How can I get control of my daughters tantrums?

She might need medication 4 an under lying issue

JĆ” usou a cinta nas maiorias das vezes funciona

She may be on the spectrum. She need a behavioral therapist, & to be diagnosed

Dont sound like you spank that but! Wait til she gets bigger and whoops yours

Bite her back if she kicks kick her harder if she scratches you cut her job done problem solved

She needs a spanking Everytime she misbehaves.

Remember the the girl in the Exorcist Regan??? Sounds like she is back. Better call your Priest.

She is trying to tell you she doesnā€™t want to be there . Listen to her.

Turn her in your laps and give her a good spacking on her butt

Your children always behaved

I see we evolving here not one person said Whooop that ass!!! that belt work magic of 1000 behavior specialist :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Have you had her checked for developmental disabilities and/or a psych evaluation? Sounds like somethings underlying and causing her behaviors

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Iā€™d get her checked out, :person_shrugging:

Eliminate all food, give back one thing at a time, watch for reactions to said food. One of my sons had bad reactions to milk products. Eliminated them from his diet, he calmed down. Now he take a pill

how about a good spanking


Now i dont have a child like this so maybe my advice is useless, but i mean have u beat her ass? Lol no but seriously one good smack in the butt and a serious talk about how they should kno better and WHY its not ok and no hugs until the message is clear could really help you out. I usually dont have to do any of that my son is super obedient and worrysome and careful and polite as it is, but when he was younger just one smack on the hand or butt and some explaining (not yelling at all) and then when he would say ok mom i understand i wont do it again im sorry, lots of hugs after and i love yous and i dont want to do that again so u better behave. But hes 3 and has never done any biting or hitting or anything like that

I am shocked she is allowed at daycare!

Usually a violent kid has witnessed violence in some way, even if itā€™s through television or she has been bullied herself. Iā€™m just saying a kid usually doesnā€™t go that route without someone modeling the behavior

Get her into therapy, I did it for my son and it helped him tons. They talked to him, taught me tools to cope with or redirect his temper tantrums etc. Yes 12 now and while heā€™s getting a bit of the tweenage eye rolls and sighs heā€™s generally a really polite and well behaved kid and Iā€™m super proud of him.

Honestly Iā€™ve found that barring a behavioural health issue, most toddlers go thru stages AND those can be exacerbated by environment and discipline tactics. If u have a lot of yelling cussing and Whooping going on, or other fough kids, toddlers are gonna give what they get. At this age they are mostly mimicking what they see. In real life kids dont ā€œdo as i say, not as i doā€ they do what they see. Best way to make it thru these stages is stay calm and illustrate the kind of behaviour u want to see. if thereā€™s any kind of abuse occurring anywhere this is the age where they will mimic that or act out out of the frustration and powerlessness they feel.

Consult Dr Amen. He handles difficult cases like that. Or call True Hope. Call me at 707-853-5609. I can share my journey with you and how I was led to these doctors. Hope I can help.

Put your foot in her ass, this is exactly why kids today act the way they do. Time out? How about time in the emergency room.

Simple problem solved lol smh my goodness

Private message me and I will help you if youd like.

Donā€™t delay seeking professional help now. A little dilly dally on your part will make the situation more difficult for your child and more problematic on your part. Believe you me!

You donā€™t wanna hear my answer.

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Uhā€¦see a doctor? Not Dr. Facebook?

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Send him or her over to me

Coffee settle her down
No drugs
Oh and you mom.start teaching your childrenā€¦schools n certain lights n selants used n building these buildings such as Walmartā€¦make kids go goofyā€¦so you mom get more involved and donā€™t let a teacher diagnosis your childā€¦

See your early childhood centre if in Australia