A divorce lawyer would make him see the light!
Why do you have separate money?
Holy hell…I think you may be better off without him…and get child support!
Divorce…alimony and child support
How disgustingly selfish of him
You need another husband
It’d be better for you to leave with the kids and raise them on your own. It’s obvious he doesn’t care about you or your kids. Start lawyering up!
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Not to bash you at all but you’ve already enabled his shitty behavior by taking everything on like the kids are yours alone, I would tell him ONE TIME to start helping or he’s out! You keep letting this go and you just got yourself another kid!
You leave. And put him on child support for all the times he didn’t put anything towards your children. Save it for their college fund or something.
Divorce and child support
My ex was that way. My money was his money and his money was his money. Constantly over drafted My accounts, maxed out my cards, I couldn’t save a dime to save My life. Horrendous pathological liar and narcissist.
When I finally left, I was actually able to save money and take care of My kids and myself easily.
You need to get away from him. He’s a tumor, a leech, a drain on you and your future.
He knows. He’s just financially abusing you and won’t help unless you absolutely force him to. He’d rather just not do it so he can spend ‘his’ money on garbage. He doesn’t care and you can do better.
What I make and what my husband makes its OUR income. Not mine not his its ours and if your husband can’t realize he’s married and nothing is his anymore than get rid of him take half and we’ll see than just how much he’ll be paying finally for his Share
At this point? Child support. Evict him. He’s not a functioning member of the family. Sounds more like a flat mate that doesn’t pay his portion of rent. You can’t change him. He’s got to want to and he doesn’t. You can carry on while teaching ur children how to have a toxic family relationships or wise up and do what you need to for ur family
Let the electric and water get shut off and go stay in a motel w/o him or telling him where you went and if he wants it back on he will get them back on lol also pack yalls shit and file for divorce seeing as it seems you are already single in every way except legally .
How absolutely selfish. I’d divorce him tbh.
Omg, your really asking how to reason with a grown ass man to contribute towards a family?! As long as you continue to do, it will not stop. He’s grown, there’s nothing to reason or convince of here. It’s either he does or he gets the F out. clearly if you can handle the expenses, why should he contribute at all? Your enabling the entire situation here…
An ultimatum. Either split everything with me 50/50 or I’m leaving. A divorce lawyer will insure he pays what he needs to.
That’s not a husband.
I don’t understand how anyone allows this. Lol. My sister is the same way. I wouldn’t allow it. Make him. It’s financial abuse. Don’t put up with it.
That’s not right it’s downright criminal
Leave his selfish azz
Easy. Leave or kick him out he will get the point fast. Not a husband if he is not sharing all the responsibility with you.
By getting a divorce
Sounds like you have an extra adult kid not a husband. I would tell him that exactly.
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You leave him. He knows how he’s treating you and he isn’t going to magically stop acting this way because you ask him to. It’d be less stressful for you not to have him around if you’re the one covering everything anyways
Divorce and child support should do the trick
I realize different couples have different financial arrangements in their marriage, but this is wrong.
When I was growing up, men provided for their families, mom’s generally stayed at home taking care of the home & children. Some mother’s were starting to work … but to make extra money, not to be a primary source of the household income.
Over the years, things have changed quite a bit … single parents that never get married & don’t stay with the same partners, divorced or widowed single parents that are trying to make it on one income … women making more sometimes than their male partners, or stay at home dads with wives that make quite a bit of money … things are all changing in our social structure.
Sometimes couples keep separate financial accounts, sometimes everything goes into one acct. But if both are working, both should contribute to pay for the household expenses, and the expenses of the children.
It should be that if you are in a marriage, you are in a partnership. One might make more money than the other, but it shouldn’t matter who makes what. The goal should be to WANT a better life together, and therefore each partner should WANT to contribute everything towards the betterment of the future of their family. Everyone makes sacrifices so that the family can have a nice place to live, food to eat, utilities paid, clothes to wear, medical and dental bills paid, etc. A kid wants to be in band or play sports, or get into oil painting or whatever, etc … you tighten the budget and make it happen. You and your spouse want to go out on a date to celebrate an anniversary … you tighten the budget and make it happen.
I know this is “old school” logic, but anything else just doesn’t make sense to me. A marriage is suppose to be two people wanting one life together, and working toward having a happy & financially secure future … together. Each couple figures out what works best for their own situations, but you, my dear, are not in a good situation. If he puts drinking and partying and spending all of his earned income on himself ahead of providing for his family, then you need to decide if this is the marriage you want. Since you’re doing it all on your own, you might as well BE on your own. I don’t know what the divorce laws are in your state, so check with an attorney … in some states, whoever petitions for divorce automatically has to pay alimony & child support. It’s messed up. But it’s not like that in other states. In some cases, you might not get spousal support, but you might get child support. It might be the only way you’ll get him to contribute any funds toward the family household expenses. If you’re awarded child support, the courts will make sure he pays it.
Honestly, my heart goes out to you, because you deserve someone who will love you & respect you & want to do everything he can to give you the life you deserve. You deserve someone who makes you happy and wants to enjoy growing old with you.
Good luck, whatever you decide to do.
I’m not 100% sure if this is true in every state, it is in mine, but you can file child support on your spouse without being separated. That would force him to help financially.
Or, as you said, you’re doing it on your own, so you might as well be on your own. File for divorce and child support, and focus on you and your kids! Tell him to kick rocks!
By kicking his rump out
Divorce him, but see a lawyer first - make sure he has to pay CHILD SUPPORT for all the children. He should be able to pay at least 1/3 or 1/2 of his salary. After all, he has been spending all his money on himself - so should have some money in savings - if not - too bad.
Why are you still married to him???
You married a gigolo
Leave him. What a pos
kick him out then he has to pay for his own stuff
Stop paying his car stuff & phones. Stop buying/making enough food for him. Stop anything that is not directly required for your kids. Use that savings to file divorce. You & your children deserve better.
Ummm tell him he either starts helping with HALF the bills or he can go bye bye and you will put his ass on child support so he will be forced to pay you.
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Yup. Kick his fkn ass out ASAP
What kind of marriage, father is that? Wow! You let him get away with that shit? No way sweetie you file for support get some legal advocates on your side.
So leave his butt and use that extra money for yourself.
it’s very sad that he is not pulling his own weight, he should absolutely pay his half!
Tell him he can pay half WITH you or he can pay all WITHOUT you plus pay you child support.
Why are you carrying that dead weight around?
Get him out of your life and let him pay child support. It will be based on his income. Dead beat dads they are called
Hell no , split down tbe middle at least .
You are not his Mother! You don’t owe him anything, and you don’t need to support a grown ass man. Give him the ultimatum, or evict his ass you’re better off being alone then with someone so selfish lol bye
Hes active in his addictions, you can’t convince him of anything
Lord, can you say GET OUT!!! If you are already doing it by yourself then move out or tell him too.
You don’t have a husband. You have another child. My EX husband did that BS! We both worked. I paid ALL the bills or they didn’t get paid. Yet he never had any $ and would ask me for $. Just ONE of the many reasons he is my EX husband. KNOW YOUR WORTH!
That’s not a husband. Ur better off divorcing at this point.
If you divorce him you can get his money by force, child support and alimony, stop telling him and put a plan into action, he can give willingly or a court can make him, his choice
Put him on child support. If he gets upset and decides to leave you then he did you a favor. Win win for you either way.
He should be but refuses? Yeah, he’s gotta go.
You can’t do anything to “make him realize” he is selfish obviously so you need to do it on your own and seek child support.
Drop the dead weight
Why are you with him?
Get a divorce.
Ask for child support.
Ask for regular contributions to a college fund for each child and for 50% off college tuition, books and fees not covered by the college fund.
Ask for 50% of all medical and dental expenses.
Ask for 50% of all extracurricular expenses such as sports, music lessons, and other activities.
Set up a visitation schedule and stick to it. Document each pick-up and drop-off and any changes made by either of you.
Take him to court if he doesn’t pay court ordered child support or other agreed upon expenses.
Good Luck.
You will be better off without this sad excuse of a man.
I wish you well.
Leave and make him pay child support and
Make him your ex because your already doing it by yourself and why do you need a dead beat dad who won’t help
Flat tell him you need to pay this or buy this period or give u cash to get or pay it
So why are you still with him??? For what?
You can do it on your own. No need to stay with a juvenile that can’t figure out that he has responsibilities. As long as you continue do it all he will not change. Time to figure out just how important you are to him.
You can’t make him do anything. If he loved and respected you then you wouldn’t even have to ask. If he isn’t participating fully in the care of the family then he shouldn’t have a family. What exactly does he do to make you want to stay ?
Leave him and go get u child support and tell the judge u left cause of all the reasons u just told us. That’s not a real man that’s a child. The judge will make him pay. That’s not love I’m sorry.Its ok to buy that stuff but the kids should always come 1st.He should be giving u a few hundred out of each pay check.Sounds like a user.
Ummm girl what r u smoking? Big F to the no. That’s not a marriage:flushed:
D-I-V-O-R-C-E!!! You don’t need that type of man in your life. Send him back to his mamas for some home training
Leave him and do it now
Lose the bum
You’re doing it on your own now so make it official.
Call child support, put a claim in on the day you pack his bags and leave outside the door with CHANGED locks so he can’t get in.
Have someone with you so he won’t let u weasel his way back in.
Make himy pay his child support by authority if he won’t do it voluntarily
If you pay his insurance for his vehicles…stop now, pay his phone bill stop paying now anything that he uses that you pay for quit letting him have access to. Cut him off everything and then leave him. Go ask for child support and everything else possible.
Well if your doing it all by urself u mise well be by urself. Leave him.
I would explain to him that you can do this on your own and he isnt needed. That if he continues to not prioritize his family and his home then he can find another home. Honestly either his priorities are really screwed up or he has an addiction problem (between the gambling and maybe the drinking as well). As long as you let this behavior continue, he too will continue the behavior. Why wouldnt he? He doesnt have any consequences
If ur doing on ur own anyway it be cheaper for u with him not there plus u would get child support so think its time for u to move on
He’d be my ex husband right quick. If he isn’t going to help in the home then stop giving him a home to not help in.
That just sounds so weird to me now.
I was like that and it was…"normal "
My wonderful man says it’s "our money " so if I want something(normally a randomly thift store buy) I can have it and he’ll buy it. I got him and he’s got Me. We’re just bf and gf
Husband and wife should be that and then some
Leave and get get yourself A REAL MAN
I’d quit paying the bills & let the yellow shut off notices come through & leave them for him. At which point he’ll likely pay them. If he doesn’t pay so you don’t have an outstanding balance & leave him.
You need to tell him that if he wants to continue to have a place to eat, get his laundry done and sleep, he is going to have to pay his fair share. If he doesn’t think he should or has to, he needs to go.
Pack his bags and put at curb. He’s no good for you with him or without
Stop doing for him and leave he will realize what he had
Find a safe place before you leave.
Get out
You can take care of yourself and your kids
Find another place and move in
Don’t tell him anything
You will be better for it
This happens to many fanilys
Pitch in? You’re kidding! How long have you supported him? Geez, wake up girl, he’s using you as the total breadwinner while he’s having a wonderful time !! One word ( divorce) should rattle him bc he’d lose big time!!
Stop cooking and doing his laundry. Don’t let him have access to the food in the house you make at all. Tell him he has so much money to spare and he needs to figure out his own food, if he gets mad tell him if it’s not their money and your not allowed to use his he can’t leech off of yours!
Divorce the selfish bastard
Leave. Sounds like you’re a single mom anyway so why do you need a dead-beat?
It is called financial abuse… Get all the info you can on his finances, stocks, savings retirement plans, checking accounts… everything… file for divorce and take 1/2 and get a big child support payment too. Go for sole custody with him having basic visitation. ( 1 day a week and every other weekend) He will fight for 50/50 so he won’t have to pay child support…Get copies of tax records too…Don’t tell him what you are doing as it will give him a heads up and time to move it/change accts, whatever…Get all you documents together, all accounts… open up a private account and stash what you can in there. Document everything!!
Leave, that’s not a husband or a father.
My husband and I put our money together. It’s not his or my money it’s ours. Sounds like you need to get rid of the little boy and find yourself a good MAN !!
Divorce and take your cut legally I guess. I’m sorry
Girl you may as well be a single mom.
If his name is on the bills
Then stop paying them…when you get the over due bill put it on the table
If he says you need to pay it say…NO…im not paying all the bills anymore i refuse …
You have enabled him so far so him changing is not going to be an easy task if at all…but teaching him a hard life lesson is what you have to do …
But having the bills in his name will give him the bad credit not you…
Also you need your own account that you pay everything with that he cant use
This is not a normal marriage we have a joint account where both of our paychecks go into and we pay the bills etc out of it …i also have a savings account only in my name which is used for trips but what is his is mine abd vice versa…that is how a relationship should be
Your hubby is a controlling pos…who is self centered and selfish…
he only thinks of himself…doesnt even care if the kids are in need because he knows that you will spend every last penny of yours to help them
He is using you big time so he can use his money for the joys in life
I would sit down and have a god dam good discussion about things changing …
if he refuses then change tactics and if that doesnt work he can leave or you and kids leave because im sure you arent hapoy
He isnt a good father or a good husband…
He is financially abusive
When i say change tactics what i meant us…
Really want to teach him …stop doing his laundry hide the laundry soap…also dont buy any food he usually eats…also dont buy him anything like deodorant any personal needs for him …just say sorry not enough money …
Start doing this and see how fast things change
Sounds like another woman…but…you are paying for everything. Sounds like you can live w/o him.
You accepted that behavior now it’s time for you to put him on notice. I don’t understand how women can accept some bs they don’t like marry the guy and then act like it should change over night. He’s been a selfish price your whole relationship and you chose to look past it. Stop blaming him because you made a bad choice.
Sorry but that’s not a man?? Any man that refuses to provide for his family is useless in my opinion. Why are you still dealing with him?
I’d be like buh bye
As long as you keep enableing him and paying everything he will keep using you .so you need to stop doing that and he needs to move out and start paying child support !
You shouldn’t have to tell a grown man what to do when it comes to his home and family. Might as well tell him you and the kids are going to move out because you’re basically a single mom anyways. I can’t stand deadbeat husbands/dads