Having weird issues down there, anyone else dealt with this?

Test for diabetes …but it could be be his bacteria mixing with yours

Check your laundry detergent. Gain and Tide recently changed their ingredients and some of the newer ingredients can cause irritation, PH imbalance and repeated BV.

I also use boric acid suppositories about once a week to keep things “normal” after intercourse.

Best kind of soap to use is non/scented and light bar soap. Anything else can throw off your PH as well.

Not sure your age but BV is common in young women, wash with mild soap and water , dont use scented soaps down there, that can throw off your pH. Sometimes your partner needs treatment as well, and dont wear tight fitting pants or underwear, let your lady parts breathe a little. Do not douche it will only get worse


Are you possibly in perimenopause?I know my doctor told me when your in perimenopause or menopause your pH levels get thrown off…

Please have a blood test for diabetes as this sounds very similar to what I was suffering and it turned out to be a symptom of Diabetes.

Oil and water don’t mix. Sometimes people just don’t agree with each other. Stress can cause a lot of issues. Have you tested for HPV? NEVER DOUCHE THAT MAKES MATTERS WORSE.

I’m sorry. But why would you be putting your very private business on FB. No one here is a doctor. Listen to what your doctor says . No disrespect to you or anyone that’s trying to help you , but you need to listen to a doctor or get a new one

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Anti biotics kill ALL bacteria good and bad thats why this will keep coming back… you need probiotics to replace the healthy bacteria.


Bv is a hell of a thinim a frequent to it also…it has to do with ph levels…the antibiotic metrogel can be used for long term i believe 30 days that will clear it…however im very allergic to that so i continue to get it because i cant use it and that is the long term fix for it…do NOT use douche or anything else to clean yourself out that makes it worse…no sprays no cleaners just your mild everyday soap with no fragrance in it…dial is a good one to use when washing or dove…also i know how self conscious it makes you but i know as well as you know now that you arent “dirty” because of it so just continue on…remebee douching is bad because our bodies know how to clean themselves out and douche can throw off ph levels more

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BV & Yeast play tag your it once you get it , it’s hell to ward off!! A lot of ladies experience this don’t be ashamed… The antibiotics don’t work but then they do, stupid I know lol … try the Killer by Love Wellness (boric acid suppository) I promise it’s going to work… you’ll notice a huge difference… wishing you the best! And ignore these stupid comments :heartbeat:
Ps… cut out the fancy soaps and washes and stick to dove or ivory


I smell funny and have issues when I have sex with a uncircumcised man.

Boric acid suppositories! I swear but them.


Have you been checked for Diabetes ?


Don’t use harsh soaps or washes. Use natural formulas and very minimal soap at all.

Eat more foods with probiotics.

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Is your blood sugar high.you could be a diebetic and not know.

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So I would have BV almost constantly with my ex-husband. We got a divorce and I got a new boyfriend and it’s been three years and it hasn’t happened. They both had vasectomies so we weren’t using condoms or anything like that. I think it might just be your vagina can’t handle whatever is in his ejaculate. Or… My bc ex-husband was not circumcised and my boyfriend it is. There could be 1 million different reasons but I’m sorry you’re dealing with it. It sucks. I also think that once you get started on antibiotics it’s hard to get the BV to stop because you’re killing the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria.

I have had the same issues for several years. After failed attempts with doctors I also turned too the all might google. I came across an article about vaginal psoriasis. I have all symptoms listed so I talked with my doctor about it and she agreed that it might be what I have. She gave me a prescription for a strong steroid ointment. When I have a flair up it’s the only thing that helps.

Try condoms! I was once with a guy and had the same thing happen. Went through it for 2 yrs before we broke up

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Happened with my ex husband for the whole 10 years we were together. I was tested for everything several times, given antibiotics (just in case) and still no results Turned out our bodies (fluids) just didn’t mix well with each other. What was once a constant problem, disappeared the day we split up 25 years ago. Try condoms for a while to see if that helps!

I’d find a naturopath and run this question past them.


It might be the drinks heard alot of bad stuff on "em.

My doctor told me not to use anything, just water. And make sure he’s cleaning and drying himself properly as well.

The Killer, Good Girl Probiotic, and Perfect Condition Vitamin by Love Wellness. I had a Bartholin Glamd cyst that abscessed and caused a major infection and I ended up with BV. I found these products through research for both conditions and I find that if I stay on them, it’s not an issue. The Killer is a boric acid suppository that you can use after sex, after your period, or just when you feel something is off. Do NOT take it orally. The probiotic and the vitamin are both daily.

Sounds like something I had with my partner…for the life of me can’t remember name…but I was given a medication that I would have to take within half hour of intercourse. Almost like a UTI

could it maybe be a reaction to his nut ? i know some women can be allergic to certain men’s cake batter lol


His ph can absolutely affect you and maybe he’s not as clean as he seems? Like he needs to wash better? I had the same problem and once he stopped the energy drinks it settled down.

Your man could be giving you an infection even if he doesn’t have symptoms himself. That doesn’t mean he did anything wrong. It just happens. I used to get UTIs all the time but after I broke up with my then bf, I stopped getting them. Maybe your man needs to be tested to see if he has anything that he could be passing on to you.

If you douche…Stop. Always try to urinate after sex or as soon as you can. I would recommend that you wash soon after also. I know people that have used collidial silver and wore a tampon drenched in it. Changing out 3-4 times daily and it cleared it up. You can buy it at health food stores or Amazon. Just be sure you are getting pure collidial silver. It should only be silver partials and distilled water. You can also drink it. It is odorless and tasteless. Eat yogurt. Also I have heard some say that boric acid suppositories work. Best Wishes.

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Does he use condoms? Maybe you’re allergic to latex

Have your partner wash his penis before & after sex and use Apple cider vinegar to rinse it. He needs to get it into all cracks, crevices & between his penis & foreskin, if he’s uncircumcised or has even a tad of it left.

While other ladies have stated to not douche, a warm water douche with a tablespoon or two of Apple cider vinegar has always helped me, no matter the cause of vaginal distress. My ph is very acidic, so I usually only have issues when it goes into the alkaline ph.

Never use soaps or washes only externally that is throwing everything off.

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5 drops of oregano oil twice a day. It tastes horrible but it works


I have chronic BV. Nothing I can do. My doctor has prescribed me prophylactic clindamycin every two weeks. Keeps it away. I’ve been multiple specialists and my body is just sensitive. I also stopped wearing panties and that has helped.

If you guys use condoms it could be the brand or type you use! I always had problems when using condoms. If you don’t it could be he isn’t cleaning himself correctly before yous do the deed so maybe try condoms.

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Have you been checked for diabetes? I used to slam energy drinks and coffees but I never felt bad enough to consider diabetes. But my body’s normal sugars were in the high 400s. I was astonished. But not long after, this started happening as well. Antibiotics for the bV, causing a yeast infection that’s then treated, everything work out and within a month, back at it for almost a year. I had already been with my partner for a long time so we knew it wasn’t him. Dr have a cream with steroids in it to use twice a day there for up to a week before taking a break. It helped wonders and haven’t had an issue in almost two years. Good luck!

Use Betadine cleanser. Check if you have diabetes. If your diabetic or maybe he is diabetic and passing you the yeast.

You and your partner should wash before and after sex and pee before and after. If you can use dove soap down there. Drink lots of water and eat yogurt. Dont douche not good for you. Your body cleans its self. Dove soap the white bar one called white/blanc. All that feminine product over the counter doesn’t work. Do not use panty liners also. You will see a huge difference. Sleep with no underwear.

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Your probably allergic to his semen.

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As your provider to order lab for Candida, just a suggestion :wink:.


Over washing can cause BV and can dry out the lady bits and having intercourse whilst being dry can irritate I was told this by a gynaecologist I’ve always over washed but I use a ph levelling soap that helps

Drinking plenty of water through out the day helps massively and I would wash ‘down there’ with warm running water under the shower. (Not douching) Using soaps doesn’t work and makes it worse. Wear 100% cotton pants to. :blush:

Me and my husband haf this issue i was allergic to a protein in his seman

I read that Boric Acud Suppositories help with that, and they sell them in Amazon.

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I can’t drink any dark liquor or I’ll get BV in a heartbeat

Sugar is a huge trigger. I have an autoimmune disorder and unfortunately am prone to this same issue. Boric acid vaginal suppositories might help. Unfortunately if the body cant regulate the pH, it’s a frustrating issue.

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Yes I’ve had this all my adult life. Try drinking mother apple cider vinegar diluted in Warm water everyday it helps balance out your pH levels

Menopause kicking in caused same issue for me. I’m in medically caused menopause at 38. Could u be of the age or caused by medical just be in menopause by chance?

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Basically what MeLissa BrantLey has said, and maybe soak in a tepid bath of salt water, or if you’re near the sea have a swim in that every day. I hope you find some relief and answers soon x

See a natropath they will help clear your diet of anything feeding it etc and clear it up sometimes could take 12months though etc but worth it

My ex husband had a vasectomy and after that, I hurt so bad inside after sex. For some reason my body did not accept him well after it.

I would suggest to check to see if you’re having oral sex. Does he go to the dentist and does he brush his teeth. You could be allergic to the condoms, semen or he has a bad case of dirty oral hygiene. We are very delicate down there. Most or some women don’t pay attention to their man’s oral health. A juck mouth could be very bad on your kitty’s. Make sure yall washing before engaging in any type of sex and use listerine

I’ll tell you what… Every time I drink NOS… after, for a day or 2 my pee will smell like asparagus!! But then it goes away. Try GMC… and do an Herbal Cleanser… Clean out your digestive Track!! And follow up with your Reg. Doctor as well as OBGYN.

In addition to all of the things above, Is he circumcised? Sometimes if a man is uncircumcised it can a woman to get infections if there’s any bacteria in his foreskin.

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I was a diabetic getting frequent yeast infections that were irritating me. Once I got that under control it stopped completely and if I do happen to get it I take a pill right away and it’s gone on a day. I went to the Ed for them to tell me it is definitely a std come to find out it wasn’t.

May i suggest to try a Feminine Wash instead of soap. Here in the Philippines, we have Lactacyd Feminine Wash which ensures ph balance down there. I also use feminine wipes instead of regular tissue paper. I usually wash with Lactacyd 3x a day during my period. Hope this helps

Love “almighty Lord Google”!!! :joy::joy::joy:

Do not use scented soap or bubble bath , there are feminine washes you can buy that regulate ph , drink probiotic drinks , and I would try natural yogurt on a tampon after intercourse till the problem resolves itself

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I second Sonia’s comment about not using anything scented, AND… do not get any soaps that are advertised as “regulating your ph”.

Everyone’s PH is different and usually wants to fix it itself, so your best bet is washing with either just water, or aqueous cream. It can be used as a soap to make you feel like your using something, as this is these are the only two things you should use.

I only need to smell a scented body wash and I have BV!

It is a vicious circle… you wash, get BV, wash because it is irritating/ smelly, BV stays & gets worse, you wash with soap etc and it goes on. So break the cycle.

You can get pessaries too which can help massively.

Good luck!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I did! For 2 years straight! Tell them to give you clindamycin gel! It’s clear. I used that for 1 week on, 1 week off… for 2 months. And it has NEVER been back since. The soap and food crap is BULL. 2 years girl. 2 years. Back to eating all the unhealthy stuff, drinking sodas, redbull…. That had nothing to do with it. And giving HIM antibiotics didn’t help either. The only thing that made it go away was that gel.


If he isn’t circumcised, he could be giving you a slight case of bv, Or passing it back to you, men don’t often notice when they have a bit of bad bacteria. Try treating both of you . Also, I had a friend who would get a bv infection after her period stopped, turned out to be because of the tampons

Boric acid capsules help regulate your ph

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vinegar will balance you back out grab yourself a turkey baster no joke

Everyone’s body is different what works for one may not work for everyone. I don’t agree in disturbing that sensitive area with suppositories, steams and things of that nature; if you’re having issues those things will just irritate more. I had issues for years and could not figure out why and nothing helped even medication. After researching I learned that your ph has a lot to do with it. I drink Evian water because the pH is just right to balance my pH and I take a probiotic everyday. I’ve had no flare up since doing this several years ago. I hope you figure it out, good luck.

Too many comments to see if this was said already. Plain yogurt or a garlic glove on a string will help you. Also he has to get treated as well or you will keep getting it. Also you shouldn’t be using those washes. Natural soaps or water. Water wipes. Maybe look into V steaming ? Hope something helps and soon. Maybe different condoms if used sometimes? Flush ur systems with water as well.

Some women have issues with BV. It can keep reoccurring because your ph doesn’t work well with his ph. Using condoms can help as well as showering immediately after as well. There are other things that can help I just don’t remember them at the moment

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Probiotics/ Kefir/ yogurt

He needs to be treated as well not just you why it’s reoccurring
If no diagnosis pre menopause can cause dryness itchiness scented soaps bubble baths scented Douches will cause issues too

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Having weird issues down there, anyone else dealt with this? - Mamas Uncut

Sounds like you’re allergic to your boyfriends sperm. N yes it’s a thing too.

Currently going through this as well :tired_face::tired_face:

It’s most likely not from his diet. It’s probably from yours. However try cutting out anything with yeast and gluten. I know it sounds cliche, but a couple months back I ended in a rabbit hole reading all these cases with men and women who were having similar issues and it cleared up when hey removed all yeast and gluten. The one guy had been dealing with it for something like 17 years and he’s been issue free for several since changing his diet up.

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Following because since being with my partner I’ve had BV and yeast infection very often and I just keep getting meds for them with no actual answers

I am very sensative i only use BABY wash down there. Also my guy uses on himself down there as body wash with ANY SCENT just irritates my skin. Replense is a good product for this. Azo makes a supplement that is really good too

I had some issues with BV for awhile too. But my test always showed I was positive for it antibiotics would clear it up. Always wipe front to back… I recommend using unscented baby wipes after any bowel movement and definitely no anal play.

I’ve been recommended these. Can be used 15-21 days consistently. Best to do them right before bed and then lay down for the night. If you decide to get intimate, do so first then then medicine. Hope this helps!

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Chant a mediation called Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! SGI-USA it will help I promise. Mindful thought and positive outcomes.

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Try vaginal probiotic suppositories

You could have human seminal plasma hypersensitivity (HSP). Research that.


They also have a Facebook support group page with all women going through the same things and you will gain alot of knowledge and support

No advice, just praying it gets better for you

Try a womens probiotic (vaginal care)

There is such as thing as Aerobic Vaginitis that requires a treatment completely different than BV. See if your doctor can have you tested for that. It’s not something they immediately jump to but it’s definitely a thing. A lot of the cases that don’t respond to BV treatment are in fact suffering from Aerobic Vagjnitis versus Bacterial.

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Probiotics for your V can do wonders!

Cut out sugar sometimes if your sugar is to high it can harm your ph level too

Used to have infections monthly,started wearing unscented panty liners and washing with baby wash,worked for me

I’ve seen tons of women who LOVE boric acid suppositories for reoccurring BV! Maybe give them a shot!

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And maybe make him wear a condom if he’s throwing your PH out of whack


Daily women’s probiotics with 25billion or higher, use boric acid suppositories nightly until the symptoms go away, only wear cotton underwear and use a gentle pH balanced feminine wash. This used to happen to me when my husband and I first started dating. It will still occasionally happen if I spend the day at the beach in a wet bathing suit…it’s a PH imbalance. I just use the boric acid suppository before bed and it’s usually cleared up by morning. I’m no doctor, but my ob/gyn suggested it along with the daily probiotics and pH balanced feminine wash and it works like a charm. I was super frustrated with using the medication for BV only for it to come back a month later. I personally use these two and they work wonders for me. Everyone is different so you may have different results. Again, I am not a doctor, this is just what was recommended to me and has worked.

NutraBlast Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories - 30 Count, 600mg - 100% Pure Made in USA - Boric Life Intimate Health Support https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07212DK9F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6CEW59KCFVVT2JA36GXZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Garden of Life Probiotic Supplement Capsules for Women, Dr. Formulated Once Daily for Digestive Health, Shelf Stable, 30 Count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Y8MP4G6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7HG6J6KSGDFFH26FGCPF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Been going through this for years on and off probiotic and azo works best over the counter for me.

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If you’re consuming energy drinks like that the sugar content alone could trigger a nasty yeast infection.


They make suppositories for your vagina called “the killer” that love wellness makes. Target has them or you can order them online. They work wonders!

Coconut oil is a great relief. It works for me when my PH is off and it works great when my daughter develops rashes from dairy.

Sometimes it’s not the pen15 it’s the hands. Make sure he washes his hands before touching you. Keep a little bottle of hand sanitizer in places you could need it, and just ‘wash’ both your hands before!

Okay y’all. This is going to sound really weird but just try it, it will change your life. You will need. Baking soda, white vinegar and plain yogurt. So run a hot bath, throw in a handful of the baking soda and a cup of vinegar and soak in it, like your whole body! After you soak for a few to clean your whole body of toxins, grab your plain yogurt and fling a big tablespoon full into the water and mix it around. Sit in it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off in the shower. DO NOT USE ANY SOAP DOWN THERE! also of you dont eat yogurt daily, you should start. It helps keep everything siwm there regular.

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I’ve been through this personally! It would go away while on medicine and came right back! The doctors had no answers for me either. Eventually in my case it just stopped happening, but it definitely sounds like it could be nothing more then PH imbalance. Try probiotics. And don’t use anything when you wash down there, I know it sounds gross but she doesn’t need anything other than water to keep her clean!

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I have heard of women being “allergic” to their partners sperm… could that be it?! Is it only happening after intercourse?:woman_shrugging:t3:

I had this with an ex, my body chemistry didn’t like his semen. Acidophilus every day changed my life!

Shouldn’t be changing up soaps for down there… the Vagina is self cleaning… many soaps can throw off your ph…

Start taking probiotics your doc should have told you that

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Dont use soap, wear cotton undies,and Soak in a baking soda bath regularly…it balances the ph that’s what helped me.

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