How can I get my daughter to sleep in her own bed?

That’s the downside of co sleeping, the only way to break the habit is to make her stay in her bed and cry it out until she realizes she has to stay in her own bed. I raised five children and they always had their own bed. They are all grown up .:smiley: Had them all together for Mothers day!:two_hearts:

Make bedtime a fun thing. Read her books and sing her a song or two in her big girl bed. That’s what I did with mine and we coslept longer than that

She is “pushing your buttons”. Stop allowing her to do that, and escort her to bed. try using other words that she does picks out. She is trying her best to stay your baby. Get her in a routine of reading in her bed and listening to a sound box, or a radio playing soft music, this could help. When my son was little he did not like sleeping a big bed. What I did was to take a few pool noodles and place them under the fitted sheet so my son could not roll off. Some time after he got used to them I used them to make a sleeping fort and he loved that, especially at night. Try things together and you will find something that makes both of your happy.

When my daughter was about 2 she always want to sleep with me n husband what we did was put her bed next to our and she would sleep there and hold her daddy’s hand would be fast a sleep, and as for nap time tell her it’s quit time to look at book, tv sound down low, let her know what ever she does quietly not to fall asleep! Always worked for my grandson

You must be consistent. Tell her this is where she is going to sleep from now on. Let her cry don’t give in. She will except it and stop crying in a few days be strong. Reassure her your right next door and sleeping with you is not an option anymore. Don’t back track then you have to start over again, always the big girl bed no matter what. Good luck.

Does she have a baby doll that she loves? We always told the little ones that the baby needs to sleep and nap too, so how about you go to your bed and see if the baby is tired - worked like a charm.

Works wonderfully!!!Weighted blanket to snuggle up. Soft music playing or rain sound machine might work.

I got my daughter to sleep in her own bed at 2 1/2 by getting her a tv … it worked and I was able to set a timer and the TV automatically turns off… that was 10 years ago
She doesn’t use the TV anymore

Be sure the sister isn’t mistreating her. Then read to her every night, both girls, . She’ll eventually stay in her own bed. Takes lots of patience sometimes but keep putting her in her room.

Wow dose she have a fun night light and also let her take all her toys she loves and you might have to lay down with her for a while but don’t let her go sleep with you or she will not want to use her own bed. If he hasn’t been sleeping with you don’t start it. just stand firm and she will get the point that this is her bed. I had five kids and this worked for me.

Make sure she’s potty and brushed her teeth comb her hair make it a fun time

Put her in her bed every night same time get pillow and blanket lay on floor next to her bed whenever is asleep sneak out

Let her pick her character for her bed then put her to sleep a couple nights put her over in the bed let her wake up in the morning over in her new bed and stop giving her other options

Read stories to her until she falls asleep. When she shows up at your bedroom, in the middle of the night, Cary her back to her :sleeping_bed: bed and reassure her of the place that is her own, is a happy place and a gift to her. Stay with her until she falls asleep. Pile lots of stuffed animals :teddy_bear: on her and tell her there is not enough room for you and you will go back to your very own special bed

You should have thought about this problem when you began sleeping together. You now have to do what we, as parents, have done before and that is make sure she stays in her bed. if you can’t handle this problem, good luck with potty training. You have to decide who is in control, you or your child. Good luck.

Start by insisting on naps in her own bed. Once she’s used to that move to nighttime sleeping alone. She will scream and protest you have to be strong by telling her she’s a big girl now. In a week or less she will learn her screaming is not working.

That is the problem,she should never been sleeping with you or any one. That is the worst mistake a parent can make because they have the problem that you are having. Good luck

My mistake was letting my oldest son sleep with me,he would throw a fit when I put him in his bed. Finally doctor said put him in his bed. Let him cry, check on him periodically, let him know he’s ok, it will become less and less of an ordeal. It did… Be persistent if they get up put them back in bed don’t say anything to them just put them back. It took about 7 days.

You are the parent. You are bigger than her. Stop letting her manipulate you. You are the boss. No questions. Stick to what you say and say what you mean. Don’t use trigger words like nap bedtime etc. be the parent

Watch a few episodes of super nanny. She shows many different techniques. Helped me when I finally got my daughter to sleep in her own bed. Now I live in a 2 bd. Apartment with 3 kids and she keeps asking when she will get her own room again as her and I share a bdled and my 2 boys share a room.

Put her favorite toy in the bed and tell her How lonely her toy is without her. Make up a story to make her want to go willingly.

Let her cry. Go in and lay down with her.(Set time limit) Read a story or sing lullabies. She will get use to it before you know it.

Maybe you could try laying with her in her bed. A friend of mine did all that as far as buying her new bed bedding all kinds of stuff and it still did not work

Super nanny would say read book, hugs kisses goodnight and every time she leaves room redirect without saying anything.

Make a special trip with her to buy stuff for her big girl bed, add a fun nightlight (maybe something with ceiling light and soothing sounds) make routine for bedtime…at first you can lay in bed with her if it helps(but most times you are so tired you’ll fall asleep with her.) Bedtime story, good nights kisses and see you in the morning. If she goes to your room, walk her back to her bed. If she says she had nightmares…tell her ohhh here let’s flip your pillow to the good dreams side. Good luck.

Maybe a special toy and only gets it if she sleeps in the bed…dont gIve in ! Unavailable the rest of time… make a special spot for it all DAY…ONLY CAN HAVE IT AT BEDTIME… MaYbe take to toy store and have her pick out special friend like a stuffed animal…

Put her in her bed. Give her a soft cuddly bear. Crying for an hour is not bad. She will get use to it. Good luck.

I can’t even get my standard poodle to sleep anywhere else. So Don’t look at me. It’s like sleeping with a small deer. :joy:

Go lay with her until she falls asleep a few nights or let her fall asleep where she is comfortable and then put her in her own room. Make a it a little habit when you walk by her room go in there and lay down even if it’s not nap time do it for a minute or 2 and get back up but make sure she is seeing you do it. Even sitting on her bed during the day or night reading a book or with her favorite toy will get her more motivated to get up there

I always laid down with them for a little while. We read, sang songs, then rested quietly. I got up after they fell asleep and after awhile, I’d get up while they were still asleep and said I’d be back “in a minute.”

Personally my daughtes both coslept with me and I loved it, I felt safer knowing they were right there. My youngest slept with me until she was 8 then told me she was too old to sleep with me and moved out.

Find a different term to use instead of bed. Most kid shows have something.

Put her in her bed and lay with her until she falls asleep when she falls asleep and wakes up in her bed hopefully she will adjust

If is only an hour you’re lucky. It will take less than a week if you put her in her bed and let her cry it out. When she realizes it does no good, that you’re not going to run to her rescue, she will stop and start sleeping in her bed.

Lay down with her, and eventually start just sitting in the room with her, until you can just read her a book and be able to leave. She slept with you her whole life. It’s probably scary to sleep by herself

Let her cry it out. Its tough but its something every parent has to experience eventually.

Laydown with her. Start a new bedtime routine bath, a story or two. And maybe music.

I didnot say nap. I would say, let us rest and I will read to you. Before long, the boys would be fast asleep. Some children just do not like there beds.

Should have been sleeping in her crib and bed from birth and then she wouldn’t have been used to sleeping with you. Never had my kids sleep with us.

Easing a toddler who has been cosleeping with you into their own bed will take time and patience. She has been use to mommy being there and her scent. A favorite stuffed animal and possibly something that you can put your scent on ie: shirt, blanket or whatever. Just make sure that you have put your scent on it well. Also think about investing in a night light that has different soothing sounds :
Just a few suggestions for you to look into. Introduce a calming scent into the room like lavender.

Keep putting her in it .you have made her co dependant on your bed. Little reward every morning she sleeps in it. I know it sounds like bribing but what ever works for both of you sleep wise. No punishments won’t work

My daughter used to tell her son to just lie down for a few minutes, you don’t have to sleep but just rest. He usually fell asleep.

I never slept with any of my three children. They each had their own bed/crib in their own room from the day they came home from the hospital. Never understand the excuse of a parent afraid they will not hear the child if it wakes up if in another room??? I could hear my kids from their room every time they turned over in their cribs from the other end of the house!!!

Don’t let her back in your bed. Mommie’s bed only. Try a sleeping bag on the floor next to the bed and gradually move the sleeping bag closer to the door over time. Good luck.

Good luck because my grandson gets up and kick stores bus things breaks things And the list goes on and on

i have many kids…make her! ignore the whining bc thats how she’ll continue getting her way…u give in. after a couple weeks that tough love will prove itself…

Biggest mistake you made was letting her sleep with you from the beginning. I’ve put my kids and grandkids in a crib from the beginning and this was never an issue. Since she’s use to cuddling with you, might have to lay with her for awhile till she falls asleep.

Aww now my daughter is 19 and I still miss her sleeping with me when she was little

Give her one of your pillows or a small blanket you use a lot. It’s going to be rough because she’s used to sleeping with you, but smelling your scent on pillow or blanket will help. She may still fuss but you’ve got a choice: either LET her fuss and tuff it out, or let her keep sleeping with you.

You are going to have to let her keep crying it out. She will stop eventually. I cosleeped with my first for about a year and a half, and eventually that is what I had to do. She threw temptantrums and cried every time we layed her down for about 2 or 3 weeks, but she eventually stopped doing this and slept on her own. She is 16 now and is Just fine.

Cosleeping is your first mistake. The child is almost 3 years old and now you have a bigger issue.
Second, stopping using words the child knows and start using “quiet time” or “relax time”. All sounds off in the home; TV, games, radio, etc.
Create a bed for this child. A quiet space of their own that they picked out, making this area exciting to relax in. Provide books, have the child lay down in this spot and I guarantee you, 90% of the time the child will knock out. If any noise, purchase a sound machine which will soothe the child and again, they’ll knock out. If need be, create the exact same space for you so child sees mommy is relaxing too in quiet time. Once knocked out, do as momma pleases :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve done this with my nieces and nephews but put them to bed, if they get up, put them back in bed and sit on the floor about 6 ft away, read a story or just sit there with the lights off (if they starting crying, head down and don’t acknowledge them) then as they fall asleep just move back slowly until they are passed out.

Sit in the room with the sit until falls asleep for a night or two. Make bed time in her room fun at some point maybe get some earplugs and let her cry.

I co slept with all 3 of my babies and when I was ready for them to be in their own beds I put them in their own beds. Grow a back bone and stick it out. It’ll only take a week or 2 let her cry and keep her in her big girl bed. It’s not hard to put your foot down and change the routine. You just really have to want to change it. Quit crying on facebook about it and do something about it.

I put my daughters bed next to ours. So it gives my daughter a comfort to know that she’s sleeping at least next to me, even if it’s not in the same bed. She does wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and climbs into bed(which I will typically let her since she did sleep for the most part in her own bed). Except my daughter is 1 so it’s much easier to transition. But if you would rather give it a try in her own room, maybe let her fall asleep on your bed, wait until she’s OUT and then carry her to her bed. If she sleeps through the night, then it should be easier to do, but always leave her and your door open (if not already) so if she does wake up, allow her to come to you into your bed.

Of course, everybody has their own way of doing this, however if you’re talking opinions and advice, mine would be, let her still sleep in your bed. Not all the time. Just until she starts really sleeping by herself in her bed. Keep doing the, letting her sleep, carry her to her bed, ordeal. It may seem like a lot of hassle, but eventually, she’ll understand and start staying in her bed and start going to her bed immediately for bedtime instead of crying because she doesn’t want to.

No, don’t let her scream. You created this and it’s not her fault. Here’s what I did. Don’t know if anyone else said this. My daughter was 4 years. I started by laying down with her until she went to sleep. Then I sat next to her on the bed, then I sat at the foot of the bed, then on the floor by the bed, then gradually moved closer to the door until I was out the door and never had anymore problems. I did each phase for a few nights. If she wakes up in the night, just go in and do whatever you started that night with. It took some time and patience but it was worth it. Would love to know what worked for you.

The trouble started when you let her sleep in bed with you instead of putting her in her own before she went to sleep a year-and-a-half ago

I dsughter has never co slept and sleeps in her own bed. It’s a big girl bed and she isn’t quite two. So what we do to keep her from getting up is right at first was would do her bedtime routine, always telling her how many steps until sleeping time. Then when it’s sleeping time we turned off the light at sat on the floor with out backs to her until she fell asleep. And every night we moved farther and farther away.

Children have phases where they are frightened. Keep re assuring them. Read about sleep and child development issues.

Reward her for sleeping in the big girl bed . Not with candy.
But with a special trip or a toy that if she stays there for 2 weeks.

I never called it a nap, quiet time worked for me.

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Watch super nanny she has a very good technique on getting her to sleep in her own bed.

Try having her sister lay with her til she falls asleep!? Have her read to toddler til she’s asleep.

Will she sleep in/on your bed if you’re not laying with her?

Does she have a big teddy bear or doll she can snuggle with or a body pillow? You might try laying down with her until she falls asleep or reading her a story or putting music on.

Maybe let her sleep in bed with her sister sometimes. Get a double bed for them if you need to and save the twin beds for when she is older.

I put a movie on for my son at night in his room, and i stayed with him until he fell asleep he got use to it after awhile.

You gotta be tough; but also be nice. No bribes, no negotiations. Reinforce that you are in charge of her bedtime, nap time. Cheerful denial.

Do you have a lock on YOUR door. Put her to bed lock your door eventually she’ll realize she can’t get in your room and go back to her room. You may even find her outside your room sleeping.

Should never have started cosleeping. You have to learn how to bribe her with something she loves.

My son slept with me untill 5 …he would not sleep untill he put he 2 feet on my stomach…he would cry if take his feet off.
My husband and separated when he was 20 months…and the child phy.said he is scared I would leave him like his dad.did…
Plz bear with her…

She’ll grow out of it once she understands that changes happen oh, you’ll be all right

I used to lay down with my son when to took his nap until he fell asleep.

Perhaps stop saying nap time, have story time, take a book get on her bed with her and read a story, get her use to being on that bed, after a few days, tell her she has story time on her bed, give her some books with her on the bed and leave the room, just stand firm, don’t insist that she sleep just have rest time on her bed for how ever long her nap would be, at times she will sleep, as mentioned get a night light,put her in her big girl bed at night, yes you may have to put her back in the bed several times, yes she may cry, stand your ground, once you give in and allow her back in your bed you’ve lost, you may have to start her bed time an hour earlier than what it is now, when she gets out of the bed don’t get in a discussion with her, just gently put her back to bed and leave the room, it will take time and patience, you have an over two year old habit to break, perhaps a star or sticker chart will help, each time she sleeps in her bed she can pick out the sticker to put on the chart, get a plan and stick with it, going to be work, good luck

You should have started that on day 1.

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Never thought of co-sleeping. Preferred sleeping with my husband

3 years sleeping in your bed is the cause. Now you have to teach her to sleep alone. Put her in her bed and close the door.

Let her sleep in your bed…when she falls asleep…put her in her own bed. It’s not her with the problem. You created the problem by allowing her to sleep with you in the first place.

1st mistake is letting kids sleep in bed with parents they make cribs and cradles bad bad

From my personal opinion as I’m a mother of 6 raise them to sleep with me and dad for just one year. After that was put on their own personal cribe in my bedroom. When 2 years got him a bed :sleeping_bed: fixed His bedroom with everything a cult think of …
The first night I stay with him till he fall into sleep :zzz::sleeping:. He sleep :zzz: all night but at 7am we did that till he was 2 and half years old by the time he reached his 3 years old. He was already sleeping :sleeping: on his own with out our help… the same a continue with the rest of my kids. But was like lest time and year because of the Nex child we had almost 1and half years later… they was sleeping together as the second turn One year old… after that we had no problems getting to put them together to share their bedroom. Girls sleep together as well as the boys difreent rooms.

Stick to your ground
Tough on you, but will work
I had one too

I cant imagine anything more unromantic than a 13 yr old sharing our bed. Thats disgusting.

That’s why my kids had a different room from day 1. That’s what monitors are for.

Never had the problem but Dr Phil says every time they come to your bed take their hand and lead them back to their bed

I do not want to sound like an old ogre or hard ass but let me ask this question. Who is the boss…you or your daughter?

That’s why I never let my child sleep in bed with us, except maybe for the occasional nap. But bedtime, she slept in her own bed. Co-sleeping is not only dangerous, but stupid. Dangerous because you could have easily rolled over on top of her and suffocated her or injured her in your sleep. Stupid because now you have to deal with her not wanting to sleep apart from you. I think in this instance, you’re going to have a fight to get her to sleep in her own bed. You’re going to have to do some tough love. Good luck, and may the odds ever be in your favor.

Bottom line…who is in charge???

never let my kids sleep with us , so didnt have a problem , wishing you all the best.

Read Maureen Gehring suggestion. It is hard, but you need to be the strong adult.
I will add, she may try to get out of her room or bed, just return her with one word, bed time. Put her in bed, no good notes or interactions. She repeats the getting out of bed, now no talking no eye contact, just put her back in bed.
It may be a war of the wills but you will prevail.

Try googling the nanny bedtime routines

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Id just let her cry it out. She’ll cry herself to sleep. Sounds harsh, I know.

Play calming music. My granddaughter liked Jewel’s lullabies and Lady A (Antebellum). :notes:

Perhaps play her favorite music and read her a bedtime story first.

It’s normal keep a routine she will get use to it and pay no attention to the screaming

Never ever put a child in your bed.

Give her her own bed read books to her until she is asleep Pray with her

Read her to sleep after running and jumping to wear her out in the bed with you lying next to her

Lay in his or her bed with them read a story until fall asleep :rofl:

Routine. Take her in. Lay her down tuck her in read a story. Then leave she will scream and you will take her back tuck her in and leave. She will come out and scream. You will take her back, tuck her in and leave. She will eventually give but it will be taxing. My daughter went through this too.

Lay down with her until she goes to sleep and then get up. She will get used to going to her own bed

wont sleep with mom forever

Keep it up eventually she will know that’s where she sleeps now.