How can I get my daughter to sleep in her own bed?

I put my little boy’s bed in our bedroom. It’s right by our bed, so he’s still close, but he is in his own space. It has worked out really good and he loves it.


Let her cry. Every single time. She will get the hint eventually. Giving into her sometimes is why she does it.


Does your other child go to school? If so, I’d probably wait until summertime to try to break her of the cosleeping or maybe let her fall asleep with you for a couple days then put her into her own bed. Once she is staying in her bed throughout the night, put her into her bed to begin with. I used to have to sit on the floor next to my sons bed until her fell asleep (sometimes it would take 5 minutes- sometimes it would take an hour).
However you decided is best for you and her - good luck. And remember to breathe. You got this.


That is one reason why babies should not sleep with parents. It forms bad habits. Put her to bed, close the door and let her scream. She will not do it forever! She may be scared. Talk to her and reassure her there are no booger men in the house.


Just let her co sleep and enjoy the love and cuddles they grow up so quickly anyway and we’ve learned a lot more than we ever did about that chemical release of all that feeling of security a child needs to feel , western society has a lot to answer for with their cold way of bringing baby’s up and paying the price , we know a lot more now so enjoy the need for you and once they start to feel more and more secure they will let go , and as they get older then you try different strategies but still young and building bonds so enjoy the cuddling up it’s what nature wants , enough of what we want :heart:


Lay down with her in her room/bed for a while and help her get comfortable with it. Maybe give her a new (or old) stuffed animal friend that can sleep with her maybe something that was yours or her sisters. “Protector bear” helped my friends son in this same situation. All kids are different so just keep trying. Eventually something will work.


Put her in her bed and lay down with her and read her a story. When she is asleep leave the room. Get a nursery monitor and show her how you can hear her if she needs anything. Be sure she has a bright enough nite light. You may have to leave on a small lamp for awhile. Be consistent! If she gets out of bed, put her back and sooth her until she goes back to sleep. You have to hype the “ big-girl bed” thing too.


Read as many stories as you have to while she is actually laying in her bed which should help her fall asleep. Both girls should enjoy this time with you and it’s also relaxing for you.


I told my daughter that Santa sends his elves to periodically check for kids throughout the year so he knows where to leave Christmas gifts. If the elves peek through the binds and her bed is empty, they won’t know kids live there, so no gifts. It worked like a charm.


Sounds like separation anxiety. Might have to backtrack a little and slowly transition from cosleeping to her in a separate room. Let her sleep with you again and then transition to a bed in the same room with you. It may take time.


Co-sleeping is definitely a problem. I know it’s too late for you, but my niece slept with her mother till she was like 13. Lol good luck


Get her hyped for sleeping in her own bed. Bring her to the store and get her a special animal or blanket to sleep with. And make sure you stick with her staying in her own bed.


My daughters 3 and always would co sleep with me. Sometimes when she sleeps I lay her in her bed or lay in her bed with her for abit. Then she just started going in there alone and sleeping recently. Maybe you can try that?


Try putting quiet music on in her room to listen to. Give her a favorite stuffed animal. Lay down by her till she goes to sleep, then sneak out. When she wakes up & notices your not there, tell her she is such a big girl! She slept in her own bed- I knew you could do it!

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I let mine sleep with me whenever they wanted. They eventually want their own bed. Trust me your going to miss their little feet kicking your sides.


Went threw that with our 3 year old slept with us ever night, we made her start going to her own bed she would cry we would take her right back to her own bed,this went on for one whole crazy week,finaly one night she stayed in her bed all night, a lot of tears,crying,and patients,


Consistency in your putting her down for a nap as well as learning to sleep in her own bed. She will fight against it until she realizes you’re not going to give in to her.


Let her co sleep until she is ready to sleep on her own. Don’t worry, she won’t be going off to college wanting to still sleep with you.


I started out with a toddler bed in my room. I would put her in the bed with me let her fall asleep and then put her in that toddler bed. She would wake in the morning so excited that she slept in her big girl bed


I have read all these comments. My first thought when I saw what you had written was… kids will do things for money. Tell her, if she stays in bed you will give her … whatever amount you want to offer her. She may be too young for this on second thought. It could go in her piggy bank.


She is strong willed. My daughter was the same way and still is. She’s almost 19 now. Don’t let her rule you. She knows what she is doing trust me. If you let her win, she will do this same behavior for the rest of her life. Do not enable her. I did and now my daughter is in a treatment facility. You are the parent not the other way around. Let her cry. You can be a good and loving mom without letting her run the place. Good luck.


I had my daughter get a large stuffed animal then I had her put the puppy to sleep she had to lay with it until he was asleep.Of course she fell asleep too.


Put her in her bed. As soon as she cones to your bed put her back. No words, no engagement at all. Keep doing that until sf he stays in her own bed. Might take a few days so be prepared.


You allowed co-sleeping. Age just doesn’t magically stop it.


Try putting a toddler bed at the end of your bed, so she gets used to sleeping in her own bed. When she ends up in your bed, put her back in her bed. She will learn her own space. Then make having a big girl bed a fun adventure


Try a stars :star: night light that reflects on ceiling and walls. Tell her this is her special place, her magical place!


Some soothing music might help. Find a soft, soothing song, put her in her own bed, and play the song. She’ll get tired soon enough. A song that usually helps me fall asleep is the Beatles classic 1965 song “Yesterday”.

Also, listening to artist Bob Ross painting is another great way to calm her down and get her to fall asleep.


I used to tell little kids that their teddy bear was so tired and could they lay down with it and when the teddy bear fell asleep they could get back up. Usually worked.

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If she’s 2 and already used to sleeping in your bed… too late she’s there til 5 or 6 LOL!! your just gonna have deal with knees elbows in back and the occasional wack across the face from an arm !! Been there!! When the time comes for twin bed make it fun to pick it out and decorate her room then she’ll stay in her big girl room

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Get her a kids sized weighted blanket, it’s proven to easy anxiety and honest to God it feels like a hug. After my divorce I wasn’t use to sleeping by myself…it definitely helped me. Got one for my son too +a giant stuffed animal…he was having a similar issues.

I do not want to sound mean or want to anyone to start an argument with my opinion. But sometimes you have to let them cry it out. It will get easier every time and the crying will become less and less. Children need consistency. I foresee you having an issue in the future if you give into her crying. Most kids do they don’t want to go to bed. So they will cry Stick to your guns. Let her know you are there if she needs anything . Some people say let it happen(cosleeeping) give her money, bribe her? That is not the answer to give in. If she is 2 she knows that crying will get what she wants if you give in. And will only create more problems in the future. It is natural for us moms to not want to hear our children cry. But those tears aren’t because she is hurt, hungry, or needs a changing. It is to get your attention to get her own way.

  1. Two year olds aren’t consciously manipulative. You’re ascribing adult connotations to a toddler who is afraid to be without their mommy.
  2. Cry it out. Next time you’re upset I hope your SO tells you to get over it and ignores you.
  3. OP: ignore these ppl. You have to go slowly. Put a toddler bed in your room. Let the baby sleep there. Then when he falls asleep on the sofa at naptime, move him to the big bed in his room. Eventually he’ll get the idea.

Just stick it out and be reassuring. That’s a big change for such a little person but she will get used to it. Maybe get her a special night time lovey to have. A stuffed animal or blanket. Mine never slept with me so so I can’t speak from experience. But my daughter was very clingy so we did this when she had to go to an unfamiliar place.

I would sit on the end of my sons bed so he felt safe to fall asleep. I did that for about a week or two. Now he is fine to go into his bed and fall asleep alone. It’s a gradual process of just getting them to feel safe. Also I was bad about getting mad that he wasn’t falling asleep. I realized the calmer I stay the more safe he feels.


You can’t just suddenly drop her in bed by herself and expect her to sleep by herself. Your making a change- especially during the terrible 2’s- from all she’s ever known and her security. Basically, she feels abandoned. Try sleeping in the bed with her for a weeks. And make it positive. Then sit next to her until she falls asleep- will probably have to do this multiple times a night until she adjusts. Basically, she needs to figure out that your still there and safe without being in bed with her.

My kids went from bassinet to the crib to a bed, not saying cosleeping is bad, I was just afraid I would hurt them because I moved alot.

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My son is 2 and he is allowed to lay with my boyfriend and I for five minutes every night. Then he knows to go In his own bed. And I always get up to tuck him in. He’s been sleeping in his own bed for the last week now and I cherish those 5 minutes of him next to me every day

Let her cry it out for a few nights. I let my oldest sleep with us too much, formed a bad habit. I had 3 kids after him not one slept with us. I see no reason at all for kids to be in bed with their parents every night except laziness…I did it, learned my lesson and never did it again.

Maybe have her sister lay down with her until she falls asleep good, then she can get up and play if nap time or go to her own bed or be placed in her own bed if bedtime.

I ended up making a pallet on the floor by my bed when my daughter was 5. I was pregnant with twins and didn’t have enough room in the full sized bed for her, me and my husband.

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Kids are afraid of the unknown. Even though she sees the bed, she’s unsure about sleeping in it. So let her fall asleep in her car seat. Then move the car seat to her bed once she’s asleep. After about a week you’ll be able to put her in bed without the carseat. You could also lay with her until she falls asleep if you’re uncomfortable with the carseat

She has slept with you for the first 2 1/2 years of her life and you wonder why she doesn’t want to sleep in her own bed??

Once you start it they expect it I had twins one slept between me and my husband because he would wake up crying my husband’s ideal I bucked against it then later my husband started complaining about getting kicked in the back later on my husband passed away i finally got him in his own bed by age 5

Make her a pallet beside your bed in the floor, she will go to her own bed in time, its not a big issue! Kids are kids.

I used to lay on the floor beside my son’s bed till he was asleep. It took a little time but worth it.

Comfort and guidance. She doesn’t sound ready to be independent yet.


My daughter is 34 and still sleeps with me and have the nerve and bring my grandchild with her lol

Pray with her.
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits thee here. Ever this night, be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule, to guide.

Then put an open bible next to her.

God bless


I have to grown kids now, but when they were at that age, one were sleep for a nap and the other didn’t. So when it was nap time I would buy them both on the couch or floor with blankets, and close the blinds and turn the tv on but would have the volume down, so low you could barely hear it! And I would lay with them. With in 10min. They were both a sleep. As for night time my husband would read them a book, then he put soft music on really low and rub their backs. With in 5 min. They were asleep. Sometime just a little noise can be comforting. As adults we sometime fall asleep with the tv on, or a fan or even musics. The noise can be comforting. Also, you can give her something of yours, to cuddle up to! I hope this helps. Consistency is key.

She needs her own bed. This is part of being a big girl. Tell her it is okay to cry or scream–growing up is sometimes hard to do. Privately keep a log of how long she howls/yells/grumbles–you should see the numbers go down as she is growing accustomed to this. It will take a while, I am afraid, because she, too, has kept a log, and sees that she will get her way if only she is loud and long.

Man up and tell her to get her butt to bed. This is where it all starts. You are the parent, show her who is the boss.

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My daughter is 6 and will still sometimes steel my husband’s side of the bed :rofl: they are only little for a little while

Try giving her something of yours so she can smell you on it maybe a shirt that tpu wear around the house that sometimes works

Try laying with her in her bed till she falls asleep… maybe a stuffed toy for her to sleep with or special blanket

My son is 3 we started cosleeping a few months back after some huge changes I’d say he was about 2 & 1/2 before that he was getting occasional naps or naps daily co sleeping some nights he sleeps with me all night some nights he sleeps in his bed some nights he falls asleep on my bed and I move him sometimes he starts out in his bed my biggest thing has been choices I ask him do u want to sleep in your bed or moms. Try the transition slowly or lay with her til she falls asleep she’s not used to sleeping alone if you have to start out with one nap a week in her bed. I have not always co slept but we have always room shared

You have this “problem” because of the co-sleeping up until March. So now you have to fix something she’s been used to since she’s been born. Of course she’s gonna scream/cry. This is where your will has to be stronger than hers. Make a routine with nap time. You have lunch, clean up, read a short book in her bedroom, get her “babies” (couple of stuffed animals) in the bed with her, tuck her in. Close your eyes, mommy will be back in five minutes to check on you. Now, she doesn’t HAVE to go to sleep, but she MUST stay in her room for whatever time you think, 90/120 minutes. If she doesn’t stay in her room, put a latch at the top of the door. Of course making sure her room is “safe”. You NEED to do this for YOUR sanity.

Carry her to her own bed once she’s asleep :sleeping:

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Buy a big doll and always be consistant
Right or wrong.

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When I was little my parents stuck together and had their feet in cement and said 5 minutes then go back to bed it like 1-2 minutes they said go back to your bed there was no compromising it’s get to bed I also had one child who would not sleep in his bed and he would sneak in our bed and was told go back to your bed and he did but kept sneaking in finally I told him your a big boy no more coming in here and he stopped

Not everything works for every child but maybe try to find out why and maybe lay down in his bed til he falls asleep

If she is younger then her sister, I’d bring her bedtime back an hour. After sticking with it for a week or two it gets easier. You’ll have some set backs sometimes, but that is okay. And you can let her fall asleep with you but transfer her to her bed. Also if she can deal without a nap (my 2 year old rarely takes naps) then I’d cut that out, that way she will be tired at bedtime. I know if my son takes a nap, it makes it so much harder to get him to go to bed at his bedtime which is 9PM.

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YOU taught her to sleep in YOUR bed, now its up to you to break that mold. I always tell new parents not to bring a child into their beds, unless of course feverish and ill just to monitor easier if NEEDED. Its a habit hard to break but can be done. At almost 3, she understands she is a “big girl”,old enough not to be in bed with you. Let her cry…in a few days she will realize crying won’t get her way and will give up. Give her promise of a reward to work toward as an incentive…new book, special park outing, new learning game/flash cards for big girls etc… This usually works well, but consistency is imperative ! Good luck

Get her a special something, that has to stay in her bed. She can only have it or play with it in bed… If she will get in her bed to play with it, she will get more accustomed to her bed. Had a friend who was trying to break her 3 year old from the pacifier… She could only suck on it in her room. Pacifier wasn’t allowed out of the room…Cutest thing… She would sit right in the doorway, with it in her mouth… Eventually, she didn’t bother with it any longer.

my oldest was almost 8 yrs old when I finally got her out of my bed. I regretted honestly not making her sleep in her own bed. I used white noise and it helped her fall asleep. I had to do the same with my youngest. she in the other hand was very sick child when she was 2 and still has health issues but she sleeps in her own room with a machine that plays different sounds

That’s a growing pain for sure,just read the comments alot of great advice.You will figure it out,and something else will pop up.Oh the days of childhood.One day it’s over.

Keep putting her back in bed. No matter how many times she gets up. No communication. Just put her back. Every time. She’ll cry but eventually she’ll stay put.

My son is almost 40 years of age and I had a radio in his bedroom when he was a little kid. So that way he always thought there was somebody else in there. It worked like a champ

I never coslept but switching from nursing my girls to sleep to rocking them to sleep then putting them on thier bed to sitting in thier room for hours while they fell asleep on thier bed to finally they’ll stay in bed with the light on in the hallway while they fall asleep by themselves!!! I quit nursing at 1 yr. they’re 5 now. It’s only been 3 months that I can say GoOdNiGhT and they go to bed. I have 6 kids and still sit out in the hallway and read for an hour or longer while they lay in bed every night. Good luck!! I had to slowly work my way out of thier room. For a while I even had to sit on a beanbag chair beside thier toddler beds and hold thier hands while they fell asleep! It can take a long time! I’ve heard it’s even harder breaking a cosleeper or long time nurser. We play music at night too.

Maybe put a nightlight in her room :thinking:

Maybe try a magical nightlight and a bed tent new teddies…make it welcoming

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Put a shirt you wore on her pillow case. So she can smell you and that will bring her some piece of mind.

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Never had that problem. Just never slept with my kids. First bassinet then crib then big bed. Your bed is for you and your husband.

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It’s okay to put them in their room and let them cry for a little while she’ll go to sleep

Was she climbing out of her crib?

My kids NEVER slept with me! DON’T let them sleep with you in the 1st place than you would not have that problem!!!

Try getting a co sleeping bed attachment thing. To help transition her out of your bed.

You cant give in , not once, no matter how long it takes.

Story time and a nightlight. Extra stimulus like a TV or movie keeps a child from a restful sleep.

31 months is older than 2

Why dont you want her with you? Try laying down with her to go to sleep. I sang to my kids and kids I babysat to put them to nap or sleep.

Change vocabulary. Time for quiet time. Can read a book. Will usually fall asleep.

Should never have started co sleeping in the first place! Very dangerous

how old is the sister?

Lye down with her in her bed. Maybe if she has good things associated with it, it won’t bother her so bad

Good luck, it’s a trip back and forth til she gets it in head that she is sleeping in her bed.

Put her back in her crib…she felt secure there…

Let her sleep in your bed and you go sleep in hers.

Let her cry for as long as necessary.She will adapt

Go on youtube and watch supernanny. She has a great method…

Just cry loudly back at her until she gets the point lol

Lay down with her until she falls asleep.

Our daughter slept on a cot beside our bed until she was 6. It made her feel secure. Once she started school, she was eager to have her own room, etc. Today, my daughter is a grown beautiful woman, successful, happy, kind. Enjoy them while they’re young. If your daughter want to sleep in your room, make it a wonderful time in her life. Don’t give her a hard time. You want your daughter to be miserable, and anxious ? Get her a small cot. Put a fun cover on it, and all her favorite stuffed animals. Believe me. It won’t last long,and you both will grow even more close. And your child will always remember how wonderful you were!!!

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Theres ur problem. She should have been in a crib, never co sleeping

That’s a hard one,l know how it feels, it took us a long time trying

I breastfed for 2 years 4 months and our girl co-slept with us the entire time. When it was time to move her into her own room I bought her a full size bed for 2 main reasons. 1 she could grow into it and we wouldn’t have to buy another frame hopefully ever. And 2 it was big enough for me to lay in there with her until she fell asleep at which time I could get up and go to my own bed. Gradually I was able to stop doing that.

Read one two three books.

Thank God I never co slept with my kids. I know it sounds cruel but she may just have to cry it out if nothing else is working.

You cant just chuck a 2 year old from cosleeping to a twin bed and expect perfection immediately, it takes time, it takes laying with them until they fall asleep, literally for months.

We use different words. It quite time, every one has to lay still and quite for an hour. Its rest period. Its time to take a break. Etc.
We start with potty time, changing clothes/ bath time. Then reading 2 books (in bed) they have a drink of water. I sit quietly for a few minutes and walk away. They may cry or whine but they are not hurt. It will get less and less. So its learning to follow directions, and rest as needed.
My little now asks to go to bed, when tired.

  • side note … get them outside after dinner to run and play. Kick a ball back and forth and get the energy out. Fresh air and movement helps to wind down.

Thats why co-sleeping is terrible for babies… If they never get used to sleeping with someone they don’t have to go through that emotional, unnecessary transition later.

Whenever one of my kids switched from the crib to a bed, I would lie down with them until they fell asleep. It was for about a week with each kid.