Leave his dishes and tell him u not doing his if make mess tell him your on strike marriage now in days not always 50 50 but he has to work with u your not super women and doing house work and motherhood is harder he wants to try for week let him see what u do
He is not going to change. Yes, you are overreacting.
Well let’s see if he wants you to make supper or something tell him he doesn’t help around the house at all tell him to make it himself
And then there are men who do 90% of everything for those females who think they are entitled. Why?
Oh honey, I have Felt this same intense bitterness that turned to an outright rage.
I did the same things you did.
I know I’m going to get a lot of hate over this but idc….it works…
Finally after so many years of marriage, I realized how to get my husband to help me.
No kidding- I rewarded him.
With sexual favors.
That one time he put dishes away, I told him thank you and then said “you shall be rewarded” with a wink and nod.
Give a little sumpin that night, and now it is almost hilarious.
He sends me pics of him cleaning the bathtub, shirtless at that, ya know, so he can get credit and claim his reward! Hahaha
It’s sounds horrible, but it works like a charm. You’d be surprised at what he is capable of doing when you speak his sex language.
It’s become a fun little game we play.
I’m not nearly as tired and actually have the energy to give such favors bc he helps.
Just Try it…
You may be surprised.
Sorry guys, I’m an old schooler and I’m perfectly happy with my “ship” I take care of everything, raised 2 kids now on to 2 grands, work 32-40+ hours a week ( my schedule works for my grands) I take care of cooking, cleaning, laundry, cut the grass, take care of my flower beds the only thing I DON’T do is dealing with the swimming pool. I just enjoy it! I do the finances as well and we wouldn’t have it any other way, yep he’s spoiled but so am i
Hire a housekeeper. You’ll both be happy.
My husband is a disabled Vet. Served 2 wars. He helps with laundry, dishes, floors i.e sweeping or vacuuming. Helps makes the bed.
My husband said yours needs to shut up and count his blessing. He gets rewarded by your hard work. Hot meals, clean house, clean laundry, help with bills. He would do well to sweep his attitude out the door. Those kids are his too. . Love a Good Mans Opinion. Celebrated 18 yr anniversarry yesterday. Know each other 31. Together for more than 20.
Do not do his laundry. If he wants clean clothes then he can do laundry.
Hire someone for help. Cleaning person every week or every other week. Best money I ever spent.
If he gives you a job description then he must give you a pay check.You are not his maid you are his wife.
Hell no!!! You need to go on strike for a week!!!
How about helping with his own kids
Have him trade places with you for a week. I promise you. He be begging within the hour
Oh this makes my blood boil! Girl…straighten your crown! You DESERVE an equal partner… not a person who delegates what’s “his job” and what’s “your job” when its a home you both live in!
You deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, equality… you deserve a break.
And queen, you don’t need permission! Don’t do his laundry, don’t do his dishes, don’t cook his meal. See how fast his tune changes!
How old are your kids! Same goes for older ones. Mines 5 so I have to take care of him but he’s already learning to do laundry, dust, sweep and is expected to pick up after himself because ill be damned if he’s going to be an entitled PRICK in the home he shares with his partner.
Don’t do his laundry, maybe he will see light then.
No jobs is house is not gender specific!!
So u do the outside work n let him do the inside work, maybe that helps …
I’d stop doing that mofo’s dishes and laundry immediately. If he lives in the house then he can help.
Take out and a house cleaning service
It’s time to man his own boat!
Be thankful you still have your husband!!! My husband of 31 years passed away feb 3 ,2021.
He could help
Some. Let him do his own laundry for awhile see how he likes it
Ask him for specific help a week before…
Start by telling him he can do his own laundry.
Let him cook his own meals and do his own laundry for awhile.
Hire someone to help out
Lady if you would get out of bed earlier you could more work done
Stop helping with outside work.
Family meeting and chore chart…for him and kids!
Yes, he should help you some at least!
All chores should lovingly be done 50-50…
Put it in Hand talk to God about it and take a brake for your self and your and rest that’s all you can do
Stop doing his laundry and cooking for him and cleaning up after him your not his maid!!!
Not at all overreacting
Tell him to go live with his mom!!
It’s all about 50/50 !
Divorce him .he sounds like ma ex. Av never looked bk
Call in a maid to help on his end and MAKE HIM PAY FOR IT
Dnt do his laundry either n give him paper plates to eat of off
Stop washing his laundry and don’t make him dinner. Tell him your job is done for the day. . Also… pick an evening and leave him to do dinner and school stuff go get yourself dinner… or hell…get a burger and just go sit in your car and Play with your phone… that’s actually quite therapeutic.
Hire a maid and tell him he is paying for her or him.
It appears he is working one job and you are working three.
Tell him you are going to have to quit one of them or you will split the third one in half. If he still balks, tell him you are hiring a cook, a housecleaner, a laundress, a babysitter, and a chauffer and the bills for all of them will go directly to him. If he still opps for a " traditional" wife, close your daycare.
1st stop helping outside . 2. Feed the kids before he comes home & not make dinner while you make yourself too busy to stop to make him something ( he’s a grown man that can feed himself), do this each day & when he complains tell him you don’t have that time anymore unless he’s willing to help you out while you cook something
Hire someone to help, once there’s money involved he will help.
Hire a maid and present him with the bill
Sounds like he thinks you are the housekeeper not a wife
Classic Question! Wish you luck!
No your not over reacting at all
No. Both husband and wife should do house chorrs
Buy him a BBQ for his birthday with a cook book. Don’t even look at it!
Sorry if I sound antagonistic, but I lost my husband of 25 years last October. I would give anything to have him around now, to do nothing if he chose. Please, think about it. You don’t want to regret anything. Cherish him.
Speaking from experience, most women do themselves a disservice by starting off in a marriage when they’re young doing all the inside stuff because that’s what we saw our moms do. And then they end up being the maid and the cook and the chauffeur and all the other stuff that needs to be done outside of the yard work. And some of us even do the yard work as well. And then when we finally get older and totally exhausted mentally and physically and probably emotionally, we try to suggest that something different happens and it’s like suggesting things to a five-year-old. It’s not going to happen. If it was going to happen it would already be happening because the man would have enough Integrity to realize he should be helping on all levels. I won’t go any deeper than that but that’s my humble opinion.
I love the suggestions of you stopping foing everything for him. Maybe make a chart detailing your day. It sounds like yall need a vacation, even for a weekend child free
Here is how it worked for me I was a stay at home home for many years and I did everything around the house even cut the grass. After youngest was in high school I went to work but he did some of the cooking. When he retired and I still worked he did it all, so it evened out in the end and neither of us ever felt put resentful.
He is being very disrespectful, inconsiderate and thoughtless, but why would he help when he gets everything done for him…perhaps you should just do less, says mum of 3 in same situation who gave OH 3 chances to change and left. She is much happier now
Another thought, he works 8 hours----you should too. Start your day at 8, quit at 5, what ever doesn’t get done, oh well…
Time to go in strike.
He needs an attitude a justment.
No you are not asking to much.
Stop doing his laundry and cleaning up after him. Don’t buy his food or clothes
It depends on what he dose at work might have a real hard job that makes him real tired
No… he needs to help out more!
There are 2 couples. The first couple is the ones that struggle together. The second couple are the ones who are a power team! The power team is the ones who usually survive. They have it within themselves to help each other. I’m not saying you cant make it if your a struggiling couple I am saying it becomes a challenge. Those that work together come on top of it all. Good luck
No your not overreacting
He needs to Help
No ! Not at all !!!
Hire someone as a mother’s helper.
He is not a partner. You live in that house together. pretty sure his outside duties in no way equal your day to day jobs, that must be done, and can’t be put off until the weekend! he’s selfish and is using you.
Your husband a stiff
NO! He needs to help you! WTF!
Treat him the way you want to be treated. Take the weekend and make sandwiches. Eventually he’ll learn.
Not at all, slowly stop doing his laundry, then wait til he’s hungry and asked what for dinner?…. Say oh I forgot, what should we make or order!
I found the best way was to cut back on what I expected from myself. Do less, and give yourself a break. My house is still clean, laundry done, etc…and since I am taking time for myself I do not feel so exhausted. Men do not change very well, but you can change what you require from yourself!!
Quit running a day care. I Love children but I was a pre-K teacher and have 3 boys of my own. It can be exhausting . The way to do this is lower your home expenses . Get an outside job where you work maybe 6 hrs a day. Crockpot meals. Light cleaning each day etc… so your not exhausted. All I can say is let’s not forget there was and still is in some homes where men fully support the family. Please don’t say well it’s different today. It’s really about living within your means without being exhausted.
Your “job” includes all the laundry and the dishes. I dislike people with attitudes like this. He needs to pull his finger out to help wash the dishes he’s eaten off or the clothes he’s worn! He’s a douche bag. You’re not a maid!
Don’t cook or clean his mess…don’t wash his clothes …don’t sleep with him
…if he wants to act like a single man then treat him like one…or send him back to his mummy as you are not his mother …when he grows up and realises he’s married then maybe you’ll think about being his wife…if nothing changes then get rid before you wear yourself out
Do your dishes from daycare… And when he gets home from work, take the keys turn to him and say, “I’ve done my turn for 7 days in a row, your turn to parent, I need tine for ME.” AND leave for a few hours.
He’s not really understanding that he may be physically present but he’s being an absentee parent… And if you can’t bring yourself to leave the actual house go like yourself in a bathroom and stay in the tub for at LEAST 2 hours.
Can’t imagine a gentle, loving husband…not wishing to ease his wife’s stress. Doesn’t matter whether he works longer or harder. Guess this is the result of the “Women’s Liberation” movement. You wanted equality with the men…so now…chivalry is no longer in vogue. Looks like you married a selfish, arrogant…mean fella…No, you are NOT overreacting…but, you should.
No. I had a husband that did nothing in or around the house, would not care for the kids. Nothing.
Welp if the lazy husband doesn’t want to help you out around the house then this is what you do, you hire someone to help you out around the house and tell him it’s his job to pay the person that’s helping you around the house since he don’t want to get off his lazy butt and help🤷♀️
Well this is easy, stop doing his laundry,dishes and cook only for you and the children. When he leaves a mess don’t clean it up, lets see how long he can last. You got a lazy man on your hands and the only way to fix that is don’t include his stuff in your chores. He gets to leave the household behind for 8 hours while you look after everything…show him exactly what you do for him by not doing it.
Leave him for 2 weeks with the children. He’ll eventually run out of clean underwear. He’ll have to sink or swim… maybe make it 3 weeks. You’re not overreacting. You’re husband is being an asshole
It’s his house too. It’s not a question of help, it’s a question of his responsibility. Hire molly maid with some of your daycare money. Write off on your tax return. Order delivered food one night a week out of your day care money. Sleep in and rest every other weekend. That’s his weekend to do the family nurturing. Just do it. A grown woman does not require “his” permission. Just quietly do it. That might prompt a conversation about partnership and a division of chores. Keep weeknight meals very simple and fast and to one pot or one skillet. Stir fry etc. Make one night a week, his night of kid supervision, baths, stories, whatever. Watch tv, read, rest. Just announce it quietly and stick to it, regardless of what happens. Also make an appt for marriage counseling and go. When his antiquated attitude costs a buck or two, he might get willing to talk it out, and accept responsibility.
Smack him upside the head and knock some sense into him…OR, quit your daycare job and tell him you are not superwoman and that’s the end of it!!!
They should help , it is his home to , he helped make those kids and you shouldn’t feel like a servant . Sadly in the real world men still think women the home and kids are to be chored only to her . A real man who had a Momma who taught knows it is his responsibility to help .
Trade chores. Mow the lawn once a week…have a beer, take out the trash once a day. Let him do your house chores. I bet his tune will change real quick.
Stop washing his clothes and tell him you will serve him dinner as soon as he washes his dishes from last night so you will have something to serve it on!
- quit helping him outside. 2) stop breaking your back to do everything. Let some things slide…and cut your work hours.
I’d encourage you to stop doing his laundry and dishes.
You could inform him by saying something like: When I’ve asked you for help inside the house, you tell me it’s my mess, so I have to clean it. So, effective today, I’m only going to clean the messes I’ve made.
Then do it. Don’t do his dishes, laundry, and, for Heaven’s sake, STOP HELPING HIM OUTSIDE.
Dr. Phil once said the average American woman who has a job and does all the housework is doing the equivalent of two and a half full time jobs.
No you are not over reacting. Your bring pottied on. I tried to help an idiot too. You forgot the yard work that needs to get done. I asked if I could hire a teen to help me. He said definitely Not. Guess what Im gone for many years now. Do it all yourself now. See how he likes that?
Over reacting absolutely not too bad you had 3 kids with this guy it’s gonna be hard for you to run
Does he TAKE any time off on the weekends?
Ask him when you get time off? Trying to negotiate to a dinner off or afternoon off
Leave him!! Simple as that… if you’re going to do it by yourself you might as well be by yourself
You earn money get house help a couple of times a week
Hadlee Golden read these comments .
No, you are not overreacting and yes he’s a jerk and no it’s not likely he’ll ever help you. I have one.
If you run a day care center hire a helper. The Day Care racket brings in plenty of dough.
Good luck changing that.
Omg…your husband is a selfish prick
No your not over reacting