Call a family meeting between you two. Make a list of all the bills that need to be paid and how much they are. Then divvy them up. If hes not willing, thats a red flag…
And you’re married to him why?
Honestly that’s not something you should have to tell him. If he’s not willing to do that without being told then that’s not somebody you need in your life
fend for you and the kids don’t buy him anything
Tell him to go do one, his passion isn’t you it’s beer gambling and ciggys, if he can’t put u and ur children first then why are u bothering l, get rid and then go and find ur self the happy person that u are hiding xxx
Stop paying for everything. When he asks why the internet is down, there’s no food on the table or the lights get cut, tell him if he wants those things, it’s his turn to pay for them.
In other words, don’t give him the option of walking all over you.
And that’s your husband😳
Divorce him and make him pay child support because that is no man
You have been rearing and looking after your kids yourself so you don’t need him. It’s easy for all of us to say as we are not in the situation but if I was he be gone.
He should be the one paying if your doing it alone leave his ass you and your kids will be happier
Put him out. Let him pay his own bills and child support. He will have to help then
Divorce him sounds like an absolute waste of time as well as very selfish
Leave. Then make him pay child support.
Kick him out. What a loser
Kick the dead wood out… why on earth would u tolerate this? It’s ur children… they deserve better.
Had one of them … Leave , you’re doing it all on your own anyway …
Divorce and child support. Problem solved.
I’d kick him straight out say you clearly don’t need him let him go it alone see how he gets on
Divorce him you’re doing it alone anyway. Get court ordered child support and alimony taken out of his checks.
Yes I feel this. My husband pays the rent only plus gives me a weekly ‘allowance’ and I pay for every single other thing. I don’t even work! I homeschool out special needs children and I use their disability to barely scrape us by with the bills and food, clothes if they need them and whatever else we need
So what was he like before you got married and before you had kids? If he was the same way then my only comment is, you knew how he was already. Is there anything he does that makes you feel like he loves you or the kids?
Sounds like a dead beat in some sort of way! I would leave and ask for child support! Then maybe he would see!
Try talking to him and show him how much u pay per month for everything! Then ask for half!!
In our house my husband pays for his truck and everything for the house and house payment some food cell bills and insurance and give me money some times and helps when for the kids when I ask him! And food and gas on vacation.
I pay for everything for the kids cloths school daycare activities toys ect
I pay food and our 2 week vacation my car and when am able to help my husband I do…
We are pretty much 50/50 when we add the hill and all up and cut in half! Am proud of us we make a great team!
Divorce him & then go for child support
He sounds like someone’s who’s leeching off of you…since he doesn’t pay anything he can’t even be compared to a roomate. Tell him he needs to atleast split the bills with you. If he doesn’t you prob know what you should do
Divorce. Stuff that…I would not accept that from my husband… At all
Take it from him, he’s your husband, that’s part and parcel of it. Either then or charge him rent for staying.
Put him on child support and let him see how much the government deems necessary to take care of the kids!
File for divorce, ex parte motion for custody of the kids and leave.
Dosnt sound much like a husband to me, what sort of husband ti help.out with bills and provide for his children
oh H## no!!! kick him out ASAPWHATS HE THERE FOR?
Honestly I would gather as much evidence as you can showing you provide for it all. Bills, kids, etc. Then divorce him and use it at court. Go after him for child support too.
Sounds like he doesn’t want to be married. Your not going to change him at all if he has always done this. Since you know how to take care of everyone on your budget tell him to find his own place. Then he’ll have to pay. Unless he finds another like you.
A man’s job is to provide for his family and if he can’t do that you don’t have yourself a man at all.
He’s another dependent sounds like. Leave and make him legally help you. Let him find out what it’s like to defend for himself
Sounds like you’ve been doing it by yourself this whole time what the hell is he there for??
He’s got to go. One less mouth to feed and support. Been there, done that.
Time for you and your actual children to move on. You don’t need him obviously. It’s a partnership, not he owns and you work it all for him. Been there in the 70s it’s 2022 let him know. Alfa males they marry but live single doesn’t work anymore never did.
Call Dr. Laura s podcast show she can help
Sometimes love isn’t enough
Why is he there then. Leave him
Sounds like he’s a narcissist. Bye Felicia
Divorce & family courts
Stop making him dinner-
You shouldn’t have to,leave his sorry ass. I wouldn’t want my man to pay for everything ever and eouldnt expect it but when you’re married with kids things have to be fair x
I would drop him like a hot potato. You are already doing all by yourself, you don’t need that.
Sheryl Pople-Arnold I’m so lucky my husband pays for everything xxx
There comes a time when the children must leave the home… your oldest child needs to be booted and so you and your actual kids can be happy and live a good life…this way he also will have no choice but to chip in to their care per court order etc … ditch the man bum baby
That’s why it’s so important to nip these things in the bud from the beginning his now got away with it for so long that he thinks it’s okay. He should want to contribute naturally the fact that he doesn’t is a red flag in itself you deserve better x
How long has it been like this? Have you ever brought it up to him and his reasons? Inform him that he doesn’t have to contribute now but you did not create those babies alone… make him responsible and start keeping proof of payments also lack of support he isn’t providing now for the children … divorce him and take him for child support.
Wake up honey…kick him to the curb, hes not inhancing your life in any way
You didn’t mention if he paid rent/ mortgage. I would guess he kicks in that much. I don’t know how much that is, but these days it can be a lot. I would think he should also help with expenses for the kids and with groceries since prices are now so outrageous. Since he refuses, I would start sneaking some money back and start packing up some stuff. Then one weekend when he’s off doing something else… take the kids and go. If you have to do it all on your own, drop his dead weight, if he’s truly not contributing.
Serve him with some divorce papers.
Free long as you allow his behavior hes gonna keep free loading.The ball is in your.court
Red flag fuck him out face first🙈
Why are you even asking for advice the blokes a wrongen so you shut up and put up or do something about it you can do so much better then settle for shit
Right out of spreadsheet. Show all of the family bills, house, gas, electricity, water, trash, internet. Then show all of your bills, car payment, and insurance, credit cards. Then make his bills, same. Then take that number and divide the family bills in half rounded up to the nearest dollar amount and tell him this is what he needs to contribute to a joint account every single month to cover the household bills as well as start to build a savings.
Free ride for him get rid of him takes to to pay the bills these days it’s not easy divorce him
Get lawyer, file for child support, then kick him out in that order. He’s no father or husband that’s for sure
You will make out better dumping him and getting child support and alimony, his tune will change real quick
Well if he goes to play then i would start by not giving him any warm hot meals and tell him you didn’t pay for any of this meal either by paying for the food or the bills that helped make it. Then if he still doesn’t start to help out after that the progress to packing yours and the kids bags and hide them till your are ready to load up, and take his house key off his ring discreetly. Then when he goes to work on a day that you are off, load up you and the kids, lock up the house and leave. Go to your parents or a place he wont know about or someplace safe. I would be having a super big talk about it takes two to tango, it takes two to make this work and so far its only one/you that is making this work. Ultimatum he can either love you and his family and everything he has and start helping with bills and finances, or he can lose everything and all that he has. Hes very selfish and i wouldnt be sticking around. I would file divorce and hit him hard.
What are you waiting for…him to physically throw you out?
Kick this loser to the curb!!! He don’t care about u or the kids if he’s doin this shit
If he really loved you, he’d respect you and be a partner. What advice would you give one of your kids if their partner treated them the same?
You make him realize by leaving I always say if I have to feel like I’m doing it alone I might as well be alone
Rightly so you don’t get to demand money from anybody
This makes me angry. He needs a wake-up call. Either he wakes up and contributes or he gets out. Your too nice.
Divorce child support take his butt to the cleaners
Change the locks when he is away
Don’t buy anything don’t make food only makes stuff for you and your kids act like his nobody in the house
Stop paying the bills start saving your money and move. Let him figure that crap out without you. Shit the bills off if they are in your name and put them in his name. And don’t pay them
He wants to be single let him your better off without if you are managing… he sounds very selfish.
You aren’t going to make him realize anything. He doesn’t care. You need to kick him out!
He’s like a kids everything us free pay when everything want,don’t realize bills good rent has to be payed but husband boot his sorry a out till he realize you need help an now
I’d walk up to him with all the bills everyone right to the penny including anything that doesn’t come in the mail that’s a physical at its highest like example propane groceries. I’d say there are eight bills face down, pick 4 and if he looks at you, say four of these bills are yours every month to pay, pick them or if you feel more comfortable give him four and say these are yours to pay every month. It’s your half of the bills for the house to maintain(anything outside the house like your vehicle your credit card anything specifically for the individual itself is not included in the house bills) if he gives you any shit throw a suitcase at him and tell him to get the fuck out cuz at this point he’s not helping very much and you could do way better without them. That’s a choice you want to make think before you make that choice cuz there’s no undoing it. I came to a happy medium by splitting the bills if he’s not willing to pay half now well he can pay half later and if it’s a child support issue if he doesn’t pay you when he’s supposed to you’ll get it every year when he gets taxes or go to jail if he gives you shit turn around put your hand up and say this is not a debate this is a either or and make a fucking choice and live with it and then turn around walk away if he keeps bitching keep walking
I can’t imagine a man not wanting to support his family when they are under the same roof. He sounds like dead weight. You’ve already proven you can do it by yourself. Time to kick him to the curb and make the courts order him to provide for his family.
It is apparent that you don’t need him. Take care of that problem, and I guarantee the courts will solve the “money” problem.
Honestly I’ve been in your position. I’m now divorced and have one less person that I have to worry about taking care of financially. He still took my money too when he worked. You can’t make someone responsible. Good luck mama .
Big huge red flag get rid of him
Rent, utilities living expenses he needs to contribute his share. Drastic behavior requires desperate measures.
It sounds like she has a gambling addiction and is no good for your family. You should just move on and take care of your family all by yourself it will probably give you more money in your pockets since you are not providing for him as well as your children
U have a cold hearted lil boy not a man-why is he still there !!! He’s on a FREE ride provided by u n the kids
I’m a stay at home mom now that my fiancé makes $26 an hour, when I used to work we did 50/50 he did part of the bills I did part of the bills. Keep complaining if u have to be the worlds biggest b**** if that don’t work tell him he either helps with the bills or get out. If u both work it should be 50/50.
LEAVE. Very simple. Only way to make a change is for him to get a reality check.
My mother always said to me, ‘Any woman can have a man if she pays him.’ Why are you tolerating this clown? Don’t waste any more of your one and only life on him. He is a waste of space.
Stop paying for his food, stop making his food, stop paying his car insurance (kick him off yours and make him get his own), only pay 1/2 the mortgage, only pay 1/2 the utilities. Tell him to pay the other 1/2 or move out.
He sounds like a very selfish man. Good luck with that.
Sounds like as he’s your husband… you should be walking away as this isn’t normal lol
Kick him to the nearest curb👌
Sorry, you don’t. A couple’s money should be a couple’s money, there shouldn’t be separate accounts. Going into the relationship you should combine everything as a team and the fact that you allowed it to remain separate and took on all of those bills and responsibilities on your own without joining together as a team means you’re not just going to start joining us together as a team now. This speaks to underlying issues, you have a much bigger problem, and that is the fact that your husband does not see your whole family as a team that works together, he’s a separate entity. I don’t usually tell people that they shouldn’t stay in a relationship, when you marry someone I believe that you should make it work but it doesn’t sound like he entered into the same situation that you feel it is, so is there really a marriage here to begin with?
When you are in a relationship money should be pooled bills are paid then whatever is left is shared
A good indicator of how someone’s behaviour is going to be, is how their behaviour has been.
How to get him to contribute…. Go find another place more affordable where you can more comfortably pay all of the bills. Move. Just you and the kids.
Can him. He’s married to his addiction. You can not win. When you divorce he’ll have to send you money or go to jail as a deadbeat Dad
He is very selfish, what do you need him around for ? Get a divorce at lease you can get child support.
Change the locks if he pays nothing he shouldn’t live there .x.
Tell him to pay or get out
Don’t. You can’t raise a man.
You can do bad on your own.
Get rid of him. Make him pay child support and child care. You may be better off.
Dump him, take him to court and get what the children and you deserve.
He needs to be a bachelor and you need a real
Partner who believes in the institution of marriage and family. No love there.
You divorce him you’ll get money