Sometimes I lay with my daughter until she falls asleep or sit on the floor beside her bed. Or I let her choose a book to look at while she is in bed and she eventually passes out. I have also given her melatonin which works great lol
My baby has been sleeping in his own crib and room since he was 3 months old… I will never let him sleep with my husband and I because I don’t want this problem. Lol
My son is 8 and sleeps with us bc he cries and sleepwalks in his sleep. If you figure it out- lemme know
I used to lay down with my oldest daughter on her bed until she went to sleep after a while she just started going to sleep
My daughter had this issue with youngest grandson she tv TV on play his favorite DVD he would fall asleep and she put a night light in his room
First step…do not let babies or children SLEEP IN YOUR BED, even for a nap, tough love is hard.
Take her with you to pick out her own bed sheets and bedspread. Make a big deal out of it. Let her help you “make the bed.” She might even want a certain picture to hang over her bed. Make it her bed in her part of the room.
It’s hard my daughter is 60 months lol yes 5 years old and she doesn’t want to sleep in her room in her bed, so what we did is put a futon in our room for her and made it up cute like for her so she sleeps right next to us but in her own bed.
My girls are 2 years apart and have always shared a bed and a room. I had mine sleeping in her room as a baby… I wish I could help
Don’t make her take a nap - shell take one when she needs it - as far as the winning - give her something to whine about
This is about you now…lol…you have to not give in…she knows when you’ll be back and she’ll get what she wants…she will go to sleep eventually. Every night. Bed time is bedtime!
My youngest co slept with us til she turned 5. We let her pick out her own bed sheets etc. for her big girl bed and she has refused to co sleep again. Let them sleep with you til they are ready to sleep on their own cause one day they are going to decide they don’t want to sleep with you.
Every one that is telling you to let her cry it out.they are right.its gonna take a few days so be prepared and if you have close neighbors please tell them whats going on because its the right thing to do.Otherwise you are gonna have the cops at your house.their crying isn’t hurting them but DONT CAVE.their crying will make it feel like hrs.but reality is just minutes.Sit by the bedroom door,everytime she tries to leave the room ,place her back in bed(,No talking)you might have to repeat this several times but trust me it works.she will get tired and go to sleep.You will feel like a monster mom but shake it off cause you get to do it all over again the next night.Go have that much deserved (glass)NOT THE WHOLE BOTTLE.of 1 is done.after what you just went through you’re done.
Why did you stop? She still needs you
Most young feel vulnerable without their adults at night in the dark.
You can be “irritated” all you want, but it’s YOUR responsibly to make her feel safe.
Bedtime should not be a battle but something enjoyable and anticipated. Try a gradual bedtime routine starting about an hour before you want her to sleep; bath, read aloud, quiet talking time. Then silently snuggle in the dark until she is asleep. Leave once she is sound asleep. Gradually over a few months start to leave when she is drowsy.
As for naps, again don’t make it a battle. It defeats the purpose. What you really want is time to yourself, right? Allow her to bring a stack of picture books with her and allow her quiet reading time. 9 times out of 10 she’ll konk out for awhile.
Start with some calming sounds or music then read her a story. Show her her sister and how the space is safe etc… Get her comfortable being in the space. Then decorate her side in all the things she loves (favorite show character etc) a nightlight etc… give her incentives positive feedback for being in that bed even if she only takes a nap for 1/2 hrs make her feel good about it. Whatever you do don’t give in to the crying. If she gets up won’t stay in bed tell her she is a big girl and let’s go into our bed use a soothing voice, place her back… keep doing it no matter how many times it will wear her down bc she will realize you won’t budge. If she screams or cry’s don’t respond and that will eventually stop too, she is looking for a reaction… children don’t care about the reaction from parents positive or not bc it’s all attention… just keep firm and eventually she will give in.
One of my daughters used to fight naps and sleep. She would fight it until it was bedtime.
According to our counsellor at the time,you put her in bed at naptime and keep her there, even if that means you keep her there til morning. And a few times, we did. Check n her from time to time, remind her what she’s supposed to be doing. Great ve her a drink f water, check her diaper/pull up, of course. But don’t give in.
Your first mistake was starting her out with a sleep companion, now she is upset that she has to sleep “ALONE”, gonna that some work to get her use to sleeping alone, might get a big teddy bear to keep he company during her retraining…
Is sister older or younger? I myself have 2girls. My oldest coslept until she was 3yo and we moved and didn’t have as big of a bedroom so Dad and I had to downsize our bed… I didn’t force her onto her bed but I did put a baby gate in her door way to force her to stay in her room. Her sister was around 8 or 9mo att. . . My oldest started climbing into the crib and sleeping with baby sister instead of toddler bed. When baby sister was around 21months we moved into a house trailer that 2nd bedroom was too small for 2beds and since the oldest was still crawling into the crib several times a week we just took the crib to storage and let the girls share a twin bed. They were 3&6 my mom bought them bunk beds and my oldest finally started sleeping in her own(top) bed.
Have you checked there’s no scary shadows when the lights are out
Shell get past this stage
My kiddos slept in my bed until they choose not to.
Son was around 3-4
No crying no tantrums,they just ask to sleep in their bed.
House of tiny tearaways on YouTube has lots of great advice
Put her to sleep with you. Put her in her bed after she is asleep. Maybe she will see it’s ok waking up in her own bed.
Lay down with her. Read a story. She’ll fall asleep and will in a short time understand it’s not scary.
The idea of family members sleeping in separate rooms is colonialist. People weren’t meant to do this. Put her bed in your room.
Your not alone all kids go through this at some point
Don’t co sleep because this is the result
Do nap time in a different place so she knows bed time is her bed
Just let her cry… she needs to learn to self sooth
I know but I still want to be with my Momma
Good luck, you should not have ever started that!
Best way is never let them sleep in your bed.
Close the door and let her cry, eventually she will stop
This is a serious issue. Not quite 3 is still young. But if you need to do this on yours or someone else’s time table. Start with laying in that bed with her. To go from co sleeping in one room to sleeping all alone in another is a big step. Tou can’t just tear her away from you instantly.
Good luck my son won he was 10 when he finally would sleep in his bed!! I chose sleep over a stressed out kid!! Many different beds tents nothing took 2 minutes in my bed he was sleeping you have to pick your battles
Should never have let her sleep in your bed to begin with.
Make her bed the story time bed…if she sleeps in it…she gets a book read to her…if not…put in some ear plugs and let her cry…
Just stick with it, that’s really the only way.
Would have to know why?
Man this group has gotten straight up bogus. What’s with all the dumb relationship/parenting advice going on here? Do literally none of them have people in their lives, Google or an ounce of common sense? How the fuck did they survive this long in the world? Like this dumb broad, “HoW DO I GeT MY chILd to BeD?” (States the child has a sibling, but can’t figure this current kid situation out?!!) C’Mon already! If child rearing is so hard, but you have time to read 300 Facebook comments, maybe that’s your problem!
Have you tried a bed guard ? i put one on my daughters bed when she was little toddler.
Ok I saw a couple responses just bashing co-sleeping how it’s “selfish” and it’s not healthy. Ok first, it is. It reduces the chances of SIDS having the baby in the room. Co-sleeping doesn’t always mean bed sharing. Separate things. I’m on my 3rd. All of my kids co-slept in the bassinet next to my bed. They also bed shared at different points and I didn’t have an issue at all putting them in their own space. SO now that’s done…
Routine. Don’t say the words nap or bedtime. Try “let’s go rest” or something instead and start a solid routine with an expected outcome. First do the routine and let her sleep where ever is normal. Pick a day that week, just 1 where she will stay in her room. Do the routine as normal. The set the foundation. I’m going to snuggle you for 10 minutes and then it’s time to lay down. Explain it’s only 1 night and she can do it. If she gets up out her back without saying anything at all. Increase the amount of days from there.
Mine are all amazing sleepers so I didn’t need a long process. They were in their rooms by 6m old when risk of sids was low and just checked on them. But gradually is how I teach anything else. Kids, dog training. Takes patience and slow going. My oldest is 13. Just take it a bit at a time and you’ll do fine.
Mo McNee some ideas for you x
Good Luck with this, I wish you the best…
Bedtime story in her room, night light, a piece of apple and lie with her till she’s asleep. I agree transition her. In years to come you will wonder what all the fuss was about. Enjoy her snuggles as long as you can.
Ok, both my girls slept with me for two years. Then I transitioned them over time to sleep on their own. First I promoted getting their own bed with a birthday. Then I promised them that I would not abandoned them, by reading their bedtime story in their bed, and laid with them till they fell asleep. Often when I went to bed I would find them curled up in my bed. So I let them stay. This happened until they reached three. Then I started taking them back to their bed if they had migrated during the night. After awhile, they just stopped migrating.
Thats the problem with co sleeping unless you intend to keep it up.
First you teach her that she can sleep with you and suddenly she has to sleep alone at only 2 years old. Did you get a boyfriend who sleeps with you now?
And this two year old now just has to accept that she is out and he is in? Just let her cry is the advice in the comment above. Wow. Very conciderate. She is only 2. Probably no bigger than 1 meter. Arent you the though girl to lock her in a dark room alone when she is used to company. Only 2.
Slowly make the change. Lay by her in her bed until she sleeps. Comfort her when she wakes up and is scared of being alone. She will learn. Slowly without traumatizing her.
Wow 2 years… Be the parent and teach her kindly.
Sounds like some people are just being judgemental and bullies. People like that are the reasonthat some people are scared to ask for advice. My advice that’s unrelated to the bedtime issue is to ignore rude answers and even delete them. No need to read all the negativity and make it harder on yourself.
I’m currently also in the process of switching my daughter from cosleeping. She’s 2 as well. It’s not easy because it’s what they are used to and what they are comfortable with it. Everyone has their own way of doing things and you’ll get a lot of different advice. Find what works best for you and your baby. Just remember to be patient. You are her safe place. The bed and room is new and unfamiliar and can be scary at 2 years old. I am taking the process slow because I’m honestly just not in a big hurry, just getting our feet in the door. I lay with my daughter in her room sometimes until she falls asleep to soothe her or hug her when she needs. To reassure her that her room is safe. If I leave I’ll come back to tell her I’m still here. And if she is extra difficult that night I’ll let her fall asleep next to me in my bed and I’ll carry her to bed. Sometimes I’ll fall asleep too or I’ll let her back into bed if it’s too close to morning. It’s probably the slowest way to make it happen, but I’m not in a rush so we are going at our own pace. There are a ton of other methods that may work for you and your daughter and what you guys are comfortable with. I wouldn’t shut off the lights and just leave her in the dark though. Give her a nightlight, maybe some background noise, and check on her often if you want to do the cry it out method that was suggested.
I hope you find something that works for you guys. You aren’t wrong for wanting your daughter to learn that she has her own bed. Good luck!
Lye down with her and read books until she falls asleep… and just tell stories and sing soft lullabies stroke her hair caressing her little face gently
Let her sleep with you until she’s ready. Don’t worry–she’ll eventually want to sleep in her own bed. Her college roommate has nothing to fear! Just enjoy these last months of snuggles and listening to her breathe. It’s all good.
Maybe take her shopping for new stuff for her big girl bed, bedding, pillows, night light, maybe even buy her a dream catcher or a big stuffed animal that she feels well help keep her safe? I never co slept with my son. Always afraid something bad would happen but his bassinet and crib was on the room until he was about 7 months. Then he got his own room.
Make it a routine, with no exceptions. It’s bathtime, booktime, bedtime. Dont give in, dont deviate. If you keep giving into the crying and screaming, she knows this, and will keep doing it. Once she sees that it’s not gonna work anymore, she will stop. It’s ok, most kids try this, it’s normal and it wont kill her lol. Besides, booktime is fun, snuggle time if you make it that way. Make it enjoyable and she will look forward to it. Stand your ground, dont let a 2 year old dictate anything. She will be ok, I promise. Good luck!
People say not to do it. But honestly it’s the only thing that worked for me. I put a tv in her room and played her favourite movie (Aladdin) she watches it until she falls asleep with no issues.
I would tell little children,Its story time,after they had their bath! I made them comfortable in their bed,and began to read or tell stories in a slow droning voice and it wouldn’t be long before they would fall asleep!
I agree. Kids should go from bassinet to crib in own room then big girl bed in own room never have a problem
I used to continue to put them in their own bed. If they came in through the night I put them in their bed again with a very firm goodnight. Good luck
That’s why co sleeping is a bad habit to get into…once you’re in, it’s a hard habit to break…having 4 children never slept in my bed…always rocked them to sleep and put them in their own space…it’s going to take time and patience to break this but you will…be stronger than the will…good luck
A new doll or stuffed animal. Let her pick it out. Explain to her it’s just for sleeping with in her own big girl bed.
Don’t give in. Wait her out. It’ll take a few nights of you losing sleep, but WAIT. Don’t give in. She’ll get bored.
I read to my child every night and sat in a chair until she went to sleep. No talking allowed after the reading was done.
I never started the co-sleeping. My mom advised me to let them begin by sleeping in their own bed. At nap time, as they got older, I would read a book to them and lie beside them till they fell to sleep, which was maybe 3 minutes, tops, then sneak out of the bed, for the rest of the nap. They never cried at night, always had a set bedtime, and that worked for all 5 of mine.
It’s hard to break an old habit. She has been co sleeping with you since she was a baby . It’s all she knows . So the thought of change and being with out you is scary to her. Try putting her bed in your room first to break the transition into stages . First her bed in your room. Then do a “ sleep over “ or two with the kids in their shared room with mom . Make if fun like a sled over party. After a few sleep overs with mom in the kids room then try just the girls . Once she comfortable sleeping in the room it will likely seem less scary . It’s going to take time to transition her out of your room .
Speak to someone who understand sleep patterns in children and get them to help create a new routine that enable the child to feel safe and secure. If you let her cry it out, close the door and walk away you are creating fear and that seems to make matters worse. Good luck but, a sleep educator maybe able to help.
My daughter stopped taking a nap at 18 months. Put some books or dolls in her bed with her and tell her to play quietly. My daughter has a clock that a green light turns on… I think it’s called “Okay to Wake” clock… when it’s green, my granddaughter knows quiet time or rest time is over.
For my daughter I sat next to the bed and held her hand. We started off sitting together reading a couple books and then I would scoot to the floor “to give her more room”. She would hold my hand till she fell asleep. Every month or few weeks, depending on her, I would then go to the next step. Sit but not hold her hand, sit in the room, then sit for awhile and before she fell asleep I would “go potty”, sometimes she’s fall asleep sometimes not. It was a process. Your daughter is used to your presence she has to learn how to separate.
Lay next to her & read books or pray then talk to her about being a big girl til she falls asleep… we did it for our boys… never regret it… then also did it years later & theyd tell us things that bothered them through the day… its a win, win!!
This old fashioned mama now great grandma, never approved of cosleeping! We usually read to them, lay down with them a few minutes, leave night light on, a door open, a toy to sleep with etc. I’d say don’t start a habit if you don’t want it to continue. Ours always knew their bed was where they slept not our bed! If it stormed or bad dreams they came In our bedroom until it was over. Then back to own bed.
If she doesn’t have a bed rail you should try one. Or pool noodles taped to the mattress under the bed. Maybe she doesn’t feel the security of a closed crib or someone beside her. Let her fall asleep with you then move her to her bed. Eventually start laying with her in her room until she falls asleep. It will become a habit for her eventually.
Cosleep for 2 years and you want her magically sleep in her own bed without struggles.
Girl, it’s gonna take much longer than 2 months for her to get used to it. I know it’s annoying but all she knew was your bed for first 2 years of her life. Be patient. Be consistent. Did you ever do gentle transition? I’m guessing not. I wouldn’t start now bc it’ll set y’all backwards big time. Just push forward, be patient. Read a book to her in bed before bedtime (don’t let her pick one bc she’ll pick the longest story lol)
If you have a monitor show it to her that you can see her. Nightlight is always a must.
When my daughter was 3 & we were on vacation, she slept in a full size bed by herself. When we got home, she told us she didn’t want to sleep on her twin bed anymore & wanted to sleep in our bed. Wanting to nip this problem, we refused to allow it. Each time she came into our room wanting to climb in our bed, we would take her back to her room. Crying fits continued but we did not give in. She would sit on the floor & scream most of the night. This went on for 3 nights. The 4th night, she began sleeping in her own bed without a problem. Problem solved.
Lately my two boys have been super excited for bed. We have a routine. We eat dinner, they go potty, they brush their teeth, and they go upstairs to their room. The night light on and I read them one book. And the door is left cracked open. You could try co sleeping but co sleeping wasn’t always comfortable with me. Sometimes letting them scream it out was never ending. But they learned quickly. She will grow out of it.
Maybe it’s the sleeping sounds of you and her father/partner that help her stay asleep or even fall asleep. Maybe a white noise machine or something of that nature may help.
Sometimes it’s in a name. We called their bed their nest. They helped choose the fuzzy little blanket and stuffed animals in their nest. It also was a smaller space than their entire twin bed- it was round and the size of their body.
They didn’t just go to their nest to sleep. It was a coping strategy for being sad or upset. A place to read a book or regroup and never a punishment.
My two year old grandson is invited to hear the three pigs story at nap time. When the story ends I put on “nap” music and he goes to sleep. The whole process takes ten minutes.
It’s all about the routine. Power struggle always makes any task take longer.
When I was pregnant with my second child, the transition to the toddler bed was difficult for my 2 year old daughter. Her daddy or I would lay down with her until she fell asleep. She would often wake in the middle of the night and crawl in bed with us. Once my pregnancy was further along, we transitioned her to a pallet on the closet floor at the end of our bed. When we moved into the house we were building, we told her there was no closet so she had no choice but to sleep in her bed! Good luck!
I have 4 kids. My oldest daughter 13yrs old she still sleep in bed with me time to time. My two sons 10 and 7yrs old still sleep with me or their dad and my youngest 4 still sleep with me. I’m taking the avantage being with kids. They r all growing up but my kids and I still enjoy the love with mommy and daddy love. Enjoy while you can because when they are off on their own you won’t able to have that anymore…
My 4 children are now all grown and only one had a problem sleeping in their own bed as the girls shared a big canopy bed since she kept climbing out of the crib and in with her sister… I introduced her slowly to sIeeping in her own bed. To start she slept one night in her own bed, then we slowly worked up to another night until she was sleeping in her own bed every night. A lamp left on to start as well. Then down to a little nitelight. The first 2 alone nights were a little rough but then it just improved until she was comfortable. She also kept her favorite blankie with her. Be consistent. Good luck
As a mother 4 adult children, I would give anything to have this problem. Getting them to call me is much worse. Eat it up she will be pushing you away soon enough.
This a little different situation. We adopted our daughter from Russia when she was 7. She was used to sleeping in a room with 11 other kids so she didn’t want to sleep in her room alone.
We laid down with her until she fell asleep. After a few months she announced
“ I sleep by myself “
When there was a thunderstorm she would still come in our room but she would put her sleeping bag on the floor and sleep there.
What my dear daughter did to her ever loving baby bro,
She put all his fave toys on his bed
When he saw it, he played with his fave toys until he fell asleep
Since then he sleep alone on his own bed on a separate bedroom.
Marie Villa Estrella
Have patience! She’s ONLY TWO!
Soon she’ll be ready, if you stop forcing it on her. It takes time to detach from you.
She will get the message. Keep putting her back. Get a good chair, a good book, just sit there and put her back in bed. She will understand that you are there! Will take time and patience. It is in HER best interest. Not yours.
Sleep is the most important thing. I wouldn’t make her cry. You want her to feel like she can always count on you, big or small. If your mom was crying you’d comfort her, if your friend…I never understood why children are told to just cry. Let her sleep wherever, when she is ready she will pick her bed. It takes patience beyond measure but it will happen. If your bed is getting to crowded, let her have a camp mat on your floor right by the bed. Truly just get sleep, it really is important. We raised four, trust me when I say - they move on in time.
Never start the cosleeping. Mine slept in their beds from day one. I never had a problem.
It’s hard, whatever you choose to do, just know that other Mamas have been there before and you’re not alone. Try laying down with her, reading, and establishing a routine, it will take awhile. I did that with my bonus girls.
I have heard great sucess with color clocks, so maybe if she is an early riser, that she can come into bed and cuddle with you but not before it reaches a certain color. That way she still is spending some time in your bed as was her routine, but you’re creating a new one with her sleeping in hers at night. Try a nightlight/sound machine and let her know about the monitor so she doesn’t feel scared or alone as well. My toddler loves her stuffed animal and sound machine. Good luck Mama! Consistency is so hard but worth it!
It would be good if you could watch Supernanny Jo Frost. She helps a lot of parents and children deal with this.
To get my daughter back in her own bed I did the “big girl” thing. It is hee big girl bed and she was excited to be a big girl and be independent in that way. Then I would also treat her to one sleepover a week if she managed to sleep in her bed for that week. We would watch a movie and have popcorn. She loved it and we still do the sleepovers and she is 5 now.
Co sleep in her bed so she sees it’s a safe place. Eventually she wont need you there
It is going to take quite a few screaming night now that she is so old. Be persistent. Every time she comes into your bed take her to hers. Soothe her for a short period of time them tell her good night. Walk out. If crying happens let her cry When she gets up again repeat
I let my son fall asleep in my bed and then carry him to his bed. Eventually he just started going to his bed when it was bed tine
My oldest would get in bed with us in middle of nite. One nite hubby was reading and she came into room, walked to my side of bed, said mama, I sat up, she crawled in between us and went back to sleep.
After that night, I would make her go back to her bed and sleep. Only took about a week.
It’s hard if you let them sleep with you to get them to change. I don’t know what you should do. My daughters first child slept with them for years . 2 years later when the second child was born I put her in her crib the fist night. She happily slept alone with no problems.
Take a look at Jo Frost’s method. It takes several nights, but the child will soon feel empowered. Our job as parents is to prepare our children to be independent and productive members of society.
When I read a piece like this I am often aware that it is the mother speaking. Makes me wonder what part the father takes is this scenario.
My 3 year old co slept until he turned 21/2 he got a big boy bed and we lay with him till he falls asleep then he sleeps till about 3/5am and wakes up yelling for me and I go sleep with him until we get up for the day.
My 4mo is in her crib. I loved co sleeping but I can’t do it with 2 kids
Well I’ve read all the comments all pretty good suggestions I’ve got one take a box and put a bunch of like toys and stuff candy whatever she likes in it and then tell her if you sleep without crying and being a big girl in your own bed you get to pick out one toy or whatever she wants but that’s only if she doesn’t cry and she sleeps all night in her own bed this may take almost a week each night a little bit longer and a little bit longer but after that she should sleep in her own bed I do know that this is why I say kids shouldn’t sleep with their parents my kids never slept with me I always made sure I had a rocking chair in their room and their own bed whether it be a crib whether it be bassinet or whatever but it sounds like that’s a little bit late so try the box with her toys and whatever she wants doesn’t have to be big doesn’t have to be expensive
We just got our 2.5 year old son sleeping alone in his big boy bed and he loves it now. He also shares a room with big sister and has a twin bed. We started by putting him in his bed earlier than sister and one of us lays in sisters bed while he lays in his. We stay in there without making a sound like we are going to sleep too. He falls right to sleep in his own bed and we leave the room. Helps to always make sure they have a bedtime routine. A bath with nighttime soap right before is how we get him in the mood for sleep. Good Luck!
My daughter slept with us till she was 6. It just wasn’t worth the fight. She’s now 30.
I made my son cry it out guess I m mean had to put baby gate up to keep him in his room he try ed to fall asleep in doorway but I put him in his bed. This took about 3 nights but he got used to it pretty fast once he realized he was not going to manipulate the situation. I also never rocked him fully asleep so he learned to sooth himself. He grew up just fine and is a normal adult now. Yes he had a no b.s. mom but he never felt unloved
Lay down with her in her own bed and then leave. Let her cry it out for a little even. Maybe some melatonin has well🤣
Super nanny use to just say put them in the bed and leave one story only and for every time they get up put them back
When my daughter learned to read I told her she could sit in my bed 30 min while we both read our books then had to go to her bed. It worked and she still reads before sleep