How can I find out my babies blood type?

Does anyone have an idea on where or who I can go to to get my baby test just to know her blood type? When my mom had me in ‘97, they did blood work and told her my blood type; now, fast forward to ‘19, I had my daughter, and I asked they never did it. I went to her first doctor’s appointment, and they said it’s not important. Yet I feel like it is, especially since she’s a toddler.


Ask your pediatrician.

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I found out both of my kids when I was pregnant with them and that was in 2016 and 2021

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The hospital gave me a card when all three of my kids were born with their blood type. I don’t understand why a Dr would feel it wouldn’t be important

im pretty certain they ALWAYS do it. they need to know the blood type in case of emergency for transfusions and things i would think?

It’s extremely important. Especially if the mother is Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive. But for other reasons too. What if the baby needs an emergency transfusion?


Do you have your paperwork from the hospital still? I had my daughter in 2019 and it was on the paperwork. If not you could always ask your pediatrician to order a test to find out.

You’ll have to check with the hospital they were born at. In the records dept. I had to show my ID and they gave me a sheet with mother and baby’s blood type on it.

I was told with both of my kids but I’m negative rh so I have to have shots before anyways I would ask a pediatrician how to go about getting it if they are not willing themselves I find it odd they don’t think it’s important I have written on carseats and the inside bill of their hats incase something happens and I can’t tell them and they need blood or something that’s something I think a parent should know in case of emergency you always hope nothing will happen but it could my less than 2 year old broke her leg going down a slide with her dad we never thought that it could be dangerous until her shoe gripped the slide and went under then both

Check records from birth call hosp she was delivered at they might have it recorded

I found out with both my kids before I left the hospital… I would say odds are they have your blood type but neither of mine have mine.

I got a paper with my daughters on it, they even gave me a sealed packet of her DNA from her umbilical cord. The nurse said don’t open it, unless you HAVE TO! that it’s better to be safe than sorry in a case she was kidnapped or something… I can’t believe they said it wouldn’t be important… I’m so sorry you are going through this, but I would assume you could go to any lab, or phlebotomy clinic and ask for a blood type. I’m also assuming they would need to draw a sample. Best of luck to you! :two_hearts:

Her pediatrician should have it

My son was born in Oct 2020 and our pediatrician said the hospital only draws and tests for blood type if Mom was any type of O+/O-

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Similar situation- when my first was born I asked if they could tell me his blood type, and they said they didn’t know and won’t draw blood just to find that out. They said in an emergency, he’d receive universal blood (O-).

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I think you can google and maybe order a kit to find out.

they should of did it when she was born

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i would tell them its VERY important to you and ask them again, Thats odd the pediatrician would say that

I’ve had 3 children and the hospitals never tested for their blood type. Just ask the pediatrician and they can have you go to find out

Same happened with my son. He was born in December of 2019. Never got his blood type.

They typed both myself and my baby without asking as soon as she was born.

They should know by the time you left hospital with her, our girls blood type was on the card that was in her hospital bassinet


My mom never knew my blood type until i donated blood in high school turns out I’m RH negative

Weird I had my daughter in 2019 and they told me her blood type. I also learned my blood type when I delivered her. They have to test blood types to see if baby’s and mother’s blood are incompatible because it can lead to fetal anemia and other complications. The hospital should have it in their records. Contact them and request copies for your records.

I was told both my daughters blood type when they were born.

I was told my oldest was O pos. At birth in 1996 years later she became a blood donor and was told she’s O neg.

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I figured out my sons super easy lol Im O+ his sperm donor is O+. So that makes my son O+ as well lol

My daughter’s blood type was on her card on her bassinet at the hospital right after I gave birth to her. I would ask the pediatrician to do a test.

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Birth papers. (Not certificate)
Both my kids blood types are on them. I know both lol.

The hospital will know

I asked my doctors before I left the hospital with both my boys. They each have my blood type.

Hospitals don’t mormslly test for blood types anymore unless mom is rh positive or baby will need surgery

Hm weird. I just asked my girls dr and they tell me. I remember being told at the hospital too but I was so tired I didn’t remember lol

I was told the same thing that it’s not important. I do know some of my babies blood types but 1 of them I asked and they said it wasn’t important for me to know. I haven’t asked about my last baby. Out of 6 babies only 1 of them that I know of doesn’t have my blood type. 2 of them I don’t know yet.

It should be on the hospital records where she was born it should have been on her bassinet card all three of my girls have my husbands blood type

22 years later I still dont know my daughter’s blood type

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Both of mine were on there immunization record from the hospital

You can apply to the doctors surgery for all her medical records it should be on there xxx

Only the hospital can give you the blood type

I don’t know any of my kids blood types. And they’re 16, 14, 11, 9 and 9. Its not that weird.

It’s definitely on my son’s birth papers from the hospital. They never told me his bloodtype but I ended up coming across it on the papers that we came home from the hospital with.


You can ask her doctor…if they can’t tell you. Find a new one

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Only reason u need to know is for blood transfusion. It is not important for a toddler. Because they draw ur blood type and test it anyways before they give u blood

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When I had my son in 2000 I asked for his blood type. Dr told me it wasn’t necessary to know. Fast forward years later I find out the Michigan draws blood from newborns & logs the info incase of future crimes. So it’s known. For some reasons drs just don’t want you to know.

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They don’t always do blood types on every baby anymore. The criteria is as follows babies born to O+ and O- moms will have DAT testing done shortly after birth. If the DAT comes up positive then the blood type on the baby will follow. If the DAT is negative no blood type needed. And your pediatrician is right it’s not important, especially if your child is perfectly healthy.


My hospital did blood typing for myself and my baby when she was born, but I don’t remember either. It’s just information that doesn’t stick in my head :sweat_smile: but yea, it’s important to have on record. If there’s ever an emergency they will ask you and if you can at least give them medical history they won’t have to do the tests themselves. I would ask your doctor again and if they refuse to do the blood typing or tell you what it is, say ‘please make a note in the record that I requested this and you said no’. They will probably do it.

If ever needing a transfusion, they cross match and type.
I found out when I first started to donate blood… and then the hospital did it once prior to a surgery.
Other than that, IMO it’s not something that u would ever come to a situation of needing to know.
They don’t just take someone’s word for what type they are… they test before giving blood

I can’t fathom how it’s important… if for any reason she NEEDED to know medically they would test her then and there or give O-. Beyond that I can’t see how is important for a toddler to know their blood type…


OB nurse here. Newborn (and thereafter) blood type is only determined if mother has O blood type or is Rh negative. Because it can have some harmful effects if baby has a different blood type than mom( which is a whole other story). If your blood type is something other than O and Rh negative, then they dont normally run the baby’s blood type.

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I know both of my kids’ blood types but I am also O-.

All of my kids are O+. Same as myself. I think I asked at the hospital.

You can buy an at home kit that’s quick and simple to use. my husband is o+, I am b+, and the results for my son were b+.

Eldoncard Test (Complete Kid)

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I’m sure it’s somewhere but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. In any situation where they would need blood they would check it first. No way they would just take your word for it or even if it was written down on a form somewhere. They would have to be absolutely sure before they did any type of blood transfusions.

I asked at birth. They tested my daughter because I’m rh negative.

They never told you her blood type when she was born? That doesn’t make sense to me they always test newborns blood type in the hospital after they’re born.

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I’m RH negative and had to do rhogam shots with my son, im not sure what his blood type is though :thinking:

I’m 20 years old and I don’t know my own blood type I don’t think it’s that important unless they have a sickness


They tell u in hospital. They test for it too

Im B- so they always tested my kids. They all were O+ so I needed rhogam shots

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It should be on your discharge papers from the hospital. I know all 3 of my kids blood type because it was on the birth papers

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I don’t know my son’s (12) blood type and only learned of my daughter’s (17) before a tonsillectomy a year ago.

I’ve known mine since I turned 18 and gave blood for the first time. My blood type is rare and it’s sought after for plasma donation.

Usually unless the baby has your blood type

Pediatrician should do it . It’s important for you to know specifically if the baby need blood on the future

So when you take your baby in to do their first blood draw for blood work. Ask them to add it to the tests. I did it with my second because they didn’t tell me at the hospital.

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my oldest i believe was tested at birth and my youngest ones i dont even know if they tested them for that at hospital

I was always told with my 4 right at the hospital

The discharge papers from when she was born will have it on there

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All 4 of my kids they did when they were born. My youngest is 3

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It should have been taken at the hospital when you had her, then sent to your pediatrician. If they say it’s “not important” just tell them you’d like to have it for your records. If they still don’t give it to you, switch pediatricians. When you switch, sign the form for them to get all medical records from previous pediatrician. If they won’t tell you or won’t give you ANY paperwork copies you want/need, something is wrong


I’m A-. Its not common only about 6 percent of people have it. And it also causes the aftermath of untreated pregnancy to be fatal. I have to have shot in my ass immediately but realistically within 24 hours from birthing the baby or it could kill me immediately. My bloodtype the body rejects itself after a pregnancy.

Pretty cool.

Nature has a way with population control. Lol

If your blood type is rh positive they usually don’t test because you can carry a baby healthily that has positive or negative blood.

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If it’s not on your discharge paperwork I would ask your pediatrician to do it next time you are in. It’s not detrimental information but important information to have on hand. They should not give you a hard time by asking for that and if so I would recommend finding a different pediatrician.

They only test if the mom is rh-

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They should have told you when they did blood work after birth. My daughter’s is the same as her dad’s.

The reason they don’t just do a blood test for the type is because if blood was ever needed they won’t go in your word to what it is they will test it to get the type I only know this due to needing to have blood transfusions. now if the child is getting blood work for another reason they can simply add the test in to the others. hope that makes sense.


My first born I was told he had a+ but when he got to high school and donated blood, the american red cross sent him a card stating he had a- so I dont have a clue 2 of my others have a+ but not sure about my youngest. Their dad is a+ and I’m o+

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I forget what blood type I am but I remember after I gave birth the doctor said my blood type is _ so they won’t bother testing the baby’s

It is important. I’m rh negative my children are a positive. If there blood mixes with mine it could kill me. When my son was born it did mix with mine and I required alot of things quickly. Also if they need a blood transfusion you need to know the blood type to know who would match. Like I said I have a rare case even tho I can give my blood to anyone not everyone can give their blood to me. They usually do that at birth. I’d not take no for an answer you don’t need to explain yourself either. And I required the Rogam however spelt shot twice once during and once after because of my blood type.

Her pediatrician will have it on record. Doctors are bullies to young mothers and are quick to write us off. Be assertive, you are the momma in charge.


Where you had her at will have it on record. Ours put it on the records they discharged us with since we were military at the time. We had to keep track of all of our own medical records incase at any point we became civilians we didn’t have to go thru the government to get it.

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I’m 25 and only found out my blood type at 23 after I had a miscarriage finding out I’m a rhesus negative xx

Your kids pediatrician may know

They told me in the hospital after having every one of my kids

It should be in her discharge papers somewhere. That’s how I know all mine.

I asked at the hospital with my second because I had to get the RhoGAM shot, I have A- bloodtype, so I knew she was something rh-positive or they wouldn’t have done the shot. (they give it to prevent immune response against baby and future pregnancies when baby is +ve and mom is -ve). The nurse said unless you have an rh-negative type yourself they don’t bother to test as it’s “not relevant”.
I forgot to ask with my first but know that hers is positive also. :thinking:

You can request to have the test run at your expense I believe. You’ll probably have to get a requisition from your Dr though.

Maybe request the records from the hospital when she was born? They have have tested it then. I need to do this too for mine cause I have no idea what she is either

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They should of tested for it when pregnant to make sure it would not have created problems for your pregnancy. Also, if your pediatrician believes that knowing your child’s blood type is not important, you may want to go with someone else.

My blood type is positive and my child’s father is negative so there wasnt a need to test my child. It’ll be obvious during the pregnancy if your child has a different blood type unless both parents are either positive or negative then they’ll test the child’s blood type

They told me at the hospital and also at her pedi. Ask her dr office

Dont let them tell you it’s not important! Of course it is!!

They only do baby blood group in Ireland routine newly if Mum is rhesus negative

You can go to medical records in the hospital & get a copy of her/your chart. Also, if anything ever happens, they will draw her blood & send it to blood bank for typing.

The docs should have her blood type xx

Hey doctors should tell you.

There’s testing kits on Amazon as well! Super easy to do

Maybe the Blood Bank?

Have they done babys heel prick test?
When you get the results from that it will be on there and in babys redbook somewhere x

You blood type is very important!
Don’t know why you would be told it isn’t.

Tell them you didn’t ask if it was important, You want to know.