How can I explain to my kids my SIL is now with a woman?

They’re young, as long as they have been taught that it’s okay to love who they love it’ll be fine. I personally wouldn’t even say anything unless they question it. Just introduce the kids to her girlfriend just like you would if she had a boyfriend.

My sister in law is married to a woman. My kids asked why (when they were younger) because they have seen mostly hetero couples. We said they love each other, and that has always been enough. They are both “aunt”. They also have 3 daughters that live with them. My SIL has 2 and her wife has 1. They were poly for awhile. They’re all cousins. If it’s truly a non-issue for you it will be for them also :woman_shrugging:


Why explain anything? Act like it’s “normal” and kids follow…make it a big deal kids will think something is wrong. IF they have questions they’ll ask but don’t make it a big deal or issue.


I would just her there are many types of families. As long as there is love and happiness then you have to be happy for them too. They are obviously curious and will ask many questions.just keep it simple. They love each other.

I think we make it way more complicated than need be. I tell my kids it doesn’t matter who we are with as long as we are treated nicely and love each other. What else is there to say?


Tell them that this woman is a very important person in your SIL’s life and that she loves her… I wouldn’t say more than that regardless if it was a man or woman who she was in a relationship with. If they want more information they’ll ask and you just answer honestly.

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This happened with my sister. We just said they are in love. The kids were completely fine.


Love is love. What is there to explain? Your aunt is your aunt no matter who she chooses to love,now run along and play kids!

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Probably doesn’t need a big explanation.
Just introduce the kids to her girlfriend as you would if she had new boyfriend.


To me personally thats not your job. If he decides to bring her around then he can explain it.

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Just be candid with them. Some people like men, some like women, some like both. It may seem different because of what they know and/or have seen so far in their lives but it’s the way some people just are. Ask if they have questions but it’s not much of a complicated matter. People like who they like kind of thing. I think adults just tend to overthink this kind of thing because it was so tabboo for such a long time

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Why does it matter “so quickly “?
What if she was never happy with a man?

Just speak the truth. Kids aren’t dumb
Tell them this is her girlfriend


I would just keep it casual and say this is aunties gf and explain how some times some people arnt the right person for them and they need to be with the person that gets them most! I hope this helps in some way this would be the way I would tell my kids

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Pure honesty. It happens this way sometimes it’s life. I’m sure they’ll be a lot more understanding then you think.

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I lived this very same situation. I guess I shouldn’t call it a situation, my bad. I love my SIL. I was friends with her before marrying my husband. She dated men and then told me she liked women. I had no issues with it and wanted nothing but the best for her. I told my kids and I was very honest. My kids were 8 and 9 at the time. Be prepared to answers questions and be honest. The more you inform them about it now, the less they will ask later or believe none sense from others. We just told them that their aunt was in love with a woman. That it is ok to love who you love. That she is happy and we should also be happy for her. They asked how will they have babies so I explained their options. She asked why does she now love women and I told her that her heart told her so. It’s okay that they have questions, and it’s ok if they don’t “get it” right away. But just be honest and open. The more they see you okay and calm during the discussion, they will be also.

You just say ___ is dating ___. Kids are way more understanding than adults.


There is no need for a long drawn out explanation. She was married to Uncle X and is now dating Miss Y. Don’t over complicate it by trying to explain the sexuality of it (straight, bi, gay). Of course if they ask you can always say “some women love men, some love women, and sometimes they love both and that’s okay”. Either way don’t make it a big deal. Making it this huge family discussion may lead them to think there has to be an explanation and there isn’t.

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Just tell them straight out. Don’t mince words and don’t put any of your own thoughts in it. Kids are way more accepting than adults.

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Tell them she is a friend of their Aunt. The will figure it out as they get older. But if they ask questions, answer honestly

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Just say that some people love men, some people love women and some people love both. Love is love and I’m sure they will be happy for their Aunt to have found love

Just act normal I was involve with a woman who had 2 boys 5 ,6 we just act normal we even hug and had a little kiss .it will be ok just be honest with them and your self

My kids have always been told that people can like/love any race or gender and if they ever decided they themselves like the same gender or a different race as long as they respect the person and are consenting age( both minors or both adults,whatever age my child grown or not finds someone special) then ill be there to talk to and be supportive…if they arent asking questions let it be if they do ask dont make it a big deal or a way to judge or put down someone they know or love…let them know love is love and it doesnt have a gender or race…dont make it a big deal or a degrading thing…but dont push the topic on them either…but instead in general teach them love is love as long as its respectful…

I think don’t say anything, kids are actually more accepting than what you think, if they ask questions obviously answer them, they will follow your lead

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My sister is married to a woman. For the longest my kids thought my sister and her wife were sisters… they didn’t get it lol… they are 6 and 8 and it’s normal to them

Just tell them she loves her now and they probably will say ok, think your weird for making it a conversation, or may ask why in which case thats up to you to answer. Love is love children understand that without biased until adults come into play.

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Kids get it! There are great books out there but honestly answering their questions when they come up is the way to go. Don’t overdo it, kids are amazingly adaptable.

Honesty is always the best policy. Kids will have acceptance if their role models do

Just say she’s now dating her friend :woman_shrugging: no, need to put in the gender unless they specifically ask, then say you love who you love.

Love is love, and this is her new partner.

Let them lead the discussion, if there’s even one.
Usually adults make a much bigger cahoot about things than the kids.

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Give your children the truth. “Do you know how your aunt loved your uncle? Well, they’ve decided to not be married anymore. But you know what? Your aunt has a new girlfriend and her name is xxxxxxxx. You’ve met her before and she’s so kind!” We tend to over complicate things. Your explanation doesn’t have to include any information about why she is with a woman now, only the crucial point that love is love and your sister found someone she cares for.

Dont make it more of a big deal than it is. Plain and simple, she has a new girlfriend. IF they have questions, answer them.

You may be over thinking it. Once the kids see them together, if they have questions, answer them, if not don’t make it a big deal if it doesnt have to be

I don’t think you need to explain it. If they ask, just tell them that’s aunties girlfriend.

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Honestly, we just introduced my moms partner as her partner, and let the kids know they were dating just like mommy and daddy did

Kids don’t really understand time. So, probably okay in just saying they love each other.

No need to say anything other then this is so and so your Aunts gf. Kids are a lot smarter then you think and it’s not a big deal to them, unless you make it a big deal.

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It will only be awkward or complicated if you make it that way. There’s no big deal. Tell them their aunt has found someone to care for and who cares about her. Ask if they have questions. Love is love.
I have made it a point to voice my opinion on this topic with my kids. I told them they can date whoever they want, as long as they’re not assholes! I think that me being vocal with them about that helped my oldest when she told me she was bisexual. She felt comfortable telling me and later told me she wasn’t worried about my reaction because she knows how I feel already. My reaction after she told me was, “Cool, as long as we’re sharing things, I have to poop!” I later went back and told her that I love her, asked if she had any questions about anything that I have several gay/bisexual/trans friends she could talk to and that I look forward to the day people don’t feel like they have to tell others their sexual preferences. That one day people can just come home and introduce their significant other without fear of judgement or hate.

… I don’t think you have to explain anything in my experience. “Hey kids, this is aunt so and so’s gf”… and kids most likely will say Hi! Kids don’t care.

You dont. You dont make a big deal of it. My kids have 2 Aunties, they think nothing of it. If you make it a big deal then it will be a big deal

You don’t just treat as a friend no need to explain children don’t question unless brought to there attention

Would you feel the need to address it if she were dating a man? Probably not. There’s your answer.

Never understood how people can once be married to someone of the opposite sex, have children, then divorce and be w/another person of their own sex. It has always baffled me.

I always tell my eldest (who is 5) that love comes in all shapes, sizes and different forms. I explain that it’s ok for a woman to love another woman or man to love a man just as much as it’s ok for a man and woman to love each other. If they’re happy, that’s the main thing. I would explain something like this to them first then say the reason you’ve told them is because the lady they’ve met is the SIL’s girlfriend. They’ll obviously have a tonne of questions because…kids :joy: hopefully it goes well and you’re able to answer the questions that they may have. But anything too tough for you too answer, I may possibly say ask the sil if it’s ok that the children ask her (so long as they’re suitable questions and nothing too invading).

my sister is married to a woman and my kids are teens now and they are good about it

Don’t make it awkward. It’s normal. Be open & honest.

If it is that big of an issue to explain it, maybe it isn’t your place to do so. Your SIL should be the one to do so, if they bring it up to her. It is her situation, so it is her place to explain
If your kids don’t have questions, don’t worry about it.

I’d just wait until they meet, then simply say “kids, meet your aunts girlfriend”

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Don’t make it a big deal “you’re Aunty has a girlfriend and they’re coming over for dinner”. Kids don’t care and neither should you

The same way you tell them if Auntie dates a new man. Why is it any different? You instilling that belief is why there’s so much hate in the world.

How would you explain it if she was already with another man?

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We get to love who we love


If they ask, tell them she is sick and needs Jesus. Or just keep them away from her.


Love is love. There’s nothing to explain. Don’t make it complicated :cupid:


Tell the truth. Plainly and simply and that their aunt needs to sort her own life out. She is still their aunt…

Love is love and anyone can love anyone no matter who . It’s quite simple

Your aunt is dating insert name


Dont say anything now. They are too young to fully understand. Wait and when they start to ask questions, answer them honestly

Erm she has a new girlfriend. Straight as that!

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I personally would’nt make a big deal about kids usualy very accepting

^just like that. Except you say the words out loud. And to your children.

Let them ask the questions. They probably understand more than you think.

I mean you don’t even really have to say anything.
Just everyone’s sexuality is their own and sometimes people like men some like women some like both.
My husbands uncle was left after 20 years by his wife for a woman.
And even though it was a little less accepting time my husband understood it right away. And he was extremely young.
If sexuality is a negative topic or same sex is then of course kids won’t understand or feel shame.
If it’s a constant open conversation that’s always available to talk about without any shame whenever it’s needed. It’s easy for kids to understand.
My mother was weird about sex.
My father was extremely open.
So when I met my dads boss and his husband I too, never thought twice about it.

You just say, Aunt SO and So is dating again and now you might see her with GF name

Don’t tell them anything unless they ask.

I wouldn’t nessecarily make it about a “woman” I’d just show them a picture of her and say “look, this is Emily…she’s aunties new girlfriend…remember how aunty used to love (insert uncle’s name)? Well, now that they are no longer together, aunty loves Emily now!”
And go from there with questions. They may not even have questions but if they do I’d just answer them according to age.

You don’t have to explain anything. Other then she now loves “persons name”. My brother is gay, and we never had a conversation with my kids about it, they just know uncle Jeff likes boys and it’s ok :woman_shrugging:

Just say your aunt is happy now and that she’s found someone that makes her smile.

Just tell them love is love, regardless of gender. My 11 year old and 7 year old sons have a gay aunty and they don’t see it as anything out of the ordinary, never have!

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My brother was gay and our kids called both of them “uncle”. Kids don’t usually need anymore information! They don’t think about love or sex like adults seem to!

It’s not a big deal unless YOU make it a big deal


WAIT!!! It may NOT last long enough to Explain!!!


You explan to the child that Auntie is soooo happy and in love and everyone in the world deserves to be happy and loved

“Hey kids, say Hi to Auntie and aunties girlfriend (name)!” I they ask questions. Answer

Oh for God sake, leave the kids be and keep it to yourselves!!!

Give them Bibles and Google same sex marriage

Seems like you’re thinking more into the situation than you need to. Just tell them, or don’t? I don’t understand your need to explain anything to them, honestly. Let your SIL tell them when she wants to, or ask her. Include her in the conversation since it’s her life you’re discussing.

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You don’t explain anything. Kids can put two and two together. They are quicker than the FBI

Don’t bother. Kids don’t care… answer any questions that come up briefly and honestly .

Say hey your aunt has a jew girlfriend. You’ll meet her ??? And that’s that

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Dont make it a big deal.

Just tell them love is love thats it

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“Hey kids next time you see Auntie so and so she might be with her girlfriend x”


If they ask more about a girlfriend a simple “love is about who a person is in their heart not if they are girls or boys and Auntie so and so found someone who makes her happy who just happens happens be a woman. All that matters is auntie is happy and in love and we love her too” It shouldn’t be anymore a big deal then having them meet a new boyfriend if she had one.


My daughter actually approached someone who was born a male and becoming a female she asked in the car and I said some people aren’t happy with the bodies they’re born and she wasn’t so she changed and she was happy with that explanation and never brought it

If you’re afraid to tell your kids, you’re probably the only one who has a problem with it. :woman_shrugging:t3: Kids don’t judge.


There’s no tactful way to explain an unnatural relationship. If God would of made Adam & Steve or Eve & Esther He would of made it clear. I feel bad for our young kids that need to have to go THRU these times.


Just say it. Kids are resilient, they dont judge as long as the adults dont judge. It’s fine.


Normalize it. Love is love. It doesn’t matter who it’s with. The longer it’s hidden the more it’ll feel like some sort of shameful secret or that it’s wrong.


My mom did something kinda like this she just wasn’t married. We started to catch on after a while but when they did finally"come out " about it they took my brother and I to lunch and said it as it was and let us ask any questions that we felt needed to be awnsered

You might be overthinking it…and now days kids know so much more then what we actually think they know…I say just say this is my new mate(or whatever word they use) n let it go


No need to explain. At there ages they don’t need to know about sex part of it. SIL is in love with _____ so they are dating or whatever is going on (be sure to match SIL lable aka partner, gf, special friend whatever she labels their relationship). You are making it far more complicated than it needs to be!


Honestly, I wouldn’t make a big deal of it. If they ask questions, just say she likes the woman. The less of a big deal we make of it, the less of a big deal it is to kids at that age. My kids are around the same ages & their aunt is also with a woman… my kids have never questioned it.


Just tell them the truth. You don’t get into details, but just Aunt is dating the woman because she likes her.

Making a big deal out of it, and making it seem unnormal. And the need to have a “sit down talk” about love seems ridiculous. Just say so and so has a girlfriend, and move on. If they have questions they’ll ask. Love is love, and kids don’t judge unless they are taught to judge those we are different.


I think you just answered your own question. They have already met the person. It’s as simple as hey guys you know aunt so and so’s friend so and so well great news she is aunt so and so’s girlfriend now! I think sometimes we overthink the simplicity of these situations and underestimate the intelligence of our children and just how open minded and quickly they understand things.


So many people want advice on how or when to answer their children’s questions. Simple answer when they ask. Keep answers simple. Is auntie dating her? Yes. Why is she dating a girl? Because she likes her. Is there anything else you’d like to know?


Love is love. Children are very accepting of this situation. Just explain that your SIL found someone to love and loves her and makes her happy!

If you talk about it like it’s not normal they won’t feel normal about it :woman_shrugging:t2: people love who they love girls or guys…if your not comfortable then it’s not time for them to meet