How can I get my 14-year-old to stop peeing on the toilet?

14 year old son keeps peeing on the toilet seat. Need some help and not sure how to address it. My Husband has asked his 14 year old son (from previous marriage) to pick up the seat when he uses the bathroom. My husband has also given him the out of if he doesn’t pick up the seat, to at least wipe the seat down if he pees on it. Neither of which are happening. He was over this past weekend and EVERY SINGLE TIME I used the bathroom, the toilet was covered in pee. I feel like at 14 you should know to pick the seat up or at least clean up after yourself. My husband has asked him repeatedly and he is still doing it. His Mom is a slob so I’m sure she doesn’t enforce good hygiene or cleanliness. I’m to the point where I want to tell him he can’t use that bathroom anymore and he can only use the guest bathroom (which is closer to his room anyway) and then when he leaves on Sunday, he can clean up all his pee. Is this too harsh? I’m just so over it. How many times should you have to tell someone to stop peeing on the seat?!? Please help!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my 14-year-old to stop peeing on the toilet? - Mamas Uncut

Place some Lysol wipes beside the toilet. Tell him to wipe the seat when finished. Or tell him to take a seat in his own pee. Then he will know how ladies feel.


That’s nonsense his a teenager :roll_eyes: for goodness sake he needs to be taught over an over again, reprimand him in this regard that’s gross and he needs to learn

At 14 years old make him clean the damn toilet seat everytime :roll_eyes:

Go with plan B. There’s no reason he should be using your bathroom if there is one closer to his room. I made my boys clean the toilet every time I found it in that condition they were immediately brought to the bathroom to clean the whole toilet from the top to the floor while I watched them. About 3 times of that and they either decided to sit to pee or lift the seat.


I make my son come wipe off the toilet every time I find pee on they won’t learn unless you make them do it


Make him clean the toilet . If my 5 year old grandson can grasp the idea surely he can .


Not too harsh at all!! Or call him in there to clean it up every time you find it. He will stop.


He is doing this out of spite. He is 14 and my young grandson who is autistic knows not to pee all over the toilet and too wipe it up if he does.
Something is going on with this young man and he is doing this to get attention. Your husband needs to talk to his son to find out why he keeps doing this.

That’s just plain lazy my 16 yr old 7 yr old and husband all know to lift the seat or sit and if they use my toilet in my room to put seat back down. I would start taking things away that’s fun for him till he starts to listen :person_shrugging:

Give him a tree in the backyard.

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Make him sit! Tell him the next time he does it you are going to piss on the seat and make him sit in it! Put wipes next to the toilet and make him use them. Discipline him every time he pisses on the seat. He’s 14 that’s disgusting

Why don’t you just put the seat up after you pee and that way he doesn’t need to put it up. Maybe he’s being spiteful or maybe there’s something else going on. At least if you and your husband got into the habit of putting the seat up, you would know if he’s doing it on purpose because he’d have to put the seat down to pee on it. I get how annoying and frustrating that must be, but seems like a pretty simple solution.


Look before you pee and when there is pee on the seat call him in the bathroom to clean it up


Hand him some bathroom cleaner and paper towels and tell him to go clean it. And keep doing it every time. And when he finishes cleaning it, tell him if he does it again he’s not only going to clean the toilet but the whole bathroom too. He’ll get tired of it real quick, trust me from experience.


Have him clean it every time he pees on it.


I would leave a bottle of cleaner on the counter and he doesn’t leave the bathroom until he cleans the toilet. I would make him use the guest one too

Make him clean it up every time he uses it. Essentially re-potty train him. Give him privacy of course, but check that he cleans it every time he uses the bathroom


Make him clean it up

Damm lazy much. He’ll no speak to the mom too I would not tolerate that It’s disgusting and he clearly knows better its called LAZY!

What kind of relationship do you have with him? Honestly, given that his dad has talked to him and you have talked to him, and he’s still doing it, it sounds like he’s doing it on purpose.

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It’s an acting out behavior. Remove the seat


Have him clean the bathroom daily.


Yes when he comes. Remove the toilet seat. I would love to be a fly on the wall when he sees that.

Make him clean it. Everytime before he walks out. Have your husband stand and watch him.


I would also take the toilet seat off. Or block off the door to that bathroom and make him use the guest bathroom. With no toilet seat


I trained the men of my house to sit down.


Definitely get him to use the guest bathroom and make him clean it himself, never do it for him or he will never learn.


DEFINITELY not too harsh! Way too old not to respect the family & be more careful or clean up himself. One or two weekends of scrubbing the commode & MOST LIKELY the floor too he’ll become more aware


Why isn’t your husband making him


He’s doing it on purpose and noone is doing anything to stop it.


If you figure it out, let me know because I know a few woman who would like to teach there husbands :joy::joy:

I would make him pee outside! If he cant follow the rules or have common decency then he can act a savage outside!


Sounds like a good idea. He will have his own bathroom to use . Just make sure to check on it. If you have company come :grimacing:
But he should be able to use it and not pee on the seat . I mean my 5 and 7 yr Olds know to life the seat and or aim like Champs :woman_facepalming:t3:


No wifi password. No devices that have their own data . Toddlers pee on the seat . Toddlers don’t need internet. I have 6 boys and not one has ever left a mess for me to clean up once they were potty trained.


Make him clean the toilet. He will learn real quick that it sucks to constantly have to clean the toilet.

Even my 4 Year Old knows to clean the toilet if he makes a mess.


I took my son to the bathroom and had him lift and put the seat back down 50 times in a row. After that he never peed on the seat again.


Rub his nose in it…jk. in all seriousness if you find something that works let me know. I have the same problem but I’m not sure who the culprit is.

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If he has his own bathroom, remove the seat! It’s tough sitting on that frame to do #2 and it’s lower to the water☺️


Don’t let him use it at all. Make him pee outside.

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I’m still trying to train my husband so I don’t have a clue :joy:


Give him the other bathroom and remove the seat.

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I took a dry eraser marker and wrote on the inside lid of the toilet seat
“If you sprinkle while you wizzle and you don’t wipe it up.
I’ll have to use your tooth brush to clean it up!” Love, mom
Bam they both learned to clean up really quick!
Of course I’d never use their tooth brush, but they sure thought I would :rofl:


Oh he would be handed the cleaning tools every time he came out of the bathroom. Add these words to your vocabulary… “ in this house we…,”

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I had one son like that… finally put seat up and clean up or go outside or to the local gas station…

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If that’s how he is raised at home, that’s what he thinks the norm is.

I don’t have issues like that, but I do have issues with my kids leaving messes everywhere and thinking nothing if it. I used to just clean up the messes and cuss them under my breath while doing it, but I stopped doing that. Now when I find a mess, I call which ever kid made it (or all of them if I don’t know which one it was) and make them clean it up. My daughter likes to smear soap all over the bathroom sink when she washes her hands. Now I call her back to the bathroom and stand there while SHE cleans it up.

I would suggest that each time you or Dad go to the bathroom and there is pee everywhere, you call him to the bathroom and make him clean it up. And not just wipe it up off the seat with toilet paper. Break out the cleaning spray and rag and actually make him CLEAN the toilet/floor. After a few times of doing that, maybe he will decide it’s easier to lift the seat than to clean the bathroom after each use.


They don’t stop my adult child aka SO pees on the seat all the time. :roll_eyes:
So someone help us all.

Be his mom and say to him lift the damn seat and wipe up after yourself. He’s 14 not 3. Make cleaning the bathroom his responsibility.

I think I would stand right outside the door and as he walked out look to see if it was clean if not hand him some paper towels and sanitizing spray to clean it.

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Lmao! Grown men still pee on the toilet seat.

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Have dad babysit him when he goes to the bathroom. Have dad correct him and when kid complains about being babysat, tell kid that the babysitting will stop when he starts lifting or cleaning the seat without being told to.


He’s 14. Make him clean it up. The time for asking nicely has passed. He’s old enough to know better.


Not mean at all, He’s old enough to understand cleanliness. Definitely make him clean it.


That’s his chore. Bathrooms. So he sees his mess.


take seats off closer toilet, lock house one so he can’t use it

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Have him clean it every time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Every time you see it call him over and have him clean it. Give him the cleaning products and stand there watching him until it’s clean. Sounds like tough love but until you break the cycle nothing will change.


make him go outside. it worked for me.


I would have him clean up the whole bathroom with me standing there to make sure he does exactly want I want him to do every day or before he leave to his Mom.


Leave pack pineoclean wipes them him wipe after each use.

Not the actually ever would but I threaten my boys that I’ll make them lick it off


Give him some kind of punishment and make him go clean it make him use guest restroom and remove seat and before he leaves he has to clean up

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I think it just depends on what he sees too :woman_shrugging: my 10yo and 8yo don’t get pee on the seat lol they know to lift the seat and put the seat&lid down before you flush. But they’ve been taught that since they were potty trained.
Maybe leave flushable wipes on the back of the toilet and he can use those to wipe it and then jusy put it in the trash can. Or tell him if he can’t remember to wipe or put the seat up, he needs to start sitting down to pee.

He’d be cleaning the whole bathroom every time he used it…walls and all.
On a more serious note…have dad check that he doesn’t have a physical problem like a small urethra opening or displaced urethra which is causing him to spray…not that those problems excuse a 14yo not cleaning up his mess


No reason for it. He is old enough to know better. That’s what I would do an before he leaves he can scrub the toilet.


Hellll no not too harsh. If you’re gonna make a mess you need to clean it. These are good things for any gender at any age to learn!


No that’s not harsh at all!! Id make him clean the whole guest bathroom before he goes back to mom. If he doesn’t like having to clean the bathroom then he best learn to pick the seat up or wipe it off!

Being harsh would be my threat…
me: “are your fingers broke? Kid: “no…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:…?”
Me: if you don’t want them broke so that u have an excuse to not lift a seat or wipe it, then I suggest you do what you are asked and clean up or lift the seat like you are asked!”
Kid: :flushed::grimacing::woozy_face::face_with_peeking_eye:
Of course I never follow thru with that threat, but it’s enough to fear the possibility and will do it until they “forget” a week later. At that point, if I go into the bathroom and there’s pee on the seat, then I will holler for kid to come in there and stand over and supervise him cleaning up his mess just for me to use the bathroom. After a couple of embarrassing moments, being called out on it and having to clean his bodily fluids up in front of me… they usually get the point that I find it to be disgusting and it’s inconsiderate to females to leave messes like that!
Also, if you have him use the guest bathroom, and no one else uses it, then he will clean it one way or another for a #2…. Whether with a rag/TP or his booty!
I’d keep close eye on him and if he tries to use another bathroom for #2, I’d stop him in his tracks and be like…”NOPE! If you don’t like having to sit in your own urine to take a #2, then maybe you need to clean the toilet before sitting down! Now you know how the rest of us in this house feel when you pee on the seat and don’t clean it up… it’s NASTY!, now go use “YOUR” toilet that you chose to dirty up!”
I’m a bonus mom of 2… girl and boy and also have 2 bio kids with the same father as my bonus kiddos and they are a boy & girl… been there many times with my SS… he finally learned and just like your situation, their mother was also a slob and literally didn’t do much “raising…” :woozy_face::face_with_peeking_eye:
But one thing I learned, that is your home fulltime… you shouldn’t have to walk on egg shells just to keep a 14 yr old KID happy! If he’s doing something that disgusting & at this point disrespectful as he’s been asked multiple times now to clean up urine or lift seat and been made aware that other people have to sit there too, then call them out on their bs! He’s apparently having a “pissin match” (pun intended :sweat_smile:) to see if he can get by with it. He more than likely won’t like the embarrassment if you start making him clean up his messes right in front of you… :woman_shrugging:t2: just my experience with both my boys. I was nice about it the first few times, then had to get more stern about it and stand over them doing the “potty dance” while they cleaned up their messes just so I could go pee. And yes, I have used the threat above after not saying anything at all several times while I cleaned it up myself. It got old real quick!
Good luck! I hope some of this thread’s advice helps! :revolving_hearts:

I’ve done the making them pee outside and also cleaning it every time…now I have 2 boys that was doing this and 2 toddlers to watch so I couldn’t inspect every time someone took a pee…so I had them take turns until it wasn’t happening any more :grin:

My husband son use to do this. It finally got to the point where the wood was starting to soak it so we made him pee out side. I know it sounds mean but 2am you gotta pee and it’s cold outside . When we said ok can start peeing in the toilet again he learned to clean it up real fast.

My boys use to do this all the time.I got tired of it and told my sons(I’d never ever do this)that the next time they peed on the toilet,they were going to lick it off.Needless to say,they stopped peeing on the seat


Other than saying lift the lid or wipe it down what else are you doing …if there is no form of punishment and using the other bathroom is not punishment than there is no reason for him to stop doing it .he’s basically laughing at you guys and saying whatever


My 7 and 8 year olds know to wipe it off or lift lid, they learned by having to clean the entire bathroom each time… that got old quickly and they learned it’s easier and quicker to just wipe it real quick or lift lids.

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Yeah make him clean it up every time. You can’t make him go outside unless you’re in the country cus public indecency is a thing lol

Show him the tik tok video on how to pee properly :rofl:


Walk him to the bathroom. Hand him cleaner and clothe make him clean it up.


I’ve sat in pee so many times from my nephew that I made him.sit in his own pee !!

He knows better, he’s being spiteful. Make him use the other bathroom and clean it. Our kids r not allowed in our room or bathroom unless they have permission.

Make him clean the entire bathroom every time it happens. Top to bottom, sink shower toilet the works. After a few he will stop being lazy and will remember to pick up the seat. If he still won’t he will at least use a piece of paper to wipe the evidence away.


Everything I find my son’s mess I announce it in front of the whole how for him to clean it up. He hates that so he caught on to clean his crap up. Harsh? Yep. :woman_shrugging:


Start making him clean the whole bathroom :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

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Now a days these teenagers have no manners they don’t care about anything you tell him. Going to have a talk with father and let this kid get the full stint. If he doesn’t clean up after he makes a mess hand him a bucket and send him outside to do his duty.

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All I could think of is the smell. It’s so gross :face_vomiting: make him clean it.


Just call the little dude,give him the cleaning cloth and let him clean ,do it everytime you see the urine

Making sit on the seat after he pees on it and then you’ll know why he needs to lift to see let him sit in it

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That’s not unreasonable IMO to have him do that. Either that or he needs to sit to pee :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Not too harsh at all. He is almost grown.

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He has to pee outside now.

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That’s simply disgusting !! I will not let him use my bathroom neither

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Our 7yr old peed on the seat a few times while learning. I would go in and call for him and show him how to clean it. Maybe mom didn’t teach him and he needs to learn how. But our boy no longer pees on the seat and if he happens to he cleans it off. Same with the girls


When you noticed he’s done it don’t clean it up make him go in and clean it. Every single time.


Probably doing it on purpose to piss you off. Good luck

Take the seat off of it and put it on when u and hubby need it

Make him clean it EVERY time you see it. Or put a lock on the door and he has to start asking to use the restroom inside and check after he is done tell he gets the dang point. Be a jerk, his future spouse will thank you :joy::joy:


I wouldn’t let him use my bathroom for one. He would use the guest bathroom as you suggested and I would still Make him clean the toliet seat every time I seen pee on it

When I was 14 (dealing with horrible periods up all night at my dads) stepmother came and got me in the morning. Somehow I had gotten blood all over the seat and under. I was embarrassed but she was right in having me clean up my own mess. And it kept me from leaving the bathroom without double checking again. So maybe every time he does it have him come wipe it. Like a child who has go be told to come pick up his toys. Maybe he will get tired of it


I had a sorta stepchild that did that shit. He did it on purpose.,as does yours! And yes I made him clean the toilet

you said it start making him use the guest bathroom only than do your best to make him clean it when he leaves

I would make him pee outside like the wild animals thats if he wants to act like one js

He’s doing that on purpose.

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