How Can I Explain to My 8-Year-Old That Santa Won't Be Bringing Expensive Things This Year?

One way to deal with this is to tell her Santa doesn’t bring expensive things but you will try to get her what you can. That way she doesn’t feel that Santa doesn’t love her as much as others or that she was bad.

I always say Santa has to follow your family traditions. Some people do big gifts, some do only stocking stuffers, and some don’t have Santa come at all. That Santa follows your parents wishes. You can say you don’t do the big gifts from Santa and want to concentrate on learning about saving up or gifts from the heart,etc. I like to take the blame so they can still have the magic of Santa and don’t have to feel some people aren’t treated fairly by Santa.

When I was younger, my parents told us that they had to help pay santa back every year so he could continue to bring everyone presents. They wrote santa how much they could afford and santa surprises us within budget

I always told my kids, that the parents have to stay up to pay Santa for everything he brought. It made them not go above our price range.

1st, stop telling her it depends how good she’s been! Now when Santa doesn’t bring those things she’ll question what she did wrong and that’s on you.
We debated telling our kids santa just fills stockings and parents buy the presents. We ended up telling them Santa doesnt actually exist, it’s just a fun story! They still love Christmas, elf on a shelf and easter without the fairytales.

Apple products, computers, and basically all electronics are not made by Santa’s elves in my house. I explain to my kids that santa makes the toys, so brands etc come from mom and dad. Its worked this far

What we do…we celebrate Saint Nicholas Day…which only holds things big enough to fit in a shoe…and is at the beginning of December. Then, actual Christmas anything that they get comes from mom and dad and we focus more on the birth of Jesus than presents from Santa.

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I simply don’t allow it. Same as not letting my child burp at the table. I told her Santa has a lot of kiddos to love on Christmas night. So we do our part and only ask for one cool thing that isn’t too expensive. Also, no cell phones or live pets without elves sending parents an email permission slip. Lol!

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Our kids decided on their own around 4ish that Santa is really busy and its not fair to make him and the elves work so hard so they ask for 1 gift only so Santa and the elves can have some time with their family too. They talked to the mall Santa and he thanked them and gave them an extra candy cane…it was adorable. He pulled me aside and told me what happened and what they asked for. They did that for years and talked a few family members into doing the same.

I have always told my littles that Santa would never want to show up Mom & Dad, so he always makes sure not to bring anything that we couldn’t afford ourselves. It works for us. Thankfully, I only have a couple more years to deal with the whole Santa thing.

Santa only fills the stockings at our house. On some years we were surprised with some gifts on our doorstep and I told my kids Santa brought those as well. Otherwise I work hard to afford gifts and I get credit for them.

Its not what you get it’s what you give , Santa’s job is to share love the best he can ,many times growing up santa left me a very nice note with perhaps 1 gift, I knew it was from Santa because of the paper and special ink had never seen before , hint hint you can pickup these items at k- mart .
This should give you alot to work with , when the words come from Santa not you . PS don’t forget to thank her for the milk and cookies :blush: Santa is real , I’m 62 and I believe :pray::heart:

Tell her that Santa’s elves don’t make electronics and Mom and Dad have to buy those from the store.


What I had to do when my son was about six is say that there are so many children that parents have to help pay for Santa presents because he can’t afford it anymore. my nephew got so much more than he did that he thought he hadn’t been a good enough child. Broke my heart. He was so good.

Times are hard and I don’t know how some will feel but I didn’t teach my children or grands babies about Santa and I made a lot of sacrifice for them to have what they wanted and needed, I told them don’t spoil it for other children but be graceful that I love them so much, that I’m
go without so they can have
I also let them know that Christmas is not about gifts but family, and everyday is a gift you have new shoes, clothes, games, Xbox, play station, phones
My children understood at a young age and the last thing I told them if you get money for Christmas you can alway find what you wanted cheaper after Christmas I would drop them off at the mall and they got almost everything they wanted

We never told our daughter that Santa was a person. We told our daughter the reason we celebrated Christmas is because that was when Jesus was born.
We also didn’t do the Easter Bunny, or the tooth fairy. So that she would be aware that Jesus was a real person and we would never have to tell her He isn’t real. So we never went overboard with gifts.
She knew her gifts were from us.

I’ve always told my children (24 yrs old and 8 yrs old) that Santa delivers the presents but he could never buy big expensive presents for all the children of the world. So I said that there is a special account at the bank called a “Christmas Club” and Santa uses that money to pay for some of the stuff so it depends on how much I put in the account, because Momma has to set limits. It has always worked for me

I always told my kids that Santa was love. That everything they got came from people that loved them

You should let her know that she should get toys that are age appropriate and educational. There are toys that aren’t electronics that your child can learn to love, and tell her that electronic toys aren’t the cool toys

I have been unemployed since March .I’ve started telling them to make a nice list ,that things are different and no expensive gifts,they have been great about it .Santa has never brought expensive gifts.

Large gifts are from mom not Santa because Santa’s elves can’t make those type of gifts. Also remind her that if we ask for a gift that costs a lot of money that might mean that we only get one gift and maybe a few small things.

We have 4 kids. My husband & I never felt the need for “santa”. They knew from the beginning he didnt exist. We told them that some kids did believe in Santa and that was ok, and they weren’t to tell them otherwise. Our kids enjoyed Christmas just as much as any other kids and they appreciated what they recieved. They are now 25, 21,19 & 12. And I wouldnt change a thing.

Growing up almost all our gifts were from Santa and I continued that with my two kids. It never really occurred to me to do otherwise. We do have the rule that if Santa brings you something really nice, you can not brag about it or else he will take it back. I wish I thought of this before but now at ages 17 and 8 I think it’s too late. I figure I only have a few more years left til my 8year old figures things out. They don’t get big things every year though. Usually it’s every other year or so, of someone out grows a bike or something like that.
I think the poster should do what she can realistically do for her daughter and maybe try to explain about Santa being backed up because of covid and then purposely giving her the best gift from mom. Say I know santa was backed up this year so I got you…

Santa brings 1 toy, and its a small one. I’m just glad my 5 year old doesn’t ask for expensive stuff. He doesn’t care what it is as long as he is on the good list.

My kids are 8…9…10…14…last Christmas we let them know Santa was not real. They loved the real story of saint Nick we told them and it made it easier for them to understand why sometimes kids got big things and others got small things. We then swore them to secrecy to not tell others.

So glad I’ve never had to worry about this. My kids know Santa is pretend and just something we play. They know the gifts are really from me. I’ve never lied to them about the fictitious characters of holidays and cartoon characters, movies, etc. I’ve always explained the difference between real and pretend. We still have fun and I don’t have to betray my values and conscience or their trust.

My kid is 9 and while she wants expensive things I tell her she can’t get everything she wants bc santa has many other kids to get presents for. And has to figure out what she wants most and that her parents and Santa will do their best to get her what she wants but shes pretty happy w whatever she gets and doesnt complain a lot. I also believe she knows santa isnt real but since her sister is 5 almost 6 puts up with the charade. We try to get stuff she wants that’s not too expensive as well. And obviously the younger one wants a lot as well but both are always happy with what they get

I always enjoyed the fruit,nuts and candy under the tree. Plus we got presents. My brother and I shared a recent car set. On Christmas eve our uncle’s played with it
Loved every minute.

I’ve always explained it that we have to contribute to Santa for the gifts. Santa can’t afford to buy all the children their gifts, so we are his helpers; we confer with him on what we can contribute and what gifts we can afford for him to bring. I hope this helps.

Sorry got interrupted three items most wanted first. Then I would go with what I can afford. They knew this was from the grandparents…

well you cant tell her it depends on how good she’s been because she’ll think she’s bad, so you’ll have to just blame it on covid tell her times r rough even for santa and he won’t be delivering expensive things this year


I think just as simple as Santa knows what we need and what others need and there may be some kids going through a lot or really hurting and he knows they needs a little more. That he has a good heart like we all should.

In my house santa brings one gift we get the credit for the rest it’s not fair for santa to get the thank yous and the I love yous :grimacing::rofl::grimacing::crazy_face:

I just explained that if Santa focused on such expensive presents some kids might not get anything and we should be willing to graciously accept our gifts knowing that is what is fair.

I told my kids that even though Santa made and delivered the gifts mom and dad had to pay. That solved the problem they were going to get everything on their list. They accepted that and was happy every Christmas.

Its a good question. First thing I would like to say is please don’t tell it depends on how good they behaved. She will think she isn’t a good girl and that’s not the case. You can try and say something like maybe their parents bought it for them. You can get some of the gifts from the goodwill or pawn shops(electronics)…they don’t have to be new…they will be new to her and she’s young enough not to know. You can also say what I would tell me boys…now remember it’s a Santa list not a list to Donald Trump (my kids are in their 20’s-so back then he was shown on tv with lots of money) that would help because then they’d make a reasonable list. You can also do what my sister in law does with my nephew. 1 gift from Santa and the rest from her. She says I want credit for my hard work and I don’t want him going to school saying santa got me all this stuff.

Santa doesn’t bring electronics , but sometimes other parents will pretend he does
Santa brings play with each other toys like games and stuff

My 6 year old grandson was told that Santa does not bring expensive gifts because the elves can’t make enough for every child in the world. Therefore, Santa brings books, bon-expensive video games, art supplies, etc

I use to tell my kids that Santa does the best he can and he doesn’t have a lot of money.

For one thing the kid is 8. Why did you let her get the expectations for expensive gifts if you can’t afford them. She should be playing with toys.

Santa brings things you need, like a coat or a hat, or he fills up stockings. The expensive things come from your parents because you can explain a difference in income, but you can’t explain to a kid why he got gloves when little Timmy got a playstation 5 from Santa.

I would tell her that gifts that big need to be earned over a long time by her. I’d also say that since the holidays are not about gifts you and Santa talked about what gifts would be best for your family Christmas. Then give her a Way to earn to the money for the ear buds or the switch over a long period of time.

I told my daughter the year she thought Santa forgot her friend that Sants onky brings 1 gift and the stocking for each child. Also if the parents cannot get the children clothing he brings clothing they need and a gift for the children to share and a a smsll gift in the stocking. She then said, “The mommys and daddys hide gifts under the tree so the kids think Santa brougbt more,” and that helped her to understand why some kids got a lot and some got only a few gifts for Christmas. It was the parents not Sants who got the expensive gifts and pretended Santa brought everything.

I tried to point all my girls toward Jesus and tell them he gives us what we need to bring us closer as a family. If this helps I’d also give them $10 each and take them to the dollar store and tell them they could buy dollar gifts for someone else in the family and put it in their stockings. It was a lot of fun to watch and do. we used a grab bag to pick names. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Santa doesn’t bring you anything you are not ready for yet. Also, most gifts come from parents and family, we only had a few santa gifts.

I would tell her that the elves aren’t making electronics this year because of covid. They are unable to get the parts needed to make them.

I had a lot of kids and little money. Santa brought 1 thing (the expensive thing) for each kid and I bought the rest.

I told my kids that Santa brings one special gift and that family gets the rest.

I always got my kids the most important thing on their list, within reason. Then just smaller things.

I always told my children now 51 and 54 that santa sent me the bill it was my way of explaining why we gave gifts at school to the needy

When we were kids our parents never had much money to spend ,my mama always told us that they always had to give Santa the money for the gifts he would bring as he had elves to pay .

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With my kids I would have them make a wish list and told them that they would get only a few and only Santa knows what they would get.

My kids always were told that Santa brings the small toys and we bought the one big thing they asked for if we could afford it. Santa brought games crayons etc

I tell my 8 year old that Santa confirms with Mom if he’s allowed to get something. Then when he asks for things like a phone, I can tell him that Santa isn’t allowed to bring that because Mom already said no. And for other things, I just try to explain that if the stores are sold out or back ordered for items, Santa can’t get the parts to make them either (PS 5, X-box). It’s working so far…

Firstly… NEVER TELL THEM IT DEPENDS ON HOW GOOD THEY’VE BEEN!! Cuz when she doesn’t get those gifts she’ll think its becuz of her! Children adjust fairly easy… do the best you can & if she ask… just tell her the truth! The truth is always the best way!

I would get her crafty things you can do with you( family ) and tell her/him/they/ them that Santa said this is the year that they are to spend more time together doing family things. Its not about the gift, its about the time you spend with them.

Time to tell her Santa is not real. My son figured it out at a young age. If Santa cares how come he does not care for poor kids? That’s what he told me. Because has seen the poor and rich kids get different gifts. Really it is time for you to tell the truth if they question. You have to think about this? Another thing my son mentioned…you all lied rabbits dont lay eggs …chickens do. We do not want our kids to lie but we have been lying to them

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I always told my kids that Santa delivers the gifts but parents have to help Santa pay for them.

We tell our kids how the story of Santa began and that anyone can be Santa. It’s a story about hope and kindness and putting others first. That’s what we try to impress upon our kiddos anyways.

Explain that those things are in the store and that Santa has to make sure to get things for everyone and that she can possibly save up and earn it herself (my kids are 2 and 9) I tell my kids to circle things in a toy book and to remember Santa isn’t rich or a mind reader so they might not get it and they have to consider others and remember they’ll get more inexpensive things they’ll actually play with or use. Christmas isn’t all about toys it’s about sharing and others too. So we always find a way to help others during the time as well. But explain Santa has a budget and if you get anything expensive let her know it’s from you not Santa so other kids don’t feel like crap or unwanted if they don’t have a great Christmas.

I always say that Santa saves money on us so he can have enough to make sure all kids can get a present.

Going through the same thing but I decided to do something he wants something he needs something to wear and something to read because I also just cant afford a over to top christmas . Thank you to the person who earlier commented that.

My daughter said she wanted an Apple watch for Christmas and I told her I don’t even have an Apple watch you ain’t getting one LOL

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Please don’t tie Santa’s gifts to behavior. It can be devastating to think that you haven’t been “good enough.”

Due to the Pandemic Santa won’t be building those kind of gadgets…the world is sick right now so ask Santa for smaller less expensive items.

Don’t tell your child it depends on how good they are! That will make her feel like she has not been good enough to get “good” things.

Have Santa a sorry letter. This virus has made elves sick so they couldn’t make as much even though she has been very good. Maybe something will turn up in July. Who knows.

We were always told that our parents had to pay Santa for the toys we got so we knew not to ask for extravagant things.

Write your daughter from Santa that says. I looked at your list, I need a favor can you give me a list that doesn’t include the items she is asking for, due to Covid.

Tell her santa doesn’t bring the expensive gifts, parents do. Santa only brings small presents.

Santa has a budget because he has so many kids to buy for.

It’s fine you just tell her that with the virus that the elves also got sick and couldn’t make everything on everyone’s list this year. And if we can get a handle on the virus the elves won’t get sick and will have a better chance to make all the items on every kids list or maybe the most important one.

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I used to let Santa bring the expensive things but always told him that because we had more money than some people, we had to help Santa pay for the gifts. Then, as the items increased in price, I wanted my oldest to know that his dad and I work hard to buy him those things. He’s 11, and while I don’t think he still believes, he hasn’t brought the topic up and neither have I. So we just started getting the cheaper things from Santa and we buy them 1 expensive thing OR the thing they want the most. I also have a 5 year old and I wish I had done things differently with my oldest from the beginning.

And that’s the fallout from the :santa: lie. thankfully when our children were sm. and asked if he was real,I told them the truth & they handled it well fortunately. Our grandkids know I’m Santa Grandma…lol

Santa doesn’t buy electronics. But sorry to tell you she will be disappointed if other years she got what she put on her list.

When I was a kid Santa brought ONE special gift, the rest were from family.

I mean I’m just honest with my kids like my parents were with me and my brother growing up. There is no Santa but there was a real guy at one point and people like to pretend he’s still real. I don’t want to ever give my kids a chance to say I lied to them.

Matbe it is time to let her know thst santa does not exist and all those wonderful gifts from the past years were from mom ans dad. But say it in a way that she will understand after all she is 8 years old. Let her know there are only a few gift this year because of the situation and you can even give her certain items to chose from and surprise her with the one you want to gift her. You can even say something like, were changing things up this year since you are older now.

Whenever I buy big gifts for my kids, I let them know that mom and dad bought those but Santa brings the smaller stuff!

That Santa doesn’t bring expensive gifts, that moms and dads are the ones who buy those, and right now mommy and daddy can’t get you those things

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Maybe you can buy used things to get them cheaper.

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Easy. You tell them the truth that Santa is a big fat lie, and so is Christmas and you’ll save yourself hundreds every year, plus your child’s trust because now he’ll know you’re not a lying untrustworthy person that invented a big,old, guy that is incredibly rich to give millions of gifts each year.

Tell them covid hit Santa hard and he only has smaller gifts to give this year :woman_shrugging: i mean my 3 yo knows what’s going on with the pandemic im sure your 8yo does use it to your advantage

I never had this problem growing up and neither did my fiancé, although I grew up believing in Santa but he didn’t. His parents taught him and his brothers that it was pretend (and no his childhood wasn’t ruined, he loved it even more because his heart wasn’t broken finding out he wasn’t real. He knew all along and appreciated everything he got because he knew he got it from his parents) and they would do some gifts from whatever character they liked that year; the hulk, Spider-Man, etc. but they still knew it was a game. They baked cookies and left them out did reindeer snacks and all and they never had any issues. I think that’s they key is just being honest with your children that there are parents out there who can afford certain things and we can only afford x y z. They will appreciate the value of money because they know where it comes from. I’m not bashing anyone as I grew up believing in Santa, just saying!

I tell mine that I told Santa not to get expensive things for them so that way he can have enough to give to the kids whose parents can’t buy them any gifts and all they get it what Santa sends.

Santa could only buy certain things like that and the parents have to send the money.

I just do a stocking or small present at the end of my sons bed for him to open christmas morning from Santa the rest are from us and family.

Because of Covid things will be different so we just have to wait and see! That’s it no further explanation

When I was 17 My mother gave me a small gift a few days before Christmas after I got off work. She cracked open a beer for each of us and said, Son this is your Christmas present. Sorry it couldnt be more. I’ve just got to get the younger boys some toys. I smiled and said, No Problem mom. An inexpensive pig skin wallet with a five dollar bill. I carried the wallet for about 15 years and turned the fiver into a fortune. I’ve still got the wallet, and good priorities.

Tell her it’s a wish list- for Santa to get an idea- but there is no guarantee of what he will decide to bring.

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To bad these children dont have a clue what Christmas is all about…and never will.

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So my children get small gifts from Santa. Large gifts always come from mommy and daddy. That way, he actually appreciates a real person, and because he already understands we aren’t “rich”, his expectations always remain realistic.

My mom told me about Santa when I was 8. I had the same questions your child has. It made sense to me.

Chances are if your child is 8 they no longer believe in Santa…with social media most kids find out the “truth” in kindergarten! She is too young to really understand finances but be straight with her! And by all means do NOT tell her that what “Santa” brings depends on how good she is

I tell my kids that I have to pay Santa for the gifts so that he can pay his elves, and I can’t afford to pay him for everything they want.

Lesson in being humble. Santa has lots of boys and girls… idk, I never did Santa. But I did read a good lesson on saving expensive gifts as mom/dad and keeping Santa simple as not to “play favorites” with those whom can’t afford such extravagant Santa gifts. Kids brag at school.

I tell my kids Santa is a toy maker, he doesn’t make electronics. Just toys.

I read somewhere that Santa shouldn’t gift expensive gifts. Expensive gift should come from mom and dad.

Tell her not all her gifts are from santa- tell her santa doesn’t make all the toys, he has to buy some too- and you have to send him money sometimes- and that you pay for them too. Santa has to buy gifts for all the kids in the world and can’t afford to buy expensive ones too.
what i do in my house is the gifts from santa come in santa wrapping paper, and other gifts from
mom and dad and family come in other wrapping paper

I would buy 1 expensive gift and rest clothes

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