How can I get my 5 year old to listen?

My 5yr old S-son does the SAME!!! We have tried a swat on the bum. Literally no help just makes things worse, trying to talk with him doesn’t work, throwing fits like him doesn’t work, timeouts alone in his room don’t work… we are currently trying a new method… the first attitude, outburst or when he tells us NO… he sits for the remainder of the day… he had a REALLY good day yesterday until his dad and I came home from work… and that’s when the No and fit throwing began…

Idk what to do either, I’m at a loss of what to do to help him. In the process of going absolutely insane

You are just starting all you can do is love her teach her right from wrong just love her and let her know when she is wrong and punish her and let her know why good luck mine are33&26 and 4 grandbabies love them kids with all you got Angel

Create a sound proof room to put them in… no toys… after 20 minutes check on them, give them the Santa’s list story. If they continue to complain let the belt unfurl and simply say if this continues you will remain in this room until the fussing stops and your bruise heal. I’ll be back in 5 minutes

Take away the screens! It effects there brains in crazy ways. It will take about a week to reset but you will have a different kid. Then consistency, follow through on consequences, lots of excercise and outdoor time.

Then take everything. Biggest threat at my house is you will come home to a bed on the floor and 4 changes of clothes. That is it. No toys no TV no nothing. You can then earn the stuff back as you the parent see fit not how the kids wants it.

Is that how you handled your 5 year old lol

Un hijo de 5 años nunca debe ejercer poder sobre su madre , porque ella es la autoridad para el, ella debe explicarle siempre lo que se puede hacer o no y si se puede o no y el niño poco a poco ira comprendiendo y aprendiendo,porque su cerebro asimilara todo, y asi llegara el momento en que la madre se sentira feliz al ver a su hijo , que aprendio a vivir como debe ser ,

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I would explain that yelling , I don’t understand what she’s trying to say; and I would then explain; I am here when your ready to talkand just wait patiently…
If she kicks or screams I would calmly explain: sorry I don’t understand those words , when your ready to talk I am ready to listen . A big thing that calms children down is when you help them with their calming; I do this through going through their needs.eith them! I.e. would you like your water? Here they usually calm down.
As a daycare educator and now mummy myself; my biggest revelation over the last decade is ‘Respect teaches respect’
You respect their space and their emotions but don’t give in or listen to unruely words and behaviours ; explain you dont understand or it’s not appropriate and give them the responsibility and owness to pull herself together and act appropriatly. She will learn that you will only listen if she is reasonable. It’s how I help to foster a sense of respect and understanding between myself and the children. No need for yelling or getting frustrated (they want a reaction out of you) rather remind them it’s their choice for behaving that way and they can stop when theyr ready and use her words:) there can be a compromise. I then offer two choices both which benefit myself i.e if there’s packing away to be done; choices I give; if it’s time to go outside or leave the house ect (always allow 20 mins or so)
Please could you help me pack the books so we can go outside , the quicker we tidy the quicker we can leave :slight_smile: :slight_smile: your choice …
I hope this helps.
Also if they need time out; maybe try the words “reset” explain that they need to reset their body and that when theyr ready they can come and talk or participate in the activity. If they become physical again,move them away and ask if they could reset and give them two choices again both that benefit the situation for whats happening:)

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Calmly tell her that you can’t hear or understand her when she’s talking that way. You obviously hit where it hurts with taking toys away. You have to remain calm and stand by what you’ve done/told her otherwise she will continue to be the one in control. Which is what all kids want. Maybe once school is back in session it will get better. Maybe find something that you both like to do and do it! Stay strong mom. Being a parent is not easy…always remember you are her parent not her friend. Sometimes you have to do things that upset your child. It hurts like crazy. What you do right now will affect the rest of her life. Someday when she’s grown up she’ll thank you! Blessings :pray::heart:

You need to go the Eastern route, beat the shit out that rat

She is overwhelmed,put away some toys don’t give them everything at same time better to do other things with her outdoors, crafts baking simple things ,things that don’t require baking one thing i know they love to do is make popcycles,and nobake cookies .

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Spanking ain’t never killed nobody spare the rod and spoil the child . You in for a rule :smiling_face: awakening now is the time to beat that foolish out because it’s bound :rofl: up in kids my son 7 get a grip he knows mama don’t take no mess .


Sounds like the 5 year has the upper hand. Get it back. The only way to do that is to be severe and unrelentingly consistent with that. It really depends on how you parent honestly. You must parent seriously for her to take you seriously and there is absolutely no way around that. Good luck.