You can’t. You can share the danger if 2nd and 3rd hand and insists he changes his clothes and washes himself including his face. The ped may discuss the dangers with you guys when they ask if baby is around smoking.
It’s an addiction and quitting is hard. I’m 10 years out and if someone offered me a cigarette right now I’d take it. There are times where I won’t even go out to stores bc my willpower is nonexistent. I went through the quitting process so many times. And it sucks.
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You can’t force anyone to do anything just because you are pregnant it doesn’t give you the right to dictate what he can and can’t do
You can’t if he doesn’t want to
You can’t. He’s a grown man
Well you know he smoked when you got together you’re not going to make him quit but like a lot of people said just smoking outside now training clothes and washing face is going a little far you could be out and doing things but no smoking in the car when you’re around
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As a former smoker, I know first hand, that you can NOT make someone quit. They have to want to do it. When HE is ready, support him. That’s all you can do.
You can’t and shouldn’t “make” him do anything he’s a grown man an can make his own decisions. I understand your worry but he’s an adult. Don’t try and control him.
What is up with all these women wanting to control men? Not your body, not your choice. Stop trying to control him. If you don’t want it around baby, cool I get it. Put ground rules down for that. His body, his choice.
You can not make him. He must want to. Congratulations on the pregnancy, but you knew that he was a smoker when you got pregnant by him. Set boundaries about him smoking around you, your child and in the house, but that’s all you can do. He may want to stop on his own once his child is born.
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You can’t make someone quit smoking…
This is something that should have been comunicated previous to the conception
If you don’t want to be with someone that smokes then break up with him . I don’t think you would be wrong to put you and your baby over his cigarettes. I smoked on and off for 10 years. They are nasty and 2nd hand and 3rd hand smoke are dangerous. You have to think about a child now before yourself and especially your boyfriend. His child or not.
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You can’t make him quit if he doesn’t want to. After the baby comes I would ask him to have smoke free zones for the baby, or ideally smoke on an outdoor porch, in a garage, or somewhere like that. It would be good if he could not smoke around you while you’re pregnant, but that’s asking a lot all at once. Encourage him, but don’t nag. He’ll only quit if he wants to. Smoking is just about the hardest addiction to give up.
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You can’t make anyone do anything.
Make him? you’re hilarious!
You can’t make anyone do anything bb
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You cannot make someone quit that doesn’t want to. You CAN place boundaries like no smoking in the house, no smoking in vehicle; esp. with you and child…
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Uh you can’t make him. His body his choice. All your gonna do is push him I to resentment and cause Eachother alot of unnecessary stress. I’d have a talk with him about not smoking around the baby though but like you can’t Make him you’re a grown ass man
You can’t make him do anything. I quit smoking a few years ago but my husband still smokes. He smokes outside only. When baby is born make sure he washes his hands after every smoke. Other than that there’s nothing to do. You can’t control ppl.
You can’t make anybody do anything
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l Get paid over $127 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17684 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
You can’t force somebody to stop smoking because you want them too.
As long as he doesn’t smoke around the baby or even you being pregnant then it shouldn’t be a problem.
Establish boundaries about him smoking when the baby’s born & if he does it around you let him know it makes you uncomfortable.
You don’t, as long as he’s not smoking around you and is following guidelines for 3rd hand smoke. Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you can decide what he can or cannot do with his own body
He has to want to quit to do it. There’s no making him quit. Hopefully he doesn’t smoke in the house or the car when you’re with him. My bf and I are in our 60’s. We both have breathing issues. I lost a lung to cancer 9 years ago. I have asthma. He has severe COPD, uses a CPAP with oxygen, blood thinners, and more. He’s used the gum, the patch and the pills. Quits for a short time and goes right back to it. He can’t do anything without getting out of breath, but he won’t quit. He doesn’t smoke around me.
You can’t make people do things like this till they are ready
He will do it anyway behind your back
I am an older generation
My mother smokers all our lives
They cut her lung out with t b
She still am Ike’s
I never have
And still standing @78
Sorry that came out wrong in spots she smoked till she died
30 years later
You can’t “make him quit!”.
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You don’t. That’s not your decision.
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You can learn to get over it if you talk to a counselor but you won’t ever MAKE him do a damn thing. He very well might end up just hiding it from you like my EX husband did. Which do you prefer? You can’t ‘support’ him quitting when you’re trying to FORCE him to something thing that you already said he won’t do(I wouldn’t call that support by the way). You’re setting yourself up for disappointment vs accepting his choices as his own. Would he be willing to not smoke at home and wash his hands before picking up the baby every time to get rid of the smell? You said it yourself that he’s literally not going to quit. I’d ask him if he’s willing to discuss boundaries like not smoking around the baby, not in the car. Good luck. But again, you can’t make anyone do anything and you’ll likely be met with resistance if you try. I’d try to get help for myself first.
U cant… He has to want too…the more u push the issue the more he will continue
.But Make him smoke outside…
“Make him quit” rough, sounds like you’re controlling asffff. Good luck with that.
He won’t stop will do it behind your back
Trust me been trying for years
And now got a stupid vaper in his hand all the time
How about you get over yourself? There has to be something you do that he’s sticking around for although he can’t stand it.
I smoke, & I will NEVER stop smoking. It’s literally the only thing keeping me sane / a decent person. I’ve stopped talking to people on dating apps because I told them we will only ever be I. My vehicle if you don’t allow me to smoke in yours.
It’s called a compromise, & loving your partner for who they are as an individual, even if that includes smoking.
Get a grip. You don’t run his world.
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Why does he need to change ?? Cause u want him to. Stop being controlling
My husband wouldn’t my sons 3 he stopped now
No… You cannot make him quit you can’t make him do anything…
You can’t he has to want to himself
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The only way to help an addict is to stop enabling them. You don’t control other people, you can only control yourself.
Stop enabling addicts. When what they’re doing isn’t working for them anymore, they will make changes.
You can’t make him do anything. It will not work. You can express your desire. As long as he isn’t smoking around you or baby, there is nothing that you can do. Remember, we don’t control anyone but ourselves. When you start trying to control someone, you’ll only cause problems and push them away.
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He has to want to quit! It’s not up to you. Just ask him to not smoke indoors or around the baby, to change his clothes and wash his hands.
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If he smoked when you got together and you didn’t have a problem then…then dont have a problem now. Just talk about smoking away from baby…that should be the discussion
l Get paid over $127 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17684 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
You can’t make him do anything I guess you’d be fine if he MADE you get an abortion, right!? Why do some people think they can control another.
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They have to want to quit, so he won’t if you nag him or tell him he has to. He’ll just do it more.
I begged my Dad to quit when I was a child, I’d leave notes everywhere… constantly tell him how I didn’t want to lose time with him in life. I am 29 and that man still smokes a pack a day.
You cannot force him. He has to do it because he wants to.
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You can’t make him. He’s only going to quit if he wants to quit and if he has the willpower and strength to do it. Express your feelings to him and how much you would like for him to quit but ultimately it’s his decision only. Good luck
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Good luck girl. Can’t make somebody do what they don’t want to do.
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Literally I understand but why even get w someone w that habit just to wanna have them stop as soon as y’all get pregnant like I’ve seen this exact post diff wording it’s ultimately his choice start w asking him to smoke outside and changing or taking off his shirt while he has his smoke.
You can’t make him quite! How would you feel if he tried to make you do something?
You don’t. If he wants to quit then he will quit. You got with him knowing he smoked. If you didn’t like it then you shouldn’t have gotten with him
You can’t force him to quit…
I doubt you will be able to stop him, just tell once the baby is born you can’t smoke in the house, I smoke but when my Grandson comes round I don’t smoke at all, and now I have a Great-Granddaughter I don’t smoke in my house at all, I also brought a filter to remove smoke, before they come round my house, You can’t stop people who wishes to smoke, the more you nag him it won’t work, Why did you start going out with him in the first place, if you didn’t like him smoking, He may realized once his child is Born, it’s not good for the Baby, well good luck what ever happen, that’s all I am going to say on this matter x
you dated him when he was smoking, you moved in with him while he still was smoking & now that you are pregnant, you expect him to stop !!! Yea OK !!! LOL Yes he shouldn’t smoke around a baby, but it is what it is
You CAN NOT MAKE him Stop!
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you can not make him quit and i speak from experience it hurts 3000 times more to have someone lie to you saying they did xyz and find out they hid it from you. Let him do him you do you. As you can not not control anyone else but yourself and your actions the sooner you accept that the better off you will be
You can’t make someone do anything that they don’t want to do.
Smoking is a horribly hard habit to break. I mean it can be done, but he’s gotta wanna quit himself, not because you want him to.
If it’s about the baby, just tell him he needs to smoke outside and he needs to wash his hands after, before holding the baby.
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Unfortunately you can’t he’ll just do it without you knowing. just tell him how it makes you feel and you don’t want it he baby to smell it.
At the end of the day, you can not make anyone quit anything… cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, soda, over eating, etc… they will quit when they desire to and are ready.
My fiancé is a smoker. This was something I was against from day 1. It was something that I told him was a deterrent from me wanting to have a relationship so I was upfront and honest. I am allergic and it’s really uncomfortable for me. He has had to be reminded to walk away from me time to time. However, he’s respectful and doesn’t do it at home (outside) anymore unless he’s drinking. We do have a 2 year old together and I had much stronger feelings about it once I was pregnant just like you. If he did smoke and held the baby, I would ask he brush his teeth and change his shirt first. He is now going through hypnosis to quit because he has goals for his future. This goal revolves around a lot money. Smoking a pack day doesn’t support the goal so in his mind it doesn’t support the need to do it anymore. He had to get to this realization on his own but I did frame it up for him and get him all the information when he asked for it. Everyone else is right, you can’t “make him” do it but you can have constructive conversations about it. Good luck!
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“Make him” he’s a whole person. What if he was asking for help with how to “make you” do something. Sounds different huh
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Whats with people forcing stuff. You can ask, suggest, recommend, whatever. But its up to him. Not you. You dont own him
You can’t. You can express your feelings, thoughts and opinions, but you can’t make him quit. He has to do it for himself when he’s ready. Keep in mind, if you constantly get on his case about it, you’ll likely aggravate him, which will cause him to smoke more. My significant other and child’s father is also a smoker. The more I pressed about quitting the more he smoked. He wants to quit, but like others have said it’s a hard habit to break. Thank God my my significant other is good about smoking outside. I’m not a smoker and he hates the smell of stale cigarettes in the house. If he does decide to smoke in his car he has the window down and makes a point to have his hand either out the window or on the window frame to try and get the smoke to go outside. I don’t let him smoke in my car unless we are on long car rides.
U can not make him do anything he doesn’t wanna do. Maybe u can ask him to smoke outside or somewhere not around u.
You can’t make him quit he has to want to however tell him no smoking in house at all
You can’t force him to quit.
Guess should have been something you guys talked about before getting pregnant. Can’t force him, but he should be ok with smoking outside. If that is not good enough. You may as well let your self out the door.
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If he smokes outside or away from baby it’s not a huge deal. The lunchables and hotdogs you feed your kid later will be worse
I’m sorry, did you think he would quit before you got pregnant? There’s your first question.
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You can’t make someone do something they aren’t ready to do. you can ask him to smoke outside so it’s not near you or baby.
You can’t make anyone do anything, don’t make this the wedge that makes him leave you. You have to compromise, maybe he can just smoke outside, or a designated room for him to smoke in but don’t sit there and believe you can make anyone do anything…
He won’t even be ready or able to hear you until he’s made the choice to try quitting.
Make him??? Good luck with that one haha
You cant make someone quit if they don’t want to.
Are you deeply in love with someone and you need he or she back into your life I got my ex lover back with the help of Dr Achio
Dr. A Achio
You can’t “make” a whole grown person “do” anything. You knew he smoked when you got with him. If you don’t want your kids to be exposed, don’t cohabitate with him
You have good intentions with wanting him to quit, but you sound like a huge red flag when you said that you wanted to force him to quit.
U can’t make someone quit
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You might as well compromise and tell him to smoke outside or not around you but you cannot make him quit trust me that’s going to cause a big problem in your relationship
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Keep it up and that’ll be the reason you’ll have the next post say how can I make my ex be a dad
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You can’t make him do anything. Especially if he doesn’t want to.
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you can’t do it for him… he has to. i know-i can’t quit either. my grandkids come over-i smoke outside.
So don’t ask him to quit
Ask him to smoke less
And smoke outside (cars also)
Sometimes in smoking less you start to realize how gross it is. Maybe he’ll decide to quit on his own.
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Maybe you can get him to smoke outside if quitting isn’t an option.
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You can’t make him if he wants to do it he will. If he does then either he goes cold turkey or he could go onto vape then quit all together. My partner stopped the day I found out but that was his choice .he did the vape and did so well he gave up completely. But years later and stress of work his smoking again. He wants to stop but it’s all on him ,I can’t make him it’s all down to him.
You can’t!!! Just like he can’t get you to not post about him on social media
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Tell him is stinks, it’s unattractive, and bad for the baby get him an ecig to help with cravings… but you won’t be able to make anyone who doesn’t want to quit.
You can’t make him quit my man claimed he quit and lied to me for years about smoking definitely caused us problems just make a rule no smoking in the house or around your child
He should just probably quit you
You can’t and if you don’t like it then leave,am almost POSITIVE he was smoking when you 1st met and got together, but just make sure he smokes outside the home and not in car or around baby. As long as not around baby you’ll live and deal with it or like I said leave,jmo.
You can be a adult and not make him and as someone who one did drug, you cannot MAKE anyone do anything they DON NOT WANT TO DO!!! He is a grown ass man. He’s gonna smoke if he wants to.
You can make him do anything he needs to do it on his own
You can’t “make” anyone do anything…
You can ask and then set boundaries such as outside only and change shirt when he comes back in…
Feel this should’ve been discussed at some point in the relationship tho…
Now I fear you’re going to be left with one question: Is this a deal breaker or something you can learn to live with (but always support quitting as smoking is unhealthy)
I can and do acknowledge you’re reasoning for wanting him to quit tho! And I know it’s bc you care about him and your child. I absolutely commend you for that!
You cannot make someone quit. You can ban him from smoking inside, around you, and in the car with your child. A smoker cannot stop unless they want to, and have the support and self control to do it. My dad was a smoker from 12-52. He was on his death bed, dying of lung cancer, and asked the nurse if he can have a smoke break.
When you find out let me know
You can’t make him quit he’s a grown man. Both me and my boyfriend smokes, and when I found out I was pregnant, I smoked for a couple weeks after that until I saw my baby’s heartbeat, then I quit cold turkey. But my boyfriend still does, and I don’t try to push him to quit, he smokes outside so that helps
Offer him Copenhagen instead
Pick your battles