Help with nighttime potty training?

All kids get there at there own pace. My daughter is 4 and we limit late afternoon and evening drinks. She goes right before bed and some nights she has dry pull ups and some nights she doesn’t. But some kids are well into elementary school before they are consistent all the time. My plan is as long as she is frequently wet keep the pull ups. Once it become infrequent switch to a mattress cover and pads. And once it seems to be done be done. But I’m not going to change her bed ever day or in the middle of the night while I know she is going to wet the bed

No judgment- potty training was almost too easy with my daughter! I feel like at 5 though I’d ditch them; maybe try a pack of bed pads just in case! My baby didn’t like how it felt- she went in her panties one time and that was it🤷🏻‍♀️

I ditched pullups when my son was 2. Best decision ever. :green_heart:
In our case was so use to the pullups he wouldn’t go to potty. So when we completely took them away, we expected accidents. But he never has any. He is 3 1/2 now!

This happened with my son … letting him drink water and then waiting for him to go to the bathroom after a few mins… helped out a lot.

Ditch them and go straight for undies. With my first it was easy having those bed pads. She didn’t have a lot of accidents but I was waking her up every two hours for a few days to pee, then every three hours for a few days, then every 4 hours and so on. She did it in six days and then an accident here and there. With my little one though… omg :scream: she’s three and a half and she’s a very heavy sleeper too and very cranky and stubborn so I guess she just needs more time.

We went from diapers to panties. Just constant asking if she needed to go potty. She’s been potty trained since she was 2 1/2. Very few accidents. Pull ups is just another diaper. They know they can potty in them so they will…panties are uncomfortable when wet. :woman_shrugging:t2: just our experience

I would wake my son and daughter up when I got home from work and took them. Even when I was off I would take them before I would goto bed. I also put pads I had gotten from the hospital underneath them just in case. Took a couple weeks but it worked.

Make sure you limit what they drink and set you an alarm at a certain time every night to wake them up to go potty I would still use pull ups at night though in case of accidents until they get it down it takes a while for some kids because every kid is different

Best piece of advice I was ever given was…make the bed up twice. Waterproof cover, fitted sheet, waterproof cover, then fitted sheet. If an accident happens, all you have to do is take of one sheet and waterproof sheet. The bed is still already made. Genius!!

Same boat, except I have a 3 almost 4 year old little boy, and well he is also a bit lazy I would say because he has finally accomplished to go #2 but seems to think that he doesn’t have to go pee at all, I think he got too comfortable with the pull ups!!
But good luck! She eventually understand she doesn’t feel comfortable feeling wet all night be patient and remind her to go potty!

The best thing to do is just let them be don’t rush them . My son was potty trained at 17months old, and 3 months ago he stopped waking up with a wet diaper. A month in a half ago I asked him if he wants to wear a diapered or does he want to be a big boy and sleep in his undies he chose undies and he has only had 3 accidents so far. No big deal he’s only 2 going on 3 in November so I expect accidents but for the most part he’s been doing great on his own . I just make sure I praise him once in a while like “you are doing great , your such a big boy , I can’t believe you haven’t wet your bed I’m so happy, I’m so proud of you “ if they have an accident you say oh no it’s ok it was an accident let’s try using the potty before bed tonight ok so you don’t wet the bed again. Every child is different they will let you know when they are ready . The signs are there. Good luck , hope all works out for you .

Bed pads like they use in nursing homes. My daughter turned 4 in june, shes been in pullups for night time since before 3. About a month ago we were in walmart and I asked which ones she wanted (caracter wise) and she told me she didnt want to wear them anymore. She’d been waking up dry for weeks at that point so we ditched them. No accidents so far. We do no liquids after 7, pee right before bed and she does wake up occasionally to potty.

Stop drinks a couple hours before bed

Make her go potty right before laying down

And maybe if she still owes wake her up once you go

When I potty trained my daughter I wouldn’t give her any beverages 30 minutes before bed then I would have her try before she went to sleep and usually I would wake her up a few hours later to check on her and have her try to go again but she went to bed usually 2 to 3 hours before me too she was fully potty trained by 2 and 1/2 with only the occasional accident my son on the other hand is refusing to even try to potty train and he turns 3 the end of September I have tried to just get him to sit on his potty but he has only sat on it a handful of times since he turned 2 and hasn’t even actually gone any of those times my doctor keeps saying he will do it when he is ready and in his own time and that every kid is different so I’m doing my best to follow his lead

No pull-ups… get a plastic protection sheet… can get then at Walmart or target… wake her up in middle of night and no drinks 3 hours before bed… you have to help your child get on a routine if you don’t she won’t be able to get on one until she gets a little older… my daughter is 5 and a very heavy sleeper I have to wake her every night…

I wouldn’t ditch pull ups at night just yet if she’s a heavy sleeper. Chances are high that the signals of a full bladder at night won’t make her brain arouse her to a level of consciousness to get herself up to go.
I’d continue pull ups, but make her go potty when she goes to bed, then again when YOU go to bed, then set your alarm to get her up in middle of night(don’t actually wake her up, just go in darkness and lightly arouse her up and guide her to bathroom and have her go), then help her right back to bed, then you’ll need to do it again very early in the am.
I’d also make sure the mattress has a zipper on full coverage waterproof mattress cover. I also would place a huge waterproof mattress pad over that in her sleeping area, followed by sheets and another huge pad. Seems like a lot of work, but it’s a huge help.
Sometimes I even would add a second sheet over the last pad once I finally stopped the pull-ups when my kid was consistently dry for each get up potty break. Then all I’d have to do for an accident is strip off a pad and sheet and there was another directly underneath!
It tends to take time with extremely heavy sleepers.

Depending on what time u put 2 bed say u put 2 bed at 8 don’t give ne thing 2 drink past 6 except maybe a sip of something then put regular panties on so feels them put pull ups on over in case of accident or get mat

puppy pads. and wake up before them to send them to the toilet the second they wake up. whether they have an accident or not, straight to the restroom first thing when they wake up

No pull ups or undies under the pjs! Stop fluid intake two hours before bed. Go to the potty before going to sleep. I woke up my daughter before I went to bed, then I woke her up 3 hours later, I have the potty in her room. I sit her on it and gently whisper in her ear to pee and do a “peeing noise” and if she is still too asleep, I try to slightly wake her up, gently. Definitely use waterproof pads plus mattress protector while trying to potty train during night time.

When my son was in pull-ups for bed I’d wake him up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom until he got used to getting up by himself.

See my 4 year old still wets the bed almost every night. I limit drinks well over 2 hours before. Only water or milk for dinner. He pees before bed every night. I send him with undies on and he sleeps on a pee pad. Yet it’s like 5/7 nights he pees if not more. There was a brief period where he would go to his father’s parents house every 2 weeks and they put him in pullups overnight. But he hasn’t been there in months. He also doesn’t really care about being wet. He will lay in it embarrassed? until I tell him to get up.

I used a matress cover, then a sheet, then a towel with another sheet on top of that. So of they had accidents at night, you pull the top sheet and towel then they’re good to go. Pull ups encourage accidents imo bc they know they wont make a mess and everything will be fine.

I never did pull ups. Not even overnight. I went straight to underwear. I stopped giving my son his cup or any liquids after 7pm. I sat a small potty in the corner of the bedroom and made him go right as he was getting in bed.

He had one accident in the bed and then we never had any more issue with it. He’s been trained for a year and a half now.

Doesnt matter how much they drink before bed if you toilet them before they settle to sleep and wake them as your going to bed and take them to the toilet

mattress protector deffo! I don’t let my girls wear underwear for bed as I dont myself I started out by just waking them up for about 3 weeks until they get the hang of It x

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I have waterproof mattress covers they are not the loud scruffy ones their made of soft fabric. I ordered mine off of Amazon. It works wonders all you have to do is pull it off and wash it and dry it and put it back on. Try limiting the amount your child drinks a few hours before bedtime this will help prevent any accidents during the night. Obviously if she drinks more she is going to have to go.

My daughter who is 6 has the same problem but we have achieved the no more pull ups. I brought puppy pee pads for her bed incase she had a accident it’s been 4 nights and no accidents so proud. She had a major fear of peeing the bed so that’s why she still wore pull ups but just take it easy accidents happen and reward her for being brave

My sister bought an alarm off Amazon that I guess connects to either the bed or the pants and anytime the kids peed in bed it would go off to get them used to waking up to go I guess.

My son was horrible to train at night. So I eliminated his drinks around 7 since he fell asleep about a half hour to an hour later. Put pull up on him and he was fully dry by morning.

I would limit liquids before bedtime and invest in waterproof mattress pads. My almost 4 year old sometimes has accidents at night depending on how much he has to drink the night before

Put a towel under her and get rid of the pull ups. leave a nightlight on so she can get to the bathroom. Make sure she goes before bed. Also make sure she isn’t constipated.

I would get mattress protector and use normal underwear . Have her go to the toilet by bed and at maybe 10pm walk her to the toilet. Do this same time each night . Should start to wake herself to.go soon enough . Good luck

Limit liquids after dinner, make sure she used the bathroom at bedtime and if she’s a sound sleeper, maybe a short nap in the afternoon?

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Wake them up throughout the night to go potty. After a while they will learn to get up when they have to potty. No drinks before bedtime. If you get up to go potty wake them to go too. It’s kinda like training them to wake to go potty

Some kids aren’t capable of nighttime dryness until around age 7. Consult with her ped.

A bed pad is a good idea. We got one on my stepsons bed when we bought it and like three days later he had an accident in the middle of the night and it saved the matress

I just waited till my son was 4.5 and he’s had 2 accidents in 1 year . . I make him.pee before bed . and thats it

You could always try it. My oldest potty trained at almost 4(refused anything to do with it before) but woke up said she was wearing pantries and never had an accident even at night. My now 3yr old however will wait until the last second and has accidents so she wears pull ups at night to but the problem there is she is convinced that if she’s wearing it she doesn’t have to go to the potty no matter how many times I tell her. I’m convinced she will need pull-ups for quite some time at night the way it’s going now. They go at their own speed

My almost three-year-old was fully potty-trained about a month ago and after the first week of him being potty-trained he refused to wear diapers to sleep. I purchased a waterproof mattress pad off Amazon that is absolutely amazing, however he has not had any accidents overnight. At first I was a little apprehensive but I noticed he would wake up with Dry Diapers in the morning anyway so definitely didn’t see the harm in letting him wear underwear to bed.

With my daughter I had to get her up every time I get up during the night but she did have a problem so we had to keep her in Pull-Ups

Three days of consistency of taking my children/grandchildren to the potty. Every 15 mins. Talk about exhausting? The end result was priceless. Fully potty trained. Have never purchased pull ups. Straight out of diapers right in to panties/underwear. Day or not. Day one had several accidents. Day 2 the accidents decreased. Day 3 no accidents etc. bed had protect plastic sheet for any accidents that may occur. I understand that this may not work for everyone. But it has worked well for me 7 times. My 5 now adult children 2 grand babies.

I pee’d the bed till I was 8 or 9. You cant train them. I’m proof, they tried everything.

By 5 years old she is old enough barring any delays to be fully potty trained and not wetting the bed.

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Yes get rid of the pull ups! They make water proof bed pads/covers now that don’t make that weird plastic noise when you move around in bed.
Limit drinks after 7. Have her pee before bed.

They have mattress toppers that are plastic too! Easy to wash and cheap to replace

Buy a reusable bed pad that you can wash and wake her up if you wake up to go to the bathroom or before you go to bed.

I was advised with my 2nd when he was 5 to limit drinks an hour or 2 before bed and no dark fruit drinks like blackcurrant etc. as it irritates the bladder

This mom posted a hack to put multiple sets of sheets and liners on their beds, like: liner, sheet, liner, sheet, liner, sheet so if they wet the bed you can easily remove the first set without too much stimulation at whatever time in the morning. Not sure if it works, fortunately I havent had to try it but I’ve always remembered that one

I tried a mattress cover for awhile went back to pull ups he’s potty trained now

My daughter is 7 still wearing pull ups . I can’t break her from it,

My son was 4 1/2 and I told him that I was done buying pull-ups and that if he wanted to pee his bed then he could. He never did. :slight_smile:

Definitely get a mattress protector if you don’t already have one

I had a step son who was in pull ups at night till he was 8.

Also if there are no health issues, then go cold turkey with the pull ups. She is old enough to not need them. At this point using them is doing more harm than good

Is she constipated? It might be weighing down on her bladder

Totally worth it. She might surprise you and not even need them :black_heart:

Nothing to drink after a certain time helps alot!

Make sure they potty before bed. I wake her up right before I go to sleep so she can potty again.

Lay off fluids after dinner and give her incentive to wake up dry

I would at least buy a mattress protector; I would think that you wouldn’t want to give her that layer of protection, she may just think she doesn’t “have to” get up if she knew she had a protective pad under her. ya know? But a mattress cover for your own sanity

I sent my daughter to bed in undies, put the mat on to protect her mattress. I also used to wake her up in the middle of the night to make her go potty

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Put her in underwear and put one of those blue pads under her, make her go pee before she goes to sleep, keep her but covered up ,I know it sounds silly, but it seems like when their lower part gets cold, they are more likely to pee in their sleep, may be more common with little boys, im not exactly sure

I had trouble with my eldest on a night. She was 4 when I decided to get extra bedding and mattress protector took away the pull ups. I’d check her in night or she would wake from wetness. Wash her down clean pjs toilet change bedding back into bed. I think she had enough of the disturbance of sleep this way but either way it worked

At age 5 expect accidents. My kids wore pull ups way beyond 5. I also woke up at 3 am every morning to send them to the bathroom.

IMO, there is no difference between pull-ups and diapers. I never let my children use them and one was potty trained at 2 and one at 15 months.

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You can’t train at night time it’s whenever their bodies are ready and tell them. It’ll happen, just usually takes longer than the daytime training.


My personal opinion and lots of experience from myself, my kids and now my grandson is that children will outgrow bed wetting at their own pace. There is no training for nighttime accidents. So if pull ups for nighttime work for you and your child by all means continue. My grandson is 8 I use a mattress protector and he sleeps in nighttime pull-ups. I wish they had that option when my kids were little. It would’ve made cleanup a bit easier. Doctor said it’s probably genetic and he’ll outgrow it on his own eventually. No child goes off to college still wetting the bed.

I use to limit drink and make my son potty before bed but I also would wake him up in the mid of the night and take him to potty , until he got on the schedule and routine

Wake them up throughout the night for a few weeks and then they should do it themselves or sleep through the night until morning. It’s going to be tough and tiring but it should work

It’s a few nights of a parent getting up at different times by a alarm and getting her out of bed to walk her to the bathroom YES it will get tiring but worth it but YES it works 100% might take a month might take less but it works take her a hour after putting her to bed then again 3am …

I would wake my kids or put them on the toilet lol took some time and frustration but it worked

I’d say ditch them but do not replace with underwear, it’s not good for females to have on pants etc 24/7

Set an alarm for mid sleep, at first youll have to get up with her eventually she won’t need an alarm and will automatically wake up at that time and go.

It’s completely normal for kids to wet the bed at that age and beyond. Keep wearing pull-ups as long as they need to. Don’t make a big deal out if it. In time they’ll grow out if it.


Keep the pull ups and double up on mattress covers. Bet wetting is normal. Don’t punish her for it. Stopping liquids before bed doesn’t always help. Make sure she’s drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Heavy sleepers can’t help it.

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Stop all drinks 2/3 hours before bed and set your alarm for the middle of the night. Make her try and get use to waking up for a middle of the night bathroom break.

Bed wedding is typically a sign of an immature bladder.

I kept buying pull ups until they weren’t wet at night anymore.

Pull ups confuse children.

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BUY WATERPROOF MATTRESS COVERS :exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: extremely super useful and like someone said pull ups might confuse them a bit. I never used pull ups when they started being potty trained and hardly ever had any accidents. Do however give them water way before bed time.

Waterproof fitted sheets!

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Help with nighttime potty training?

We kept ours in pull-ups at night until they were able to wake up when they had to go/woke up dry. This isn’t something they can control easily and takes time. Repeatedly changing bedding in the middle of the night and retaking showers/baths in the morning just made for more work and grumpy kiddos. My kids are now 23, 21, 17, & 15….they’re all potty-trained with no nighttime accidents. They do outgrow it, just takes some longer than others. I had one in nighttime pull ups until he was 8 and my youngest out of them by the time he was 4.


Took us 8 days. A box of menstrual pads. A couple of bed liners (the disposable kind) and a timer set for every 2 hours. I cut her liquids back a hour or so before bed. In the night when I’d sit her on the potty, I’d run water in the sink and dip her fingers in a bowl of warm water. Worked like a charm. I hope this helps. All little ones are different and are not going to respond the same obviously.
… I was “12” before I stopped having occasional accidents. It was AWFUL! But then here’s my daughter who was fully potty trained (day and night) by 26 mths. :woman_shrugging:
Best of luck! :green_heart:


Honestly my 11 yr old daughter is an extremely heavy sleeper. Always has been. She STILL has accidents in the night if I let her sleep through. What I’ve found helps even though it’s disturbing to my own rest, is setting an alarm 2-3 times in the middle of night. Where I go in there and wake her up to use bathroom, also no drinks after 8:30pm some kids are just hard sleepers. My pediatrician says she’ll eventually grow out of it.

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I just had this conversation with her doctor. We produce a chemical that releases at night to wake us up to go to the bathroom. Our bodies don’t fully develop that chemical until the age of 16. Every body is different. You can limit fluid intake at night but if she’s still just sleeping right through peeing, there is nothing you can do until she produces that chemical. Punishing them does nothing because they cannot control it. I have 5,6,and 7 yr old girls. 7 yr old was first to be fully potty trained. She still wears pull ups at night. Other two haven’t had an accident since they were potty trained. Every one is different.


I lived by the rule of no drinks at least an hour or two before bed, and then if they woke up dry 3 nights in a row then they’re ready to ditch the pull ups. Until then, no matter her age, she just may not be ready. There’s no set in stone age where potty training has to take place, so don’t rush her or think she’s behind in any way. There’s nothing wrong with her wearing pull ups at 5 or 6 or so, and rushing her can result in bedwetting issues for years later. Those rules worked wonderfully for my boys and since that 3rd dry day (4 years old for my oldest, 3 years old for my youngest) neither of my sons have ever had a bedtime accident.

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We just went through this. Throw the pull ups out. Send them to bed in underwear. Watch the sugar intake, we noticed that was a problem and caused accidents.

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I woke them up when I went to bed put them on potty then back to bed


We put underwear on then a night time diaper over the top.
The good thing about diapers is they pull liquid away from skin- but that’s only good if you are trying to keep a new baby comfortable! With potty training you want them to be uncomfortable in the wet if they have an accident. That way they learn!
We did this with our daughter and we told her if she went 30 days with dry underwear we would “graduate” out of the diapers over the underwear. It worked!

I finally put a plastic cover on my daughter’s mattress when she was four. I put her to bed in regular panties and told her that big girls get up and go to the bathroom when they have to pee. I told her that I loved her very much but would not tolerate having to wake up in the middle of the night to bathe her, change her, and clean up her bed. If she wet the bed, she had to deal with it by herself. She could just lie in the wet mess or she could clean up the mess herself. Waking me up was not an option.


We bought the water resistant fitted sheet thing and put it under our 2 1/2 year olds actual sheet. I put her in diapers at nap time and bed time until I ran out of diapers and as we were getting closer, I would tel her everyday, no more diapers after these are gone. We would.make sure to put her on the potty before nap and bed time and we would stop liquids about an hour before bed. She could have a few sips of water if she was thirsty but she never acted like it bothered her. Went straight into panties after the diapers were gone and reminded her to let us know if she had to potty. She had a few accidents in her sleep but once she woke up, she didn’t like the feeling of being wet so then she started asking us up to tell us she had to go. But stopping liquids an hour before bed helped tremendously and she hadn’t had any accidents in months!


We had to go cold turkey with our oldest, otherwise he’d just use the pull-up & never wake to go. Stock up on mattress protector & sheet protectors. No beverages after 7 p.m. It’s been a while, but I think he was accident free in less than two weeks.


The best thing is thick cloth training pants and plastic rubber pants. When they wet in them they won’t like being wet and they learn to go to the potty. Of course every kid is different but all 3 of mine hate having wet clothes so it worked like a charm. Pull ups absorb wetness just like a diaper so they don’t feel that. You may have to wash sheets a few times but it will be well worth it in the end. But I’d you go to underwear don’t switch back to pull ups bc that will make them confused.

We went from diapers to underwear. I recommend buying a plastic mattress cover unless they have a plastic toddler mattress and yes the bed pads are good to use but they didn’t stay in place bc my kids sleep like they’re fighting alligators or something.

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We ended up investing in a potty alarm for night time. It was right at $100 on Amazon. Dr recommended the brand. It took about 6 weeks but he’s now waking on his own at night to pee. He was a very heavy sleeper.

With my son I stopped with diapers/pull ups at night when he woke up consistently dry each morning for about 2 weeks. No drinks an hour before bed.
He had maybe 2 accidents in 6 months and then never had another one again.

For the first few months I would wake my son up when I would wake up or before I went to bed so he can use the potty.

Also I bought a reusable bed pad that you could wash in the wash machine as well as dry.

As a mama with a special needs daughter with chronic constipation she cannot hold her urine no matter how big or small and sees a gastrointestinal Dr so insurance covers all pulls up and bed (puppypads) but if you can find some absorbent enough. Yes reusable is great and last a while

My son is a very heavy sleeper. He will be three in October and 90% of the time wakes up to go pee or hold it until morning. We just got a zip up mattress protector and a rewashable one for him to lay on. We just ditched the pull ups. He had accidents almost every night for weeks. And then just started getting up and staying dry.