After confirming no medical issues, be tough. Give her what everyone else is having, have her sit with everyone, and either eat or not. If she chooses not to eat, she may be excused but doesn’t get it later. She’ll get with the program real quick. And as for not liking her, tell her you’re doing it because you love her. She’ll be in for a rude awakening if you allow her to become an adult who has always gotten her way.
I was offered what was made, or the option of fixing my own bowl of cereal or pb&j. Mom didn’t make anything separate.
My almost 11yr old has been a bit picky off and on like every one here it was fine if she didn’t eat but no snacks juice or milk just water if she was thirsty. At first she would go with out but after a while she would eat. One rule, she had to try it first. Through out the years I have noticed that her taste buds are changing. She now eats things that she wouldn’t before. It could be a texture issue, allergies or some sort of sensitivity. Be consistent, you are not her friend yet, and most importantly remember to breath and be patient. The more you do it the quicker she’ll catch on.
Unless it’s a health issue. Let her eat or do without. She sounds spoiled to me.
Where did she ever get the idea that she can order something different?
Well letting a kid to choose what they eat is poor parenting my parents made us clean our plate if we didn’t we sat there until we did There was a few naps taken at the table but the food was still there. I did the same with my kids they grew up healthy and love everything
Have her seen by a doctor including diabetes check. If all is well take stand. She needs to learn you are the parent, and you could try having her help cook and plan meals. Kids tend to eat what they help to prepare. Good luck God Bless.
My mama told me either you eat what I cook or you can do without. I learned to eat what she cooked.
It might be a phase that they go through!! My 6 year old son use to do it now he eats just about anything but he gets in his spurts where he may not eat it!!! Hope everything works out!!!
I gave my kids two choices, take it or leave it. They get hungry enough & they will eat. Always told them when they get their own home & make their own $$ they can eat anything they want.
Go to you doctor ask for a full work up she may be craving things in those kinds of foods. If nothing is low in her blood work then start out making it a reward system pic one item and repeat it green beans for example give her a Tablespoon serving tell her if she eats that then she can have her fruit I went through it with my son started out eating barely anything everything we ate was Steak ( when I made stake he wouldn’t touch it lol) but eggs ,cereal , soup everything was steak doc told me he was good so we started slow added new food items every few days from age 8 to 12 a lot of people may say make her eat what’s there but that does not always work good luck
I always told my kids to eat what was provided or peanut butter sandwich. But they had to eat at the table. I made no fuss about it at the table. No sympathy and no snacks later. Their decision. Continued conversation at the table as usual. No whining was allowed about either. They made the decision to not eat the good food you provided not you. You are the mom quit worrying don’t stress love them but be firm the world does not and will never revolve around them alone.
Serve her the same as all others. Place a timer where she can see it. Eat dinner when time is done table is cleared and no snack later.She is manipulating you and as long as you give in you are setting yourself up for future issues. Don’t force her just guide her and remember food should never be a reward or punishment
Fix your meals with some of the things she likes and let her eat what she wants. Say no to fixing anything special.and if she refused to eT, the meL is over for her. She won’t refuse to eat if she is hungry and knows she must make a meal of what is on the table. Since mealtime has been a battleground she may not eat for a while, but when she realozes mealtime is no longer a battlegoround and she can find foods she likes on the table she will eat, maybe not what you want her to eat. Checkups with her doctor to make sure she is healthy may be necessary, check.with her doctor to see if tegulzr checkups may be necessary. I lnow from mynown exoerience sith my food police and how I tried with my kids that the less you police what your kid eats the better they will eat. When mine refus3d to eat, mealtime was over but theu ate next meal. They were hungry.
I have a different view from many on here, Two of our grands have eating issues. One is hypersensitive… It hurts him to eat certain foods. The other has texture issues. Offer a small portion of a variety of foods. Allow choices. Offer food frequently in small amounts. Its recommended to eat 6 small meals a day insteead of three big ones. Add a vitamin. She’ll be fine. Quit fighting.
With my daughter it was breakfast; all she wanted was peanut butter. Her Pediatrician said to let her have it because it was higher in protein than most breakfast foods. That being said, you have a war of wills going here. You aren’t in a popularity contest so don’t worry if she says she doesn’t like you. It sounds as if she may have an issue with the texture of food . Make a chart and give her a star when she eats well and tries new things. After a week, if she has enough stars she gets a prize. Keep it up until there is improvement. No dessert on any day she doesn’t win a star, however. No rewarding bad behavior. She should have to take at least two bites of anything new. Stick to your guns! She will eat if she becomes hungry enough.
You have not failed as a Mom. She is testing you. Don’t give in! Stan your ground. Make one meal for the entire family. If she does not eat she goes to bed hungry. This will not last long. Maybe have her help with meal prep. How about everyone try something new. Take her shopping and have her and your other kids included pick something new from the produce section. It takes a few tries of something new to be liked. Again don’t give up!
No child will deliberately starve themselves. Make one thing she will eat, then other foods she must at least try. Nothing else, no dessert, no sandwich, nothing. When shes done take up her plate and nothing till the next meal, no juice, nothing but water. Stick to your guns and she will begin to try other things. Worked like a charm with mine. You just cant give in.
What I fix is for everyone,this is not a restaurant no specails. Eat or not ,your choices. If you don’t eat with us ,no snacks!
I always asked them to take one “no thank you” bite of things they said they didn’t like. If they did like it they could have more and we would not tease them. But if they still didn’t like it, oh, well you will “ like it when you are older”. They wanted to be older so it worked most of the time. The “no thank you bite” even worked on an elderly friend. Hee Hee.
Forcing her is just going to make it worse. Yes it’s a pain to eat separate meals and is not recommended. My toddler would survive on air if I let him. Talk to her ped and look into feeding littles on Facebook and Instagram. I think it will take a lot of stress off of you. Being picky is normal. One thing they like and you know they will eat in a meal.
We did not allow our two children to come to the table and say “I don’t like this”. They knew they didnt have to eat it but they had to fix their own BP&J. Had one picky eater and one was not. By the time the picky eater was 12, he was eating everything.
Stop making her separate meals. Stop providing the sugary starchy stuff. I’ve been through this and trust me when I tell you that kids will NOT starve themselves. I thought the same thing too. They WILL eat what is provided when they get hungry.
My daughter did tell the school we didnt have food in the house, I had to see the principle and explain , I offered yo sjow our full fridge and freezer and pantry
I told her we didnt have any food she wanted to eat
That shut her up lol
It sounds like your being manipulated, Mama. I had the teaching of eat what My Mom made or eat nothing, ie, take it or leave it. A few nite of going to bed without anything to eat will end the hissy fits. Best of luck !
Good question. As a child I was a very picky eater. My parents made me sit at the table until I ate part of it. I tried everything (so I was told). Holding my breath was my favorite. Nothing worked and I ended up eating small amounts of cold food.
My grandson was that way at age 8 we told him he had to try what was fixed he always said I don’t like now 6 months later he is eat what we fix & yes we did fix special food for him for awhile then I made a suggestion if would eat three bites then if he didn’t like it that was fine I thing it some fade or trying to decide if there taste buds are changing
We ate what my mom cooked and there wasn’t any discussion. We always had to taste one bite of food that was served even if we didn’t like it. Many nights I sat at the table for awhile because I didn’t want to drink my milk- I always would. We also each had one “hate” food we never had to eat. So we choose wisely. You could only change it one time a year- on your birthday. But we grew up in a farm where almost everything was grown or raised at home. No snacks!!! So we were hungry!
My oldest was picky. And when I was with his dad he would make him a sandwich. But it seem that he requested a sandwich more and more. So I stopped it. Now he is told to eat what wants off the plate and if its not enough he will be hungry. And when it comes to healthy stuff I let the kids help with that during shopping. So I will make seperate veggies if needed so they get what they need.
42 years ago my pediatrician told me, “if she gets hungry enough she’ll eat shoe leather, as long as you don’t give in and give her Oreos.” I stuck to that and she has been a wonderful eater since! I think Lima beans are the only thing she won’t eat.
Picky 7 year old. If she takes try it bites (3 making sure she tries at least everything on her plate) and she still doesn’t want it she can make herself something else. If she doesn’t want to try she doesn’t have to eat but there are no other options. The food battle is never ending over here we still have our days but I try to be considerate because I hated being forced to sit at the table until I ate something I didn’t like. So I think asking her to try is not too crazy of a request
Tough love sucks, start slow, encourage get to try things, hide veggies by pureeing them in spaghetti sauce, or chili.
Its hard to change their palet…
I found a recipe using protein powder to make donuts.
We had a rule in our house I cook the food put it on the table you ate it or not .I don’t fix any thing else,she would have to wait until breakfast.If she didn’t like breakfast she would have to wait . Do not let her break you, she will not starve. This is for her!! Don’t make any deals with her, you can’t always have your way.
I know she is 8 years old, she might be having some hormone changes. You may need to take her for a check up. Also some of it could be a little jealousy, since you have two younger children, which without you realizing it maybe she feels like she’s not getting enough of your time. If possible take her out for dinner or lunch just the 2 of you, spending some time and talking might help. My mama cooked one meal there was usually something at meal time that we would eat, maybe not all but one thing, if we didn’t them that was on us, not special meals, unless it was our birthday, we got to pick the menu then. There were only a few things that I would not eat Liver and onions, smelled delicious, but could not stand the taste, turnip greens and cabbage, I like them now, but not the Liver
Well keep on doing that and she’s going to come out with some leukemia or some kind of cancer because my friend did that to her son let them eat whatever he wanted and he came out sick My mom used to say do not feed them they’ll get hungry and they’ll eat it,believe me do not feed her until she gets really hungry she’ll eat whatever you cook believe me you cannot let your children eat whatever they want they’re going to get sick and then you’re going to feel guilty:woman:t2:
With our 12 year old he eats what we make or goes hungry. IF he scarfs down what we made BUT doesn’t like it and is still hungry THEN he can have either PBJ or ramen. That’s how we do it in our house. It is not going to be easy… But you CAN do it.
I would give her flint stone and let her eat what she wants. As long as she has no underlying medical issues. her little tastebuds are changing almost daily she could be simply overwhelmed
We made are kids take at least one bite of everything. Then if they didn’t like it they wouldn’t have to eat it. I would not give in at say no snacks between meals. If she is hungry enough. She will eat what you cook
I was a child during WWII. Food was rationed. My mother cooked dinner and that was what we ate. I learned to eat many different foods. I had 2 sons. One would eat what I put on the table, the other was picky. He had a texture thing. Only potato chips but not mashed or French fries. Didn’t like veggies. The rule was you took one bite of everything offered. As an adult his food choices increased and sometimes surprised me (raw tuna).
First take her to the doctor to make sure she doesn’t have a health issues, if no problem cook your meal, don’t make her eat anything, if she doesn’t give her the choice of a bowl of cereal with milk, nothing else, take away sweets and snacks etc unless she has ate some of a meal, then give a small serving of a dessert if your having it, stop giving in to her, she won’t go hungry, she will eat, just don’t force food on her, good luck, you have to be tough,
I did this with my boys… have a 3 bite rule. It takes three bites to let your taste buds and texture to communicate with your brain whether you like a new food. If you try three bites and still dont like it. Ok. You can have the back up item. Usually it was overcoming the new smells, textures and tastes that was the difficult part. By bite two they were either getting used to it or gagging. At least they tried it.
My daughter was a picky eater too. The struggle is real and I wish I knew what to tell you, but I have no good advice to offer except that this too shall pass!
She’s eight now but when she gets older, she will be in the habit of demanding. Stop it now. She won’t go hungry. She is playing you. I had two girls. She either eats what other family members are eating or goes without. Simple as that. Yes, you may have to tune her out but it’s worth it in the long term. Why does she get the most attention? I don’t understand that from any parent. Maybe that’s why she’s running your household.
You are the parent, you make a meal put it on the table, if she chooses not to eat then let her sit there QUIETLY while the family eats, it won’t hurt her to do without a meal or two, believe me if she gets hungry enough she will eat, She has you right where she want’s you, she screams and demands and you buckle and bow to her. I was a single parent of 3 children, they were never spanked, screamed at or beaten, I didn’t run a restaurant ONE meal was cooked for the family , they ate what was set before them, if they needed to be reprimanded they had their things taken away and had to earn it back one thing at a time. Funny when they married and had their own families they tried their spouse’s way then laughed at them when they were going through what you are now, then they started doing it the way my children were raised, must say my grands are a pleasure to be with. In case your wondering what my childhood was like and why I never laid a hand on one of my children, I was drug through one foster home after another, I was beaten, thrown in the pen with fighting rooster for their pleasure while they laughed, Had kerosene poured over my head and chase with their lighters, molested, raped and verbally abused. I swore the day I got out of foster care that if I every had children they would never know abuse only love. they all have degree’s, never been in trouble and have raised great kids, believe me your daughter will get past this but you are going to have to be the strong parent.
You need to make the rules not your daughter. You make a meal and if she won’t eat it then she doesn’t eat. If she’s hungry later offer it to her again. If still no go then she goes to bed without. After doing this a few times she’ll change her mind.
I was forced to eat what was made…now I have damage to my body due to an undiagnosed allergy that caused me to vomit and not be able to digest my food properly…but by all means keep forcing food down their throats and creating eating disorders. Teach you children healthy choices and how to cook. And yes I am a mother and yes I usually make one meal a day that my child will eat…her favorite foods are sweet potatoes and green beans but hates regular potatoes, mac n cheese, and most meat.
There was 6 of us kids and we never got a choose of not eating what was on the table, either you eat it or go hungry. But if you cleaned your plate you would get a cookie or some popcorn later for a snack. And we got to eat the snack in front of the ones that didn’t clean there plate. We thought that was funny
I raised 6 kids. I didn’t have time to cater to their every whim. The mealtime motto was “Eat it or Starve”.
They all survived and are happy and healthy.
No saying starve herr but if she is hunger enough she will eat it. It is too expensive, not mention time consuming to cook individual meals. Bern there done that when mine were younger. Be strong and stand your ground. Your the parent, take control.
Make her part of the meal preparation. Have her help then as she gets better at meal prepping give her jobs. Also maybe consider having her plant a vegetable garden with friends at your house. This sparks interest and open the mind to food
My only other thought was is there any chance there is a food intolerance at work. Every time I ate them I had lower GI distress–Some things I cannot digest and when we finally figured it out and removed the offensive food I no longer hated everything. A food intolerance is not a true allergy but an inability to digest certain proteins. Time to have a long honest talk with your kids who hate to eat a lot of things. Also think about the food intake over a full week… The rule was you have to take as many bites (same size as ice cream) as your age. If you truly don’t like it you can stop but no treats/snacks after dinner.
We used to be sent to bed without food. My son has to at least try five bites before he can tell me he doesn’t like it (not all at the same time). He is now five and eats everything
my mom always said, when you’re hungry you’ll eat anything. And she was right. If she gets hungry enough she’ll eat it. Don’t give into her demands. YOU are the boss! if you give in, it will never change or it will get worse.
I don’t worry about it if a kid won’t eat dinner. I always keep hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese and bread in the fridge. If you don’t like dinner then that’s okay, just have a hard boiled egg.
Mostly my kids are good eaters but everyone has off days
This is what I said to my kid,”I work hard to provide food for us, and cook delicious meals for you because I love you. It hurts my feeling when you refuse to eat it because I try my best to cook the best meal for us. They are all nutritious and help you grow and sharpen your brain so you can have a super brain. There are a lot of hungry kids out there, and even live without their parents. So, please be grateful with what you have. God has blessed us and we need to be very thankful.”
My kid eventually understood my statement!
Cook the same meals for everyone and if she refuses to eat make her sit at the table until she at least tries to eat some of it. She gets nothing else. She’ll get hungry enough to want to eat anything you put in front of her. It’s called tough love.
She’ll learn to eat what you serve if you stop caving and making her something else. She won’t starve herself.
I stopped buying unhealthy snacks and I tell my kids to sit at the table till the foods gone no If and or buts my oldest didnt like it at first because she lived with her grandmother who only feeds her junk food for awhile but now she will sit and eat what ever I get her there are a few things I allow her to say she doesn’t like because she actually tried them (several times) that she just doesnt like fine! But they both get a healthy balanced diet for breakfast lunch and dinner I’m very strict about their diets too your mom not a friend kids are supposed to be mad at you and say that you dont like them or they dont like you once in awhile I also got them involved what do you want for dinner chicken pork chops hamburger what vegitable cauliflower broccoli or a salad what fruit orange peach or pineapple all healthy options they get to help plan the meals a little I make final decisions but it gives them options and opinions out there so they feel validated my kids will ask for fried rice and tofu or meatloaf and roasted potatoes or whatever sounds good so long as I have the time and materials I’ll make it too I’ve even started having them help make and clean up after meals you miss this or “help” chop that
I think the advice if she does not like the dinner have peanut butter and fruit . The only way you can stop the sugary snacks is not to buy them . Good luck not easy . But if you are already giving her extra attention you have to find a way not involving the meals as it disrupts the whole family . On the show with the nanny who helps families the child had to eat at least one bite of each item . The child could then leave the table but there would be no additional food . It might help . Alot of drama most likely but it may work .
Our daughter was our picky one as well. If she didn’t like what was on the table she either had to make her own or go to bed hungry. She’s all grown up and her palate has expanded. I’m betting, as long as there are no medical issues with your daughter, she’ll grow up just fine as well
have you ever considered she might have a sensory issue, my daughter is 10 and would be considered by most people a picky eater but really its sensory she doesn’t like certain consistencies and textures, she refuses any thing thats a baby food consistency pudding sauces dips, she won’t eat canned veggies she says they’re too soft and slimy she likes the steamable ones same with any meat it has to be cooked a certain way like she won’t eat microwaved nuggets because theyre too soft but will eat them baked so they’re crispy
I was 1 of 6 kids. I was the only one that had a eating problem. When l.was a baby l almost died. And l had a lot of eating issues. Mom knew l had a problem so sometimes she fixed my food a little different. If she fixed sausage patties - she fixed me s hamburger. So even today l cannot eat a sausage pattie. I am sick for days. The same thing with other food. Thank heavens she never forced me to eat anything.
In my house with 4 children, it was eat what was put on the table or go hungry. They always found something to eat. There was no special meals and no snacking if they didn’t eat diner. They grew up eating almost everything. Granted each had a food they just didn’t like and I never forced them to eat it. It will try your patience but eventually she will learn to eat a proper diet. A few nights going to bed with no dinner will wake her up.
I have two of my three kids who have sensory issues and some textures of food really make them gag. My mom was similar to some and said eat what I fix. To this day, I HATE green peas. I know she was trying to help build a healthy diet but at the end of the day, we all have likes and dislikes. Just my two cents…
My daughter only eats roughly 3 things. It is not a matter of taste, but texture and smell, sensory based. I am looking into programs to help her get past her food aversion, ask your doctor.
Oh hell no she that way cause you didn’t make her eat different foods and gave in and gave her what she wants. Need to give that child a rude Awakening and tell her from now on she eats what ever you fix or she don’t eat. Stand firm do not tolerate that disrespectful attitude hold your ground. She does it cause you allow it. Let her throw her fits she will eventually eat when she gets hungry enough.
Had a very picky child was told it isn’t what they eat in a day but what they eat in a week. Have a very healthy 13 year old that was a premie. Try to keep their choices healthy and they won’t go hungry
Have her help you with the grocery list, and the shopping, have her pick out some well balanced meals, and have her help you in the kitchen. No exceptions one meat, and one veggie at least, and make casseroles with meat and vegetables in them
Do not force her. My doctor advised me to put little meals on the inside of the bottom of the fridge. Let her get what she wants. She won’t starve. Don’t let her shack inbetween meals and she will start eating.
When mine were little I gave them a choice of the meal I cooked or a sandwich. It had the essentials they needed and they didnt go hungry, but it was usually what they had for lunch and that was boring. Lol. It didnt happen very often, and now (at 14 & 17) they eat more types of food than most adults I know. After about 10 yrs old if they didnt want that, then they could make their own food. If they want to go through all the trouble of cooking and cleaning up after themselves -then have at it!
You are right you have created this problem by allowing her to dictate what she eats. It is simple. Have a discussion calmly even if she tantrums. Let her know you will only be offerring her 1 option the meal you have prepared for the family. Tell her she can choose to eat what is served or do without. When meal time is over remove the food and only allow water until the next planned meal time. Remain calm and straight forward even when she fusses. STICK TO IT! It will take time but eventually she will begin eating what is served. If her behavior becomes too disruptive calmly inform her that she will have to behave or she will be removed from the table. Take her to her room until meal time is over if she does not comply. You can send a child to bed hungry if it is the childs choice to not rat the food you offerred.
Just a thought - have her help plan meals and maybe help prepare the meal. I was fortunate that my kids loved veggies - raw with dip. I did draw the line at preparing another meal. IMO, no nutritional intake, no junk food.
It’s so strange that a lot of comments are eat it or so without. That’s the way most of us grew up but like one said in today’s society you can’t do that cause then CPS gets involved. Sometimes they need involved but others they don’t. Where’s the line? How do you figure out which way to go or do. I have guardianship of my granddaughter right now cause her mom was high on drugs and left her with a known drug dealer which broke her pro a toon but was a convicted sex offender. Luckily someone saw and called it in. She is a picky eater. She’s also a handful and head strong. Luckily her mother is not my child. My son, her father. Is an over the road truck driver. He would be more forceful with things than I am. Tricky situations and the way society is today makes rearing children very hard!
She may have what is referred to as SED or ARFID. My oldest has ARFID which is anxiety around food. Can be fear of choking, vomiting, etc. Please look into it.
My oldest was tough with meal time. She was the pickiest eater out of the 4. If it didn’t come from a box or bag she simply didn’t eat it. We tried everything. Helping with cooking dinner, sitting at the table for hours, being sent to her room, no TV, rewards. For years I faught this. None of it worked. I finally decided to try to make at least 1 thing she would eat with dinner. Example, if I made steak. She would eat the potato on the side. She’s 20 now. She is still alive.
She is not going to starve. She’s 8, no job, not paying bills, unable to rent. Plan and cook your meals. Ask children maybe once a week what they would like, everyone gets a turn. She will be alright. You are probably exhausted begging her so stop. Have easy snacks in house. Get kids involved with helping making meals. Chores. She will be fine. Always let her know that you love her.
I don’t force my kids to eat anything . On the other hand I don’t offer an alternative . Breakfast and lunch they decided for themselves from the many options. Dinner is what it is. You eat it or you don’t. You also have to sit with the family during the meal. They tend to find something of the meal , even if it’s just the sides to eat .
I took my son to the doctor when he was small because he was so skinny and he didn’t hardly eat anything. I asked him if I should cook specisl meals that I know he will eat. My wonderful pediatrician told me No and dont give into him. He will eat when he’s hungry.
Same meal for everyone, but if she helps make it she may be more inclined to try it. Either way it will only take a night or two of her not eating to start eating.
The child may have sensory issues. I have an autistic eight year old. She has severe sensory issues with food and it’s not able to eat ninety percent of foods. I have to supplement her nutrients that she’s not getting with food. Make sure it’s not a medical reason first.
When i was young i ate nothing - raw hot dogs only - my mom spoke to pediatrician he told her “i will eat when im hungry” you may have to deal with the tantrums but dont give in and “she will eat if shes hungry” good luck
Always have fruit available. If she doesn’t want what you cook offer that. Also teach her to use a microwave to feed herself. Her health will even out.
She needs to eat like the rest of the family , she should eat at least a bite of everything on her plate or eat nothing
When we make dinner, we only make one thing for everyone. If the kids don’t want it then we don’t let them get anything else. My 4 year old sometimes fights us on it but eventually he goes hungry long enough that he will sit down and eat it. Kids won’t starve themselves. When they get hungry enough, they’ll eat what’s offered to them.
I had a picky water. I kept stuff for sandwiches, bananas etc. around. If he didn’t like what we had for supper he could make himself a sandwich.
What if she has an illness? It’s easy to say “FoRcE HeR tO eAt. My parents forced me too.”
I suggest take her to a Doctor. I doubt she’s TRYING to be a brat, some people have problems with textures or flavors etc.
I am disappointed in all of the parents saying “force” her. No mama, your first step should be to speak with her pediatrician about possible sensory issues, forcing children to eat only leads to problematic food relationships later in life. Talk to her doctor, see what they say and go from there.
I told my son he had to at least try whatever I made. If after eating the serving I plated he could choose to eat something else. Parents of his friends were amazed at how he would eat whatever they put on the table. By having him try foods at home this way enabled my son to eat whatever meal he received from his friends families. He has friends that are multicultural and has been a gracious guest.
I’m baffled by some of these responses! Adults make decisions daily on what to make based on what they like or not. Children don’t but you’ll force them to eat what they don’t like or go hungry. Yes they’ll survive but why not let them make a sandwhich?
My kids are adults now, but I always went with eat it or do without, I was a restaurant manager and they knew I was not in the business of making them happy, already did that all day.
What will she eat? I know a family that tries to make one tasty thing that all the kids will eat along with the meal. Just let them eat what they like for a while. Less stress.
I was sent to bed without dinner many times as a kid because I refused to eat what my parents cooked. I survived just fine.
She may be reacting to the iron in veges and meat… the taste cd be awful even for adults… don’t force… she may or may not ever take to iron rich foods… my husband till date dislikes sulfur rich foods… onions etc.
My kids ate what I cooked or they didn’t eat. I had three kids and a job , I didn’t have time to cook three different meals. My kids are in their twenties and they will eat anything .
I have a daughter who would only eat certain foods so I put bread peanut butter and jelly and cereal at the table she had a sensory disorder and she had since out grown it they sometimes don’t understand why that do not want to eat it but if you make meal time stressful she will never try new things
Have her help make a meal plan. Explain that everyone has to have balanced meals. You could have her help cook the meals.
Watch cook shows with her, but i. Have picky kids and to answer that I used to watch cooking shows with them and eventually one day they started asking me could I make that for them they like the way it looks and one day through visual food she’ll desire the same thing it just takes time and patience and keep offering it and I have a to bite rule for every single meal it doesn’t matter what it is. My children are taught to compromise that I get two bites they get what they want
I didn’t have those problems with my kids they started eating what we ate there was little to none store bought baby food for either kid. They ate peas both cooked n raw, broccoli,cauliflower,cucumber, raw sweet red peppers and most fruits. They were eating real food long before the age that most kids are introduced to table food. I would cook carrots and purée them in a mini food processor. I don’t believe in the CPC club they had to try it and they were expected to eat a tsp. Veggies n fruits were never a problem, cottage cheese, and yogurt were staples. My kids were not big meat eaters I figured they eat cheese, peanut butter n dairy. Eventually they will eat it if you eat it.
She’d go hungry…eat what is fixed or go to bed hungry…No way would an 8 yr old dictate what was cooked…you cater to her now & you’ve got BIG problems…a future snowflake!
I’m the total opposite. Growing up I didnt like a lot of meals my mom prepared, or my step dad. Alot of fish. And I would have to go to bed hungry alot of night. Now, i have a very picky 8 year old. He doesn’t eat alot of meat or veggies. He survives off of apples,cereal mac n cheese, cheese pizza, hot dogs and sometimes bbq steak. He refuses anything else. I usually just prepare his separate. His list of stuff he likes has made an improvement. But I would never force my son or stave him just because he doesn’t like something.