Get rid of him you and your children are better than that.some people are just selfish and mean.
He shouldn’t need to be told to do what he is supposed to do. You need to leave him. I’m thinking that if you do leave him that he won’t take care of the kids financially unless you get him for child support. You should have been more cautious about who you married. He has shown you his true colors. Apparently he thinks that gambling & cigarettes are more important than providing for his Family. He sounds like a moocher.
Hard no for me! Been married 22 years, and everything is done together…(house-kids) this clearly isn’t a new thing….
Why in the world did you marry him? This is not a marriage…this is you getting walked all over! Exactly what does this grown man child bring to your table? If nothing…then you have answered your own question!
Ill be damned if I have a grown man in my house sitting on his butt not paying the bills or helping to provide for his children. Not going to happen. You better get a job & work.
Leave. Or marriage counseling.
Maybe Financial Peace University through Dave Ramsey.
Get rid of him. You’re already doing it all on your own.
You can kick his butt out and hit him with an order for child support. Or leave him and take the kids and everything else and hit him with the support and every single bill you were paying.
Either that reality hits him and gets with it or you realize he’s definitely not worth your time and you divorce him and get child support anyways. you cannot make someone be apart of a family and do their part or whatever you want to call it. He’s skirting his responsibility for his own addictions. Either he kicks it in gear and realizes what’s at risk or you leave him
Hell to the no! You don’t need him! Tell him so and say goodbye!
He is probably thinking what an easy ride he has everybody else does everything and takes care of everything for him
Give him the bills that has his name on it. Dont pay his bills.
Girl think of the extra lil bit of money you’d have by having one less person adding to your utilities
Clearly you do not need him financially if you are paying everything alone. Kick his ass out!!
Basic human decency should have already kicked in. If you’re with someone you want to help out naturally. Never heard of a man under a roof with kids and his woman with two incomes and he doesn’t wanna pitch in. Maybe he has some sort of addictions or debt you’re unaware of. In any event it’s clear that you and your kids are second and he is first. I would consider counseling or a firm ultimatum if you love this person. No one is worth throwing out over a mistake however when it becomes a habit then it’s intentional and unacceptable saying i hear you but i dont care is pure disrespect. Good luck.
You enabled the behavior to begin with. He’s not going to change obviously. Divorce him and make him pay support. He will learn that way. You got one life why are you wasting it on a loser???
Lock him out don’t let him eat don’t let him shower
File for a divorce. At least he’d have court ordered child support.
Hes gambling it all away? You probably have bigger issues with him than you’re willing to admit Do yourself a giant favor and make moves towards unloading this headache before you are on the hook for it also
That’s financial abuse.
Serve him with divorce papers…he will either sign them or he will step up!
He has a gambling addiction he don’t care about anything else it sounds like he’s working to take care of his Habbit run!!if he wanted to help he would
That’s a roommate. I’d cut that off quick. Only provide for you and your kids. If you buy him anything, stop. He has the money.
Split all the bills or tell him he needs to leave. Let him choose. Your already doing it yourself
You might ant to find out where his money is going. Gambling, drugs, drinking or girl friend. Just get out.
You csnt control him… dump him
If you’re doing it alone you might as well be alone
tally up all bills and grocery amount then tell him simply pay half or just leave as you need to do your share as well.
That time…was a long time ago…time to escort him out if he doesnt contribute
Quit paying the bills. Straight up. Your kids will be fine for a couple days, be prepared,but once he realizes he’s s lazy sob who doesn’t help his wife then maybe he will help.
Divorce him and get child support
Time to dump that chump.
Erm how did you get to this point? Like yesterday he paid his half and today nothing?
No real man would refuse to provide for their family before all else. I’m sorry you weren’t taught that as a child.
I don’t think you can “make” him realize anything. You either have to put up with it or leave. You already know you can do it on your own.
Wow! I couldn’t imagine living like that. Sorry
WHAT? Ummmm…no. Just no. Girl WTF is right…
Stop paying for everything & only buy for you and your kids
You don’t need to make him realize anything you need to pack his shit and kick him out! I am not understanding why you don’t see that. He is useless and obviously doesn’t care about you or the children. He will NEVER change no matter what you say.
Kick him out & file for divorce. Even if he does not help, it is one less mouth to feed.
Convince him by leaving him and going after child support. You’re doing everything anyways. Sounds like you’re feeding deadweight too
How did this even happen? You don’t have a joint account for expenses? You need to sit down and decide who is paying what or make a joint account and have each of your portion for bills go directly into that which is only used for bills.
Leave. Just go. Get child support n best believe he will be made to help then
Oh my gosh what you mean realize he needs to pitch in he doesn’t help your family? You need to divorce him now and tell him to leave… wow
Kick him out. You shouldn’t have to ask him he should be man enough to be paying those bills. You don’t need our opinions to tell u to get rid of him. Do it alone you already are. And he don’t have any respect for you if you have to beg him or even ask
Sounds like you need to take out a fat insurance policy on him, with that lifestyle!
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Nope. Leave. You can do it on your own without the stress of dealing with him and his childish behavior. You’re supposed to be a team, which means both pay bills etc. I’d get him to pitch in by leaving, divorcing and enforcing child support
Either he pays half the bills or child support! Considering he hasn’t in the past don’t count on him doing it now ! Get yourself a good attorney !
I would have a serious talk with him n if he still chooses not to support his family. I’d give him the ultimatum. Maybe that will encourage him. That’s awful especially being the man of the house. Don’t let that slide girl.
If he doesn’t buy any groceries, he shouldn’t eat any groceries. If he doesn’t pay a water bill, he doesn’t get to use any water, etc., etc,
Girl if you are doing it alone, Do it ALONE.
You can’t help him realize anything…he is willfully doing it. If you feel like you’re already doing it all alone, that’s your cue to get out and move on.
My question is why has he been getting away with it? Why has it gotten to that point? Did he ever help or has it always just been you paying the bills?
He’s using you…take his ass to court and get child support going and divorce him
This doesn’t sound like a marriage, you would be better off making him move out then hitting him for child support. Your bills would go down and he would be forced to help provide for the kids.
Take your kids and throw him out then go after child support.
What a piece of sh*t!!! I bet he doesnt lift a finger around the house either…i bet he doesnt even know his kids teachers name…flick the loser away
Have him confront to buy food and any bills unpaid and said that your running out of budget. some men arw giving up their money whenever we ask…sometimes we must ask even its hard to imagine that you live in the same roof.
Nope. U shouldn’t have to “convince” him to care about his family. I’d be gone.
Sounds like you can do better on your own……know your worth!! A real man will provide for his children without asking.
Leave his ass and then he can pay child support and alimony.
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And—- what if it was the other way around??? The wife doesn’t help pay anything but makes good money??
Leave him and make him pay child support. Then he’ll get it. It should be a partnership. He’s not your other kid.
Yea file so you can get money.
He would come home and everything will be off! I wouldn’t pay nothing. I’m sorry but I would have been left him
I always say if I’m going to struggle I rather struggle alone than having someone as a burden. He needs to go!
My husband isn’t the father of my 4 kids. He pays all of our bills except the water and gas. I pay my car note, insurance, gas and water. He pays for everything my kids need/ want. He doesn’t respect you if he isn’t trying to help you with HIS FAMILY! that is so disrespectful of him! I say just leave!
Get a divorce lol is this a joke?
You have a grown kids……you can do good alone and don’t need any baggage
Either he can help out financially now or he can be forced to pay child support when you divorce him. Explain it that way.
Wtf does he do with his money?? He’s living for free basically and spends it like a teenager
No husband here hunty that’s a Manchild. You’re a free hazel as my mother would say. Stop being a sugar momma and do what you already know. You need to do it’s so sad how many of you will settle for breath in britches. Just to say you have legs in your bed. He treats you this way because you allow it.
You leave him then he’ll either realize or he won’t. Either way you know you got this. In the meantime, change the wifi password and all other passwords to devices he uses that you pay for. When he’s by himself; remove the batteries to the thermostat, and put a chain and lock on the fridge
So you’re a married single mother
I don’t get some of these women on here.
This is a joke right?
Don’t feed him ,don’t do his laundry and don’t clean up after him.feed you and your kids and don’t pay 1 bill .then move out!
He’s only showing you that you can do it on your own so prove it to him and leave .
You should get divorced. It’s not going to change.
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I don’t know dear. What do you think you should do??
Sorry to say this but if he doesn’t receive help you know the old saying (a leopard never louses his spots)
Ask him if he’d rather pay child support
First get your name off everything 2.clean out any join accounts 3. Leave his ass immediately!
By getting a divorce and putting his ass on child support. Duh
Leave him. It’ll be cheaper without him. Apply for child support.
and you are writing for advise? Run and don’t look back it will only get worse
Tell him you need so much money which is his portion of the bills. If he refuses ,don’t cook do his clothes. Tell him maybe you need to separate til he gets his cra*together. State right to him he needs to pay his share and support his family.
Instead of waiting for him to pitch in, you need to pitch HIM out!
You cant. I am sure you have voiced your concerns over and over. Save yourself a lot of heartache and kick him out
That ain’t no husband. You just raising another kid. Send his butt back to his mammy!
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Divorce and apply for child support
Shoot at this point I’d ask for alimony along with child support. You definitely don’t need a spouse that sees it as just his money. Just lime in divorce everything is 50/50 because the thought is while married the Financials are 50/50 and it’s obviously not. Definitely look into divorce.
Trust me. Such men will not change, easily. Either we put up with their dirty attitude or we give up…whichever suits us.
Dry nanny energy. What is the purpose of having a husband if this is what you get? Throw him away.
It looks like you two are just roommates and he lives there for free
I would sit him down and give him some bills to pay so it’s even. And if he’s not willing to do that then you might need to have a different talk with him.
I would get rid of him. He’s obviously not the right person to raise a family with.
Make him pay the rent in full by his damn self. If he fails you and the kids don’t need his a$$. He isn’t no man!!!
Divorce him and force child support. If you have to do it all yourself then do it by yourself
Get out. Take him to court. He’s using you