How can I convince my husband our daughter needs a cell phone?

Why do you have to have his permission? If you want to get your daughter a phone go get it.

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She definitely needs a phone. Times have changed this isn’t the 80’s-90’s. She will find a way to use social media, cell phone or not. Just talk to her about internet safety. Maybe watch some educational videos on the dangers of talking to strangers, sex trafficking, etc. TRUST your children. That mutual respect goes a long way.

When I was 14 a guy ran out his house with a gun bc he herd a loud ass noise. Now, this turned out to be a good guy and he said “are you kids okay?” But literally anything can happen. I was hit by a car walking home. Allergic to yellow jackets and got stung in the calf and couldn’t walk. I got bashed in the back of the head with a huge ass rock walking home (and that one was in elementary) kids get stalked and stolen all the time. To much this day and age for your child to have to wait to get somewhere to contact you.

Plus my parents had a rule where if I was somewhere I didn’t want to be; even if I shouldn’t have been there and realized I didn’t want to be there; if I called to get out of a situation I didn’t feel safe in/didn’t want to be in then I wasn’t in trouble. Called daddy a few times; one of which potentially saved my life. So.

Would love an update on what you guys decide to do

She should have one, and you can control it. Make sure you install 360 on it so you will know her location. I’m surprised she hasn’t needed one yet for school. In our area once a student starts high school assignments, information from the school and teachers are either through a specific app or by email.

We gave our 12 year old a phone when she was in 5th grade because she started sports in School. My husband and I both felt it was a necessity in case something happened while on the bus or at a game. She also started walking her sister home from School.

She needs one for safety reasons obviously. Not only to call for help but to be tracked if the unthinkable happens. You can put parental controls on it & block all social media. My kids phones are set up that I have to approve all apps. They were young 9,7,6 when they got their first phones. When my oldest got his apps wasn’t an issue (he’s 22). It was just because we didn’t have a home phone & I wanted him to be able to call his friends & for emergency reasons. With my younger 2 (9&10 now) my concern was that they didn’t know how to use a phone for calling or internet safety. I wanted them to start young before their friends taught them. I dealt with that with my oldest. They started with tight controls & I loosened as they showed me they will follow my rules. They know I can & will lock up apps of they’re not following my rules.

I agree with you!! If nothing else the #1 reason to GET/GIVE her one is for her OWN safety!! Godforbid something happened either to/from hes not gonna forgive himself! Esp any kinda medical emergency etc! REMIND HIM there ARE PARENTAL CONTROLS on/for social media!!

There are parental controls so strict that you have to approve any app she downloads!

There have been many times I want to buy something and my husband disagrees with… I buy it anyway… dont need permission to buy your own daughter a phone.

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Take away husband’s phone for a day & see how he likes it.

My kids have had phones for years but it was last year they got one with service 13 and 9. I got them because I would like to be able for the to reach me god forbid anything happened at school or on the bus.

get her a flip phone