Having weird issues down there, anyone else dealt with this?

Don’t use soap of any kind on privates. Just rinse with water very throughly. This has been know for years.

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Sometimes some people’s bacteria just doesn’t go with another person’s bacteria down there causing repeated infections. Try over the counter monistat it could be as simple as repeated yeast infections. I agree with the doc when she said it is because of a new partner.


Drinking a lot of sugary drinks can mess up your PH balance, tight cloths, even laundry detergent can irritate the down stairs area.

I use veecleanse. They have a wash and suppositories. My husband throws off my ph balance all the time. And i had the same problem. So i absolutely get where your coming from. It helps tremendous. And no need for any more medicine for it for me

First of all nothing scented down there! Also if you wash too often that could lead to infections. My doctor told me that we have good & bad bacteria down there and if you wash too much you can strip away the good. Which leaves you susceptible to infections because you need the good to fight the bad. Probiotics may help. I would also recommend making sure that your guy washes before sex as well. Cranberry juice or a cranberry supplement couldn’t hurt either.

Are you taking any medications regularly? I was diagnosed as diabetic a couple years ago and the meds they put me on CONSTANTLY gave me infections down there. Never in my life had I had one before taking those meds. And since I’ve been off those certain medications, I haven’t gotten an infection. I can’t remember off the top of my head (pregnancy brain :sweat_smile:) what the meds were called. But apparently I was having a reaction to something in the medicine.
So maybe, you’re having a reaction to something you’re taking/eating? Just a thought!

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If your taken a bath, clean the tub first before sitting.
I’m on a regular medication for BV from my doc due to it, also you can put a cup full of bleach in the tub and that will help you also.

I’ve heard of some women actually having an allergy or sensitivity to their partner


Only time I ever had this issue is when my partner was not faithful :woman_shrugging:t3: it would come and go but I figured it out :woman_facepalming:t3::pensive: I know I did a lot or research on it though ugh horrible to go threw…… even under wear ect can cause this apparently I would drink more water start eating live active cultures get a head of cabbage and pour sugar and in it this will make a paste take a teaspoon of this it has like a million good probiotic :raised_hands:t2: ps use condoms :warning: good luck


I’m a first time mom and my son is 10 months old. I’ve had BV 3 times now since he’s been born and it’s a bitch!!! Never had it until I gave birth…

Been going through this for a long time myself. Get a probiotic, use non scented soap, stop eating sugar, no baths!

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I have heard of some women being allergic to semen. Maybe try using a condom and see if it happens again.

your boyfriend needs to be treated for it as well, or you just keep spreading it back and forth. have your bf go to the dr with you


I got bv constantly after I got pregnant and had sex with my daughters father. After we split I quit having them but now with my husband after being together two years I would get yeast infections like every other month and we have changed all kinds of things and it’s helped some and I’m not getting them quite as frequently but do get them still

I haven’t had these problems but I’ve used Honeypot sensitive skin foam wash and it was great!! It’s all natural and created intentionally for the problems you mentioned

How are your sugar levels? I’m diabetic and whenever my levels are out of sync I get very uncomfortable

If you’re douching don’t. It will throw your pH off and it’s not healthy for the vagina

Drink all the water, cut down on sugary drinks and foods, eat live culture yogurts, probiotics, coconut oil.

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Boric Acid tablets off Amazon will help get your ph back in line. Start taking an oral probiotic and eating yogurt with live cultures in it as well. Good luck!


Prebiotics , probiotics , gut healthy foods. Sauerkraut, Greek yogurt etc. cut out sugary drinks & drink lots of water or kombucha

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Could be your diet if you eat alot of sweets it builds yeast up in your area it happens to me so best thing to do is do an vinager detox if you can’t drink start taking the vinager tablots

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Boric acid suppositories ?

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BV is caused from sex. He needs to be treated too, or he will keep giving it back to you.


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You could be allergic to sperm🤷🏼‍♀️

You could be allergic to his semen or latex if you’re using condoms. I’m allergic to latex and get a very painful thrush like reaction and usually bleed. Try non latex condoms and see if that helps…

Not to be all personal, but is he ejacuIating in you? Could be a semen allergy.


It could be too much sugar in your system get checked or could be some medication you are taking

Also make sure your undies are 100% cotton and no thongs. That’s how I got that BV infection was from things but once I finished my meds I was ok.

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Your probably allergic/sensitive to your partner it never goes away unfortunately if this is the case. I was allergic to my last partner


No soap below the clit, dont use douches, don’t use body soap on those sensitive parts. It’s normal to have some sort of discharge. If it smells or has more than a faint yellow color then it’s most likely an infections. Your body will over produce your fluids to help regulate your pH balance. I recommend a different obgyn if they never warned you about over cleaning yourself. I got to bacteria infections and my doctor who is a male explained to me that cleaning too much is bad. No soap below the clit and DEFINITELY no doucheing. Now here’s a kicker some people don’t know. If you’re not using protection and he’s Cumming inside you if it’s not completely cleaned out it will create an odor. It will create extra moisture there as well.

Are y’all using condoms? Maybe some type of allergy ?
Maybe some type of allergy also to his Ejaculation ! That is way more common than you think ! As it has to do with underlying things he may be consuming and you may have a slight allergy you are not aware of.

Have you been checked for diabetes? I can’t drink anything with sugar in it .

You need to treat the BF too…it can be passed back and forth. Your doctors can give him antibiotics to treat.


You and your partner need to be treated for BV

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I got BV from an allergic reaction several times, I swapped to dove sensitive var soap only. Hypoallergenic bounce sheets, and hypoallergenic detergent. And obviously antibiotics. No fabric softener. Anything different and it comes back.

I was allergic to a partner before, every single time we would have our private time it would happen.

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Ok #1 don’t go to the ER over this. This not an emergency and ERs are meant for emergencies. #2 I’ve done tooonnnssss of women’s health with my provider I worked for and lots of women have this problem with re-occurring BV unfortunately. You’ll likely have to keep dealing with it. There’s a crap ton of things that can improve it. Changing to a different brand of underwear, different kind of frantic like cotton, wear breathable clothing don’t be rocking skinny jeans every day, the foods or medication your eating can impact it, try some different detergent, don’t use scented anything down there, things like that. Also maybe go see a different provider. Of all the women mine and I have seen over the years we never once just gave up and sent someone away without trying something different and helping women get better.

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STOP the energy drinks immediately. There are 53 grams of sugar in one NOS. FIFTY THREE. That stuff is terrible for your pancreas, liver, etc. It also destroys your teeth=The acids and sugar content. Caffeine and sodium content also off the charts. Your body’s pH must be really suffering.


You need boric acid suppositories. Look up a company called vee fresh and order them. Alot of women with recurring bv use their products and it cures the problem.


Has HE been treated? You could just be passing it back and forth or he keeps reinfecting you.


Change yall diets. , and this even weirder but sometimes underwear also does it

diet is a big factor… drink plenty and plenty of water… no energy drinks… onlyyyy cotton underwear… absolutely no soap down there… He needs to also do the same… if soap gets in his “hole” he could be the one passing it to you… um… taking vitamins daily is a big help… sleep with no undies at night… I was able to get to treated one time with no medication… its really what u put in your body mainly.

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Take a probiotic pill daily! No scent soap, or dove white bar, no scent detergents. The probiotics daily was what really worked for me after trying many things!

Get on a good probiotic and get boric acid suppositories. Also if you do oral before sex (either way) you can transfer bacteria from the mouth to the vag which can offset the bacteria again.

I’m not sure about BV or if this is what you’re talking about but I had something happen. Me and my bf are very clean & faithful. But once I got an IUD he started finishing in me sorry tmi & it started to smell. A lot. I thought I had something wrong but I went to th OB. They found nothing & told me it happens bc he does that & our PH levels don’t agree together. They told me if we want to do that but don’t want the smell, we both have to eat very healthy. We stopped doing that & now I’m back to normal down there, so it could just be y’all’s PH levels not agreeing ?

I was told by my obgyn that dryer sheets can cause ph imbalances and to just not use them ever. Also try looking at your laundry detergent and fabric softener and try changing those to something for sensitive skin.

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I have the same issue and have been with my husband for 8 years. Certain lubes can cause it but I haven’t found an answer. Mine ends up eventually going away but comes back

I had a similar situation and for years it was a constant problem and all tests came back clean and this lasted until the moment I got pregnant. Doctors can’t explain it other than saying it’s probably hormonal. I haven’t had a problem since my pregnancy in 2001. My advice is maybe ask your doctor if it can be hormonal. I tried all sorts of creams and vitamins plus medication but it didn’t change a thing. Best of luck

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I have dealt with BV for years now, and the best thing for me was florajen for women it’s a daily prebiotic and when taken consistently it really helps with discharge and things like that. I also use sensitive soap with no scents and tampons with no scents as well when the time comes. I know alot of people think its gross but I also don’t wear underwear to bed to let it “air out” and all of these things help tremendously

I cannot wear anything but basic cotton panties and can’t use any soap down there except sensitive skin soap like baby soap I also can’t use condoms…

Don’t wear synthetic underwear or tight underwear/ clothing. Have the best treated for this as well. It is an infection and he has it too. Don’t let people borrow your clothes. Throw out all of your current adult toys if any. Make sure you are cleaning them properly every time. Make sure he is washing his hands thoroughly before he touches you.

Why do people have to use the laughing reaction!? Y’all are mean. This is a issue women deal with and idk why people find it funny :roll_eyes:


Doesn’t go away. Use Dove soap (white/unscented), if you take baths, shower to wash hair/body, take probiotics, “air out” at night.

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From what I’ve read a man’s natural genital chemistry can change the balance of your vagina and causes bacteria to grow.

Diet could definitely be a factor, foods high in sugar are not good. Also, be sure you’re wearing cotton underwear and not too tight of clothing too often. Don’t use soap down there and be sure if your man is using soap, he’s rinsing it off good.

Make sure he don’t have BV if he hasn’t been tested you could be passing it bk n fourth so both needs to be on the medicine at the same time I went through this with my ex


You can be ‘allergic’ to his semen. A good habit to get into after sex is to do a rinse with warm water and baking soda… you can also just have vaginal allergies. And you have to find what you can tolerate. Absolutely NO fabric softeners in your laundry, only use dove sensitive soap, and I can only use gain detergent and bounce dryer sheets. It’s terrible and I am sorry you are going through it. It took a while to figure out the right combo and then you can’t change it haha! But baking soda rinses help the ph to return to normal

There is such thing as being allergic to condoms (spermicide) or sperm itself. Also the amount of moisture down there during intercourse can flare itch or discharge depending on dryness or too “moist”. Be sure to wash after every time, could try to use vagisil wash and or wipes or even the off brands. Watch the type of pads you use and how long they’re being used without changing. Is it possible you left a tampon in too long either? Is there any smell/coloring with the discharge? Cotton panties (I know y’all love the Victoria’s secret sexy seamless spandex ones but ya gotta stick with the cotton panties. If you’re using toys, CLEAN THEM BEFORE AND AFTER USE EVERY TIME!!! Hope this helps fill some gaps you might not be thinking of talking to doc about because they’re so minute nobody really thinks about them until it’s too late.

My cousin had this issue for a while and was really beating herself up for it. The same as you, dr appointment after dr appointment and nothing until an older lady she met told her to douche with hydrogen peroxide diluted with some water! It helped! We did it with a medicine syringe! :joy: I helped hold her legs up for about 2-3 minutes. It worked! She said it burned a little but nothing major, just don’t over do it as it can dry you out a bit.


I use Boric Acid vaginal suppositories and they work wonders!!

Mine always roars its ugly head when taking certain medications. Antibiotics will do it everytime to me with my fiance. I never had that issue with my late husband. So I think it also has a factor in with his ph throwing mine off while I’m taking it.

Wash all underwear in hot water. Try eating yogurt. Your boyfriend needs to get checked out and get s script maybe. Watch how much bread you eat. This was what i got told when i kept getting them for years with my late husband. Unfortunately he wasnt the most faithful though either. You can try probiotic pills as well. I think they normal have you take them for about a month. If your ever on antibiotics its a good idea to go on probiotics. I have found if i get put on an antibiotic then thats when i will get them now. When you shower or shave dont be aggressive or use any fancy shaving creams, just try a normal type of shaving cream.

BV and yeast often go hand in hand and get passed back and forth if partners aren’t treated as well as treating fabrics (gotta treat your laundry!). Have you considered if birth control is playing a part in this? Before sex or any touching always both wash/shower. Cutting sugar helps a ton as well

Check your blood sugar. Diabetic often have these issues. And stop those energy drinks!

Sounds weird but you can actually be allergic to partners sperm

Do not put soap on your vagina area. Also do not douche more than once a month. It’s bad for it

He may have BV too- even if you get treated you’re still able to get it again if he has it.


Please don’t take my comment as rude … but they have this stuff called Lume and you can pull it up on google … it might help you both … it’s new and people are talking highly of it … Hope my comment helps some how

Don’t use soaps, or body washes. Wear cotton underwear.
If you need to reset your ph, douche with vinegar and water only. But not often.

Do you take any meds? Do you drink lemon water daily?

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I drink ph water. Smart water with a 9.5 ph and it helps balance your ph. Believe it or not the other waters have stuff in it like salt and other crap and it unbalances your ph. I know it’s hard but I found drinking water helps. Also. If he is releasing himself in you it could be from that. Try pulling out even if you’re on birth control. That could being causing the smell. Also I always get bladder infections… and when I was pregnant I had to be tested a lot leading up to delivery because if I was positive I would need an antibiotic during birth to keep baby from getting sick. Anyways I had been tested numerous times by swab through out my pregnancy and some were back to back because the first one would come up negative and I knew that wasn’t right I know my body and I didn’t feel well and the 2nd one ended up being positive… so from experience since I have 3 children and have the same issue with each pregnancy; swabs aren’t always accurate.

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Are you getting supet super dry down there after your shower? That could cause it

Maybe he needs to go to the Doctor…


Some people are just prone to getting them I have had to deal with it for years. Take probiotics and chill tf out. Lord. Lol. Also after sex make yourself urinate.

Certain lubes, or condoms can cause it. Try women’s probiotics, florajen is good. switching lubricants and condoms to organics, they’re a bit more expensive, but can help with not setting off PH. Change soaps, and go with sensitive laundry detergent for your underwear. Going commando for a little after your shower can help make sure your bits are dry, and make sure ALL, or at least most, of your panties are 100% cotton, and not too tight.

And finish the flagyl they give you don’t just take it until the smell goes away.

I eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice it’s great for woman’s downstairs health……

So, I experienced BV after being raped when I was 21. After 6-8 months of going to the doctor I couldn’t get rid of it. I finally decided to do a little research and started taking high amount of folic acid and st. John’s wort (I get the Nature Valley brand from Walmart and take 5 folic acid and 3 St. John daily). Over the course of a week and a half it cleared it right up and I never had to deal with it again. ALSO, ironically, I’ve never had a yeast infection until I hit 33. I recently started getting them due to medication. I decided to try it and take the same regime as soon as I start feeling one come on and it cleared it right up too so I use it for that now too. I can’t remember why it works, but it does and I always have that stuff handy.

People do not talk about this often…but I really believe sometimes our bodies do not agree with the fluids of our partners! With my first husband I went back and fourth with this issue and antibiotics for 10 years…the anti biotics would cause me to get a yeast infection…once that was gone I was back to the bacterial… Sense being with my current husband…11 years I have had no issues with any if this stuff…and aside from my stress level and my partner nothing has changed


Had same issue. The answer for me was Probiotics. I use RepHresh Pro-B, have them on auto delivery from amazon to make sure I never run out because that BV roller coaster is torture! Good luck!

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Are you on birth control? I kept getting bacteria infections when I had my IUD in and they couldn’t find a reason. When I got it taken out the problems stopped.


You both need to be treated at the same time. Otherwise you’re just going to keep giving to each other.

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If he is lacking in personal hygiene that can also cause issues for you. And your body may just not like his semen.

Is he circumcised? If not that’s what it is. He needs to go to Dr . It could be him not cleaning properly.it happens alot in the office I worked at. Yeast infection and bv caused by the man not cleaning properly.

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Dove unscented bar soap. Or any soaps that are unscented, really. Cotton underwear onlyyyy. And go commando as often as possible to bed-it needs to breathe. No tight pants or underwear. And heavily increase your water intake. Cut back or completely stop drinking soda and energy drinks. Also, make sure after doing the deed, you wash reaaaaal good down there, flush out with water if possible. Your body could just simply not agree with his fluids. Hang in there, girl.


Sounds like he needs meds and to clean his Willie better. Start using condoms until then.

I had the exact same problem and everything kept coming back negative. Literally everything. I kept complaining and she finally was like okay we’re gonna treat you for a yeast infection even though you’re not testing for it and lol and behold, problem solved after months and months.


Try a vegetarian or vegan diet for a couple of months. Start to bring back foods a month at a time. It could be a reaction to too much bread or dairy

It could be lichen sclerosis

I was with a man for 14 years, CONSTANTLY had issues. After our split and being with my now bf for a few years. I’ve not had a single issue since. Obgyn said I was likely “allergic” to my ex. Our bodies didn’t agree.

I was legitimately allergic to one of my partners “happy juice”. I’m also allergic to latex. Our bodies are strange things. Wishing you the best!

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I think he needs something mrs not you xx

You gotta change yalls diet and fluid intake… More fruits and veggies less meat… no soda or sugary drinks … only water. Your pH is off more than likely because of what you or your man are putting in your body. If his pH is fucked up and he puts his seed in your BAM now yours is off too

“Getting used to a new partner”. Wtf is that supposed to mean?


Is he finishing inside you? That’s going to majorly throw off your pH and everything else, especially if it’s regularly. If he does, either start having him pull out or immediately go clean yourself up as best as you can and urinate.


Test for group B strep

Sorry for being blunt, but unless you are glued to him 24/7 you cant know for sure he isnt cheating.


I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant and I had a yeast infection I regularly get utis not so much yeast infections but I also heard if your on antibiotics for an extended amount of time it can cause bacterial infections suck as yeast infections. She called me in a one time pill and it cleared up. When I’m not pregnant I usually take azo cranberry pills and I don’t ever have an issue with a bacterial infection ever. I can’t stand cranberry juice so I take the pills it cleans your system and most of mine during pregnancy is cause by soda energy drinks can cause it as well.

BV needs to be treated simultaneously by both you and your partner.


Do a v-steam once a month after your cycle I had a client that kept having the same issues. She is back on track now but that helped tremendously