived and never had that happen again. Cuz he learned a lesson. Don’t be an asshole. I say do it and fuck what these idiots think here. They’re clearly raising little assholes like themselves.

My son had a meltdown over a toy one day at target. He is getting the toy from Santa with a note reminding him he is watching and that behavior will not be accepted.


Taking Santa away isn’t discipline, that’s just mean. This year has been especially hard for everyone. We’ve all been locked up in our houses, bored out of our minds. I have to remind myself that if I’m having a hard time, being grouchy, impatient, etc. and I’m an adult who knows how to manage my emotions and behaviors, how can I expect my children to do better than myself? Normalcy is what your child is craving and taking away Santa will just make it that much harder on your child. Positive parenting is something I’ve just recently looked into and it’s helped my wild child in so many ways and I’ve only been practicing it for 2 weeks. Look into it!


How… What… I mean… Wtf is wrong with you? It’s Christmas! The one thing every kid longs for all year round. Yeah, kids should learn wrong from right, be taught discipline but not by punishment that’s WAY too much for a child! Not by ripping apart their childhood!

Or, do you think that it would be OK for a spouse to do that to you? “you haven’t acted the way I wanted so I won’t celebrate Christmas / new years / your birthday… "?
Then get it together and be a parent not a warden.

Jeez. Wow. Just… Wtf.


A suggestion I given to me when my boys were young was wrap empty boxes, everytime they are doing an unacceptable behavior take that gift away. Make it so they understand what those behavior are for me the boys wouldn’t stop fighting. So everytime there was a fight I’d take away a box for both of them. It took only 2 before they got the message.


You have to do what you feel is best. While Covid has been hard on kids, it has also been hard on adults. That’s no excuse for bad behavior, frustration and highly irritable, yes, but not bad behavior. Don’t not follow through, your kid will see your threats as empty. At the same time, every kid has their moments, but if it’s consistent bad behavior and things you’ve already warned them about, maybe they’ll get the message and be good next year. :woman_shrugging:t5:


Do not use Santa as a punishment or reward. I have found that my son would act up was because something was bothering him. I would then sit down and talk with him. So before going to the extremes talk to him and find out what is going on. Also start asking him if he would like to donate some of his toys, this will also give him time to talk what the problem might be. Plus side you can get rid of toys he no longer plays without fighting you.


Don’t take Santa away but do put coal in the stocking, along with a small wrapped gift to encourage better behavior. Remember momma, the kiddos don’t always understand as well as we think/expect them to.


Geez! These kids are having a tough year due to all the Covid restrictions and “New Normals”! Cut them some slack! Maybe they are acting out due to the stress, change in routines, lack of socialization or many other contributing factors. The last thing a child needs is to be threatened by their parent, their parent(s) should be their safe Haven. I think this parent needs to sit back and reflect on why the child is misbehaving…Seek to understand!


I keep telling my 3 boys that Santa isn’t coming this year because he doesn’t bring presents for bad boys only good boys. They’re still going to each get a present or 2 but it’s not going to be all out especially when it isn’t deserved. If you can’t listen, Santa isn’t gonna reward you.