My daughter is two years old (31 months). How do I get her to sleep in her big girl bed without screaming and crying every time she has to take a nap or go to bed for the night? Any suggestions? She’s had her bed going on for two months, and she cries every time she hears the words “nap” “bedtime” she does share a room with her sister. It’s a twin bed. It’s starting to be irritating because she can cry/whine for up to an hour. She was previously cosleeping with me up until March. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
My 8yr old just got room makeover and guess what, yup still with me they’ll be 18 before you know it and their friends will be more important soak this time up!
When my kids transitioned to sleeping on their own I got them a nightlight (scared of the dark), let them pick a blanket they wanted from my collection and let them take 2 toys to sleep with (1 was always a stuffed animal). For awhile I gave them a shirt of mine that had my scent on it to help them sleep. Took them to the bathroom, gave them a hug, tucked them into bed and kissed them goodnight. I had to make them relaxed and want to sleep in their Big Bed. We still snuggle once in awhile but they sleep on their own. If they are screaming about sleeping in their bed find out why? They may feel insecure sleeping by themselves. Calm them down and hug them…
Lay beside her until she falls to sleep. Babies grow up so fast, I let mine sleep with me until they wanted to sleep in their own bed. Good luck.
Good luck! I have no words of wisdom for you. My child just stopped sleeping in my bed and he’s almost 7.
Or even sit on the edge of her bed then move away slowly each week or until u feel she’s comfortable
My daughter went through this although think she was a bit younger. In the end I sat next to her whilst she fell asleep. Then each time moved a touch closer to the door. After about two weeks I could just put her to bed awake and just walk out (she was out of naps by time she was 1 so this was just on a night time). Shes 4 now and just marches herself off to bed saying “im going to bed come tuck me in mam” and just walks off lol x
My oldest is 5 and still sleeps with me. My youngest is 8 months and loves her crib. I guess we spoiled the 5 year old too much since we thought she would be our only child Good luck mama!
Try laying down in the bed with her until she falls asleep and then creep out when she does
Try putting something with your sent on it where she can have it close to her.
i started my son off in bed 15 months old he cried at first now loves his bed now 20 months think need to perserve
Good luck because my 10 y/o son sleeps with me sometimes
Dont be in a hurry …
Enjoy the baby smell, his softness , cuddle him … sleep with him …he is only two .
Enjoy the moment !
Just push though hun … i did it the hard way and never let up … yes cried and screamed… in the end i started taking his toys out his room but after 4 days he finally stopped and his toys went back in his room never/not had problems since and hes been in a single bed since he was 18 months and his little brother is in a cot in the same room
It’s going to take time if she’s used to sleeping with you. March wasn’t that long ago, with some kids you can’t just change things in the snap of a finger. Mine was 5 when he stopped. No matter when or what we did to put him in bed, he would just come get in bed with us at some point in the night. He eventually stopped. You can try laying in there with her to show her it’s ok, until she falls asleep.
I feel 2 years old is a bit young. My babies slept with us until they were about 3 or 4. When the time came for them to sleep in their bed, I would lay with them until they fall asleep and I would get up. That worked for me. Sometimes they would wake up during the night and I would do it again. Ijs I did the same with my granddaughter
My daughter slept with me until she was 13, that’s when she was ready and I didn’t force the issue.
My son was a little older. But I’d always ask him if he needed help getting back in his own bed, or if he could do it himself. Sometimes giving them a “choice” really helps, even when it has the same outcome… they feel like the desision it theirs .
Patience constancy bath book before bed
Put her down and read a story to her
She’s just trying to get you to give in and let her sleep in your bed again because she’s so used to it. Best thing you can do is be consistent. If you change your mind even once, it prolongs the behavior. Develop a routine and do it at the same time every night. Create a reward system for milestones (no crying for one day, one week, etc.). But in the meantime you just have to tolerate it. It won’t last forever.
So my daughter is 3 nearly 4 and has been in toddler bed for about a year. When we put the toddler bed we also put a potty right next to her bed to incorporate potty training and bed transition. Its still hard i really believe they all get out a few times during that intial lay down for a few years. I find what really helps is a fun positve relaxing routine. Chocolate milk and a short cartoon. Teeth brush. Then big girl potty. Then she gets to put her own snowglobes on. I think background noise is always helpful. She still goes through the checklist of needing cold water 15 teddies etc. But we say " all your needs are met for bedtime, unless its help with potty stay in bed." Its not fool proof but just whats been working personally for us the best. They all scream and need 15 potty breaks. Just keep doing what you do and keep cool mama. Have a glass of wine
Let her go to sleep and then carry her to her bed. Once she wakes up in it a few times without the fuss it should get better. Did with ours anyway.
My daughter is almost 3 and still sleeps with us from time to time. But also she has a bed right next to us, and we make her sleep in her bed.
I move the bed farther and farther once a week, so she can slowly learn, rn, I’m almost in her room
I don’t know how much this will help, but it’s doing good for us so far.
I hope you find an answer soon! Happy mother day
Mine slept with us until he was about 13 and once he left he was done! Every child is different. I think the only way to prevent the co sleeping is to never start it. My kid was very sick and it was just easier for me to make sure he was ok right there with me. Good luck!
Be consistent. Be tough. You need to be cruel to be kind. It works.
I all ways put them in bed in their own bed from birthing except if they were sick and then when they got better right back in their own bed so I never had a problem with. It at all
I stopped my daughter right before she turned one… I got up 4X a night and patted her back to sleep. Me and my husband took turns… he was more adamant about it then I was… but I didn’t want her in bed either… now she’s 2 & sleeps in her own big girl bed but still in our room… and baby number 2 is about to be here… I don’t mind her still in the room in her own bed I just don’t want the new born waking her up 4X a night… so I guess we’ll see. But I’m not sure how to transition her from our room to her own room. She freaks out if she doesn’t see me all the time.
I move mine after she falls asleep and usually get 6 hours with out her lol comes back in the AM
My daughter co-slept with us until she was 3 and we had a toddler bed in our room for her since she was 2 we bought her her favorite character which was moana and she most of the time wanted to sleep in her big girl bed we went up to a year like this giving her the option if she wanted to sleep in it but I would make sure to ask everyday “do you want to sleep in your big girl bed tonight “ ? Until she was ready to sleep in it all by herself I do the same now that we are pregnant with our second Im slowly transitioning her into her own room and I made sure it was special with her favorite characters “frozen “ . She loves sleeping in her own room and gets excited about it now . Basically whenever she was ready but with a little help and guidance from her parents was what helped us .
If she gets out walk her back every time. It’s exhausting but it has to be done. Let her cry. Eventually she’ll stop. How old is the other child she shares a room with?
I’d maybe try getting her her own bed if you can, a little toddler one let her chose it and take her shopping to pick some bedding out maybe?
I put a mattress beside my bed to get my son out of mine and after a while he didnt come into mine
I did the jo frost technique we just kept putting our back to bed when he was 2. It was tough me n my other half did it in turns. It go on till 11 at night but it did work n he’s 5 now early riser but he goes to bed no problem at all. Once they learn the routine it works. We always do story abs tummy tickles aswell ever night x x
Cut her nap out my daughter stopped having naps at 2. She was a bit fussy to begin with sleeping in her own bed but first I would lay with her till she fell asleep for the first few nights then sat on the floor next to the bed for a few nights and she was good ever since.
Different ages i know my daughter is 18 months I was poorly a a few months back and had to sleep in bed on my own only for a week or so . so my husband had our little girl sleep with him to cuddle up to and after I was better she did not want to lay back in her cot it was a silly idea to do in the 1st place but we let her sleep with us until she dropped off then put her in the cot again after a few nights she was fine again and gone back in the cot no problem now x
I used Jo frosts and it worked wonders , it took a week but each night got better, you have to be stong and know that even though it sounds like their world is ending they ARE okay and also they won’t remember this ! Xx
We had no choice with ours at 2 as we had a newborn and needed the cot for him.
But we had his cot next to us for a while(before youngest was born), lay him in it and we lay in bed for half hour or until he was asleep. We just ignored him whilst he was playing or maoning. He then went into his own room, we gave him his tablet in there for an hour before he went to sleep. If he woke up we simply just put him back in bed. It did take a couple of weeks for it to be sleeping fully all night. We also did leave him to cry. Not fully screaming as this makes him throw up.
But as you’re putting them back in bed talk less and less to them each time to the point where you pick them up put them in bed without saying a word.
It all sounds horrible, but it’s something that needs to be done.
People have different views on the crying method. However kids also need to learn they can’t get everything they want by crying…
I’m lucky my fella did all the nights cos I’d crumble myself when they cry
Let her fall asleep and then move her.
I did Jo Frost also… sorted within 3 nights. This was 10 years ago though
My daughter is nearly 3 and a half and shes only just started sleeping in her own bed, it took some bribing and a lot of persistence but shes in her own bed all night now lol it just takes time xx
Go in her bed with her, until she goes to sleep, then leave
You give a 2 year old a tablet to go to sleep wow
I have this problem, my daughter is 8.
What is the Jo frost technique please?
I would suggest thinking of cutting the nap out
And even sit next to her at night until she is fully asleep
Stick her butt in there until she stops crying. No baby has ever died from crying. They gotta learn to self soothe
That’s a big transition for the baby . Try using Jo Frost’s technique
She needs her own bed and a small one to feel safe. And she’s 2.5yo not 2.
Do a nap time and bed time chart. Things to do before naps and bedtime. Clean room brush teeth little things. Stickers for rewards and a possible toy coloring book or something along those lines at the end of the week. Thats how I got my daughter potty trained and a routine before bed. Things she gets use to before bed. I know ever kod is different but maybe it will help. My daughter had been sleeping in her own bed before she was 2 and potty trained by 2 and a half. Good luck mama
If you start out with them sleeping with you it make it harder to understand the difference. Now it’s detachment time and you have to deal with the consequences of weening her to sleep alone by sitting in with her till she falls asleep staying less each time, and the crying will eventually stop, but you must not yield into her crying and make her stay into her room.
You need to watch super nanny episodes (videos ). She’s the BEST at this sort of thing.
Simple…never put them in your bed(unless ill) at all. It’s a Marital bed for you and your husband…
What’s in it for me Humans need a bargaining chip
. A story. Special toy or anything that makes the child feel special for following rules. Kids need to learn the pros and cons at an early age.
Star belly green light. It is a stuffed animal that my grandson gets only in bed.
Also needs a lot of perseverance to keep putting her back to bed. Just gently but the screaming is only to get her way. Maybe a little treat after she does it and agree with the laying down with her til she gets used to it otherwise she will be im you’re bed forever which isnt good for a marriage either. Good luck x
Why can’t she continue to sleep with you until she is ready to sleep in her own bed? Lots of children do.
Try a special stuffed toy that she can only have in her bed. Lots of positive reinforcement for sleeping in her own bed when she wakes up.
My mom used to put nightgown of hers in my sons bed. He would fall asleep. But my youngest son wouldn’t sleep like my oldest did. She put something like stuff toy of mine. He would fall asleep in minutes. Try that. I think she needs to be sure that you won’t leave her.
Its ok that she sleeps with you. But if you really want to sleep train her. Let her cry for awhile . I know it’s hard but she will tire herself out . Then if ahe cries to long console her. Rock her to sleep. Then put her right back down. Each night let her cry longer and longer . Soon it will be routine . She will know it’s time for bed.
It might not be for everyone but worked with my first two !! Good luck
Unfortunately it’s a battle of wills. You have to be firm and insist she sleeps in her own bed and she will battle you all the way. As rough as it is you have to remain strong and insistent and not give in. She will accept in like a week and understand she is ok.
I couldn’t follow the “rules”… it was better to have a good night’s sleep and rested child. In the old days children slept where there was a space next to another family member, and where there is a lack of money they still do. After 40 odd years I’d do the same and not worry my kids… not everyone’s rule I know. My bad!!!
What I use to do is lay with them until they fell asleep. Reassured them I was in the next room. The time got shorter and shorter that I’d lay with them… it may not be right to some but it worked for me. Good luck
You have to learn to turn a deaf ear ans switch off and put her to bed and let her cry herself to sleep but do it the same time every night but just make sure she’s OK from time to time you have to have a cranky voice and tell her she’s a big girl she has to sleep by herself and make her go to bed give her something to cuddle with to go to sleep with
Lol good luck ours slept with us til she was 7 how we have a 2 y 3 m old and she still sleeping with us. Best thing to do is get them use to it since they are newborns, mine wakes up as soon as i leave the bed and she calls for me to come back to bed.
Give her one of your jumpers that you have been wearing. Tell her to cuddle up to it to keep it warm for you.
My daughter slept with me also. But she never really napped and if she did I’d just let her sleep where ever she was comfy. She had her own room now and I made a huge fuss over it and how amazing it is and kept asking her if she was going to sleep in it. That night I laid in her new room with her bad she fell asleep. Some nights were harder then others but I kept persevering and she goes to bed in her room no problem now. Xx
Crying out method or get them tired out to the point they fall asleep. Kids share a room and the crying out method maybe a month or so. The other sibling followed the nightly routine till the little one hit use to it without crying all night.
Enjoy it while you can, one day she won’t ever sleep with you again. As far as the hubby wife loves, go have fun in different rooms. Even animals sleep with their young
You have to have a battle of wills. While it is very Hard, I know cos done this with 2 children, YOU have to be in control and Don’t Give In!!
Set a bedtime. I in the end took out the naps and made an earlier bedtime.
I put her to bed, read a story blah blah, then said good night.
After that she was put back to bed with minimal talking.
My oldest kids and I would turn up the RV a bit or they would read or do some activity.
Took us about 3 weeks.
They cry because they know you’ll end up giving in. Some take more time than others.
Sleep in their bed with them until they fall asleep
Set the mattress on your bedroom floor. Let her get used to being in her bed without you while still having you close. Once she’s used to sleeping without physically touching you moving to her room will be easier. This worked for both of my sons. My “nap” trick was to never say it. Every day at the same time I let them lay on the sofa with a blanket to watch a movie. I had a couple I knew would knock them out fast. The trick was getting them to be still.
Not sure if it has any bearing or just down to personality’s, when my eldest daughter was small I did all the putting her to bed on her own crack, sitting out the endless glasses of water/hungry/getting up and down countless times, crying etc…before she fell asleep in her own bed…I would be absolutely exhausted from the nightly procedure, none of us getting much sleep and being resentful of her not sleeping-with my second daughter I just let her sleep in my bed and when she was 3 she decided herself that she wanted to sleep in her own bed…we both got a nights sleep, anyway my first daughter who I tried to do the “correct”thing with according to the parenting experts needed me to lie in her bed every night until she was at least 10/11, maybe even older even if she woke in the night I’d have to get up and lie in with her until she went back asleep, meanwhile daughter no 2 would wake up, go to the bathroom on her own and go back asleep on her own, moral of the story is, having thought about it and spoken to them about it since they grew up, is that my eldest daughter never felt secure at night from being alone in bed from young whereas no 2 was mature and secure enough without me when she decided to sleep alone, she was happy going to bed and knew I was there - so if I had it to do again, knowing how scared etc a little 2 yr old can feel at night I know what I’d do, it won’t last forever
We made a big thing of taking our son out and let him choose new wallpaper, bedding etc for his very special space. It worked albeit the colours etc that he chose clashed. I didn’t like the end results of the makeover but he was very proud of it
My daughter and i co slept until at about 4 yrs old, we brought her to the store and showed her around some new beds to choose from,and bought it for her,and she was so excited to have her own bed,and slept on her own since then.
Does she like a special stuffed animals or toys? My daughters’ had lots of them. They took comfort with them on the bed. What about a special blanket/spread that she likes. Maybe having a special nightlight or small lamp that she helped pick out?
When my boys were little they were breast fed for a long time so shared my bed. I found it hard to get the youngest in his own bed because he was do clingy. What I did was let him fall asleep with me and then carried him to his own bed afterwards. If he woke up and crawled into bed with me it didn’t matter he’d go to bed the next night the same way until he ended up realising his bed was his own space. It took a while. Once he did realise there were no dramas and he was fine he shared the room with his big brother. Unfortunately my other half used to rock them both to sleep when he was home (he worked nights) so they thought I’d do it too when he wasn’t there. They soon realised that I wasn’t going to do that and used to appreciate their quality time with daddy. As a footnote my youngest was so clingy that if I lay him down on the sofa for a sleep and tried to move he’d wake up. I spent many hours trying to get away from him so I could do housework etc and he’d always wake up. Was like that since day one. He’s now 25 and still loves his cuddles with me so I guess it’s not always a negative thing cos I’d miss them if I didn’t get them. Best of luck. Xxx
What I did when my oldest was about 3 and co-sleeping with me was the first night I made her bed on the floor right next to me then the next night a tiny bit further away. I did this every night moving her just a bit further away from my bed and it worked.
Am I the only one who is bothered by 31 months equals two years? Come on…
NyQuil works wonders… kidding, just make sure there’s no electronic stimulus a half hour before bedtime. Allows their brains to shut down quicker. What I did with mine
Can you let her fall asleep in your bed and then move her to her own?
Do you sleep alone? Why should our children? Normal to want to co sleep!
Mine slept with us until they were 3, i dont see a problem
Let her cry and work through it for a few nights and it’ll be over. Just takes a bit to regulate the new sleep system.
Go to website
I’m a was a childcare director and Iam special Ed teacher
The resources are so fantastic
Story time Cds mo3 etc
Relaxation taught very cleverly in child friendly voice words music
So beautiful even adults Loch it
Keep a routine
It used to be for ps ages but they have a baby section too now
They have resources for teachers, children and families
Lots of free downloads
And their collection has really expanded
I don’t know the youngest resources
But I trust they are brilliant
These are all fabulous even for trauma children and helping clear fear and bring peace which supports positive behaviour
I put one Mum onto it for her 3 children
They listened in bed at night as their special treat time with mum and peacefully went off to sleep
After only 1 week destructive behaviours has disappeared
Please have a look
It’s the gentlest way to support a good nights sleep for everyone
Some kids need to co sleep longer
Start a new bedtime routine. Try new calming bath products(dr teals and a lavender lotion) and do a story time. I started this with my grands and they’re both sleep in no time
We had the same problem with our 2 year old and we put her bed right next to ours and it worked she just wanted to feel she’s not alone
Just ween off slowly. Sit next to their bed and read a story till they drift off. Then switch to audible playing a story as they drift off while you sit. Then eventually just start leaving the room earlier and earlier till you can just put on audible and walk away (they have plenty of free stories to pick from if you can’t afford a subscription)
Let her cry it out and let her know crying isn’t a way to get what she wants first of all… once she figures out that you mean what you say she’ll stop… you’re the mama not her… and letting her cry it out is not mean shes not hurt or anything
Oh dear. This is a tough one and I’ve no advice to give. I started all 3 of mine out sleeping on their own because I was afraid of this. I hope your little one learns to like independent sleeping soon.
Use the handcuffs and shackles from your own bed lol
Let her sleep on your bed again? She is clearly not ready to sleep by herself.
Awww… I’d keep her in my bed till she’s ready… maybe give it 6 months more.
Join the Beyond the sleep training project group on Facebook. They have the best tips!
This book helped my son with discipline, build Confidence, self regulation, reduce severity and frequency of tantrums, and staying in his own bed. This book saved my families sanity. Audio book is available x
Put her to bed, Turn Off the Lights and Let Her Cry. This will go on for a couple of nights and then she will go to bed and go to sleep without any further problems. Don’t give in to her
Consistency is key. Follow a routine, don’t give in. It’ll be rough in the beginning, but she’ll soon learn that crying/ screaming doesn’t change the circumstances. Stay strong, you got this. Oh, I’d also check to see if maybe something is scary to her or see if there is a reason other than she just wants to be in your bed. Sometimes it could be as easy as she’s scared of the dark corner of the room or a closet or a big shadow etc. maybe reward her for staying in her bed- like if she does it for a week a special treat. Good luck!
Crying will not hurt her. Start at nap time and put her in her bed. Let her cry herself to sleep. After nap praise her about being a big girl. Do the same at bedtime. She will get used to it after a few times. Show tough Love and patience. A little humor (Ear plugs may help you.)
Let her cry… after awhile crying will tire her out and she’ll go to sleep. Dont give in as she’ll expect you to give in all the time. Start now by showing her that your the parent and the boss. Check on her once in awhile where she cant see you checking. Good luck