How can I get my 5 year old to sleep in her own room?

One important thing is don’t ever let her win and sleep in your bed. Don’t have any magic answer, but could try reading to her at bedtime as long as she promises to stay in bed. Offer reward in morning that she stayed in her bed. Tying to bed is out of the question, but is something that would cross my mind if one of our kids had done that. Not saying would go beyond the thinking about it. Good luck. Kids go through different things. This too shall pass.

Gosh, she’s just a little girl that loves her Mommy. They grow up so fast. Remember……when she’s a teenager she hate you anyway

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They are babies,even baby animals like to be close to mama.Once they are grown you may wish for them to be that close to them.

Let her sleep in your bed. These years are very short.

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Try a little radio or a little TV, or a table top night light

Have you asked her why she’s doing it

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Just be consistent and take her back to her own bed. Say good night, love you and don’t engage with any other conversation/reaction. It may take a bit of time for it to sink in for her, but don’t give up


A shock collar always worked for us!!! :smirk:

Sleep with her couple of nights in her room

Keep putting her back. It might be exhaustive but you have to do it

If she does that go sleep in her bed

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continue putting her back in her own bed

Eventually she will grow out of it

Oh dear, you can’t and she’ll be sleeping with you FOREVER, mwahaha

Embrace the love while you can :heart:

Enjoy it while it last cuz it ain’t forever 18 years ain’t that long

Try reading Her a Story ,Old Fashioned Parenting but Effective.

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Good luck. My kid was 10 before that happened here.

You start way before they turn 5

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Has anything happened!? Any changes in her life? My now 5 year old has been back in my bed since she was 3 and a half. Her father walked out and she’s been scared since that I’m going to leave her. She was in her own bed and room when she outgrew her Moses at 8 months. Amd then at 3 and a half back to being scared on a night.

Have you asked her why she won’t sleep in her own room

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Does your door have a lock on it?

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find her ‘currency’ & reward her when she achieves a full night in HER bed ~

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Be persistent make her room a fun place for her to be

Put a baby gate in her bedroom doorway

Just lay with her until she actually falls asleep.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

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Set up an air mattress and sleep with her in her room at least once to see if she’ll stay in bed if you’re there. When I was teaching my son to sleep in a real bed on his own I would lay with him to help him fall asleep. At first I did that till he fell asleep, slowly weaned off until I was just hugging him and tucking him in. Some kids get the heebie jeebies sleeping in a room by themselves and they can’t help it, sometimes you have to get creative to help your kid transition

My granddaughter is two .will come in my room and keep coming in when I bring her back .I get so tired of going back and fourth with her. I just let her stay . I will miss that she will be ok on time when she feels safe . I’ve tried everything.

All my kids did this. I just cherished it as now they don’t crawl in bed anymore.

One of the professionals said that the child knows a parent will allow it. My first did this. The second and third never touched my bed. I laid them in their own from the beginning.

No one likes sleeping alone, how we expect small children to blows my mind. She is obviously looking for comfort from you and isn’t ready yet.

White Noise, Melatonin, We finally got a privacy pop. it helped create a safe space and totally helped transition into sleeping in their own bed.

If you can’t find anything
Just remember she will be out growing it soon

You should have made her stay in her own bed right away! You will have a terrible time breaking her of it now !

I let mine make a bed on the floor next to my bed and i would hang my arm down and touch him. Worked.

Watch the Nanny that helps people with things such as this

Ollie Janet , see, so many different ideas… nothing is right for everyone :grin:

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Need the night light projector with sound KISTRA Remote Star Projector Night Light for Kids Room (6-Films), Infant Sleep Sound Machine 360° Rotating LED Starry Sky Nightlight, Music Player (18 Songs), Timer, Table Lamp, Best Gifts, XGu-002

Pop her premature pussy … Gotta get er tierd

Go to sleep in her bed

Melitonin and meditation music

Agree with this as well

Sorry ,your sex life is over now

Soon she’ll be too cool for cuddles, enjoy them now while you can :heart::heart::heart:


That’s why you should never start the habit of children sleeping in parents bed …then when you try to break the habit they feel rejected …don’t start the habit and you won’t have to break it…instead spend time with them before bedtime .reading books …cuddling on your lap .having a snack .bathtime to relax them and then put them to bed in their own bed …start this habit right away while they are still in their cribs…the parents bed should be for the parents to have their own private time …your marriage should be your top priority


Whoop her ass real good just one time

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My son wanted to go to a sleep-over at a friend’s house. We told him we would permit him to go when he started sleeping in his own bedroom. He never asked to sleep in our room again.

We do this as well! We use a sticker chart. Only small rewards. I bought a big pack of choker necklaces for $4 at children’s place. It has 10 on it. She gets one every 3 days she stays in her bed!

It’s a battle of wills. You have to keep taking her back and saying no. Hard at first but will pay off.

I used a weighted blanket and I helped so much.

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Cherish it because one day they will become teenagers and want nothing to do with you. I know it’s hard to say but I wish I could have one day where they were that age again. I know, not realistic😢

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If you co-slept with your child, it will be hard to break. She probably misses having someone next to her. Try getting a big teady for her to sleep next to. Also try a reward system for sleeping in her bed. Get a board, and put a star for every night she sleeps in her bed. And if she gets 5 in a row, she gets a treat, like icecream, or get to go swimming, or get to stay up an extra 30 mins on a Saturday, or something. But if she comes in to your room, you guys will have to start all over again.

A weight blanket helps. My son always slept on his own (crib but same room) and gotten his own room at 3. He’s now almost 6 and sleeps on his own. I have a motion sensor nightlight but I also have a cool projector that glows in the dark. A weight blanket gives that comfort of having someone. Lately he wanted to sleep with a stuffed animal (wanted Spider-Man) try those things. Also, stick to the routine of putting her back in the bed, it’s going to be hard but they WILL try to manipulate you into getting them to sleep with you. Be firm, set rules, it’s ok to stick around a bit with them but don’t give in. A piece of clothing with your scent helps too!

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When my oldest ( who is now 17 ) would need extra attention I use to keep prizes, gold stickers, bubbles, even blown up balloons in the morning lmao I swear I was that mom but momma they grow up fast, now she’s 17 in sports, friends, school I wish time would slow down long enough where she would lay in bed with me - take it in, it doesn’t last forever.

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Put in a small tv. Some cartoons shud keep her in her room until th habit is learnt.

Take her back to bed, every single time, no matter how much it sucks. Eventually she’ll know that she has to sleep in her own bed. You

ugh don’t listen to these ppl I thought hell what will it hurt now I have a persistent almost 8 year old in bed with me hogging the bed getting kicked every dang night :sob:

My daughter is the same way, she will b 4 next month and she won’t sleep in her room
I don’t mind tho I love cuddling with her :heart_eyes:

This won’t help…
We never slept with our kids. We got up and cared for them then, returned to our bed.
It isn’t the 1000 times you will say no, it is the 1 time you said yes that kids remember.


Our dad worked away 3 days pw, I loved sleeping in Mums bed and would take turns with my siblings. We each stopped in our own time. I was last, at about 12. I know I was the wriggling one and mum didn’t always find it easy but NEVER did she turn us away. AND we all grew up normal knowing she was there for us whenever we needed her.
Maybe try and enjoy it.


I got my two year old to sleep in her own bed by buying her a new blanket w her fave character. I put a canopy over her bed, and tea lights. She knows that’s her space and she is comfortable sleeping in her bed. It’s a routine and we need to make it exciting for them to sleep in their bed. A warm bath, brush teeth, We do our prayers, kisses good night and turn on the night light, 30 min of PBS kids and she is usually out before the tv turns off.


This is a question that comes up all the time ,its do as l say not as l do .So its ok as parent’s to co sleep with partner and have the comfort and security of another in the room with us ,but we expect a young child to sleep on their own . They will transition when they want their own space . One of mine did at two the other was older .Just transfer over when asleep welcome back if they wake and call out,or have a spare bed in there l put an extra bed in it rarely got used.


Some kids just need to stop on there own, usually kids that do it are easily nervous and scared and don’t like being left alone. I always ran and slept in my grandparents bed until I was 8, she’s a still a child, she just wants her mom

My son is autistic and falling asleep and staying asleep can be a problem. Whatever method you choose, be diligent. My routine begins before bedtime. I cut out my son’s sugar intake at 7pm. I make sure he’s eaten something filling at . Make sure he goes to the toilet and empties out. Then a quick warm shower with lavender soap. Lights are lowered in every room of our house. TV and devices off. Lay him in bed with legs stretched out, pull covers on. “It’s sleepytime. No Talking, no squawking. No dancing, No prancing…it’s sleepytiiiiiiime! I love you!” If he gets up, which he does like 3 or 4 times. I put him back in bed. Covers on. I say the same thing. House is quiet and dark. He conks out and usually stays out after that

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My kids all slept with me from birth on my bed I have a four year old no matter how much u put him on his bed when I turn he right behind me that happens to me with all my kids and eventually they grow out of it just give it sometime that bound is strong between u and your child

I had the same problem with my son. So what I dod was I had him sleep one day in his bed and one day in my unit he started to more days in his bed . It not easy and it time . Good luck.

My 5 year old also will not sleep in his room. He happily sleeps on the lounge every night. I’d love for him to use his own bed

With both my kids I had to sleep in there bed until they fell sleep then finally I took one day at time then they finally got use to there own bed

You may try finding a way to have her fall asleep with you in the room some how .

My daughter co slept with us on/off until she was 9 yrs.
It was her choice to stop when she was ready.
Enjoy it, it won’t last forever.

It’s funny … I dont know how me and my wife did it. My daughter was sleeping in her own room at 3 months.
She is now 3yr and stays in her rooms most nights. I would say she comes to our room 3 times a month.

My son has been sleeping in his own room since he was 7month. He’s now 14months.

I guess we just got them use to it early on.

So I guess I wouldn’t know how to help you now since I don’t suffer the same issue.

I slept in my dad’s bed till I was 4-5 and slept between my brother and mom till I was 8-9. Biggest thing that helped me were the clear Christmas lights. They were hung along the walls at the top and I would make my brother read to me just because I wanted him to and tuck me in. But sleeping alone sucks and I only did it to be a ‘big girl’ and mom would stop getting upset at me.

But check into pretty Christmas lights. Clear worked really well for the pink room I had as a kid.

Lay down with her till she fall asleep a night light even a small TV.

A bed tent really helped my little one , she’s 11 and still loves it

Take her back to her room wake her up

I gave in and let her sleep there until she decided she was too big; same with my granddaughter. They do outgrow it.

My dad was Navy and all us kids got a turn to sleep with Mom in a 9 month period. We all knew when Dad was home we had bedrooms to sleep in.

Embrace it. Pretty soon they won’t even want you in their room.

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Don’t worry about it and let her sleep with you……they grow up too fast and eventually she will go to her own bed. Both my girls, now 20 and 24 slept with me till I think 7 yrs old. I personally loved our story times, conversations in the dark, and the cuddles. :heart::heart: Embrace her, she will be fine.

Start when she’s born

Twinkle lights are good , very pretty pink sheets, rainbow/white bedspread and a soft velvet toy to hug.

Have a movie night in her room… Let her fall asleep in her bed… Make sure she’s sleep then you leave… It might take a few days to get to work… Some kids don’t like to be alone when they are woke… Also, make sure you sleep on a pallet next to the bed, so when she does wake she sees you… It helps cut down the panic attacks… Do the routine for a few days , it should work… Patience is key… Good Luck