How can I get my child to clean their room?

Say go in your room and don’t come out till it’s clean and stick to it.

Take heart. My sister was like that as a child and teen. She grew up to be a very good house keeper.

Does she have friends over? If so that stops until the room is presentable

For some kids it’s boring, you have to do it over and over and over. Boooring!!Not exciting. But anything new and different to challenge their minds, they’ll go for.

I am going thru the same thing… But it used to stay clean …

Don’t buy her anything else until she learns to keep what she has tidy

You and your daughter need to tidy the room together say once a wk… Like mummy and daughter time… And be calm…

Just not a priority for her, wonder how messed up her feelings are or trauma has happened to her!

I guess I’m cut from a different cloth. Why does she think she has a choice?

John Rosemond, Opinion Parenting, writes an article in Tues Ark Gaz newspaper, in the Style section. He has a good grasp on raising kids. Email is “[email protected]”. or write The Leadership Parenting Institute, 420 Craven St, New Bern, NC 28560.
Good luck n prayers. Every child is important.

Too much stuff? Maybe it makes her feel comfortable? I’d just shut the door.

Peach tree switch usually works…

Black rice will make her think she had mice in her room…

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You’re the parent yes , take control what did you say ? 9 yrs old ?

What is her favorite thing to do or have? Does she have a phone??

Remove everything that is not a necessity and have her earn back one thing at a time as she keeps her room clean.

If she has ADHD or executive dysfunction then there are other ways to help

Take all toys out of her room?

Be a grown up, don’t make excuses. Put your grown up pants on

My oldest is ocd. Perfect room all the time. My youngest looks like a tornado went through her room. It’s ok, we go in every Sunday morning and clean together. That way she has a clean start to the week. It’s overwhelming for some kids.


Take everything out but her bed,blanket and pillow.


My sister’s a school teacher this is one of the methods she uses.

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Baby of family! How old is she?

Tell her she can’t have any friends over until she keeps the room clean.


I’ve taken my kids tv n phone away until it is done is that don’t work I just start taking privileges

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Neatness is not her thing. Focus on what her talents are.

Be in charge. Start throwing her stuff in the trash. She’ll get it.


Start throwing stuff away, she will clean from then on.

Clean it up or it going goodwill or in the trash haha

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Its a hopeless cause …some never learn …my experience!!

Take away the things she loves the most and make her earn them back by cleaning up her room.

Give her less stuff in her room.

I had one child that is was just not that important to clean their room. No food or drinks in the room, just close the door… if their clothes don’t get washed… o well
Next time put them in the wash… or not whatever!
After about 6 weeks of this, she cleaned on her own… first time, not great, but it got better… by the time 6 months had passed, her room was always clean… and no stress for either of us

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Just shut the door and let her deal with it,

my mom gave me 3 changes of clothes, then locked me out if my room. I slept on the couch with no computer, no phone, no privacy. It worked.

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This is your home and your child is given the privilege of living there. So there needs to be some standard of living that is expected. I had boarders and I told them not to eat their meals or store food there. We lived next to a school so we would have a nice problem. They did just what asked not to do. Well they complained about mice chewing up their shoes. You do not want this happening with messy kids

Some children hate it so bad it’s a constant battle. Hindsight is 20/20, hide money in different places and she only gets to keep it if she is actively cleaning when she finds it. Also hide a slip of paper that says McDonalds treat or wherever she likes going. Be creative, even a present once in a while.
Sometimes helping a child once in a while to clean the room helps. Sometimes rewards of your time are sacred.

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My sweet sweet daughter will apologize when she makes a mess but she’ll only clean up certain messes and seeing her being capable, I bribe her with candy or fun activities. If it’s overwhelming for her, she’ll politely ask me for help. I’m a single mom. I have a ton of patience with her.

Make her do her own laundry , anything not put in it’s place goes in the trash .

Close the door and leave her space alone!!

My seven year old grandson .same way .

Hate to break it to ya. But there is no way. Pick which parts of the messy room are non negotiable. Like for me Legos have to be picked up. And garbage. I also told mine that if she wanted a bedstory etc she has to keep it clean enough I cam walk through with out killing myself. Good luck though you may just have to live with it.

Be a parent tell if she does not clean her room every day something will disappear and she will not know what goes next. If that does not work and everything is gone tell her if she cleans her room and keeps it clean something will come back one day at a time if she does not keep it cleaned up they start going away again for good this time she is nine get it under control or good luck with a teenager. BE A PARENT.

does she receive an allowance? can you withhold it until she cleans her room? i can tell you there are some folks who are just messy by nature, even though they have been taught otherwise.

Don’t fight with her. It is her room.

Change the password for the internet, that will get her attention

Be really careful doing any of these things, DHS Caseworkers and Family Counselors believe making a child do chores around the house is abuse and they will go after you with every tool in their tool boxes. We live in a crazy world these days and decent parents are targets.

If u figure that out tell

shut the door. If she ever leaves the door open to see the mess…she has to clean it up. that’s a compromise

Black grain rice as fake rat poop

Or maybe it’s rebellion, since the other 2 keep their rooms so

Have you tried taking her phone?

Lots of luck they clean there room when they leave home lol

Make it a game, and have fun with her.( imagination)

Let her be! The more you nag, the more of the mess will be! Just closed the door!

Leave her alone close her door. Your priorities are all screwed up.

So many say just bag it all and toss it… what about items they were gifted or purchased with THEIR bday, xmas, or even chore money? Have you, as an adult ever bought something with gift and had it removed by the money giver because they didnt like what you spent it on? Ridiculous right? Same as forcing your child to share what they hold most precious with friends, strange kids at church, school or park? Do you share your car or cell phone, ( something most adults hold precious) with your work mates?
The child must feel invested. If you want them to mow the yard, take out the trash and vacuum the floors, without being asked or told to, they need to be invested. Ya cant use the… i work i shouldn’t have to do… to a kid. Youll be a hypocrite when they are 16, 17, 18, and are working and you tell them its your house your rules…

Just remember, YOU are the PARENT!!!

I’d sit in their rooms with them as they cleaned and we’d laugh and joke as they cleaned and I sat on the bed directing them and keeping them on track. It helped my kids. She probably had ADHD and finds the prospect of cleaning her room so overwhelming that it’s just easier not to start.

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This is what i pulled on my son out of desperation. I took all his drawers and dumped in the middle of the floor. Then I did the same thing with his closet. I removed tv and stereo and he couldnt come out of his room till everything was neatly put away. He challenged me but I stuck to it and ignored the confrontation. Eventually the room was cleaned. I told him if he didnt keep his room clean I would do this again and again. It worked! Sounds harsh I know but it worked and we were both better because of it

Sounds like some folks have serious control issues.
Let her have her room. Close the door.
My mom and I fought over how towels had to be folded. It’s stupid.
In the end, kid grows up and remembers the fighting. Why not make good memories that last.

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Tell them to clean their room. If you have to show them how. That’s OK. Tell them when they are expected to have their room clean. If they don’t do it. Then tell them they will have to spend their entire Saturday cleaning the house, the yard, the garage. After they do that all day. Then they will gladly clean their room.

All im saying is being messier is linked to creativity, high IQ’s and Adhd. I’ve always had a super messy room and I fall into all three of those categories.

My room is never like gross messy with rotting food and trash everywhere just like art supplies and clothes.

Give 'em one warning. If that doesn’t do the trick (and it won’t) take their crap off the floor and throw it out the back door. If they don’t care enough for it to take care of it, then it needs to be thrown away. Made a huge impact on how my daughter viewed her belongings.

If a room is a constant mess it means one of two things. Either they have too much stuff or they have too little room. What I did with my son was every single day I would go in his room and find 2 things that were buried in the mess…either clothing or toy…and I would put them in a box in the garage. As I laundered his clothes I would put them on a rack in the laundry room. He would have to go in search of his clothing and in about two weeks he started realizing that he was missing “stuff”. I told him he could buy back his “stuff” at the rate of one item per 3 days of cleaned room. It took a while but he got the gist of it.

Set some basic rules and then let her be. My boys were both slobs and about age 30 they became super cleaners and very minimalist in their homes. They didn’t get that from their messy momma lol!

My 13 daughters room is digusting i cant even walk in there without stepping on something

No electronics, television,playing outdoors,or anything else the others are allowed to do needs to go till she sees it your way.
If she’s physically able, there’s no excuse.

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Make a chart for things you’d like done.
For each task they earn monopoly money to purchase items from a store or on the internet.
A friend of mine put together a “pantry” of items with different prices on the items and would let her kids choose which item’s they wanted.
It worked great!

Box up everything not in it’s place and make her earn it back

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Well maybe twice a month you make her stay in her room until it’s clean. Start on Friday night hopefully by Sunday she will have it clean. my stepmom did this with my brother, I can remember he would throw all of his dirty clothes out in the hallway, it would be a lot. Well it works for him.

She is just displaying her independence. She is not going to be like Mother or her older sister. She will grow out of it. Or she will be a pig her whole life.

Tell her she must keep her room door shut from Monday to Friday evening, if ever caught open it must be cleaned from top to bottom. HOWEVER, Come Friday night through Sunday night it must be in order. You are not to enter her room during the week. This was advised by a Corporate Analylist. It worked for both myself and daughter’s relationship. Also he sided with my daughter to never pull down her bed linens, nothing wrong with sleeping inside her sleeping bag on the bed, just throw it on the floor of the closet once up: no law that says it’s wrong. My daughter today is a very successful professional, wife and mother. WITH A MATICULOUS BEAUTIFUL HOME!

Go and clean her room up together have Mum time that way with her. Give her a hug when done and say HOW GREAT YOU BOTH WORK AS A TEAM. Do it regularly Me And You Time works wonders for you both.:two_hearts:⚘:clap::clap::clap::+1:

Buy some black rice and put it around in places then tell her it’s rat turds! EVERYWHERE!

My daughter wouldn’t keep her room clean, so I took off the door, told her if she wanted to live like a pig everybody can see the way she lives. Worked

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Pick your battles carefully. You will have bigger fish to fry when they’re teenagers. Believe me.

Clean with her and make it fun. Show her hoarders :joy:

It’s not worth fighting over. Be glad if you have a great kid.

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Take away her phone and make her stay in her messy room. :angry:

Good ole fashioned @ss beating!

Messy room=Brilliant mind

Well it is her room!!

Home- safe place to fall-
Hugs free
Love unconditional

Let’s work on this room together …

Do you think you could keep it this way…

So little time… this is not a battle to fight…

Teachable moments

Break it down on a list…
Show them how you would appreciate the room looking…
maybe a check list…please let them know without a doubt love and approval not attached to a clean room.

If it’s not going to matter in a few years don’t spend five minutes worrying about it…

Many parents would love to have messy child’s room- just to have child back…

Hey- I love you, when you’re room looks like a hot mess mom is going to keep your door closed. :woman_facepalming::smiley::joy:

Hug them
Kiss top of head

Show grace… it starts at home!

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Scott Neading II Kimberlee Neading Kambria Pruitt

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Otherwise good luck :joy: seriously not trying to laugh but going through same shit

Jennifer Neihardt sounds familiar

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No money…no …no…no…no…

Juse shut the door…

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She could be depressed

Take phone/iPad/iPod etc. until clean. It works. :blush:

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Who cares. Just shut the door.


Take everything out of her room except her bedding and clothes. No tv,no computer, no nothing. As she cleans then she can earn things back.

We have a chart called “ responsibility chart” before the school bus comes they have to complete it “brush teeth, get dress, and clean/make the bed so when they come home they cans do there chore without stressing, making a big scene. At first she would complain but being consistent will benefit them. Stick to It . its not something they learn it has to be taught in the home . We have a 10 and 8 year old

Break it down into tasks instead of the lump order of “clean your room” if it’s that much it would probably be overwhelming.

That’s when I get the broom out and say anything on the floor is getting swept up and thrown away. Sometimes he’ll say he wants help and then I’ll tell him if I help him, he has to help me with the rest of the house. And he seems just fine with that.

Following…my 11 year old is the same. So frustrating

Clean it then move her dresser out of her room and put a lock on it…give her a sleeping bag and tell her there’s the floor until she can learn to keep her room clean…

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There’s been something floating around about leaving black rice in their rooms and saying it’s rat poop. Seems to work pretty well :woman_shrugging:t2:


My son is younger, but I find it works best to just micromanage the cleaning… instead of saying “clean your room” say “please bring any dirty dishes from your room and put them in the sink so I can do dishes” “please bring me any dirty laundry from your room so I can start a load” “please bring any trash from your room and throw it away, and then I’ll take the trash out” then once everything is out of the room it isn’t as overwhelming and I can stand in the door and advise what else needs to be done like hanging clothes, putting things back on shelves, etc