How can I get my 1 year old to sleep through the night?

HELP! How do I get my 1 year old to sleep through the night? He’s not hungry because I just give him 2 ounces of milk and he goes back to sleep. But if I give him water he gets upset and won’t stop crying until he gets milk. Please help. I don’t know what to do.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my 1 year old to sleep through the night?

Give him an item of your clothing uve worn je will be used to the smell the smell might help settle x

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2 oz maybe some cereal in it

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Keep them awake, good warm bath. No tvs, lights (heavy lighting) after 6 pm.

All 3 of my kids woke up thru the night well after one they would eat then go right back to sleep my son is currently 16 months old and wakes up once if not twice still

When do you give him the 2 oz of milk? He might very well need more… or something more solid followed up by milk. My daughter just turned 3 and most nights wakes up and gets in bed with me… every kid is different and she’s my 5th. Worst sleeper lol


Honestly it’s totally normal


My 2 year old is nursing next to me in bed. I think you may expect too much of an infant.


My daughter is 2 and I give her milk throughout the night when she wakes up. My sleep is important too and she will eventually grow out of it just like my son did. My daughter is very picky though… she refuses water juice and anything else… she will ONLY drink milk! We are trying to break her off that but it’s not easy

2oz of milk isn’t enough. My child is 2.5 years old and still doesn’t sleep through the night, Never has.


Once they reach 13 pounds between 4-6 months they do not need night time feedings…

Night Weaning — How and When to Wean Baby Off Night Feedings.


my son is 19 months old…doesn’t sleep thru the night. …

I always gave my boys a bedtime snack. At that age it was still mostly baby cereal. Sometimes it was yogurt. I would give them 3oz of milk first and then his food then another 2-3oz after that. They always slept better. My children are now 3 & 8 :woman_shrugging:t2: perfectly happy and healthy. LOL also they still get a glass of water and a snack 1hr before bed :joy:

Make sure to offer a snack before bed and start adding water to that milk until its all water and no milk

What time are you putting him to bed?

Try feeding him the milk or cereal right before bed time. This worked for me with both my children and my grandson.


What’s the difference between milk and water though? My still wakes up for some milk and she is 2. A few sips and she is knocked back out. I need my sleep too. She will grow out of it.


Normal but if you always show up with milk then he knows it’s a routine. Top the tank before bed. Milk and puffs work. That way you know he’s not hungry when he wakes. He’ll realize this routine is done lol

Put a tbsp of baby cereal in the milk

My one yr old wakes for a bottle occasionally he probs needs a little top up

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Sleep is developmental…

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Maybe two onze is not enough to keep him full through the night , give him a little snack or maybe more milk with some cereal , reduce his naps during the day, do not let him to take a nap after 5:30 , keep him busy so he can be tired by night time and also a bath before bed is awesome


Give him more milk… 2 Oz is what I gave my newborn


I’d like to encourage you to feed your child more during the day to keep him or her full enough to sleep through the night


Give him warm milk with cereal in it. He will sleep all night! Works everytime. Don’t do it long then switch to baby food. Put a animal with a heart beat in the bed with him. Teddy Bear or a Something.

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Are you giving your child solid foods? A 1year old can eat regular foods cut up small as well as milk

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Also let him or her play after feeding to be tired enough to sleep

A warm milk bottle does the trick before bed, he might need a little more than 2 Ounces to keep him full all night

Hungry baby :two_hearts:more solids during day. My 19 month old drinks 8oz warm cows milk at bedtime and sleeps all night :blush:

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Walk around in the yard. He’ll get tuckered out

If he is 1 he need real food . Cereal. I know that I am an old school mom, but put some cereal in the bottle or by spoon. It didn’t hurt my kids or many others .


A good supper then an 8oz bottle. Unless you mean he stops drinking after 2oz but if he’s drinking all that then he definitely wants more.

A good supper then an 8oz bottle. Unless you mean he stops drinking after 2oz but if he’s drinking all that then he definitely wants more.

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Two ounces of milk is not enough for a one year old child! You Are starving your child!


Give your baby a good dinner, with chopped up foods that you eat yourself. He’s old enough to eat this. Before bed, give him a top up with his bottle, but more than 1 ounce. Take him outside for a walk and play. That fresh air will tire him out!


My little girl is 9 months old never stops eating solid food has the same size meal as my 3 year old and all snacks in-between and still has 4 bottles during the night
My 3 year old wakes still 2-3 times a night and my 5 year old only started sleeping through last year, they don’t have day naps and bedtime is 8:30 so I have no help but goodluck on trying :upside_down_face:


Every child is different I have 5 kids my youngest is 2 an has slept threw night since age 3 months

2oz of milk really isn’t enough to hold him through the night. My suggestion is an 8 oz bottle w rice cereal in it. You may have to snip the nipple a little larger to get it through the hole but I’m telling you my kids slept like … babies!!


He’s one. A night feeding is normal and not uncommon. Just wait until he’s past that stage and don’t try to rush him out of it.


Baby’s wake up for lots of reasons. Night feedings are normal too at that age.

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Mine refuse to nap :woman_shrugging:
My 3yo stopped napping completely at 10 months, she runs 12’s - usually 9a to 9p.
My 4mo will have a 45 minute nap every 3 to 4 hours during the day and sleeps from 10p to 7a.

give him milk and turn on a radio station with soft music and let him cry himself to sleep, I had the same problem and our doctor told me to just try and it worked great.

Maybe add a little cereal into the milk for more substance. Had to do that with my son .

Alot of good idea’s, warm milk is a really good one

Try establishing a routine. A bedtime snack, A bath, then a some soft music… we did this with my grandson and now he’s three. He picks a book, takes a bath, then mom says give everyone a squeeze. He hugs everyone and goes to bed

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Try a warm bath with baby lavender wash, lavender lotion, baby massage, amd a good feed. Hopefully that’ll help. Perhaps it’s sleep regression. My girl is 2 and she still wakes up several times throughout the night

Cocomelon. You’re welcome


My son’s pediatrician told me that milk at night is really bad for their teeth since they haven’t developed full enamel yet. My son was like this, too. We refused to give in when he cried and only gave him water. He fussed for about 5 days and then stopped. Just had to get used to the routine change. :+1:

Sound machine on high!!

Feed him a good meal and a bath after then his milk

Feed him more till he’s content and he’ll sleep better

Graham crackers crumbled to a powder and added to the milk. Tastes good and fills the tummy. My step-dad recommended it when my kids wouldn’t sleep through the night. Worked like a charm! He ought to know what works. He raised nine kids!


Give him milk. You sed he won’t sleep without giving him milk, so give him milk. Most babies wake up throughout the night until 2-3 years old. It’s normal.


i’ve legit never understood why ppl laugh at posts like this lmao, it’s so weird

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It’s pretty normal to continue to wake up through the night at this age. Do you sleep with him? Maybe he needs a human touch to feel safe. This is still an instinct at 1 years old. Also make sure to have a very strict bed time routine. I breastfed my son and he slept with me until he was 3 and it was very easy to get him to sleep. After that he would fall asleep with just cuddles no problem.

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Does he eat real food yet ? He sounds hungry. I don’t think 2 oz for a one year old is enough.


2 oz of milk??? He’s one! My daughter is 15 months and wakes up sometimes twice to nurse. He is probably hungry!


Definitely give him milk, you don’t need to cut it out of his diet.

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You don’t. This is your life now.


Every baby is different! BUT! They are all… EverySingleThing

I wouldn’t restrict the milk. I’d give as much as he will drink to ensure full tummy. My oldest didn’t sleep through the night until 5 mos (daybreak riser though) and my youngest was a good sleeper. I always used pediatrician recommendations (only as a guide) and stuck to what worked for me. My boys are grown and healthy.

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2 ounces isn’t very much for a 1 year old. I’d give him as much as he needs to fill him up. When my kids were babies I always fed them oatmeal before bed. Helped keep them full and they slept better.


So he is fine with milk but cries with water? Then give him milk to fill him.


Sound you’re doing a great job at caring for him and asking questions. Not sure if you’re trying to not give him milk before bed but if your are give him some an hour before and if he has teeth brush right after and if you’re lucky he won’t need milk before bed. I have toddlers n sometimes it doesn’t work.

Give him milk. :person_facepalming: 2 ounces isn’t enough for a one year old. No wonder he’s keeping you up at night.


It is still biologically normal for this age to wake through the night. My youngest didn’t start sleeping through the night till 2.5.

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You could always do a dessert like an hr before bed so it would help ensure a fuller tummy and he might not get up. Move dinner to be later.

Let me know when you find out. Mine is almost 5 and still wakes up in the night.

Try feeding him more. When theyre full they sleep better snd longer throughout the night


Girl my son is 5 almost 6 and still doesn’t sleep through the night. I feel for ya.

Welcome to motherhood!

I give give my one year old grandson 6oz of toddler formula twice, a bottle when he goes to bed and one when he wakes up around midnight or 1am, he sleeps until around 5/6am then its breakfast time with Pocoyo :laughing:


I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19951 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info.

2oz? For a 1 year old! That’s the problem right there. Give that baby as much as needed. Problem solved. 2oz is for a new born honey.


I’m an old grandma and I would put the baby in my bed and snuggle. Eventually they learn to sleep all night in their own bed and I love co sleeping.


2oz is not enough for a one year old… should probably be at 6-8oz for a bottle, depending on baby. You could try mixing and giving him a little baby cereal and milk before bed and then giving him a bottle.


Idk why everyone saying 2oz isnt enough…at the 1 year old appointment the doctor tells you to start taking the bottle at night…and do so by offering water instead …another note my daughter is almost 2 still wakes…all my kids did till 3ish…she hates water as well and I pretty said screw it we all need sleep around here…here’s the.milk go back to sleep …she brushes.her the am and pm

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2oz of milk? My grandson is a year old he gets a full 8 oz of milk before bed. his mother works 2nd shift so he lives on her schedule and doesn’t go to bed till about 10/11 but he doesn’t get up in the middle of the night usually sleeps till about 9/10 in the morning.


2oz ? That’s not enough. my daughter is 1 too and She drinks 6-8oz before bed, then wakes up for another 4-6oz around 2-3am then again around 7am :woman_shrugging:

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If you think he’s not hungry then you may have to commit to water for a few days until he accepts it. Offer other comforts in the mean time. My son took just a few days to switch from milk to water, he didn’t need it, it was just habit and preference to have milk. Once he switched to water it was only a couple more days until he stopped waking for a drink at all.

2 ounces lol that is literally for a newborn baby for my daughter when she was one I didn’t even measure how many ounces I just filled the whole bottle up to the top


Well, he’s one, so there’s that.
Try some cereal before bed. 2oz of milk is nothing

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2oz of milk?!? My one year old takes 8oz before bed. And FYI the last bottle you take is the night bottle because it’s the hardest to take away.

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A good meal then 8 oz of milk in a sippy cup. Water in bottle if they want more till you get rid of bottle. My kid’s didn’t really sleep through the night till about 4.

Give him milk it won’t hurt him I gave mine ever how much they’re wanted.

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I would try giving at least 6 or maybe 8before bed

2 oz is enough for a 3 month old…


I agree about adding some cereal into his night-time bottle. Get your doctors approval first but at that age im surprised he’s not already on it.

Is anyone else concerned here…


Feed him my nephew eats pizza :pizza: cut up real little
And chips and some other stuff

My boys always had. Cereal before bed slept 8am to 8pm

Feed kiddo more nutritious solids and then offer more milk before bed. 2 ounce is less than what my 4 month old drinks before bed and was much less than what my eldest drank at 1 year old despite being on solids for 3 meals a day.

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Then give him milk . This doesn’t last forever

I do his last meal at 6 and then an hour later I get him a bath and get him to bed with a full bottle of warm milk just kiss him goodnight and put it in the cot with him and he’s fast asleep straight away. Every toddler/baby is different but routine is good x

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Add some oatmeal baby cereal or crushed up regular cereal and more milk. Good lord. 2 oz wont even feed a newborn.

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Water it down a little. Feed more

I gave mine cereal at bedtime, they always slept through the night.

Why are y’all tearing this mama apart?

Does sound like hes still hungry. Try giving more ounces

If he’s crying for a bottle in the middle of the night then give it to him, he’s hungry. He is only 1 :cry: my daughter 2 years old and will sometimes wake for milk.