In the world today, kids are advanced. I’m sure they know what a lesbian is.
Why you have to explain anything? If they didn’t ask don’t bother to bring it up. If they ask just explain nicely. Not their business
I’ve always been open w my kids about other lifestyles. I never go into depth but I just let them know everyone likes who they like and we just support everyone and their choices
My sister is a lesbian and when my daughter asked I simply told her that humans fall in love with humans. I didn’t specify gender. Just that a human can love any human and that’s all
Dont unless they ask
My daughter was 6 when my niece and sister started dating girls i didnt tell my daughter anything she just went with it yes my daughter knows they are lesbians my sister was married to guy divorced him and married a girl
Would you ask the same question if she was dating a male? Would you feel a need to explain it to the kids? I’m just saying it’s no different so why treat it different. If they ask then you can simply say something that shows your unconditional support/love and that it should be thought of as normal. An example might be if they ask “because she likes “whoever” and “whoever” likes her or even something like some people like men, some people like women & some people like both and that’s okay as long as they are kind to eachother.” Just an example.
Let her tell them. Make it a family conversation. Love is love.
Let the kids ask. Kids are smarter and more accepting then given credit.
You don’t have to. If the aunt wants to all she has to do is introduce the woman as her gf.
Why do u ha e to tell them i mean if their that young just call them “friends”
It’s not your kids business. Kids are kids keep them out of grown people stuff no need to explain a thing
Just be direct and honest… And reassure them that you still love your SIL just as you always have. Good luck
Say it non chalantly. Just like if she was with a man.
Why do you feel it’s necessary to point it out. When dealing with kids they typically follow your behaviors, if you dont overreact to a situation they won’t either but if you make a big deal about it they will.
If your kids don’t know what dating is, explain it. This is how.people find who they want to marry. Aunty is now no longer married and this is who she dating. Ask them if they questions at that point address it. My kids learned from an early age about same sex couples, when we had friends with no “daddy”. I made it simple. All families are different. Some have a mom and dad, some have just a mom, some have just a dad, some have 2 of each, some have none, etc. When they are young they really don’t care lol They are like ok, can I go play now?
The kids probably knew before the adults did and don’t care
Just introduce her as her gf, it’s not a big deal.
Who cares just tell them what’s the problem. She liked guys now likes girls
You’re thinking too hard about this. Just introduce her as her gf and the kids will understand.
My cousin is gay. She brings her gf around all the time. My kids are 6, 9, and 12. None of them questioned it. Not once. They know its her gf and that they love one another.
It won’t be a big deal unless you make it a big deal.
Treat it as if she’s dating a different man… Would you have to “explain” why her and a man we’re together?
My best friend is gay I just tell my son his uncle likes boys and not girls and that’s ok you could just say something like your aunt just likes people it’s doesn’t matter if they are a boy or girl and she fell in love with a girl just don’t make a big deal out of it and they won’t either
You don’t unless they ask a question don’t worry about it!
A family member transitioned from Mary to Mark at 13, we just told our kids he was happier being Mark and they never batted an eye. Kids understand and accept more than you think. Aunt Susie was unhappy in her marriage and now has a new relationship that makes her happy. The end.
You don’t? Kids just know. If they ask questions answer
I guess sense you accept this kind of thing just be honest with them but that’s not the way I’d go about it at all.
The same way you would if she had a boyfriend instead.
Kids don’t care until someone tells them to care. There’s no reason to have a big discussion.
Why does it need to be a big deal? Like some grand unveiling? Just introduce her as your SILs girlfriend and answer questions as they come. If you draw unnecessary attention to it or make it seem unusual is gonna make it more of an issue.
U can be blunt as u should be and tell ur kid she’s a lesbian. I damn sure wouldn’t be happy about it and id explain how it’s screwed up but no one carries common sense anymore.
It’s not a big deal unless you make it a big deal. I tell my children “love is love”. No matter who you or others choose. Be happy
I have had this question many times because I have worked with hundreds of children and raising two of my own. I just simply say that all families are different , any human can love anyone else, love is love, simple.
Love isn’t about gender. SIL is now in love with this lady. They will accept it without fuss. She decided she didn’t love BIL anymore.
Just tell them how it is. Say she is happy and is dating a woman. Sometimes girls like girls.
Don’t make a big deal about it. Kids today know so much more than we think. Just introduce and go with it. Doesn’t need a huge explanation
Just tell them that X is her new partner. Kids these days are very exposed to the idea of same sex relationships as part of their social conditioning. It’s just a fact of life to them, much more progressive than previous generations. I imagine if they have questions it will be more around how your feelings of love and commitment can change from one person to another, rather than around gender and sexuality. But any question they have is valid. You might be disappointed after the build up if they just shrug and ask you for some cookies.
Don’t get me wrong, but asking this question, here or somewhere else means that you have a problem with this. Children are innocent and accept love of any kind, judgemental adults are the problem.
I’ve always taught love, not gender specific. So, for my kids I would simple tell them the ladies are in love. Maybe backtrack a bit and explain that people can love anyone. Women can love women and men can love men. People can’t help who they love and love is always a beautiful connection.
Just explain sometimes men fall for men ,women fall for women they have to know this , this is our world now just sit them down and explain the best way you can good luck
Love is love … kids are so open and understanding . Wish we were all told this from a young age .
In my house it would be explained the same as if she had a bf. Love is love. No one’s business what goes on in someone’s bedroom. My daughter is 13 and knows since shes little people are all different. Doesnt matter who they are with
Say " (name) makes your aunt very happy, she deserves to be happy."
But it’s a girl mom
Yes she is a woman, and they are both very loved by us and each other.
End conversation.
Aunt Becky started dating again, she’s going to bring her new girlfriend to dinner on Friday to meet everyone. Topic introduced, offers up a chance for the kids to ask questions, if they feel the need, and avoids any awkwardness that might occur with a blind introduction
Well the Bible is man made. The historical counts of Jesus dying have 3 different versions in the first 4 books of the new testament alone. When you follow a flawed book you are going to run into flawed moral takes. Also take comfort in this unverified book that Jesus never shared he was against homosexuality. The interesting thing that happens when you relentlessly study the Bible like most Christians don’t, is you find more peace in humanity and less credence in the word of man.
Just say she loves her. Its thats simple to kids.
Why explain it to them at all right now? If its still fresh & new, leave it be until SIL has been w/her for a while. You never know how long rebound relationships will last🤷♀️
It shouldn’t be a big deal at all and really doesn’t need any explaining
Some girls love girls, some love boys. No biggie unless you make it into a big deal.
Don’t. Not your monkey, not your circus. Let your SIL
Children will follow your example of response. Just tell the kids their aunt has a new partner, insert name.
Use a normal tone in the statement. Answer any questions as the kids bring them up. Most of them will be more divorce and family structure based questions.
Are you as supportive as you think? I truly hope. Just say that’s the aunt’s girlfriend. Some women date men. Some date women. Some date both. It doesn’t have to be as big of a deal as you think it is. Unless you’re the one that has a problem with it. I’ve already had a conversation with my children about how people can be with anyone.
If she was dating a man would you feel the need to have a sit down conversation about it? You are setting a precedent for how they will see and/or judge people. My son was about six when he asked about two men being married. I was cooking dinner and didn’t even stumble when I said “yes baby, they are in love and it’s wonderful.” There may be follow up questions but your children follow your lead. If you’re supportive of your SIL, they will be too.
I’m sure to you it would seem confusing to a child that Aunt was in love with a man and now is with a woman. I believe that your looking for advice about explaining why Aunt now chooses to be with a female but in my experience working with children for years they often don’t have a tough time accepting and/or understanding a change like that. Just be up front and say Aunt has a girlfriend (or whichever term SIL uses) now, it’s the lady y’all met. Then if the children are confused they will ask you questions.
It’s also OK to say I don’t know as an answer if you don’t have an answer. You can also ask SIL if the kids can ask her any questions that you don’t have answers to as well.
Most importantly, be approachable and up front and nonchalant about it. It doesn’t need to be a sit down long discussion unless the kids want it to be.
All I would be cautious about is if it will last… being so quick as you said.,. maybe it’s just a thing…I would think it would be more of a thing if it were you…just let it be
U act like nothing because it is nothing. Why would u need to explain?
You don’t make a big deal out if it. Don’t explain anything unless your kids specifically ask. Period.
She is there aunt, they’ll love her no matter who she dates, if her friend treats them well they’ll accept her.