Have any of your kids been kicked out of daycare for crying too much?

My daughter will be 2 in November. She has been in daycare for almost a month. They say she cries all day and now have moved classrooms to see if that helps. I'm scared she is going to get kicked out for the excessive crying. Has anyone ever had a baby kicked out for crying too much? Is there anything I can do to help?

Hello! Daycare teacher here ! Your child can not get kicked out for crying no matter what we deal with crying children all day long thatā€™s what we do some cry less than others but ultimately we deal with happy children, crying children and biting children the only policy that a daycare has is a three strike policy for biting if they do kick your child out of daycare for her crying legal action can be taken

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Have any of your kids been kicked out of daycare for crying too much?

From my daycare experience we where always told not to make a big deal of the crying love on the child an eventually that will get use to there new teacher :heart: I have never known a center to kick a baby out over crying

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I dont think they can Kick them out for that.


They should be actively working to make her more comfortable in the environment. If they even speak of kicking her out because of crying find yourself a center that puts the child first.


I mean, if my child was excessively crying all day, Iā€™d be more concerned that they werenā€™t happy or settling in the environment they were in, not if theyā€™re goung to get kicked out. Iā€™d be looking for another provider.


Babies cry. If they kick her out for that, itā€™s best sheā€™s not there. If thereā€™s not a legit reason for it, she probably just misses you. Itā€™s something new.


Yes, my daughter was. I worked nights so I barely slept during the day. It was rough.

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They donā€™t get kick out, she will eventually get used to it and they know. Itā€™s a matter of time and adjustment .

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they canā€™t kick out a kid that keeps biting my almost 2 year old, iā€™m sure they canā€™t kick out a child for excessive crying

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Sheā€™s 2. Old enough to communicate. Iā€™ve worked in child care. Tell them to ignore her crying and reward her for not crying.


Thats very sad.time to find a daycare with more loving workers.


Arenā€™t they meant to do their job based on the education and $$ they get paid ?!? Ask them for their routine with her for a whole week , ask your child , she will tell you.


Awwhhh, maybe they should Try sitting and calming her down make her feel comfortableā€¦ thatā€™s the whole point in day care


Not my kid but my friends kid did


Maybe she should not be in daycare?

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The very first baby sitter I hired for my son said he cried too much and basically asked me to find another providerā€¦ in hindsight, she did me a HUGE favor!! Iā€™ve never once regretted taking him out of her care. We found an amazing place he loved after that!! If sheā€™s unhappy Iā€™d find a new place ASAP.

I would be wondering why and or what makes her cry then worry about her being kicked out.

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Check with your pediatricianā€¦ā€¦could be a reason youā€™re not aware ofā€¦ā€¦not normal day in/day outā€¦ā€¦


Weā€™re going through this with my 4 year old. Theyā€™re not removing her because of the crying. Theyā€™re removing your child because she is disrupting and upsetting the other kids. My son focuses enough on the teacher when heā€™s called on but cries inconsolably for the rest of the time. They sent him home for being disruptive. Now, he knows he can just cry and they will make me come get him. He does it on purpose now. Weā€™re on school number 2. :cry:


Orā€¦.maybe sheā€™s scared of someone that works thereā€¦ā€¦


Ask if there is a reward system, kids thrive off of rewards . If your child has something to work towards in class like a treasure box or stickers it may help her with adjusting.

Also if your child is not one that thrives with a group setting ask them to buddy her up with another child or give her some independent activities until she adapts and chooses to join the other children.

If she is crying she just has not adapted and is not comfortable yet. She will come around with the right teacher and encouragement.

Kicked out of church for crying to much.

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Iā€™d rather they kick her out then get frustrated with her one day and shake her or something. Definitely sounds like she just misses you but if they are already moving her to a new room it could be their lack of patience :frowning: hopefully you can find a good alternative soon


Did you prepare and practice get her used to going? Or did you drop her off and she didnā€™t know where she was or what was going on? If you did the latter she is traumatized and itā€™s understandable this place has had enough. They canā€™t help her and with other kids to watch they canā€™t devote more time.

If they kick her out for crying too much then you definitely need to find a new daycare! They should be loving on her!

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Im 38 now. I was kicked out of preschool for hiding underneath the table because I wanted to be with my sister. I would cry often.

If sheā€™s crying all day for a month I would take her out. There is a reason for it, whatever the reason is. I wouldnā€™t be able to handle leaving her somewhere i know sheā€™s going to cry all day


Implement a reward system at home. Practice what daycare looks like, what they do there and every morning before you go tell her what to expect and hype it up to the most exciting thing anyone has ever done!

Sheā€™s unhappy for a reason, listen to her always regarding the care givers. I raised 3 happy healthy kids I moved care givers twice cause of issues.

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Iā€™m a nursery teacher and Iā€™ve never heard of that happening. I even have a boy in my class who cries all day unless itā€™s nap time because all he wants to do is sleep all day.

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Do you think she would rather be with Mummy than anyone else in the world? Of course she feels left alone and even rejected. How about staying home? Ok. That wonā€™t work. Do you talk to her gently about not crying? Try giving her a hand-sized picture of you to hold onto all day or put it around her neck with a pretty ribbon. Let her know every day that youā€™ll be back after lunch and nap time. Lotā€™s of hugs and kisses and helping her to make friends is helpful.


Sounds like you need to find a centre with teachers that understand crying is simply OK and is a natural response to being left in an environment that is unfamiliar until she builds strong, trusting, co-regulation relationships with the teachers. They see her as the problem which she is not she is simply communicating that she feels scared and upset and does not know how to calm down and explore until her emotions are being validated and she has a safety net of a key teacher.
I personally would find a centre that has key teacher practices and a centre that will support your child in settling in rather than expecting the world of a child who is only 2 years old. She needs love, support, connection and co-regulation.


I wouldnā€™t leave my kid somewhere that made them cry all day. Something is going on .


Sheā€™ll adjust give it time.

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Hello! daycare provider here ! your child can not be kicked out for crying


Iā€™d be more concerned about the daily trauma of crying all day rather than getting kicked out. Why does she cry all day? There has to be a reason.


Why is she crying all day long like thatā€¦ thatā€™s what I would be asking. Maybe sheā€™s hurting somewhere or somethings wrong that she canā€™t tell you. Or maybe theyā€™re treating her poorly. I would be looking into that first

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Iā€™ve had a daycare. And unfortunately have had to reject certain kids. I hated having to do it. But the problem is, when you have a child that does not stop crying it affects the other kids and make sit impossible to run the daycare properly. Itā€™s unfortunate but it is hard. You want to give them your full attention but itā€™s hard when you are minding a bunch of kids. And it also makes the other kids upset.


I cried alot when I was a baby, but only with the baby sitter who used to hit me. :woman_shrugging: not saying thatā€™s the caseā€¦ but also, Iā€™ve never heard a child being kicked out of a daycare for crying too much.

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Between my two kids, either one of them was the reason for getting kicked out of 7 daycares before age 4 over their disabilities. So yeah, it happens. You find another, do everything you can, and understand most people arenā€™t equipped to care for very small child with mental or emotional differences. Not saying your kids disabled, itā€™s more to do with a lot of daycares arenā€™t prepared to handle stuff like that. Keep trekking mama, you got this and hopefully you both find your match

I would be more concerned about why she is crying ALL day instead of if sheā€™s going to get kicked out.


Legally if the daycare kids your child out legal action. Can be taken it is our jobs as daycare providers is to accommodate to children and take care of the children regardless of them ā€œcrying too muchā€ a child has to have time to adjust but a child will not be removed permanently out of the daycare for crying.daycare can be overwhelming to the little ones trust me Iā€™m a adult and at times itā€™s overwhelming for me the only policy a daycare has in place all around the board is a three strikes your out policy for constant biters which is only for the day if the childā€™s bite another child more than 3 times that day


Itā€™s not always the daycare
Some kids it takes a while to figure out the issue
That is the age of separation anxiety, just help her ā€¦.
Some kids it helps to drop them off with a kiss and go
Some of you help them settle down before you go.
Iā€™ve had a daycare for 28 years
These generally help
Unless parents are saying be good or your going to daycare .
Maybe a special backpack only for daycare .
Good luck , every child is different .


Could be sensory issues. Maybe sheā€™s over stimulated.

I worked in a daycare facility, and while it makes your heart feel horrible for those littles that take extra time to adjust, they often times did, and once they did, they did very well. We worked with the family, and we were all aware of the difficult adjustment, we allowed those children the time they needed, and sometimes invited the parents if they had time, to hang out with us, and interact with usā€¦so their child could see their parents felt comfortable with us as well. Where I worked, we never kicked that child out, you shouldnā€™t be a daycare center or provider if you donā€™t understand that not all children adjust the same.


No. #daycareteacherhere and it takes time. They have to get used to their surroundings and new friends. I have had babies that cried for up to 2 months and now they come in happy as can be with no tears all day.


My middle child was like that. It took months but she finally stopped crying and started biting kids who made her upset. Then I just had to break her of the biting habit.

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Never!!! Former preschool teacher here. Itā€™s a hard adjustment that simply takes time!! Iā€™ve had children never cry and Iā€™ve had kids who cried literally all day for a month. But we would NEVER kick a child out for crying.


I work for you a center and it does happen if the child is not ready. Help the child to learn to self soothe by encouraging age appropriate independence. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.


Thereā€™s a 2 week adjustment period. They cant actually ā€˜kick them outā€™ but they can suggest you not bring them back especially if itā€™s disruptive to the routine of the other children. They canā€™t stop doing everything to accommodate one child.
I would suggest making it a fun thing for her. Let her pick her clothes, let her pick her own lunch, let her pick a special toy, anything to make her transition easier.


Donā€™t worry with the daycare, they are everywhere, figure out why that baby is so unhappy!


Umm so have they tried comforting her and making her feel welcomed lol sometimes thatā€™s all kids want


When I worked in day care I had a little one in my class that cried all day,every day for 2 months. Then one day they only cried when was dropped off then settled down. That lasted about 2 weeks. Then he didnā€™t cry at all. The child wasnā€™t being mistreated or anything,just wanted to be home with mommy. It happens. She will adjust. Separation anxiety is a real thing. Iv never seen a daycare kick a child out for cryingā€¦ or anything for that matter.


My eldest did! At 16mo! And I worked there! He just wouldnā€™t settle. I was in a different room and was still on 2 naps a day. So when he was awake and crying, the other babies were trying to go down for their nap. It hurt at the time, but I completely understood. Thankfully I had my parents close by who took him on days I worked and conditioned him into one sleep before they accepted him back.
U may need to scout around for a family day care, and trial a few before sheā€™s comfortable.
Good luck


My son screamed the place down ā€¦It use too be a running joke between the day care centre and I ,The centre tried everything I tried everything but it was just him and still carrys on and his 13 ā€¦

I work at a daycare for almost 3 yrs now n yes we had to kick a 3 yr old child out for crying too much it disrupts all the other kids especially at nap time n even when we held her or tried to do other things with her she just kept crying we kept her for a month so we told the parents they had to find a different place for her we had to call the parents multiple times to come get her since she wouldnā€™t stop crying. Some kids just have seperation anxiety


Far canal, why would you leave her there? And fancy them/you talking about ā€˜kicking her outā€™ as if itā€™s bad behaviourā€¦poor little girlā€¦

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Just an idea. A small photo album with the most important people/animals that she absolutely loves. My son entered daycare about 4 months ago after 2 years of being with a babysitter. His reaction broke my heart and I wanted to cry with him. He thought I wasnā€™t coming back for him. I sent in pictures of our family to have with him so he wasnā€™t ā€œaloneā€ packed his lunch from home. It worked out and he is adjusted. He does still have rough emotional times here and there. But its not often. I hope she adjusts. Good luck.


Iā€™ve been a provider and I had one little girl that took about 6 weeks before she wasnā€™t crying all day. Patience is key with her providers. Eventually she will be comfortable and just fine. They need to comfort her like their own child to reassure her sheā€™s still seen, heard, cared for, and loved even though mama isnā€™t there right now.

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Preschool teacher and absolutely not. We will do whatever we can to make your baby feel safe. Moving rooms may actually help! Seems theyā€™re figuring it out

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Just stay home with your kid and be a parent


Sounds like theyā€™re making an effort. You have to keep in mind that the crying disturbs other kids. I wouldnā€™t want my kid to stay at a daycare where they were crying THAT much. Maybe itā€™s just not a good fit? and this is coming from someone whoā€™s son was kicked out of two daycares so I know how awful it feels (for hitting and biting not crying) thereā€™s a Daniel tiger episode about grown ups coming back so maybe that will help? My son was 2? (Maybe a little older) )hes almost 5 now)When he watched that episode and he still remembers the song snd sings it to his 18 m old twin brothers if they cry because Iā€™m leaving

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When I worked in daycare, I had a child that would cry a lot all day and didnā€™t interact much with the other kidsā€¦ Turns out he couldnā€™t see and needed glasses so he just cried because he didnā€™t know how to describe what was happeningā€¦ there may be an underlying issueā€¦ the kid I had was 2


She obviously hates it soā€¦


if that were me id be taking my baby home bc theres no way id be ok letting her cry all day with strangers,that.poor baby is gonna be so mentally and emotionally fucked up when shes older she will have horriable abandoment issues,obviously its the ppl shes with bc babies dont just do that,crying here and there is normal,all day is abuseā€¦some ppl shouldnt be allowed to reproduce

Take notes of her behavior every day. Youā€™ll find a pattern. She probably canā€™t verbalize her fears


Try giving her an item of clothing that smells like you! They can drape it over them while they hold her to make her more comfortable

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Yes! My middle daughter went through a stage where she cried if anyone looked at her from about 6months-18months. It was so hard. I went through at least 5 or 6 sitters for her. I was so glad when she grew out of that stage!

Yes. She was 6 months.

Sounds like the place isnā€™t the right fit for herā€¦ Iā€™d look elsewhere. Sheā€™s miserable there


My daughter is 8 and she never went to daycare but she does have issues going to school. She still cries most mornings. Her preschool teacher was kind enough to allow her to take her bear with her and that helped alot so I chose to allow her to take her bear to school everyday. These past few weeks she has chosen some days where she dodnt need ā€œMr. Bearā€ and she went without him. Every teacher from preschool until 3rd grade (this year) has been fine with it as long as he is put up during class time.

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Depends on the daycare! Iā€™ve been in childcare for 20 yrs. Iā€™ve had multiple children who have taken months to get used to it. It takes a special worker to make them feel welcome and comfortable (I had a few that wouldnā€™t my side). A good daycare will help anyway they can to help with the process. If the daycare comes across annoyed or unwilling to reassure you it does get better than you need to find a different daycare. Just like any job not everyone is good at what they do! Good luck though :hibiscus:


Ugh how sad!! I feel like they need to try harder to comfort and engage her


Do the sight hearing test. See if she can bring something from home that makes her happy. My kid has been going since like 8 months and each year it was the same shit. Drop offs were tear fests so instead of rushing her to the table to eat, they would let her just chill alone by the backpacks until she was ready to come out. Sometimes all the kids would be outside playing before she was ready to come out, but they wanted her to learn to process her own emotions (they did leave food out until she was ready)

Stay with her until she gets use to being there.

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Yes my son got kicked out for it at the age.


Put her into a better school asap. Thereā€™s a REASON sheā€™s acting this way. :broken_heart::sob:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Have any of your kids been kicked out of daycare for crying too much?

How many days a week is she in daycare? And for how long?


If sheā€™s crying alot some things going on within the place sheā€™s at. Lil ones usually calm down when they feel safe and secure. Maybe see if a family or love one can watch her instead of daycare. Little ones can have axiety and a sense of abandonment causing the tear and crying . Hope things work out for u .


a month is not long
sheā€™s still just getting used to her new schedule

I have a routine when I drop off my 15 month old. I give him a hug and kiss and tell him I will be back after work. I tell him if heā€™s a good boy we will watch barney or have candy after school (sometimes both)
I also get him super excited for daycare from the moment I get him out of bed. Iā€™ve told him Mommy has a very important job and he also has an important job at daycare to learn and play with his friends.

lots of communication and bribes with the baby. even though theyā€™re so young, they still understand a lot and are people too.


I have never heard of this!!! I disagree with them moving her, that could make things harder on her. I hope things get better for her!!

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Nope I have worked in daycare for 19 yrs kids cry and cry we donā€™t kick them out


Have u tried a comfort item? Mine would cry for hours on end the 1st few weeks because I was the only person she knew for the longest of time and she was only around older kids. The concept of share and overwhelming amount of other kids her age took some time 2 get used too. I sent her with a comfort stuffy and blanket that helped. I also ended up having 2 send her 2 a babysitter where there were fewer kids because it was just 2 much for her at a daycare.

Mine is 3 and just started going to daycare a little over a month ago. By the 1st week she chose ā€œher personā€ there. If her person isnā€™t there in the morning she gets very upset, but does manage to calm down and play with the other kids after a few minutes. Perhaps looking into another center would be an option? She may not be feeling a sense of security there, and may need the right environment and right people around her to get past it.

Daycare do not kick out kids for crying. I work in an infant room at a daycare and we listen to crying all day long


Send her to school with a picture of you, and make sure she goes often enough to become familiar with it. Once or twice a week for a full (or half) day is not enough.

Yes worked at a daycare back in the day!

A lot of daycares offer video of their littles to check in on them through the day. If they donā€™t have that I would suggest it to them. Thereā€™s a reason sheā€™s crying all day. Like another person said, they usually calm down. Especially at 2 years old. Does she cry a lot at home? There are so many factors that play into this. I hate it for parents who have to send their kids to daycare/ babysitters because honestly you canā€™t trust hardly anyone anymore.

Iā€™ve been a daycare director and seen it happen. The child wasnā€™t kicked out but literally nothing we could do to calm her. I wish I could have hired better employees but that wasnā€™t an option. Honestly if it were my child I would find a different daycare. Kids are usually really good judges of character.


Thatā€™s just sad. Babies arenā€™t meant to be separated from momma for so longšŸ˜­


I worked in daycares for 10 years and not once was a child ever kicked out for crying-biting, yes! But never for crying! Crying is a normal baby/child behavior and itā€™s only been a month, she is still getting used to the routine! I would send her everyday if you can though, financially can be tough but if its something you can afford I would do it! The less time she is there, the longer she is going to take to get used to it! Like others have said, send her with a picture of you or a stuffed animal, something that reminds her of you! You both will get through it! Itā€™s tough but you guys can do it!


They shouldnā€™t of just switched classes like that. She was in one class a whole month, those people are coming familiar to her. Now she has to restart? With a snap of a finger?

They could also be treating her poorly for crying, which is making it worse. Not saying they are, but have you asked to see how they are treating her? Every classroom should have a camera.

They end up claiming down.

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Usually if my daughter gets upset I tell them to do things I know she likes. Like walk outside, washing her hands, painting. Etc.

I had a child cry for 7 weeks straight all day every day We let him bring a lovey and constantly reassuring him he was ok and mom would be there soon to get him. He finally got better.

Doesnā€™t seem right to meā€¦


Draw a heart on her hand and on yours and tell when she thinks of you and misses you that you will know and with that heart you are giving her hugs and kisses until to pick her up. Worked for my daughter


My little girl was like this in one of her kindergargens untill I moved her to one that she felt safe in.
But all children are differnt.

This time I stayed in the same room as her for a bit till she settled nd then the next day I stayed for about 5 mins nd then left was OK that