How can I get my 14-year-old to stop peeing on the toilet?

Make him clean the bathroom while you supervise. Complaing and cleaning after him won’t change a thing


Remove the seat. Set it down when you need it, take it off when you don’t.

Time for dad to grab him up by the neck walk him into the bathroom give him a rag to wipe up his pee them make raise and lower the se as t about 10 times and tell him if he pèes on the seat again he will have any phone or games taken till ho follows the rules…

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I told my 15yr old I was going to make him sit in it and see how it feels lol! Then I told him I would make him clean the bathroom with a toothbrush. It helped a lot lol

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Start checking after him every time he uses the toilet. If you find pee on the seat, start pulling privileges. If he pees on the seat, pull his phone or video games, only let him read for a few hours. I know you only have him a short time and hate to come down on him, but tell him some things that pass at home don’t fly at your house.

Make him go outside til he learns!

#1 Wipe the seat with his pillow case. Check each time he uses the washroom, Then use his clothes and wipe the toilet, sides and floor

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If he wants to behave like a spoiled guest, he doesn’t get family bathroom privileges…
Is there any chance this behavior is “at you”? Like, might he be angry or something?

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14 years he should no better he his getting back to you


Jerk a knot in his tail. He will be glad to stand up AND wipe the seat

I would buy those toilet cleaning wipes by scrubbing bubbles and put them on the toilet tank and instruct him every time he uses the bathroom he needs to wipe it down. And no it’s too harsh to tell him he can only use the guest bathroom


We have a kids bathroom and then our bathroom. They can clean it or sit in their own pee :woman_shrugging:

Make him clean up his piss.

I feel like there is more to this than just missing the toilet. Does he have a good relationship with you? Are there any developmental delays? You have to get down to the source of the behavior.

Guest restroom sounds like a perfect plan each will have their own bathroom and then he’ll clean it up before he leaves respecting the place too.


Call him in to wipe the seat with Clorox wipes every time you walk into a urinated seat in any restroom. Make him clean the entire toilet as a chore or every night he’s there.
My thing is you have more respect and consideration for your own actions and for the person who typically has to do that type of thing as a job or chore if you have to experience it from that side.
My kids left clothes all over the house, guess who started being responsible for laundry. Leaving messes all over the counters… guess who’s cleaning counters, etc. Take personal responsibility or be responsible for all of it. :woman_shrugging:t4:

I’d make him clean it everytime he leaves it on there, not at the end of the weekend. He will eventually either learn to clean up after himself or learn to lift the toilet seat. It is no one else’s job to pick up after someone else

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Make him go outside. U wanna piss all over, you piss outside.

At 14 you just TELL him to stop peeing on the damn toilet! That’s ridiculous. Make him clean it eberytike he goes in the bathroom. Bet he stops. He is more than able to aim at his age :woman_facepalming:t2:

Make him pee outside

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Sound harsh but get hubby don’t you do it to chuck ice water on him every time he does it in bed or not or switch the WiFi password sometimes got to be mean to get though to teens as they don’t give a crap and doent live with you so no respect teach him to respect your house or he gets no privileges


since his mom is a slob and isn’t practicing good hygiene ( spell check ) … why is he still living with her ? … that’s some form of neglect and as long as she still has any type of custody it’s going to be impossible to break him of that

It’s call a leather belt
Growing up we learn real quick how to used the outhouse


I dated a guy for a while who did that. Dropped him like a bad habit. It’s just laziness…

He gets to clean up the mess before he does anything else, or he sits to pee. Worked for my 12 year old. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Wipe his nose in it. Jk :joy:


LMAO have him clean it you are literally taking the piss even making this post

My 12 yr old bonus child is the exact same way. My husband and I have been together 4 yrs and ever summer we deal with this :woman_facepalming: I don’t get to catch it often…the kids share a bathroom and I have my own lol

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If you find it that way get him to clean it right then and there with no option.

Tell him he can only use the guest bathroom and make sure he does and he will learn his lesson when he has to go number 2 and has to sit down and finds the seat is Grose and nasty and he has to clean it.

I’d say: “Your age is supposed to be 14 but you act like you’re 4-5… Since you REFUSE to lift the seat up and aim correctly in the toilet… Go outside & water the plants in the back”


Good luck. Wait til you find pee bottles in his room.

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He needs to sit down.

You can buy toilet seats that are easy removable via a button take the seat of in the toilet you don’t want him to use tell him it’s broken… when you want to use it place seat on and then take off again with 3 boys I got fed up of sitting on pee now they sit in eachothers so it has stopped lol.

Make him clean it. He should know better. And if all else fails tell him if he wants to live like a pig to go outside

If he is ur step son it my be he is rebeling his mom and dad getting divorced

Every time he comes out the toilet make him clean up his mess. My son has just turned 5 years old and we’re teaching him to clean up after himself after he pees.

make him clean it every time


EVERY time he comes out of the bathroom hand him some cleaner n send him rt bk in there then check it to mk sure he cleaned it rt n if he didnt mk him do it again but this time make him scrub the ENTIRE bathroom down. Shower sick toilet inside and out and the floor. He will start putting the seat up n making sure he he aims better. If he doesn’t keep making him scrub the entire bath room or even both bathrooms until he learns. If he has young siblings mk him clean up after they come outta the bathroom to so he learns how nasty it is cleaning up after someone else that leaves a bathroom mess. Good luck!


Mess up clean up
He’s old enough to understand
Different set of rules at your house


Tell him if he can’t aim enough not to pee all over the place that you will personally supervise every single trip to the toilet and hold it for him.


My cousin put plastic wrap on it when he went to the bathroom it splash back up on him

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Well… Berta made Jake clean his bathroom …

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These comments are hilarious tell him u will chop it off or tell him to sit while taking a pee

Back of your will say it all… Then make him clean it.

Put a target in the toilet ready aim FIRE and hope he dont get the edge of the toilet

Take the toilet seat off :joy:


I’m so glad all the boys in my house sit to pee. But I’d definitely hand him all the cleaning supplies and have him clean the entire toilet each and every time and he will catch on pretty quick lol

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Make him sit down or go outside.

Make him scrub the bathroom every time he does it. He made the mess. He can clean it up.

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Make him clean it Everytime he does it.


Pee clean or no screen.


I used to clean it with my brothers pillow , if he sprinkled as he tinkled. Not sure he knew but he well pissed off with life now

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I think he is doing it on purpose just for the attention and rebel against you and your husband.


Just go in there and check each time you see him go to the bathroom. If there’s pee have dad hand him the Cleaning supplies and tell him to get to it. My boys are 3 and 4 and know to lift the toilet seat. They also know to put it back down. Lol


My brother use to do this and my mom made him sit in it. Not like for any amount of time but just so he would know what it was like to be a female and accidentally sit in pee. It worked for him but now that im a parent idk if this is the best approach :rofl::rofl:

Hell, you’re nice cause if it was my house he would have to find a gas station when he needed to pee, cause that could not happen in my house.

Buy home toilet training toilet it’s has one for boy that have ball in it . Give some think ever time he get it right :white_check_mark: lol :laughing: or tree in pot out side :rofl:

Sad, but you are now the pee monitor. Every time he goes to the bathroom, you must now go see if he’s a good boy. If NOT, You drag his fanny into the bathroom AND he cleans it. Top to bottom & Mops the floor, etc.

Nope. He would be allowed only in the guest bathroom. I dont deal with that

Cut off the wifi til he cleans his mess. Take away the distractions so he has to focus on cleaning his mess to get the fun stuff back.

Ping pong ball lol tell him to aim at it

Use his pillow to wipe it up without telling him


Oh hell no, tell him he’s not aloud to use your restroom cause he is a pig. Make him use guest bathroom. I’d record how he leaves bathroom for later in life.

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Lock your bathroom door up and tell him it’s off limits. Use the guest bathroom. Make him clean up otherwise he won’t be coming back to visit with y’all again .

Why is he doing that could be he has a problem, maybe get doctors advice…

When my boys 12 and 9 have peed on the seat I told em they got three warnings and then can sit down to pee

put a note by the toilet that says “seat up or clean up!” or just lock him in the bathroom til he gets it right


My 8 and 4 year olds have raised the seat since they’ve been potty trained. Now I’m just trying to get them to put the seat back down when they are done. :joy:
I wish I had advice to help but I don’t.

14 really. You have raised a dumb ass. It’s your own damn fault.

Lock yours and tell him to use the tiger or sit to pee which is better for them anyway as it empties the bladder more

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Slap his ass untill he learns

He needs to be displined. He needs 2know he’s not the only person using the toilet. If he can’t respect Dat. He needs 2 be given a shock of his life. He will never do it again in any toilet ever

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Yes. He needs 2 use a separate toilet. N yes make him clean up the toilet. If he only visit u n dad 4 custody vist. Dad needs 2speak 2mom n son on hygiene and respect 4 you n your home. Does he do Dat 2his mom n other friends n relatives.

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Make him clean it!!!:grin:


That’s the problem, he ask. Tell the boy and if he don’t listen introduce him to the board of education. Bible says spare the rod spoil the child.

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I’d have him clean the toilet each time. If you sit on it and he had peed on it, then after your done make him clean it. He will learn, cause he won’t want to clean the toilet each time someone notices he peed in it. That’s just him being too lazy to lift the seat. Put your foot down, and if your husband don’t like it, make him clean everytime his son uses it.

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Simple, make him clean it. His job until he no longer makes a mess

Make him pee outside? The men in my house still do it!!

Make him come in and clean it every time you see it. Don’t clean it for him


Make him clean it up.

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I agree with you but his father needs to be more involved

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In my house the rule is if you can’t control your aim you better sit your ass down!!! Or clean up after yourself!! I will clean up your mess with your toothbrush!!

Make him clean it every night b4 bed.

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Putclorox wioes next to the toilet for him too clean up if he doesn’t I see some sort of punishment

My grandson have their own toilet and when they pee all over they have to scrb the toilet and with a toothbrush now they rethink their decision before they pee all over the toilet thats not an accident which will happen that’s laziness.

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Tell him guys with little dicks can’t pee straight

Slap the piss out of him