How Can I Explain This to My Daughter?

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"My 12 year old daughter is experimenting with different make up looks. (She's in a Goth phase)She's been trying to wear crazy make-up looks to school. I dont think they are appropriate for school. She gets upset when I make her wash it off and redo it. How can i explain to her that she cannot wear 'wild goth looks' to school.?!"

RELATED: 15 Alternative Makeup Looks We Love


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"How isn’t it appropriate? She’s expressing herself"

"You let her go through her phase… I mean chances are she’s redoing it in the bathroom before school and then washing it off before coming home. Let her work through her phase. If it’s inappropriate the school will let you know… and then she sees there is a actual reason for you telling her versus her not"

"Let her, why can’t she be goth? Encourage her to be comfortable in her own skin."

"What makes it crazy? Cause I remember seeing both makeup from way back when I went to school. And never thought anything of it?"

"Is it against school policy? My daughter wears it to school and the school is very supportive of her self-expression and so are the other students."

"I did, and I turned out fine. Still goth and it isn’t hurting anyone. Don’t suppress her expression of self, she will pull away."

"Let her as long as the school doesn’t have an issue. Kids have to be able to express themselves"

"I mean if the school isn’t complaining then leave it be. You gotta pick your battles and I just think kids should be allowed to be who they are"

"She’s expressing herself and making her change it because you don’t like it will only lead to her to do it behind your back. Help her fine tune the looks she’s trying to achieve, make sure she is building the skills to do her makeup well what ever look she is going for ie blending and what not. Expression and experimenting with looks is part of growing up."

"It’s just makeup, she is beginning to express herself. Allow her. Be supportive of her, don’t change her. It may just be a phase. As long as she is happy, I dont see the harm."

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