My boyfriends mum hates me for absolutely no reason… and o actually don’t care. She doesn’t interfere or anything she just leaves us to it. I couldn’t care if she never accepts me. I have zero to do with her x
This is how it is going to be with this one. He will always side with his mum.
It’s not worth it.
I had an amazing partner, but his parents would not accept me. I tried everything…even bringing it up with them in private, without him, to start a new page.
His brother then started lieing about Me, to make me out to be a bad person.
I proved myself clean, but couldn’t deal anymore.
Just leave. It’s super draining.
Lol she’ll neverrrrrrrrrr accept you, it’ll be that way for every woman he dates after you.
Mommy has your man pussy whipped Choose now if you want to put up with their behavior for the rest of your life, it’ll only get worse if you have kids with him or get married (if she lets you).
Let his mother have him.
It will absolutely get worse. Run
Leave her little boy alone. You need a man. I believe when you and him are arguing, he runs to mama and makes you look like the bad guy and she eats it up.
Question is - do you still want to be trying to figure this out in 10 years time? … he won’t change but your frustration will only deepen…
9/10 times the mamas boys aren’t worth the headache, they don’t change and the moms just get crazier… get out while you can, if the sister is as good a friend and person as she seems then she’ll understand and stay a friend.
And the people saying “it doesn’t matter just ignore her” that’s nice and all, but what happens when this girl marries or has kids with the guy, that drags the overbearing mother right back in even closer and more often then not it turns into the “this is how you should parent” and “this is how I think a wife should be” comments. No one wants to or should have to listen to that their whole life
Run for your life. You don’t need that kinda non sense. I truly support you about finding another job before you quit the other one. Let his mama deal with him and it will get worst when you get married
You can’t. Just leave
Just leave less stress
You quit trying. Be you, be confident. If he doesn’t work out then he isn’t the one. Circle peg fits in circle hole. A square peg won’t fit, don’t keep trying to force it, wasting time.
Pfft … My husband’s mom died a lonely ol woman because even after 20+ years she couldn’t accept me . My husband cut all ties with her after many years of us trying . Good luck
You haven’t left for the sister…. Maybe get with the sister…
You can’t make her do anything all you can do is leave or reach a new level of unbothered
Stop seeking the approval of others.
Ask yourself why you want this approval. Most of us have a general desire to be liked, but you need to explore why you want to be right and in good standing with everyone. It’s not a possibility. There’s too many personalities out in the world to appease and contend with. So get to the bottom of why you want that approval, and then you will have more control over your life. Aim for personal peace and your desire to control your outcomes will seem less important. Good luck!
You can’t, and it won’t.
You’ll never win with a mother that acts like her son is her man
I married my man and it didn’t change anything 30 years of marriage and two children then I left I should have done it ages ago how long do you have to try !!!go while you are young get a man who respects you enough to tell his mother to butt out
Leave. It’s him you’re trying to build a life with not his sister…and besides mommy’s boys are always gunna be a problem when their significant other isn’t the priority.
I was in your situation before.
Leave. I didn’t let no one from that day forward step on me.
Run far far away from the mommas boy! I married one and wasted 18 yrs! I was NEVER good enough for my ex husband as far as his mother or family was concerned! Now that we are divorced he lives with her and doesn’t work. She takes care of a grown 45 yr old man! It’s pathetic!
u cant
she never will
l get paid over $ 169 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17458 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
The next time she says something I’d say in the most polite sincere way. ‘I didn’t realise u was paying our bills and this was a 3 way relationship’ depending on the reply I’d then say well ‘that’s it then aslong as he’s still hanging off ur tit this ent going to work’ and leave x
You can’t as someone once told me once a mama boy always a mamas boy you either love with it or get out, I got out.
If he’s a momma’s boy, you probably can’t. If she’s eavesdropping on your conversations now, it’s only going to get worse. I’d run.
Maybe you need to take her out for lunch and ask her why she doesn’t like you and lay down some boundaries,
and then if your partner does support you leave
I’d leave. I’ve been there and it ended horribly. Find someone who is grown up.
Two years? He’s not going to change and neither is she.
You cant so don’t try. Its unlikely he’ll change so you accept the disrespect or move on.
I’ve been lucky and the mothers usually like me but if they didn’t idgaf. My son 20 loves me dearly and we talk often, I’ve never been rude to someone he’s seeing. Sounds like she needs a self check
Don’t have children with him… she will try to undermine you as a parent.
You can’t. Stop being w a mamas boy
Leave fast as you can, one day mister right will come along and sweep you off your feet, bf will have momma take care of him and he and her can be happy with each other. My brother was the same way and momma took care of him until she passed away at 87, and he was 71 when the nursing home left it unplugged and my older sister told his Dr to just put down on the death certificate either his heart condition or kidney failure for the reason why he passed away him and I were 18 months apart in age she was tired of handling his affairs now she has lupus and very sick and wants me to feel sorry for her and I will not because when my daughter had lupus and passed away from lupus at the age of 28 she said that my daughter was faked her pain and I will not feel sorry for her and I have cut ties with her she is 77 I’m 74 and she can live with all her pain and leave me alone.
if you really love him you will find a way to make it work! luckily for me, my Fiancé (together for 10 yrs this yr with 2 babies together and 2 of his kids from a previous marriage) his mother lives 1000 miles away.
Honestly that’s a big red flag. If he’s not sticking up for you to his mom he’s never going to. You need to decide if that’s something you are willing to live with forever. If not then go your own way. Me personally? I wouldn’t be willing to let a weird momma boy relationship make me miserable.
Never will accept you you have her baby boy
He needs to grow up, I wouldn’t stay! He won’t change any time soon, if ever!
The simple answer You don’t!!! why would you want to force someone who doesn’t like you to just accept you… No one will ever be good enough for him in her eyes it doesn’t matter who you are!
I dont even need to read this. You can’t. Her mind is made up. Leave if you can’t handle it or have nothing to do with her. That’s it.
It’ll never get better as long as she comes around just know from experience unfortunately they’re just too attached to their sons it’s gross
U can’t make her accept you. From personal experience keep it moving hun it will only get worse. When and if u have kids it will be much harder. Only diff for me is Idc if she likes me or not. If u stay be ready to fight them demonds everyday with them. But its not worth it. Bcz its his mom in the end and u cant make him cut her off even if he realizes shes the issue. It will make him depressed and miserble and mean towards u. Find someone who will not have this issue with u. And u will be so much happier. Having a healthy relationship is fundamental and well just make u happier lol. Best of luck!
Move out. Let him go live w/ mama. It’s never going to change!
Quit wasting your time. He’s a mommas boy and that won’t ever change. At least you got a friend in his sister. Go find a grown man who respects you and will have your back.
I was with my ex and his dad was so sweet BUT his mom didn’t like no one .
She will probably never except you you just gonna have to give your boyfriend a ultimatum and tell him he needs to grow up or your moving out and moving why force someone to like you
Sod her! Your in a relationship with him not her. If she don’t like it tough tits. He chose you as his partner she’ll have to suck it up or just get on with it. If you get on with other family members then don’t worry about her.
I don’t get along with all my in-laws but you can’t choose your family. You just get on with it. You sort you and your partner out and don’t worry about who’s on the outside of it x
You’re never going to be accepted by her and he is never gonna cut the apron strings from her. Staying in a relationship because of his sister isn’t going help anything.
I might be the odd one here but my opinion, The problem is with your man honey. He needs to grow up. He involves her and let’s her butt in. If he didn’t allow it, it wouldn’t happen. Simple as that.
He’s the problem enabling this behavior and allowing it to continue you don’t need her respect but you do need his
Get rid of him, and in doing so, her too.
Sounds like my mother in law . I learn the hard I tried so many years to be accepted by her and come to find out she’s been jealous of our relationship the entire time because she’s not happy in her relationship it’s sad … she can’t stand seeing her son doing nice romantic things for me because she’s not getting the same treatment. I had to just accept who she is but I don’t have to accept her in my life anymore
Get out, she won’t ever accept you if he doesn’t
You don’t get to control other people. I wouldn’t like some woman sassing my child either. Maybe you should work on your attitudes and behaviors with your therapist.
Dealt with that for 7 years. She even called and asked me to lunch one day. Me thinking cool finally. Only for her to sit and tell me in my car that we do not belong together and I need to leave and not come back. To find someone else because it is not her son! We also have a son together. I haven’t spoken to that women in 14 years. Best thing I could of done was leave. To toxic
Don’t worry about her, your relationship with him doesn’t sound so special and thats the one you should be evaluating
You shouldn’t care if she excepts you, but it dose make things worst . As for your boyfriend leave him he doesn’t give you your place as his women. If you decide to stay you will be fighting demons and probably won’t be happy in the relationship. His mom will always come first until he realizes he’s in the wrong, but who knows when that will be.
You can’t, if ya’ll try to have a life together, she will ruin it. My best advice is leave, I already went through this, got married, got divorced. Best of luck
Be better. Make him happy. Step up!!
My bfs mom loves me. I cook, clean, help with the kids and dogs. I also get my bf motivated to do things around the house that need to be done(I help with all of it)
I do those things because I enjoy making him happy and I listened when we first got together.
“Ugh I’m to tired to cook I’ll just grab something on the way home” so I started trying to be around to cook for him
“This week was so rough, I wanted to get this or that done but I’m just gonna relax”
So I started offering to do the things I could like clean the house or weed eat the yard. Now he has more time for other stuff and he knows he has a helper for projects so it’s not as hard.
"They over booked me at work again, my kids gonna be late to practice
So I offered to take his son to practice. His son likes me so he enjoys me taking him places.
You can’t stay in a relationship because you like his sister. You need to be there because you love him. Doesn’t matter if she likes you.
Never stoop to her level. Always be civil. When she tries to one up you always give her credit for what she’s done, what she’s been through. Remind her often that you are grateful for her sharing her greatest gift, her son.
Limit your time with her if you can. Always be supportive of your boyfriend and his mother’s relationship ( encourage him to take her for coffee, for a drive or to hang at her place at least once per week ( this way you don’t have to be around her) she will either come around in time or not but she only has power if you give it to her. In 46 years I’ve had a few relationships lol. In 2 I had mother in laws just like this. The first I tried so hard I drove myself crazy. She was so bad she’d be running me down in one breath but as soon as she’d hear movement she’d switch to a nice conversation mid sentence so neither her husband or son ever heard the nasty side of her. When we did split up it had nothing to do with his mother. Although my whining and complaining about her and how she treated me probably didn’t help. We were together about 5.5 years.
Later in life after a couple of good relationships with parents of guys I dated, I had the pleasure of being hated by another. I was always nice, occasionally called her for advice I didn’t need to make her feel good and pretty much limited our time together so that it was super easy to be civil. He and I were together for over 10 years. One of the reasons we split was because she gave him the ultimatum of being cut from the will( family had money but we never borrowed etc ever from them) unless he found someone’ more suitable’( I was 4.5 years older, divorced with kids and not Catholic, he found someone online who was younger than him,Catholic and never been married or ever had kids, they were married 6 months after she arrived but lived together during that time)
We had been living together just over 10 years by the time we split.
You have to decide what your love for him is worth and be able to focus on your relationship and forgive a lot from her. It is unrealistic to expect him to choose between her and you. Not sure what kind of relationship you have with your parents, but the day some guy told me I’d have to choose between him and my family he’d be gone so fast. One would hope that if you gave him the same choice that he’d drop you fast too. Not because there’s anything wrong with you but because asking someone to choose is wrong.
Good luck with whatever choice you make whether it’s to stay with someone you think you love or to walk away.
You can’t. Simple as that…no matter how wonderful you may be…you can never make anyone accept you…be true to yourself and who you are. Hold your head high and don’t give her the time a day
Good luck. Move on. It will never get better.
It will never get better. Time to move on.
fast. do not walk away
I was in a relationship for two and a half years where his mother was extremely hateful towards me behind my back and did not even try to get to know me. That relationship ended and I am so glad to not be around either of them anymore. And now I’m in a relationship with someone who is wonderful and kind and respectful of both me and his mother, without being a mama’s boy. And his mother is extremely sweet and welcoming and when I’m having a bad day she tells me that she’s praying for me and she tells me that she prays for our relationship and the rest of his family is very sweet as well.
Unfortunately you can’t. If he can’t see that his mom is manipulating and meddling in your relationship, leave and stay friends with his sister.
Mom is usually right. He should listen to her. I wish I’d listened to mine…
If he’s not ready to cut the strings you’re going to have to. She’s going to be there till the day she dies.
I’m my experience, it’s just gonna get worse. Don’t bother with her. But you also need to address the issue with your boyfriend “confirming” or running things by his mother. Is he dating you or you mom? can’t be both.
LEAVE!! It wont get any better!
That’s a mom for you
l get paid over $190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17975 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Why is his sister the only reason you haven’t left??? That’s a red flag right there. As a mama to a mama’s boy, there’s nothing you can “do” besides prove to her you love and are right for her son. You may not be. The fact that the sister is more important than your love for him is not how it’s supposed to be.
l get paid over $190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17975 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Apply to be on tlc “I love a mommas boy”
(If you are going to stay and deal with that at least make some money off it)
Or leave.
As others have said, you can’t convince her of anything. You * might * be able to discuss boundaries with him and come to an agreement that he must not and should not discuss your relationship business with her. It’s none of her business. This won’t be easy, since he’s a mama’s boy and mama will ask. Couples counseling could help.
I’m guessing that she’s one of many parents who won’t accept any significant other into her children’s lives, especially his. She’s jealous of you for taking time away from her and protective of him. Don’t try to please her; it’s impossible. Focus on setting boundaries and seeing if he can honor them. If he refuses, you have your answer.
Sounds like my ex-husband lol! Run now before you get tied down to him. It’ll only get worse. It’ll always be a relationship of three. You, him and his momma.
She won’t and he won’t care cuz he’s a mommas boy… I’d just leave.
Don’t worry about her. Get on with your life and if you are important to him he will come to you.
You have no respect for yourself, your own boundaries, or your own relationship…GTFO… or kick him out, are you so desperate to have a man and be in a relationship that you will allow yourself to be treated like crap…you deserve ALOT better…
Leave been there gets worse waisted 13 years of my life
This sounds like an episode of I Love a Mama’s Boy, on TLC. Watch it then decide can you live like that?? I knowwww I couldn’t
you can’t force the woman to accept you or your relationship! he’s always going to side wit his mama and he won’t put her in her place when it comes to the relationship so i say RUN! and run far far away. you can not live the rest of your life tryin to convince him and his mama of ur worth! he’s not the one for you love
Sad to say if he doesn’t put her in her place nothing will change for you.
Why would you play 2nd best to his mother? Know your worth and find a partner who respects you.
2 years into a relationship why would his finances impact you?
If he was expecting you to cover his portion of the bills then I’d see why you’d be upset. Always keep your own account.
Walk away. You can still be friends with his sister
You don’t.
some mothers have a weird attachment to their sons and think they’re above everyone and deserve everything just because they shit them out and half ass raised them.
Run. And don’t ever look back! You will find someone who’s mom adores you and accepts you completely, trust me. I did.
I would write a letter and in it I would Thank her for all she does and then point out her positive sides and your bf positive sides and then write the boundaries you want to set and then sign n date it
Give both of them a copy and you keep your original
Just stay away from her she won’t like you ever she has made that clear
I disagree that it can never be different! It might be difficult but it can be different. Maybe a conversation just between you and her would be a good start? Maybe your boyfriend is telling her everytime yall fight or is calling her when yall argue and it’s causing some resentment?
A conversation couldn’t hurt. If things don’t change within a reasonable amount of time for you then maybe you should choose a different route. Throwing in the towel isn’t always the answer. Relationships and Marriage is hard but if he is actually worth it, put up the good fight! Good luck and prayers sent your way hun
Accept it or move on, she’s been “the woman” for his entire life, she accepts his flaws without batting an eyelash, will likely support him when he’s wrong and loves him unconditionally, which are not things the average gf or wife will do. If you love him, treat him fairly and accept their relationship, somewhere down the road she will respect you, but their bond is one that will remain intact forever.
My husband’s family was the same exact way even after we had our son and at first he kind of ignored it but then he started to see when they started talk bad about my family because I grew up poor and they didn’t and he eventually you know we moved out of her house cuz he was living there when we got together because it was technically his house because it was in his name for when she passed away so he just stayed there because you know hey free and it’s mine but we left and had happy times on our own and then she got sick so we moved back in try and help and then things went right back to the way they were and my husband said you know what screw this I’m done I’m gone I’m out we left and we haven’t spoken in them since and that was in March
You need to accept that some people are how they are. Move on and leave those weirdos behind
You do not have a relationship, him and his Mother do, Life is too short Dump him back on Mama and move on, It will never change.Why would you take this treatment of disrespect for a year?
Mom’s like that… won’t ever accept you. My cousin faced this. You have 2 choices
Stand up for yourself, they both don’t respect you.
You can’t. A mommy’s boy is the worst kind of man. Run
She wont. Was with my ex for 5 years dealing with the same thing. Either accept she wont ever like you or move on