We already have 3 2xboys 1x girl. I would love another, but my husband has said NO out right no, no more. He doesn’t want anymore… but iam worried if I don’t have 1 more I’ll end up regretting it. But husband says no. Please help. How do we meet in the middle. What do I do?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I convince my husband to have another baby? - Mamas Uncut
there is no meeting in the middle
You can’t, and you shouldn’t force him either.
I think the only meeting in the middle here would be to get a dog.
There’s no meeting in the middle with that one.
Um you DONT meet in the kiddle when it comes to creating life.
If he says not right now, there’s a chance for u to have another in the future if he’s adamant on nit anymore period. Ur gonna have to give him some space on the subject and bring it up once every few months to see if his stance changes
How in the world in this economy can you afford a 4th?!
No middle ground here. You guys need to discuss and decide.
You can’t & if this was the other way round the husband would be getting called fit to burn !!
You can’t really make someone want another child, there is no “meeting in the middle” here. One of you has to change their mind and tbh with 3 already I don’t really blame him for not wanting another since the world’s kinda going to shit and everything costs an arm and a leg
Will you regret not having another baby or losing your husband?
Be grateful for the children you have.
Respect his wishes?
Say you have one more and that’s still not good enough. Enjoy the kiddos you have. Three is a handful. And expensive!
My parents have 3 wonderfull kids now adults 2 boys 1 girl
Get a puppy is the only real way to meet in the middle. Unless you’d both be open to adoption. If he doesn’t want another one, then you and him having one is off the table.
U don’t and u shouldn’t force him either or try to CONVINCE HIM. that’s not ok.
He gave you his answer & you have to accept it. He already gave you 3 lol. Accept his wishes.
Theres no meeting in the middle.
Respect you husband’s wishes or get a divorce and new child that way.
Im sorry but you cannot and shouldn’t force a child on anyone. Including your husband
If he doesn’t want any more kids then there is nothing to do but respect his decision
You can’t. Be happy with what you have or you will regret not listening to him
You have 3 kids, I get wanting more but honestly be grateful for what you have. He has said no therefore you can’t force him to want another. Life is expensive these days too, maybe he doesn’t want another due to that. I think meeting in the middle is realizing you have 3 kids and being ok with it.
He doesn’t want to use his body to create another baby. Respect his wishes.
Im in the Exact Same Situation With My Man
I would like another in the future I’ve got 2 girls I’m only 26 but my partner says no more ever… he’s 39 soon and only got the two girls with me he had our first when he was 33. He doesn’t want anymore and I’ve told him I would like one in the future I’m only 26 I have a lot of time but I just have to accept that he doesn’t want another:( jts hard but I guess who men fee is more important for some reason
Except the answer there’s no meeting in the middle on this one
Lol i am betting he’s dealing with most of the finances
Compromise or divorce.
Stay at Home Moms
You don’t compromise on a child. If he says no, the answer is no.
You can’t. He mentally probably cannot handle that stage again with children, I know I cannot & I have two myself. I’m 100% wanting to adopt a girl as I have two boys, but will not continue to try for a girl, to wind up with 6 boys or whatever I end with. & I don’t want that infant / toddler stage. That’s too much for me to handle. I want some life as I had kids pretty young. So if I adopted, I plan to foster older children so they understand they’re wanted, and loved for who they are.
I definitely wouldn’t turn away any boys, but just stating I do not want that infant stage and everything leading after it again. I think 8 would be the youngest I’d go.
So I guess what I’m trying to say, if you want another kid? You’re either going to have to talk about adopting, or if you really think you’ll regret it. I’d you think you’ll regret it more than your husband leaving, go find someone else or simply get impregnated at a doctors office by yourself. Don’t try to change him because he doesn’t want it. He’s told you no, you can ask why he feels such way, but that will not change the fact one of you will probably end up with some life long regrets.
& you don’t want that child regretted, right?
You can’t meet in the middle and have half a baby…
This is a horrible question. Poor husband.
That’s not how it works. Unless you open a daycare so you get baby snuggles but can send them home at end of the day
Do you want the baby more than you want your husband cuz that’s the choices don’t force him into the situation.
Can women stop trying to force men to have kids when they don’t want to?? You know how women don’t want to be forced to have a child when they don’t want to? Same principle. You’re going to end up a single mom by trying to make him have another baby with you.
This is reoccurring thing I keep seeing on here.
Respect your husbands wishes. And enjoy the children you already have. But like others have said getting a puppy is a wonderful idea.
Don’t be that gross girl who tries to trick a man with a kid please. Respect his answer and enjoy the 3 u have after all its his choice too he also I’m sure helps provides, 4 kids is alot.
This is such an ugly destructive world with so much to be concerned about. Raise your 3 kids and be Thankful for them. I’m with your husband on this.
I like the getting a new pet (dog/cat/etc) as a middle ground but as for another baby, maybe now isn’t the right time…?
Maybe he’s just quick to say no now, but maybe his mind will change in a year or two…
I’d table any talk of it for now and just enjoy the 3 you have then maybe come back to it in a few months
You don’t. Just like we want our husbands/partners to respect us when we say no we have to do the same.
Right now he says no, he doesn’t want more. Compromise and get a pet. Maybe in a few years he may change his mind you don’t know. But right now trying to push the idea on him isn’t what you want.
Stop trying to manipulate people into having babies
He doesn’t want another. Enjoy the children you have. Some don’t get any.
Um you don’t. Just like chicks expect to be respected when they say no men should get the same respect
I wanted four but had three. My husband did not at all want anymore . I also couldn’t have anymore as I had to get a hysterectomy. It was hard but it all worked out the way it should . We couldn’t have afforded 4 ! And now I have a precious grandchild that I get to keep part time and spoil
Rotten . Hang in there . It will all
Be ok
We had surprises, 3 of them… way past what either of us wanted and I don’t regret it, however that was a surprise and not planned… it’s a two person choice. If he says no ask him way. If he really truly feels that way that needs respected.
Are his finances okay? Is his mental health able to cope with another child? What are you doing to add onto the family??
Maybe try showing him all the baby pictures and other pictures of your other 3 kiddos as a memory to maybe help change his mind?
Or maybe he wants more alone time with you while you guys are young? I’m assuming lol not sure maybe ask him why he says no?
What if he wanted more and you didn’t? Should you be forced into getting pregnant?
First off, I gotta say I HATE how some of the people in this thread are being so rude. Any chance they get, they try to tear another mom down instead of offering kind helpful advice. Some of you shouldn’t have had the privilege of even one child with how cruel you treat strangers. There is absolutely no reason to be so disgusting in an advice column.
You love children and theres nothing wrong with wanting more. That doesn’t at all mean your other children aren’t good enough. Some people just have more love to give than others. But you gotta respect his feelings mama. You may want more, but he sounds like he’s at the tipping point. One child alone is tons of work and expense. I’m sure he’d like to enjoy some of his older yesrs without having kids still in middle school.
Have you thought about possible getting a part time job at a daycare? You’d get to be around all the littles and your hubby wouldn’t be so stressed.
A compromise, get a pet. Both people should be on board when it comes to having another child. They are a big responsibility so you should also be understanding of his feelings.
So… meeting in the middle means getting what you want? No wonder he doesn’t want more kids with you thats not a compromise
We’re all for men respecting our choices and our bodies. He literally said NO. How is that any different than us saying NO. NO MEANS NO.
Meet in the middle? I believe he already met you MORE than halfway with 3. Leave that man alone. He’s tired
So ur 3 aren’t enough for you???
Why do you want another baby? Why doesn’t he want another baby? Have you asked him why he doesn’t want another one? Your wants matter too-but why do you want another one soo bad? Listen to his reasons as why he doesn’t want one. It has to be agreed upon.
Men are allowed to say no.
Why do u think u would regret not having another when u have been blessed with 3. What makes u feel 4 is the magic number. Raising children is difficult & expensive. They are the greatest of blessings. That still does not diminish the tremendous effort to parent well. Respect his feelings. It’s not like he refused to have any children. There’s your compromise
You don’t smh. If he don’t want one he don’t want one. Stop trying to force someone to have another child. Stop being pitty. You women have a right to tell men yall don’t want another child and he has to go with it but when it comes to men not wanting yall force them. Grow up. No means NO
Theres no meeting in the middle on this. Dont try and force it on him and then cry about having to do all the parenting yourself…js.
I don’t see how meeting in the middle is possible here. You gonna have half a baby?
In all sincerity, your kids will come home with friends that will really need a “mom”. Love goes a long way with children. Find a way to give love and find fulfillment in creative ways to children that aren’t yours. No, it’s not the same but you can make a huge difference in another child’s life just by caring about them!!
There’s no meeting in the middle on this🤣
You meet in the middle by not having another yet until you are both on the same page. And if he says no he has that right just like you do wanting another. You don’t want to cause any issues you can’t take back 
You can’t meet in the middle? You can’t have half a baby? You can’t have a part time baby? You just do or you don’t.
If he says no, then he means no. Respect his choice.
If it was you you didn’t want a baby, and he did, and he was badgering you, you wouldn’t like it. Stop it.
It takes two to tango. Make him wear a condom so u don’t get pregnant. I kno that it’s not 100% effective but I bet he won’t like it. An if he says no condom then say well then u can’t say no to a baby. Ur body ur choice. If he says no then abstinence is the only way to make sure one can not be created.
You don’t have another one
Also, #Admins need to do better and skimming these comments. She asked for advice on meeting in the middle and people are calling her manipulative, selfish, acting like shes trying to force her husband into having more children when she, word for word, asked what to do and how to maybe meet in the middle.
This is why I’m glad I’m catholic. This was discussed before we ever said our vows in required premarital counseling with a priest. The priest discussed how when one spouse has a yearning or desire for more children the other spouse should allow them that. Even if one doesn’t- the desire of one to have more children is in essence not to be refused or ignored etc as in general in life it is one of the main reasons we are here to procreate to love our family and experience that beauty of life. I will never forget him going over this- it was comforting and reassuring. Because as a woman and female far too often in marriages one spouse wants one and done or 2 and they say a absolutely no more while the other spouse has a yearning and desire for more. I’m old fashioned and traditional- most are not so many will not agree with this- that is fine they can keep doing what works for them. But I truly believe in not depriving your spouse of that desire. I have 2 kids and am pregnant with my 3rd. Thankfully my husband comes from a big Italian family where his grandmother had 5 children and each of them had anywhere from 2-5 kids so he likes big families. But again- this was discussed with our faith in mind before ever marrying. Are there many reasons to not have more my God yes people say it all the time- money, exhaustion, they’re content, don’t want the added stress work etc etc etc. But- again, that desire and yearning shouldn’t be ignored and deprived in my opinion not when it comes to literally creating life- another member of your family. They always say you never regret having another child but you might regret not. I truly believe that also. Again, old fashioned and traditional but I see it far far far too often people put a cap on kids and I think that’s a symptom of the culture we live in today versus the different values of the past I appreciate.
Honestly you can’t. He doesn’t want another child & in that you really have to respect him.
Am sorry but BOTH should be on same page of your husband doesn’t want another then I’d leave it the now and then bring it back up either in a few months or a yrs time and hope he changes his mind
But how would you feel if you didn’t want any
Other and he kept pestering you??
If be pissed if my man asked me as I do t want another rite now and if he tried to change my mind I’d snap and say I says no so leave it the now
I cannot believe a woman in this day & age still needs to heard this-NO MEANS NO. If he wanted another & you told him no does mean you need to compromise with him? No, you don’t force a human life onto someone.
I don’t think there’s any meeting in the middle. Ask him why? Tell him your reasons for wanting another and see if one of you will bend.
Meet in the middle and get a puppy lol
You don’t “meet in the middle” with children . Find out why he doesn’t want another one. If it’s something that can be fixed, like maybe one of you finding a higher paying job for more income, then work towards fixing that. You can’t, and shouldn’t, make someone want a child. If not having more kids is a dealbreaker for you, then you guys have to have a serious talk.
Meeting in the middle would be agree to disagree. You don’t push someone to have another child whether you want one or not. If the tables were turned, all hell would rain down. And don’t be sneaky & purposely get pregnant. That’s how you end up divorced.
He said NO. Stop trying to convince him or guilt trip him into doing something he doesn’t want to do. It’s a whole child. It’s not a new couch or something that is low impact. Accept he is not ready or does not want more. Enjoy what you have.
But let’s change the roles.
If he wanted more and you didn’t there wouldn’t a fight because you would lay down the law I’m sure.
I know that I want more, but my husband doesnt.
It’s not going to make or break me.
But I just love the ones I have, and fill my heart with animals, and or a hobby or something
My hands are already full.
Plus alot of people want a baby not a grown child.
Which when I took a deeper look inside, that was what I wanted. Another little baby to snuggle.
And I will wait for friends to have some for me to snuggle.
Guy perspective here but as a father and provider I can see his perspective. Three to me is wonderful and you have both boys and a girl so that is great too. Unfortunately with this there is no meet in the middle you either have another or you don’t.
Honestly, I want to know how you can meet in the middle. Having a baby is not really a meet me halfway type of thing. You’re either in on you’re out.
And if he has one more sounds like he already knows he’ll regret it. So why don’t you put yourself in his shoes.
There is no meeting in the middle. Are you going to make half a baby? He is probably overwhelmed. 3 is a blessing. You will just ruin your marriage if you try to get pregnant after he said he is not interested. Maybe in a few years ask again.
Lmfao no means no. Get over it. You have 3 kids!! That’s a lot!!
U really can’t, if he doesn’t want another child than he doesn’t want another child. Whatever you do don’t try to pressure him
Get an animal that’s just as much work as a child. Don’t force him to do something he might resent u later on for.
There’s no “meeting in the middle” you can’t have half a child. Lol Get a pet instead.
There should be no one in this world to tell you what to do with your body. If your heart aches for another child then have another.
There’s no such thing as meeting in the middle with this. What would you do. Pop out half a kid? You either need to be ok with it or find someone to give you what you want. How important is it to you? And don’t trick that man
You cherish the children you have and get a gold fish or puppy. NOT another child !!!
No means NO. Respect his wishes I mean that’s what yall expect a man to do when the women don’t want anymore it works both ways
I would go with no. You push him and have another it could ruin your marriage. After all it’s already 3 cars, 3 college funds, 3 savings, 3 mouths to feed etc
Take care and love the ones you have.
Don’t force him to have a baby he doesn’t want. It will only breed resentment for you or possibly the child. And that’s no way to bring a baby into the world
You can’t meet in the middle. One of you gets your own way, the other is unhappy.
Please look at it from his point can yall afford another in these times and have savings for a emergency. Do u guys own ur home and have good reliable cars that will last you another 4 to 5 years? Do u have the space for another child in the home and in the car? Don’t push him to have another men look at the bigger picture. My husband and I only want two because we want to be out of debt and be able to give them the best life. The doctor messed up on our birth control and I was very upset about it as I have a high chance of something bad happen if I got pregnant again and we agreed on two. We talked he said we will make it work but I was still upset that there was ever a chance. So if he says no take it and move on
Have half a baby? Compromise
He could always change his mind. But if he doesn’t, he doesn’t as hard as that may be for you
I don’t think you’ve laid a middle out here it’s your way or his. His feelings are valid here, if you convince him to do something he’s said no to repeatedly you’re setting your marriage up for a lifetime of resentment and that’s not going to end favorably for anyone
He’s right. 3 is a lot already these days. Be Thankful you have 3 healthy kids.
There really is no meeting in the middle. You could become foster parents and foster children that need a home/family.