Help with really bad morning sickness?

Weed. It worked wonders for my last pregnancy and my baby is very smart and healthy.

Smoothies were my savior. And making sure I ate breakfast. Most times it would come back up but it would help get that nasty feeling out of my tummy. Sorry you’re dealing with this:( I’m on my 3rd pregnancy and have occasional morning sickness but my pregnancy on my girl last year I had 24/7 sickness. Also look into a different prenatal if you’re taking one! Sometimes they can make you worse

Don’t let yourself get hungry! Snack on saltines or graham crackers to keep a little something in your stomach. I had hypermesis with my first and this was the only thing that helped. Even helped me eat actual meals when it was time. Talk to your doc about nausea meds

Try sour candy. I work with a girl that was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum (sever morning sickness) she’s like 11 weeks and she does sour candy. She said it really helps

1 bite of something like every half hour and only take sips

I was on 2 different nausea meds. 1 prescription and 1 over the counter. The vitamin b6 and unisom helped more. I lost 25 lbs and at 28 weeks still have it occasionally. I take it when I get up and alternate every 4-5 hours.

I drank lots of Gatorade just sip slowly, and I would try to eat at least once a day but I had to get a nausea medicine to be able to finally eat once every day… I had hyperemesis, but I’m currently pregnant with twins and it’s super common when carrying multiples :grimacing::sparkles::two_hearts:

My 3rd pregnancy was awful. I too was sick, non stop. Couldn’t eat anything. I could only drink vitamin water. Tried the unisom and vitamins. Didn’t work. I tried ginger candies… helped a little. I tried Zofran (I think that’s the name) for nausea… that helped. 2nd trimester,I felt better.

B6 and Unisom before bed every night. Worked great for 9/10 days. Some days still would get sick

Chamomile tea with some honey and a little bit of half & half, gave me instant relief because zofran did nothing

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Please don’t let them give you zofran!! That’s like the go to for morning sickness and theres been links to miscarriages and other birth defects. Not safe!
Peppermint teas or gums, mellow foods like crackers/toast, try some aromatherapy like lavender or something of that sort, Preggy Pops! Preggy pops helped me a lot

Try water with some lemon or lime in it

I was the sane ensure helped soooooo much

Or warm flat canada dry gingerale

I am pregnant with my 3rd too. I had to start taking diclegis for my nausea/vomiting. I’m almost 15 weeks now and I’m just nauseous at night now unless I forget my meds the night before. It’s worth calling your dr/midwife now! Definitely try Gatorade by sips and sour Candy actually helps ease the nauseated feeling! Just suck on sour Candy, my nurse recommended and it works!

Hopefully you don’t have Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Peppermints help numb the stomach. An anti nausea medication will help as well.

I had the same problem when I was pregnant with my son only thing I was able to eat was and drink was chips and Pepsi the first few weeks… then after the first trimester I was able to eat more.

Vitamin b 12 and b 6

Find some ginger lozenges!! They don’t taste the best but they settle the nausea sooooooo well! Be careful with peppermint tea, not supposed to drink it til after the first trimester. Drink ensure!! Doesn’t taste the best but drink a little at a time with a straw. I had this same problem.

Im exactly the SAME. I never throw up just that pit and constant nausea. Only thing that has helped is fruit and preggie pops (found it at Target). I was fine until my 7th week too :sob: I wish you luck!

Lemon water or nibble on Some salty crackers right when you wake up from bed or a nap like slowly nibble them and just lay there for a couple min after

I’m on my third pregnancy as well. When I was around 7 weeks the exact thing happened with me but I hadn’t been like that with my other two. The only thing that really helped was peppermints or lemon ginger tea. It seemed to settle my stomach enough to get a few bites of something in and keep it down. It went on like that for 2 or 3 weeks and I did lose weight but once I was past those few weeks everything went back to normal for me. Just don’t overdo the eating when you can finally keep something down. A little is better than nothing. Hopefully it won’t last long for you! :heart:

I had hyperemesis with my first and I was never able to keep things down. After losing 20lbs they gave me a zofran pump which I had on me 24 hours a day it was a life saver. I’m currently pregnant and I was sick all the way through the middle of my second trimester I took zofran then switched to unisom at night it finally went away.

Dry crackers stay down and make ice cubes, lick them to consume small amounts of water without throwing up, hope this helps x

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Sounds like hyperemesis. Maybe your OBGYN can prescribe you something

Soup / broth. Smoothies with bananas. Tea with honey. Keep trying !!! I hope you’re taking vitamins…

Werther’s candy helped mine.

I can’t remember what it was but my doctor prescribed me some dissolving tablets for nausea with my third pregnancy. They helped alot. Maybe they’ll give you something :slightly_smiling_face:

I found pink lemonade helped with my ( sickness) I won’t say morning sickness because it was morning noon and evening. I spent all day at work craving roast lamb and as soon as I’d eaten it in the evening I was chucking it back up. I found it subsided when I got into my 4th month of pregnancy. Xx

I threw up everyday, constantly w my second child, until I gave birth. My doctor prescribed promethazine & it worked well.

Have you tried the pressure point in your wrist…they even bands now (it’s the same point for motion sickness and seasickness). Eat what you can and stay current on your pre-natals. They do make Ginger crackers which helped me. Generally speaking it’s when we feel sick that we should eat something. Also, don’t stress mama…you’re body knows what to do already :wink:

Try some Gatorade. Its really easy to get dehydrated while pregnant (currently 17 weeks)
It helps ease your stomach pain and helps you build up some strength to eat.
Also, ask your dr. About anti nausea meds.

Adult Pedialyte - try the different flavors - hopefully one of them will help.

I have h g. Those are the same symptoms. You need to go get ivs at the hospital and ask to be prescribed diclegus (idk how to spell it) and take it every night and zofran on days you are throwing up. I was going 3 or 4 days without eating or drinking. I couldn’t get off the couch. I couldn’t even online grocery shop for my kids. Light made me puke. It completely debilitated me. I slept in the bathroom floor w pillows and blankets sometimes bc I would get sick 20 to 30 times a day. It was insane and life threatening if not treated. After I got prescribed the diclegus, I slowly started being able to get dry stuff down and from there it got better. I’m now 16 weeks and it has finally eased up and I can eat and drink so much more. Some days I still have to take the zofran, but it makes me feel better within minutes. You’re in my prayers bc hg is no joke. It robs you of being able to enjoy your pregnancy. If my other ones would have been like this, I would only have one child.

I wasn’t very sickly but I remember a friend saying the first thing she ate always came up so she ate toast with jelly and tea because it was the least offensive coming up. After that she could eat other stuff for a while.
Best of luck to you. This soon will pass and you’ll be feeling great!

Try fruit or lemon and water just a bite of kiwifruit or orange. Even suck the juice of a orange. Crackers

Gingersnaps from the health food store (whole grain with lots of natural ginger stayed down for me.

My mum was in hospital when she was pregnant with me the first 7 months after that she could stomach food, I’m not sure what they gave her, though she was still sick, she lived on foods that mostly contained water like lettuce, celery, cucumber, it was horrible from what I heard. But I hope some food with high water content may help you with keeping you hydrated

Lemon candies is all that helped me. I tried lots of things, even had prescription for zofran but never took it due to reports of birth defects

Ginger lollies help. I ate alot of bland food like a toddler would lol

Avacado :avocado::cucumber::watermelon::lemon::lemon::pretzel:
Lemon water or lemonade and tea :tea:

Vitamin b6 will help. It takes a couple days to really circulate in your system. Watermelon is a good light fruit with natural sugars and with it being mostly water small little bites can help ease the ick feeling from being so empty. Warm green tea with half a teaspoon of honey. Peppermint or lemon water. I used lemon juice over fresh lemons but either will work. Peppermint candy may help too. I’m currently 33 weeks. And was like u for the first 4 months. I ended up in the hospital for 3 days on fluids bc of it. And sent home on 4 different meds to help regulate the sickness. :frowning: hope u find some comfort momma.

You probably havr hypermesis. I had this and it was so bad I LOST weight first 6 months and was hospitalized throwing up blood and needed fluids and potassium. Its god awful I’m so sorry. Drink as much as you can and get checked out!