How can I get my 14-year-old to stop peeing on the toilet?

Make him clean it with soap and water every time he does it

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Do what you said you were going to do making him use a separate bathroom and clean it. Maybe also put a sign above the toilet saying, " Our Aim Is To Keep This Toilet Clean. Your Aim will Help"!!:laughing:

No advice mine is 11 I make him clean it every time and he does not care still pees on the seat

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I used to put lysol wipes on the back of the toilet and everytime I went to the bathroom and there was pee I would call him back to clean it up. Everytime! I have had great progress

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I have this argument with my kids daily i hope mine wont keep doing it at that age but i know full grown men that still have issues.
Id make him clean the toilet if he refuses id be removing things like phones consoles or what ever their in to


Omg this has been an ongoing issue. So now he has to clean it. Everytime. And he isnt allowed to have his cell phone in the bathroom.


That’s nasty he would b cleaning it or not using it


Tell him to find a tree in the backyard hahahaha

Nope not harsh. A 14 year old should know how to clean up the urine on the seat if they get it on the seat. My child is 14 and if he gets any on the seat guess what he cleans it up. So next time he comes over once he’s done check the bathroom and if there’s urine on the seat give him a rag and block his way out of the bathroom and tell him to clean it up.


Everyone sits at my house. EVERYONE!


11 & he’s still doing it ? Sounds like he’s either being defiant or just plain laziness…if he wants 2 pee on the seat like a child then treat him like a child …when he’s there start taking stuff away from him & limit his privileges until he stops

Send him in there and tell him to clean it up everytime.

I mean 14 I apologize

Maybe try putting the seat up when your finished just to see if he’s doing it on purpose.


Gross. He’d be cleaning that seat. Too old for that. Nasty little asshole

Every time he uses the bathroom…go in and if there is piss on the seat …go get him …hand him cleaner and walk in with him and make him clean it…

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Make him clean it and that usually fixes it

He is doing it on purpose

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When my boys did that I marched them in the bathroom and sprayed the toilet with cleaner gave them toilet paper and made them clean it. They got the point and it stopped happening. They lift the seat now.

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Make him clean it. Stand next to him while he does it and give him directions on how it should be done correctly, he cleans enough of his own pee he will stop doing it

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If you find out the answer, let me know. I’ve got a 19 and 17 year old that can’t grasp the concept

He should know better… have him aim at a cheerio we did that with our 3 year old. Lol.

Firstly make sure it pee so toilets do spray back . It most likely is second he’s fourteen third make sure his dad talk to him to see if everything functioning properly could be peeing crooked due to a split ureatha

Maybe STOP bad mouthing his mother to start with and start treating him with respect
As he is being defiant as you aren’t treating him well so he is like to hell with it

I’ve got a 39 yr old that can’t seem to get it ALL in the toilet here! Nor does him or the 11&14 yr old clean it even after yelling!! Just learned that some things may never change. They atleast lift the seat up tho

Let me know if you find the answer. My 9 year old doesn’t even hold his penis to aim so it sprays everywhere. He puts up the seat but when you have an unmanned firehouse going off that does no damn good. Been harping on him for years to hold himself to aim.

Just tell him, for one it is disgusting and he by now should know better.
Make him clean it up


My 23 year old still does this shit. I’m ready to rub his nose in it! (Joking) like how hard is it to raise the seat???

Don’t let your son use the toilet put a bucket outside for him till he can use the toilet correctly

My 16 year old son is the same too lazy to lift the seat and the floor snd we have no windows so it end up smelling I’m
Forever cleaning the floor :rage::weary:

He’s doing it on purpose at this point as a big FU. Make him clean it up and ask him why he is being so mean and disrespectful and what he hopes to gain by behaving in the manner he is. And dad needs to step up


He would not be using my bathroom anymore. And yes my kids don’t use mine, unless someone’s in there’s.

He’d also be cleaning the bathroom before he leaves.
If it keeps on, then he can sit his butt down.
Dad should be preparing him to be a productive adult. That includes not peeing all over the place. And knowing how to properly clean up after himself.

Wipe the seat with his pillow

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New appreciation for my 14 year old son after reading this and the comments lol. I would do the suggestion of him using the guest bathroom. Have it kinda be his bathroom so it’s not like he’s being shunned there. Then yes, show him how it should be cleaned then that is his responsibility on Sunday before he goes back home.

MAKE him clean the entire bathroom daily and y’all’s too. Also leave some pee for him. :woman_with_probing_cane:t2::eyes:

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I have 3 boys. I have sat in their piss more than my own. Its a boy thing. When you discover it ask him nicely to wipe it. Explain you don’t want to sit in it or wipe it which is what happens with us women.

Take the seat off temporarily !


I would tell him since he is struggling to not pee on the toilet and you and dad are struggling sitting in/touching urine each time that the bathroom doors will be locked and he can let you know when he has to go and then the three of you will inspect it when he’s done to see if it needs cleaning so the next person has a sanitary toilet.Once we go a whole visit without a mess everyone will get their freedom back…him to use to bathroom unaccompanied and you not to have to stop what you’re doing to do bathroom checks so we can all be happy and peaceful :blush:


Remove the seat in the guest bathroom and tell him that’s his bathroom now


Make him sit down to pee . This is too far gone for a boy his age. Stand firm and make this happen.


Everytime he uses the bathroom check it.If he has created a mess give him a cloth & tell him to go clean it up.Also tell him this will happen everytime he uses the bathroom.Ask your husband to ask his ex if she has the same problem when he’s at home.Perhaps he just does it to aggregate you.


Tell him to use the guest bathroom. If you have to, get a lock for the bathroom you use. I’m dead serious. Do what you can to make sure he cannot use any bathroom but the one you’ve dedicated. If it means practicing with a screw driver to open a locked door, do it.

Remove the whole toilet seat from his designated bathroom while he is visiting. Put pet pee pads on the floor all around the toilet. Pour or spray a little bit of bleach on the pee pads the day before he arrives. It should reactivate when he pees on the sides of the toilet and onto the pads. Leave scented moth balls in a bowl on the top of the tank. Two hours before he is scheduled to leave and go back to his mom’s house, have HIS DAD hand him gloves, paper towels, a bleach spray and any other cleaners you can think of and have HIS DAD tell him to clean up the bathroom. The pee pads and paper towels are to go into a plastic bag with the brat taking the plastic bag to the trash can and placing the bag into the trash can. HIS DAD needs to stand there and watch his son clean to make sure that son cleans up after himself., start to complete finish.

What a nightmare. You do know the kid is being rude and disrespectful, don’t you? Your husband, the brat’s dad, needs to have a talk with the kid and ask why he is doing what he’s doing. If it was me, I’d want to know why he even bothers to come visit but that might create issues a few years from now when the kid has selective memory.

Dad needs to stop asking and start telling.


Remove the seat in the guest bathroom and tell him he has to use that one


Take his power cords for all electronics til he can learn to clean up after himself.


I would stand over him and block him from leaving the bathroom and then make him completely clean the ENTIRE bathroom. Because that pee is definitely sloshing off the seat and landing elsewgere.

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He’s doing it on purpose


Sounds like he’s doing it on purpose to cause you stress…in your remark his mother is a slob, I’m guessing your not buddies…and her son instead of her is getting her own back… I feel you your husband, your stepson and his mother, should all address the issue together…help this young man become a decent hygienic and thoughtful person…


My dad would’ve threatened to wipe that seat with my pillow and make me sleep with it… :woman_shrugging: would he have actually done it? Probably not, but I wouldv’e been too scared and grossed out to find out :rofl:


You’re within your right. I would be unsettled and uncomfortable wiping up a young man’s urine as well . Having him clean the bathroom he uses is a great idea . Or his father .


As a mother of boys (2 preteen and 1 teen) what I did was threaten to clean it up with their clean shirts. By the time I go to grab a shirt they had already ran into bathroom to clean it. Havent had a problem since. Good luck


I’d hive him a bucket

Kids are creatures of habits; it’s sad he doesn’t get more direction from his mother and in all honestly, he’s probably doing it because it’s a habit not because he is refusing to do it. Find out what he needs from you; instead of threatening and being angry ask him, "Hey man, this is getting a little out of control-what do you need from me and your dad to help remind you that you are a young adult and shouldn’t be peeing on the toilet seat? What is going to help you remember to lift the seat or clean up after yourself? I want to make sure that you have the best tools available for you to become the best version of yourself and we can’t do that if you aren’t willing to meet us half way. So lets hear your solutions on what you think will make it easier to remind you to lift it up or clean after yourself? Make them apart of the conversation and leave it open ended and don’t let him not give an answer. Personal accountability is a big thing.

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My bf does the same thing it makes me mad like after I get done cleaning my bathroom he will go pee, he will pee on the seat and get some on my floor to me it’s laziness like it’s not that hard to pick up the toilet seat and it sure ain’t hard to pee in the toilet.

I would hand him the spray bottle and have him clean the seat everytime he pees.


Tell him your going to use his toothbrush to clean it every time he does ot

I’d just make his ass piss outside.

Let him clean it!!! (Everytime he uses the bathroom)


Sounds like he is doing it out of sheer lack of respect. I’d make him use his own bathroom.


My brother was like this when he was about 10. My mom traveled for work so he stayed with me, I was 20 at the time. I got so tired of pee on the toilet seat that I made him pee outside or sit down.

He is probably doing it kn purpose because he got a reaction


He’s 14 he understands perfectly well what he is doing and honestly sounds like out of spite to you. Dad or you one need to put the foot down, check the toilet seat every time after he uses is and if it’s wet make him clean it. Sad to say I had this problem with my husband and my son, who I corrected before my son was done potty training because I got sick of dealing with it. Consistency is key, teach him how to respect a lady in the house since his mother clearly won’t.

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You take him in there and show him… then clean it and show him that. Pictures help. If he still does it… he cleans it

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To harsh?!?! He’s 14 !!! Make him clean it up!!!

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At this point, I’d tell him to go find a tree…


Sorry but boys get distracted easily. So do men. Make him clean it up. My 6 yr old pees on the floor. I spray cleaner on it. He cleans it with paper towels then washes his hands.

This would tick me off also. After he uses the toilet. I would turn him back around with a cleaner and cleaning cloth. Make him clean toilet and floor every time.


Electrify the toilet seat. I bet you he won’t do that again :joy:

I had 5 males in my house at one time, ranging from 5 to 40, when I got sick of it I had a melt down when they were all at the dinner table. I told them that the next time it happens every one of them (including my then husband and the 5 yr old)would be banished to the kids bathroom. It was not pretty, but it worked - It stopped immediately.

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Have him use the other bathroom and clean it before he leaves.

Not too harsh! My daughters fiancé son does same thing. Even pees on floor. Can’t say anything cause all I hear is he wouldn’t do that! He is 12 and treated like 4yrs. Think it is out of spite cause he doesn’t like me! Not taught any common sense or respect! They feel love is letting him do as he likes! :scream:

Make him use his own bathroom if he cannot respect yours and make him clean that bathroom before he leaves for his mom’s house.

He is 14 he knows better he is just plan nasty or doesn’t have any respect for you guys. He should clean it up after every use.


Find a waterproof marker for porcelain, draw a small dot right above the water line, insist that they carefully pee and not dissolve the scented dot

He uses the bathroom near his room and cleans the bathroom and picks up his room before he leaves.

I’d tell him the next time it happens that it will be cleaned using his shirt, pillow slip, coat, hoodie, toothbrush … Whatever is handy - and follow through! Harsh, but problem solved! :wink:


He’s doing it on purpose because he knows that you don’t like it and he probably doesn’t like you at 14 he knows how to use the toilet .

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I started calling my kids to the bathroom every time I saw it and made them clean the toilet. After just 3 days, my toilet seat seems to find its way up and is peeless. Nothings worse than stopping in the middle of a video game battle to go clean a toilet

When my son and husband got lazy I lost my cool and said you have to earn the right to stand up to pee id be outside bathroom door waiting for them to be done and I’d check it before they left. That or turn off the wifi and take his things

Make him clean it up


I live with two boys and I also said it’s like having a truck stop bathroom but have discovered truck stop bathrooms
are way

ummm my 3yr old cleans up his own pee when he pees on the seat or floor on accident - all on HIS OWN
so you just need to discipline better :pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers:
do exactly as you said - no more your bathroom, guest bathroom only. and he must clean it every time befoee he leaves - NO ANDS IFS or BUTS

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I’m sorry but what a little dbag. That’s so disrespectful and disgusting…. Boy needs a lesson or something. I taught my boys to lift the seat and wipe the ring with a flushable wipe even if they don’t get pee anywhere out of courtesy of everyone else.

Make him clean the toilet.

Sounds reasonable to me.

He is doing it on purpose. Let him pee outside


One word TEENAGER… well two TEENAGE BOY

I was so sympathetic with you until you had to attack his mother. If the seat isn’t clean send him back asap to do it. Remain consistent and stop blaming his bio mum, your husband and you aren’t winning this battle and I’m sure the mum doesn’t appreciate sitting on pee

Grown ass men know how to do that

Omg it’s as if I wrote this. My boyfriends almost 15 year old video game obsessed son does the same. There are 3 girls in the house and 2 bathrooms. He brings his laptop and headphones into bathroom with him and won’t put it down to do his business. He pisses all over the floor and toilet seat. Doesn’t flush. It’s gross. He has a bathroom right outside his bedroom door downstairs but insists on using both but most times upstairs where is girls go. I’ve confronted him and he said “he never knew he had to lift the seat” and my boyfriend was so upset and called bullshit! But it hasn’t improved. I threaten to cut the internet cord all the time. But we need it for our garage/business. I am about to add bathroom cleaning to his chore list. I hate wiping up someone’s urine before I have to use the toilet. It’s unacceptable to the nth degree. Teenage boys are simply gross.

Make him clean the entire bathroom each time he does it and yeah make him use the closer bathroom but he still needs to clean it or it will start to leave a smell

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Ask again nicely, show hime what to use to clean it up ,maybe even at 14 not one has shown him this? And if that doesn’t work….to7 can insist he use the guest bathroom or Saran Wrap the toilet seat , so the next time he goes he gets sprayed! LOL Just kidding.,I wouldn’t advise this one for real, turn about is fair play!m

Sounds like he’s being manipulative just to irritate you. Make him use his own bathroom and like you said he cleans the seat up before he leaves. But I will add that it probably would be best to avoid comments about is mother esp to him or in front of him as that could trigger behaviors and more disrespect. He didn’t choose his mother and he shouldn’t have to take sides. Just saying regardless of his mothers lifestyle he needs to respect your house but with our hearing about moms.

Perfectly reasonable . My 5 ur old cleans his pee on the seat when he’s done . Like I can’t.

Let him know until he is successful in peeing with the lid up or cleaning up his own pee on the toilet, the toilet trainer will remain in effect.
He will have to take the extra time to unlock until then. (Will hopefully also remind him to lift it at that point)

I make mine clean the entire bathroom now. When he was younger I told him if he couldn’t lift the seat then he could just start sitting down to pee every time but at 14yrs old you’re kind of past that point.


Next time I found pee on the seat I would go get him and drag his ass by his ear to the bathroom to clean it up!

Why is a 14 year old not cleaning his mess every time.
He would not be allowed to go out, play vids, or have treats until he cleaned the toilet. Create the habit.

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I make my hubby and 7yo clean up their mess. Nope I’m not cleaning pee everytime I need to use it.

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