Help with nighttime potty training?

We did cold turkey no pull ups at night around 3 years old with double towels beneath him, and yes there were a lot of accidents and laundry but it did eventually work more and more. Lots of potty reminders before bed, like every 15 to 20 minutes. They don’t usually like being wet in their own pee. I also get up every morning at 4 or 5 am and have them go in their little toilet in their room, and then put them back to bed.

Both my son and step son had issues with bed wetting, the pediatrician told us that 90% of kids are dry at night by 9 years old. Also as someone above me mentioned we produce a chemical that makes is wake up with the urge to use the bathroom and not all kids develop it at the same time. Also some kids are motivated by peer pressure when they start having sleepovers and such. For us both boys took until about 9 to be dry consistently all night. We had them wear pullups to bed and had all of the mattress protectors, did the limiting fluids etc but honestly when they were ready it just happened. The biggest thing we were told is to not punish them for accidents as that can cause setbacks.

What I do is wake my son up around 12-1am to go to the potty.

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No liquids at least 1hr before bed unless it was a really really hot day

Wake her up in the middle of the night and have her go. My mom used to wake me up at 3am every morning to use the bathroom. I’m 40 and still wake up every morning at 3am to go to the bathroom.

My 4 year old still has accidents so we put them on her at night. It gets old washing sheets and blankets daily lol. She’s a very heavy water (all she drinks) drinker so I believe that’s why she still has accidents.

They sell plastic washable sheets it goes under the sheet you never know it’s there. Start by stopping water/drink an hour before and undies about a week after you notice shes not going potty at night. She will have a few accidents but you prase her for only doing it once and see how proud she is. Never get mad over it she will just backtrack. Its frustrating and the hardest part of potty training

I cut food and drink off 3 hours before bed, then yes I would wake them to go potty when I went to bed a few hours later

My son is three and my step mom put him in underwear and they took him to the bat Herron before he’d and he peed and they woke him up a few time through the night to pee and he woke up dry the next morning with now accidents

this can be just mental training. i have a step daughter that was the exact same way. my husband tested a theory. He offered he 2 oreos every morning she would wake up dry w/ no accidents. with in a few days she stopped having accidents. i know it may seem out there but sometimes just going for it and then giving the brain something to look forward to… maybe (not sure how your house is ran) offer special morning incentive (like extra tv time or tablet time) as opposed to if there are accidents then not giving that extra to see if you can help train her brain to wake up when she needs to potty. also w/ ours we cut off drinks of any kind 1 before bed and that helped as well

I wake her when I go to bed and put her on the toilet and also when she stirs a lot at night I take her to the toilet and it seems to be working for now.

Make sure to potty before bed cut back on drinks at least 30 mins before last potty… if u get up at night to pee make him/her go also. And a water proof matress protector is your friend

Put underwear on her and get a waterproof mattress cover. Give her a chance.

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I bought mattress protectors for my kids just incase lol there is 2 kinds one goes on like a sheet and the other the mattress goes in and zips all the way around

Any shoppers home health store carries pads to put under someone. They hold over a glass full of water and just toss in the washer

Forget pads. Get a quality mattress cover.

Buy mattress covers and send them to bed in underwear.


I put a bed pad on my sons bed, but I also kept him in pull ups. At night I would wake him up every so often and take him to go potty. He would pee and go back to sleep. I did that until he started getting himself up at night to go.

As with my daughter some kids have a smaller bladder than others and it can take a while for the bladder to catch up with the child’s growth. (Per her Doctor) Still I worried and she was frustrated! She didn’t want to go to overnights or have friends stay over because of this and used an older child’s incontinence underwear. But she did out grow this and is now an adult.

I always just make sure she pottys b4 bedtime. N I don’t give her much to drink in her cup after she pottys just enough to go to sleep on.

I used to walk her in her sleep to the bathroom to have her go

We ditched them and I would just wake them up half way through the night and make them pee.

Could you bring her to the bathroom when you go to bed? I’ve heard this works for lots of people we aren’t there yet but will be soon

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Ardin Timms some tips here for us

definitely get a plastic mattress protector if you don’t have one already. then discuss it with her and make it a big positive thing like “woo-hoo we’re moving up to big girl panties full time!” and then make sure to have her go potty right before bed (If it’s an off night and she stays up for awhile still then make sure to have her go again right before she actually goes to sleep) then set an alarm for yourself and get up around midnight and wake her up and take her potty and then bring her back to bed. this is what i had to do with my son and now he wakes up. he would fully sleep through it before so he just needed that extra help with us waking him up for a couple months to make him go and kind of train his body to wake up in the night when he has to go

I just sent my daughter in underwear. She has had accidents but it’s nothing I can’t wash!

My 3 year old just went her first week of no night time accidents. We use a waterproof sheet and I put a pad under her. She potty’s right before I tuck her in and I always remind her she has panties on for the night. The first 2 weeks I would wake her up around 2ish to try to potty, we still had some accidents. Then about 2 weeks ago stopped waking her for the potty and she finally caught on. She potty’s at 9 before bed and then we wake up early at 6 to potty and she usually goes back to sleep until 8/9. In the beginning I never punished her for having an accident in bed I just asked her to explain why it happened and always finish with “Well we are still learning” … she got build a bear for her first week of no accidents to encourage her. I also let her have 1 starburst with breakfast for no accidents the night before to give her something to look forward to😂 She is also a hard sleeper

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I set an alarm. Got up in the middle of the night to take my son to the bathroom. After a while he got up to the alarm himself.

My now 4.5yo night trained himself just before he turned 3 and my 2 is in the process right now. I take my kids twice a night to go pee every night until they realise themselves. Our son we take once now, sometimes not at all as he is good at just going himself.

But also, some kids just aren’t ready to go yet. You could try no pull ups for a couple nights and see how she does and go from there! But don’t panic - most kids aren’t ready to night train until about 6-7!

My kids treated pull ups like diapers I went to underwear and they didn’t like being wet, hardly any night wets

I layered the bed with bed pads, sheets, etc so I could just pull said layer off & change wet blanket & clothes. I ditched pull ups, limited drinks before bedtime, made my daughter potty 45 mins before bed, then right before bed, then when I went to bed I’d wake her up & take her potty. It’s gonna be trial & error. Just remember every kid is different & it’s going to take time. Positive reinforcement is gonna go a long way. Don’t make her feel bad for having an accident. An accident is just that, an accident.

My 3.5 year old has been potty trained for about 10 months during the day! We really struggled with night time, just last month we finally mastered it! No drinks an hour before bed, goes pee right before laying down! Then an hour after he falls asleep I take him back to the potty! I pretty much have to hold him up Bc he’s half asleep but he goes! Stays completely dry the rest of the night

Have her use the bathroom before bed, of course and wake her before you go to bed and make her go again.

One of mine was a bed wetter until 13 yrs old. Usually it always goes away once puberty hits. I would never disturb their sleep, that’s a great way to stress put a child’s body even more and cause future insomnia in some.