Have I gained too much weight with my pregnancy?

It’s ok. My kids mother is 5ft she was 140 pounds but got the mother weight. But 2 boys later she’s fine with it. Love is unconditional

I gained 60 with both of my kids. 45 was gone by 6 weeks post partum. It’s not all weight from you. You have extra blood, fluids, the placenta, breasts get bigger, the baby, ect. That part accounta for an average of 30lbs.

Just do your best!

Say NO to the fork, chubs.

Everyone’s body is different and you will loose that once the baby is born , baby fluid , placenta …

To answer your question, yes.

Always eat a protein with carbs. I had asked my OB about this when I was expecting my youngest. I did not want to gain too much weight. That’s what they told me and it worked. I only gained 20-25 pounds which were gone after my daughter was born. The nurse practitioner echoed that and said it’s what the tell diabetics to do. The protein makes the carb slower to digest.

I gained 90 pounds with each pregnancy.

When I got pregnant I weighed 180lbs I’m also 5’10 I went to 220lbs

You’re literally growing a human. Focus on that, not the scale.

I gained 20 with first, 25 with 2nd, 30 with 3rd, so I’d have to say that’s a lot. You don’t want to develop gestational diabetes cause that’s dangerous & doesn’t always give away after the birth of your baby.

Mother of four I usually weigh 145 (but had disinflated fat cells because I used to weigh 180 as a teenager) 190 with my daughter 225 with the twins and 245 with my last child… Fat cells double two times in your life the first year you were born and in pregnancy so they literally multiply doubled if you already weigh 207 lb there’s a good deal of fat there that doubles…You need body fat to protect the fetus when you fall or bump against it… Even more to produce milk for nursing children without it you have no milk… Just accept that that’s what our bodies do we have awesome healthy children that we can nurse as long as we need to twins six and a half pounds each my last child was born 11 pounds… Had to lay down the last part of the pregnancy so I gained a lot
…your body returns to normal it’s all part of pregnancy and lactation and it’s all good… Listen to no One as long as you remain healthy and your baby is healthy that’s what matters your body will return to your normal weight… Only in a world obsessed with controlling female bodies would this even be a question… Some women look like they have a little basketball …big women like us can be as big as a barn pregnant and we carry it well… you’re going to have a big beautiful healthy child! My youngest 16 6 ft 3 and growing… People will put you down for your weight gain they don’t know a thing… He’s as strong as an ox and has never been sick in his life you do you!

I’m 4 foot 6 I went from 87 lb to 201 the day I gave birth to my second child wasn’t even a 6 pound baby :laughing::laughing: I’m back down to 93 pounds a year and a half later, and I only gained 37 lb with my oldest and ended up giving birth to a 9 pound baby, my point is STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT all that stuff is super off as long as the baby and you are healthy and as long as don’t have diabetes and you’re eating opposite of what you’re supposed to and or dealing with preeclampsia you’re fine 💁🏻‍♀🤷🏻‍♀

Watch your sodium intake. Not good on you or the baby.

Ask your prenatal doctor…

Stop eating . No one likes a heavy weight

My dr wanted me to only gain 20ish lbs and I was already overweight. My daughter was 8 lbs when she was born, idk exactly how much I gained but I was around 20-25 lbs heavier in my last month. When the swelling started in my last couple weeks I might have gained water weight but once I had my baby and the swelling went down (less than a month later) I weighed 10 lbs lighter than I did the day I found out I was pregnant.

I’m 35 weeks and 5’11 and gained 50ish pounds. My doctor has been on my ass about my weight gain since about 22 weeks. I do eat healthy but late at night I just want the good stuff and stuff my face lol. As long as you and baby are healthy I wouldn’t worry!!!

If your Dr isn’t worried, don’t worry about it. I gained 25. My mom gained 50 with her oldest. A friend gained 80 each time. As long as there are no health complications (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) you’ve got nothing to worry about.

I gained 62 during my first pregnancy!

I think its normal for any pregnant female to gain any type of weight lol 🤦

Talk to your doctor!!!

Could be retaining fluid

Evetyones different.

Ask your doctor. Judi

Girl I gained 65 pounds during my pregnancy! I’m 10 pounds away from my prepregnancy weight a whole year later! I would definitely try to slow down but not to the point where you’re beating yourself up about what you eat. You can always lose the weight :heart:

I gained 95 with my first :rofl::rofl: started at 100lbs ended at 195lbs

I gained 120 pounds my first pregnancy, preeclampsia and overeating. Lost it all in the 2 years before I got pregnant again. Currently 28 weeks and have gained 12 pounds so far. I still indulge, but I don’t eat like I have a free pass this time. No preeclampsia this time either.

I gained 50 lbs with my 1st. I craved pnut butter cups and chocolate milk

45 lbs is fine. But try to be active if it’s healthy to do so. Walk a lot when you can

I gained 80lbs with my first, and I delivered at 37 weeks. Everyone is different.

They worry about your weight gain because if your BMI gets too high, you put the baby at risk of all kinds of health issues. I’m on my third pregnancy, and this one I’m considered “high risk” because my pre pregnancy BMI was higher than they like. I’ve eaten fairly healthy but also eaten what I want, and I’ve only gained 3 lbs (currently 38.5 weeks). With my first I gained around 20 and my second I gained 12. Everyone handles the pregnancy differently. As long as you’re actively trying to stay healthy and keep baby healthy, I wouldn’t worry. If you don’t have Gestational diabetes or pre eclampsia or anything like that, there’s no need to restrict yourself. Just be conscious, and try to make healthy choices. The rest is essentially out of your control, and stressing over it would be more harmful to the baby that a couple extra pounds. Good luck mama :heart:

I only gained about 15 pounds with my daughter. I was about 150 before pregnancy then was 167 at the end of my pregnancy. I was under weight so I was sent to a nutritionist while pregnant to figure out what to eat and the amount since I was vegan.

My first I went from 120 to 195 … I’m currently 25.5 weeks pregnant and I have only gained 10 lbs

I gained 100 lbs with each baby (I had 3) the weight came off after each one

They may be concerned about prenatal diabetes. But if you are eating healthy and regular exercise then your weight gain is your weight gain.

I gained 85 pounds with my first pregnancy :pregnant_woman: and she was 7pounds at birth.
Then I got pregnant two other time and gained the 25 pounds that they say you need to gain. My middle child was 9lb 10oz
My last was 9lbs.

I gained about 75 lbs with both my boys and I’m 5’3. You’re gonna be fine, if you’re planning to breastfeed the weight starts to just melt off after a minute.


Did you pass your sugar test? I gained 50lbs with my second son but I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. He was 9lbs 15oz at birth even with me taking insulin.

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Make sure you have the baby’s head measurements before the birth if it is a big baby, my son was 12lb3oz and they kept telling me it was fluid in there, I had a emergency cessarian because of that.

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i think the drs predictability of the baby weight is always off. they told me my daughter would be 8 lbs and was 6, and they told me my son was going to be over 10 lbs and he was barely 9.

as far as weight gain, 45 lbs is kinda a lot for being only 27 weeks. i can relate tho when i was pregnant with my son i swore i wasn’t over eating and i didn’t see it but i still ended up gaining 70 lbs that pregnancy. i wasn’t going to not get pizza hut that’s what the baby wanted :joy: but it was hard to lose any of that weight, and i didn’t before i ended up pregnant again with my daughter who made me so sick that i lost 40 lbs in 2 months. :woman_shrugging:t2: if you’re healthy and feeling good and the baby is good all is well.


I gained around 60 with my first, and 30 with my 2nd and 3rd. My kids were 9.7lbs and 9.12lbs. None of my doctors brought up my weight at all and I was overweight when I got pregnant with all 3. If you feel good and are ok with it I wouldn’t stress about it.

Every woman is different. I am 5’3". With my first I lost 40 pounds in the first 15 weeks. Then from that point I gained 50 pounds. My doctor was concerned and said baby was too big. She came out 1.25 pounds smaller than they’re estimate and I was healthy. I never lost all that baby weight, but I felt healthy. I think you’re fine!

My daughter was ten lbs when born and I lost 20lbs the day she was born with her weight gone and fluid gone

You lose around 6-7 kgs when you give birth. The rest stays with you and it’s very difficult to get rid of. So watch your weight now!!!

I put on 4 stone with my daughter 🤦😂
Went to my 12 week scan in my size 10 skinnies, then ballooned :joy::joy::joy:
Back down to a 8/10 now

I gained 60 lbs and was just fine

This is a question you should be asking your doctor

I gained 70 with my first I was 103 lbs before being pregnant and 5’3I lost all but 17 lbs and was healthier in the end!

Lol…Girl I always started at 102-105lbs and at the time of delivery I topped off between 170-178lbs …also at the time of delivery I lost 40lbs instantly when that baby popped out…I have 4 kids all weighed 8lb.5oz to 10lb.12oz…don’t trip on weight gain with baby’s…they will ge healthy and hopefully sleep through the night…all mine did, I had a midnight feeling and a 6am-730am feeding…it was great…just means more breastmilk for the kiddo!

Naushaba Mumtaz give tips mommy.