Ignore her. They only throw fits for the attention. Once she sees it doesn’t get a response she will move along. What really helped with my kids, I give them one warning before entering the store. Act appropriate or we will leave everything in the basket where it sits. Only once did my son test that, I did as promised and we walked out (without the toy he wanted). Now he is the most behaved child in the store.
I had a cry chair I sit my young two’s daycare children in and sit with them and told them when they were finished they could get up. even if they didn’t understand me we’d talk about what happen and hug them .As they got older I would tell them to go take a time out and sit in the cry chair and they could get up when their finished they could get up and we can talk . As they got older I called it the think it over chair it got to the point where if they were upset they would sit on their on . ( young two’s to three’s ) I worked in the daycare for 19 years its a struggle sometimes but it gets easier but threes could be worse . Good luck mom you got this .
They don’t call it the terrible 2’s for nothing. Be as patient as possible don’t argue and never try to reason with a 2 year old. Be firm and fallow through! If you say this will happen if you do that again! Fallow through!!
Consistently is you best friend right now. Good luck!
I have smacked the back of my daughter’s hand and told her no, if we were home put her in the corner for 2 mins
I remember one time trying to leave my sister’s house. My daughter would not sit down in her car seat so I could buckle her in. I said fine I’d leave without her! Set her down on the sidewalk and started to drive away a bit. Made a second try and she still wouldn’t cooperate. Set her out again and drove up the street a ways. Turned back and that time she got the message. And no I didn’t leave her on the sidewalk by herself, my sister was right there.
Don’t give in. Just make sure she’s not in a place where she can hurt herself while she’s thrashing around on the floor. When you go about your bussiness she will get the message. Also it helps for you to talk
about it while your giving her a snack or a treat. Just bring up the subject while you’re both in a good mood. Have a snack with her and have a talk about things in general. Then you can bring up the conversation. Talk
About when you were her age and how big girls don’t throw tantrums. How it really helps you and Daddy when she acts like a big girl.
So on and so forth . It’s a nice quiet conversation between the two of you. This is also good for potty training. Talk about it first, it gives them a chance to wrap their heads around it.
I mentioned the bathroom or the spoon, they disliked both and straightened up, they rarely got spanked but new to behave, and of course there was the look that required no spoken words.
Just constantly stay on her. And I mean constantly. No is not an option in my son’s vocabulary. He tried that a couple times but was shut down very sternly. I know it is hard, but you are the boss mama. You have to take control and show her that. If she throws fits, make her go in timeout over and over and over. Explain to her everytime why she is going in time out, and then talk with a calm voice after about what she has done to put herself there. You have to stick with staying on her behavior or she will know that she runs you.
Ours is going to be 3 in a couple weeks and she does this all the time. Anything that transitions her from one thing to another, she has a hell fit over. Even if you tell her no on ANYTHING. She freaks out and throws a fit. She’s being evaluated for autism though so that might be why. Developmentally she’s scored at 12-18 months so…idk. I wish I had some advice but I don’t because we go through it too…good luck!
I would just walk away, from the fit if at home, if we were somewhere out then I would get down to her level and tell that was enough and we were leaving and then I would pack up and we would leave. Once at her Aunties she didn’t want to leave so I said I wouldn’t be back for a week, and I said good-bye and started to leave and her Aunt reminded her that she had no clothes and Auntie did not have a washer so she would have to wear the same clothes for a week and wash her undies by hand, she was in the car before I got there! Never again did she cross me.
Sounds like a normal toddler lol just stay consistent in your parenting. Even as simple as saying no will eventually become effective if you always follow through and don’t give in my oldest is almost 10 and he was definitely a tantrum throwing as a toddler. My youngest is 2 and I’ve always tried to make sure I set clear boundaries with her and stick to what I say. She has tried throwing a few tantrums but didn’t get her way and now she just said awwwwww and pouts if I say no. But no tantrums. Generally she will just move onto something else without complaint. But you just have to find your own way, you know? There a reason they call it the terrible twos lol
My 5 yr old still throws tantrums an when I punish him for it the tantrums stop for a while.
I have two boys my oldest never threw tantrums and his 13 now, so with the baby it’s so new to me these tantrums and I don’t spank my boys punishing works better for me whereas my mum is quick to spank an as kids I always got spanked being the oldest even if it wasnt my fault so I decided that’s not how I’m raising my boys
They listen when they have been punished an I always talk it out with them so they understand y
She’s testing you to see how far she can get with the tantrums. Sit her in time-out and hold onto her favorite toy. If she misbehaves then it’s probably time for a nap. If shes good, then when times up, give her her toy back as a reward. Make sure she can see you at all times so she knows your watching her. Facing her towards the wall makes it seem like you don’t love her anymore at that age, and that you don’t even want to look at her anymore. It worked for my little terror of a girl. Also make sure you talk to her about her behavior and why it isn’t acceptable to act that way. If in a store, leave the cart and go home. Try again when the other half gets home or again tomorrow.
Time out - if it works for your kid… time out can be more of a hassel for you if it doesnt. Spankings and ignoring. If you dont react to a behavior then it no longer works in their favor. Ignore things you can, spank things that require immediate reaction like biting, and time out when you can for things you can.
I had one do it one time in the market. I walked off and left him. He realized I was gone and stopped the fit. I was watching from around the corner. He never did it again. Scared him.
Persistence, patience, punishment and reward system. Mostly persistence and patience. I’ve been battling a bad attitude from my son for over 2 years now due to his dad and I separating. It is by no means easy but hang in there momma you got this.
Consistency is key. Never give in to a tantrum. If you do they learn that to get what they want, throw a tantrum.
58 years ago Ihad my 2and daughter and oh boy she was good at throwing tantrums and holding her breath all I ever did was say to her if that’s the way you want to behave go ahead I don’t want anything to do with it. I then went to the livingroom picked up my knitting and before I got to finish the first row she would be in the livingroom with me saying she was sorry. Then we would talk.
Time outs! Did it with my 12 year old and now 3 year old… started both at 2 years old… now with my 3 year old all I say is if u do not stop doing “whatever” ur going in time out and he stops hardly ever have to put him in time out anymore
At home for my daughter the corner worked when in public Walked away until was out sight for her but I could still see her she would eventually follow because she didn’t want to be left alone she eventually came to the conclusion when I say let’s go she would come and when she was told to do it she was to do so it it didn’t matter if it was her way or not
My son was a different story and way more stubborn and had to be a taught the hard way cuz the East way did not work nor did talking or corners he had to be spanked so at home he was spanked in public he was threatened to be spanked once we got home if he didn’t do as he was told and both my kids were eventually put on backpack leashes anyway when we were out in public
Positive reinforcement.
When my kids act up. I ignore them or timeout. We talk about it and Then I explain what they could have done instead.
When they chose to do something positively or do it the way I said, I praise them for it by saying “thank you for coming to me and talking…” or whatever it is they did.
If I say we will leave if you continue yelling and not listening to mommy, I leave.
Really with kids, you gotta follow through, praise the good, ignore the bad but still address it(unless it can’t be ignored cause of safety or something like that then address it immediately)
Tone of voice is important too. Stern doesn’t equal mean; just tells them you are bein serious.
It’s hard to establish but once it is it’s a breeze! And at 2, that’s the establishment phase
Don’t give In…you will create an even bigger monster!!! Drag her out kicking and screaming. I had 3 toddlers at one point…I never gave in to their tantrums. Never yelled. Just ignored their awful toddler behavior. 17,14, and 11 now!! We all survived lol but now trying to survive the teenage years is a whole new ball game
Every kid is different. Spanking did not do anything for my oldest but time outs and taking away electronics did. My daughter is different time outs do not work. One swat and she’s done. Now I will say I didnt spank my children till they were 3 but I also didn’t have cause to before that. Every kid and parent is different. You just have to try and see what works for you and your daughter.
I talked to mine explained what it was they were doing wrong in easy to understand terms and asked them if they would like watching other kids act like that. I explained other ways of getting their opinions across.
I’m a person who believes in spankings and time outs, etc. but the most important thing is that when you speak to your toddler SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, & MEAN WHAT YOU SAY. consistency is key. If you just ~say~ you’re going to spank, & dont- they won’t take that seriously. Same as if you ~say~ “we’re going to leave” but don’t, they won’t take you seriously when you say that either. Just be consistent and follow through with whatever it is you want to execute.
I stepped over them and walked away, saying I am leaving now if you stop the fit you can come too. Then walk away…they will get the idea you are not going to react to the fit and will stop
I would tell my son what we were going to do and talk about behavior I expected and if not we leave. My boys got so tired of hearing my behavior expectations they would tell me what they were. If they didn’t abide we left. My boys needed to know we were the boss and they had consequences for bad behavior.
When my son was 2 he threw a fit in the store so I took him out to the car and drove to my mother’s and asked her to watch him ,then went back and finished shopping and did not get to go with me again ,lol
I always just turned away and ignored him. It always worked until he stopped
I used to walk away when my kids acted up like that… Obviously not out of site but when they see you walking away and not giving them the attention it will soon stop.
Honey stick to your guns don’t give in to her what you say goes she will learn I know it’s hard when your out and about as people stare but they will get over my granddaughter is going through the same she’s 2 pushing her mum to the limits but my daughter in law is like no you will learn when I say time to go we go or no sweets it’s no sweets it’s hard but you can do it a few weeks and she will know to listen to her mama good luck honey let’s us know how you get on don’t stress about it all mums go through it and those who say I don’t well then I would question their parenting skills
I have heard softly talking to your child saying I understand your feeling upset or angry but would you like some hugs to make it all better. Apparently distracting them with this positive love helps
Give her options. “You can choose to leave with us right now OR you will sit your butt in your quiet area when weYOY WILL are home” do NOT engage after you’ve forced her (yeah - it sucks big time) into her carseat. Just keep repeating yourself- “You can choose to leave now OR you can choose to sit in your quiet space when we get home. Nothing else.” When she is done, hugs and talk about choices. “I love you, next time do you think you’ll choose to leave? I bet when we get home after that we could have strawberries and creme!”
Well it’s got to be a voice as in firm and low toned and you don’t plea bargain with a child it’s just NO I hear a lot of parents modly coldly their children and give in buy the toy they want just to keep the peace or stay longer so the child doesn’t scream or make scene it’s just NO so consistency and firm you are the parent they are the child
With my youngest, transitions were an issue. Leaving the house to go to the grocery store seems perfectly logical to an adult. To a toddler, a big person just grabbed them away from their toys. Get on eye level; develop a system. In 5 min, we will leave and you can come back and play later
“But I don’t want to leave all my toys.” O.k. would you like to pick one toy to take to take to the car or leave all of the toys here until we get back…The baby now has a (limited) choice and an illusion of control.
Fast food rule! It sounds silly it feels silly when your doing it but it helped so much. It’s from the Book Happiest Toddler on the Block
Sounds like she is acting her age but must be consist y punished for bad behavior. CONSISTENCY is key. I swatted my kids on the butt when they misbehaved. She will outgrow this IF you teach her there are consequences to bad behavior
The one thing that worked really well was giving them a count down… not 1,2,3. If we were out somewhere, playtime before dinner or bed time we would say, “15 more minutes, 10 more minutes, 5 more minutes before xyz. This way they see it coming and it isn’t just “ok. Let’s go”. It gives them the ability to adjust change.
I’d consider an Early Intervention Program. You usually can find one through the Y. Sounds like she is a bit out of control already.
Shes being a normal 2 yr ild that why they call it terrible twos I wasn’t beyond smacking lil ha f when they get stuff there not suslose to… but if she has a fit about someing let her sit there and have it but don’t guve her what she want then when the fit is over take something away she likes like tv or a toy and explain to her what she done wrong and why your taking it even though she’s two she’ll understand… just jave to stand your ground and not give in
Warn them before leaving where you are. Get her excited for what’s next. “Ok in a few minutes we are gonna have to leave the park. We need to go home and have lunch and play with your toys.” It’s also helpful to say bye bye to wherever you are. “Say bye bye park, we will see you next time. Byeeeee park”
Been there, 5 times! I hate to scare you but I thought age 3 was worse!
Here’s an adage I had as a guide: pick the fight I HAD to win. They want to wear PJ’s to preschool? Fine! We are leaving? Yes we are, with or without you. And I would walk away ( but could still see the child. Sea World was one such incident like that!)
You can’t reason or argue with a two year old. IT IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, it’s a beloved dictatorship, and you aren’t their friend. Period
I had a zero tolerance, zero acknowledgement, zero reaction policy with tantrums, fits, and mood swings. Once the little ones learned and accepted this… like it or not… I did not have issues other than pouting.
Set up boundaries and age appropriate punishments and, most importantly, stay consistent. Follow through with the punishments even when there is crying and bartering.
Also, positive reinforcement works wonders. Reward the behavior you want to see.
Toddlers can be like a storm. Be patient and be consistent, you’ll get through it and she’ll get better! #HardestJob
Apparently “Whoop her ass” is frowned upon. So my suggestion would be when she starts throwing a fit, ignore her.
With my kids, I always tried to redirect first, then time out. If that didn’t work, then if I had to, they’d get a spanking.
Make sure u give time warnings. That gives them time to prepare. Like 15m til leave. 10 mins til leave. 5 min and 2 mins. Does wonders! I used an egg timer when they was young like that. Now we use the clock and still countdown
Yes and I saw all the time out suggestions! Absolutely! And don’t interact with them in any way. If they get up, timer starts over
Try not to lose your temper…you are the parent, sometimes disregarding behavior can diffuse it…sometimes.
My oldest son was like that. He still throws fits sometimes but it’s not as bad because if he would throw tantrums we would leave or he wouldn’t get whatever it was he wantes. He also hated time out so he would do time outs and now he is 5 and knows if he throws fits he won’t get what he wants so I guess my advice is just try not to cave to make things easier for yourself. She will learn or she will miss out.
Tbh though, I mean i cave sometimes so do your best haha
Throw water on her when she is having a fit. Worked on my son.
I always say “are you tired?” He says no because he knows where this conversation is going.
I say… “okay well you need to act better because if you are tired, we have to leave and go take a nap.”
He straightens up immediately.
Always be consistent! They learn eventually that what mom says goes and you wont budge on it from tantrums!!
Ignore her fits, teach consequences and bust her butt or I sent mine to a “naughty chair”…let them sit where they cound’t see tv, One minute per age and be consistant. Also if you tell them no,meqn it…everytime. Don’t say no unless you’re really going to enforce it. This is what ruins so many kids…they will throw a fit, beg, cry, scream…the answer is still no.
Time outs. Explain what the bad behavior is and that if it continues, there will be a time out. Then follow through! Once the time out is over, explain again what the bad behavior was.
Someone asked this question on a Dad’s only site once and hilarity ensued. Some answers included fight club references and adoption. It was great.
the main thing is being consistent. When you say no to her then that’s what it means there is no if you cry a little bit I’ll give you what you want. The moment you do that is the moment you’re going to have to backtrack in your parenting. I say firmly be consistent your mama she’s the child, get down on her level and communicate with her she’s 2, she understands, let her know this is what we’re doing we had a good time it’s time to go now we’ll come back another time. Or I understand your feeling sad or I understand your feeling angry, but let’s do this… Always kneel to her level where you’re eye to eye so she doesn’t feel inferior to this big tall mama. Consistency is key, you got this!
Whatever you do as punishment, be consistent with it and let her know that you are parent and she is the child, keep boundaries!!
FOLLOWING!!! Have a 4yo that STILL throws these fits. We blame it on her Native American/German/Irish heritage but MAN!!! I am at my wits ends!
I gave opinions to take mind off not getting what they want …makes them feel like big girl to help with choices rofl
It is called lose the attitude or I will give you something to really think about and bring out the spoon My mom and dad did that with us and so did my grandparents and we learned that when we were told to do something we did it
My line was stolen from good ole dr Phil: “I can’t hear you when you talk like that” and walk away. Broke my son real quick of tantrums and whining.
Seems she already knows who is boss.
You need to take control of it now or it’ll get a whole lot worse
Spank her. My parents spanked me and I loved them. After age 5 or 6, I obeyed and no more spankings. I spanked my son. When he went through preteen and teens he never gave us any problems. Also it is good advice about looking a child in the eyes and saying no.
She’s has just learned she has voice. Just go with it itll pass lol dont worry about it so much…same way when kids discover they have feet they play with them forever. She’s two!
When I say no it’s no… when I say it’s tome to go it’s tome to go I very literally will pick my two yr old up and carry her back to the car … if we are at home and any of my 4 start tantruming I point and they go to their room
The most effect is ignoring if you ignore the tantrum then she’s not winning because you not giving attention to the negative behaviour turn around and co tongue what your doing with in reason obviously
Well welcome to having a 2 year old! Positive reinforcement and repeated direction are big here.
Sometimes I literally do the exact same thing and they look at me like I’m nuts and they stop doing it. Ooor I tell them flat out that they can freak out all they want and that I don’t care(about them freaking out) and they stop. But that’s just me.
I’d spank her ass an put her in the car. the smaller fits give her 2 chances to act better or she would get a spanking. you dont have to hit hard just so she knows you mean business.
Teach sign language to her, just enough. They dont talk to well so they have tantrums, I’ve also ignore…
I did the counting, now she counts with me so I really can’t help, I’m at my wits end with my daughter. It’s been like this for the past going on 3 years. Starting to just ignore the behavior
Im Having issues with my soon to be 2 yo son. Screaming matches between him and dad, throwing heavy/hard items at his older sister and the overall “not listening” attitude.
Following even though I have 5 older children. Never had such a meanie lol. She bites and hits etc
My sister would flick my nephews lips. I saw it in action and all she had to do was threaten them with it after a few good flicks.
If you do not hold your ground then you’ll have a 9 yr old acting like a 2 year old. I wasn’t consistent and it is biting me hard. She gets mean. Yells at me and throws fits like a brat. So I finally got a white board are down rules and chores and if she breaks rules, or her attitude rules as well or no lies, back talk or yelling then everything get taken away. And she pulls yrd duty. Seems to be working now as I’m and her family are consistent now. It’s not easy
Scoop em up and throw over your shoulder… They can’t move. And get going! Don’t prolong that screamy crying stuff. Works with gramdkiddos too except NOW I think ITS funny:joy:
Ignore the tantrum and redirect. Don’t feed into the behavior. Once they realize that you react to it, or bend, it never ends. Stick to your guns, you’re in charge. This will teach them to respect your leadership as a parent, and that the final word is yours. Standing your ground now will
Teach them lifelong lessons about respect for authority.
If out in public tell her that is not good behavior warn once and follow through trust me if they don’t get their way and you warn with what will happen ie: we will leave and follow through if she continues she will know you mean business but do not warn more than once without the follow through because she will k ow in the end she will get her way
time outs work in a time out chair, or ignoring it, or explaining its not appropriate behaviour
I spanked mine n sent her to her room where she could come out if she was gonna be a good girl
Spank!!! I spank my kids to let them know they don’t run the show. Start it now or you will lose control very fast. All I have to do now is count down from 3, they stop throwing a fit once I get to 1 because they know whats coming next. Don’t give in to their attitudes or fits. Unless they are in actual danger or hurt. You put a stop to it now. Don’t let them become little assholes.
Give notice before leaving somewhere she enjoys. Don’t give in and punish accordingly. She’ll get the message
Give her very clear time boundaries. Like were leaving in 5 min. We’re leaveing in 2 min. Go do your last fav thing bc its time to go. Also give choices. Do you want to leave now or in 1 min? She will like being in control of choosing and it’s win win for you
One thing to remember is if you don’t have control of your children by the time they are 3 or 4 you probable never will. Do not give into them and let them no the next time they want something they will not get it. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, don’t say you are going to do something if you don’t mean it. Always carry through with what you tell them you are going to do. My son reinforced that in my mind when he was talking about a teacher. His commit was he always says he is going to such and such but he never does. None of us pay attention to him anymore. He is just talk.
Mrs. Hand met Master’s butt. Only took once and the threat of it was enough from there on out. He’s 28 now and a great guy.
I ignored her ignored her
If we were in a store I walked away from her but was watching her
I used calm down bottles while in time out. It’s a bottle filled with water and glitter
When mine were younger I would walk away, not give them the attention they are trying to get… I would still be able to see them but ignore it
I’m 84 raised 4 and if you can’t deal with a 2 year old wait till they are 16 they will tell you what to do. Your the parent.
Go with your instincts. All children will push just to see how they can push. You just have to be consistent.
My generation turned out respectful and had values cause our family spanked us
It is normal. So a couple of swats on the butt gets their attention as well as lowering the tone of your voice and giving the the look. Make sure you work with love at stopping that behavior or they will end up like the rioting “protesters” we have lately.
My daughter is 5 I just let her work it through I would walk away and she wouls would stop her tantrum
Mine just get the look and they calm down. They know mommy doesn’t play around.
It is not called the terrible two’s by accident. They are just exploring their new power, “words”. favorite one is NO. the good news they will out grow a lot of it. But this is the time to start disiplin. Leaving: take hand and say we are leaving now. Having a fit: pick up and move to chair explain in a few words why behavior is not acceptable. sitting in time out is usually 1 minute for each year of age. Acting out in store, restaurant, public in general, take hand, come with me. and remove from area. To car is best. in a few words explain the unacceptable behavior… Yelling/ throwing? etc is not allow in restaurant / park,etc. When you are ready we can try once more. But, never give more than one more try for each event. Try working on telling child what you want them to do. not NO don/t do that. Like walking feet please, inside voice please, or you want to play, stay.etc then you have to behave. do not tolerate misbehavior at 2, If in doubt about what to tolerate, ask yourself if you would think it is cute when they are ten.
Oh I remembered those days, they use to be so embarrassing. Well, I use to tell my daughter if she doesn’t behave in the store, the next time I am going shopping I am not taking her. After, I
dropped her off at my mother’s home a few times and went shopping without her, she started to behave whenever we went out.
She’s a baby still trying to figure things out they are all like that at that age, it’s your job to teach her different
Take all toys and electronics away and make kiddo sit in room her room and think about what she’s done. She can stare at the wall. Also only come out to only use the restroom and to eat.
Ignore it …turn and go the other way .she drops herself on the floor ,walk over her like she does not exist
Stand your ground and be the parent. You are not her friend nor a negotiator. No means no!