How can I get my husband to help with bills?

Back in the day when I got married, we opened up a savings and checking account at the bank, in both of our names, and all money went into one of those two accounts. Works for us and more should do that.


Don’t. Kick him out and then file for child support. :melting_face:


It’s called ultimations now…
You are a partnership full stop.

If you don’t divorce him, your potential son will grow up to be like him, and your potential daughter will date men like him. Otherwise, it’s just as much your fault for dealing with it. Good luck…


You’re already doing it on your own, I’d leave him.


Why are you staying with him. He would at least have to pay child support


I don’t understand people like you

Divorce and child support oh and might as well get spousal support too.


You are already a single parent living in a shared house, pack his bags kick him out and contact child support. He needs to wake the hell up


I’m more concerned about how this is a question .


Get rid of him. He does nothing to help so you don’t need him.

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Leave, you are doing it on your own already. Your way to good for him!

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What do you need him for? Just another mouth to feed and pick up after.

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He can help you out now or help you out with child support later…which sounds easier


File for divorce,alimony,child support!


Happening to many …too many
Even after years and years of marriage
It isn’t right


Husband? You sure he is old enough to be married?

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Don’t pay them and make him pay them. It’s his bills too

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Divorce the looser and file for child support and alimony! Know your worth!


He’s not a husband more like a child ( another mouth to feed) IF he’s not paying the bills and supporting the kids what the heck is he even still doing there?


Not to be rude but you don’t need to be convincing a grown man to support his family. You’re already doing it alone…. Walk away he sounds like a bum. Make him someone else’s problem.

Go to welfare and apply for child support stating everything I just said he’s basically a roommate make own it


You have a winner for sure

You already single…you can get child support and spousal support…He does not Love or respect you or your kids…Real talk​:eyes::eyes::eyes:


Why is he there then


What are you waiting for ditch the loser, why support another if you don’t have to.


Whose name are the bills in? If they are in his name stop paying them. If they are in your name then it is time to kick him to the curb.


Girl what?
Send that child back to his mama, put him on child support, and move on. The fact that he is working but won’t pay anything should be cause for tossing him out. But he’s spending his money on stupid stuff and thinks he’s about to live lavish off of you? Sis, give him the boot asap. And you better not be giving him the kitty kat :roll_eyes:


shit I leave his ass hell no child support .

You should not have to beg your partner to contribute to the household he’s a part of- that’s not good. You said that he doesn’t help with bills. Does he help with the kids? If he doesn’t do anything why are you wanting him to stay? That’s a horrible role model for any child . If you feel he’s necessary then you should give him a budget of expenses and tell him what he’s responsible for paying and go from there. Obviously you don’t need him for financial help so what does he do besides stress you out?


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leave him red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

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You failed early on sis.

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Tell Jim good bye, what an ass

Divorce. Wtf is this shit

Maybe leave him he sounds useless

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File for divorce. What is he for? Courts will make sure he takes care of his kids.


If you have to do it alone then you might as well be alone. Kick him to the curb


Run fast and don’t tell him where your at.

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Damn he’s basically a working bum. If he wants to act single, make that a reality for him sweetheart. You deserve better

Stop doing everything for him. You buy food for yourself and your kids you cook and clean for you and kids stop washing his clothes making his bed. show him how much you do, don’t pay his phone bill let it be disconnect unplug his things he doesn’t pay power he doesn’t get it, same with hot water I’d buy him a small hose and show him were the outside tap is.

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He’s a grown man, he knows what he should be doing!

Well, in my opinion, if he pays for nothing, he should have absolutely no access to anything. He’s already made you a single mother. The best you can do, is kick him out. Because right now, he’s leaching off you. Good luck

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Time for u to kick him out your paying it so u can make it without that fool why u haven’t told him 50_50 or get out…

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You can’t. Leave and get child support taken directly from his paycheck. You’ll be better off.


Well it’s time to leave him, and he’d have to pay child support.


Did you talk to him about finances before married? Did you pay for your dates out? I’ve never heard of this situation ever. If he dosent put food on the table for his kids he is a huge looser. Stop wasting your time . Get a divorse asap and file fir child support for all the kids. Also court should make him pay for houseing for the kid’s . And your car payment. Dont let the man child looser get off easy. He promised to be a husband and he isn’t. Dont feel bad another woman will get it if you don’t. You can’t change people what you see is what you get!! Build a better life for yourself and the kids.


Curbs don’t cost anything, kick him to it!

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Sounds like he needs to go

You just have an extra one to support. Divorce him and file for Child Support,insurance and half medical Bills. You would come out way ahead.

Does he pay the mortgage and utilities?
If not then yes kick him to the curb.

File for divorce and the court will make him pay. If he doesn’t he’ll go to jail. Make sure all assets are in your name only.

Dump his ass, get rid of him for good!

I’m sorry to say he doesn’t like a husband.

Sit down and do a percentage split what would be equally fair for how much you each earn. Break it down and 50/50 everything and when everything is paid for you both get an amount to spend as you wish and whatever is left goes into an emergency fund/savings. Explain how this will be beneficial for everyone in the house if he wont get on board then he has to leave. :woman_shrugging:t3: thats what i would do.

Let the judge tell him. You can’t!!

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Stop paying when lights go out say oh you didn’t pay?


Time to get tough. He contributes or he’s out. Get good legal advice for you and the children


That’s really weird.

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I think it is time you set him straight and tell him he is going to split the bills in half. If he refuses then kick him to the curb, or stop doing everything for him, like laundry, meals, etc. I know when I worked my husband paid all the bills and I paid for my animals, gifts and clothing for the family. My money went for the fun stuff.

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Well if you’re doing it all already u may as well leave and take care of your kids on your own. And eventually maybe you will find a real man who will provide


And whyyyy are you still with him? Sounds like you’re the one holding it down at home 100%. He’s letting you have everything on the plate and then some. That’s him being selfish & inconsiderate. I would leave him.


Divorce him. You and children deserve better. He is setting a horrible example for your children on how to be loving. respectful and responsible citizens. Don’t continue to tolerate it.

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Wow my only question is why are you with someone who treats you and kids that way.

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You are married why do you not have a shared bank account. My money his money is crap when you are married. Time to re-evaluate the relationship

How long has this been going on? Empty any bank accounts. (If he put anything in them with you). Who does he think he is? Why have you let him get away with this. I am so pleased I never had this problem with my husband. Time to do some serious thinking girl.


If he doesn’t contribute to the bills , rent or anything, I think you will be doing better without him


Leave him and file for child support. Like wth why on earth would you be with someone who refuses to provide for the house he lives in and for his kids!?!?


Kick his ass out you don’t deserve that or your kids

You’re his mother at this point. And why should your children witness this “example” and what it’s doing to you. Let that man go, he sounds horrible


My question is how long have you put up with this situation? Cause honestly how do you even have kids with someone like that :unamused:. I hope you move out or put him out. Cause if you doing everything YOU DONT NEED HIM

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He’s a roommate not a husband


Oh hellz no.
No no no no no no no.

Leave!!! While the going’s good.

Marriage is a partner ship none of mine monies mine it’s called ours that’s what we do in Australia plain and simple

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You are a married single mom.

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And…what was the question again? You are doing this alone…TIME TO DO IT ALONE AND CUT LOOSE THE EXTRA WEIGHT! Girl, know your worth!!

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Threaten divorce tell him if your already doing it alone why bother with him at all

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Glad to see you realize he’s financially abusing you. You’re already doing it all in your own, so what is he there for?

Whaaaat, I can’t believe you put up with that! :grimacing: He’s purely selfish to not think of his family! Your better off without him​:confused: I’m sure you deserve much more then he is offering as a husband :heart: He’s not a partner towards you, you just provide a place for to stay for free & he’s taking advantage of it :confused:

Honey, I’d be long gone from him if I were u! Wow, his a disrespectful man

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You’re doing it in your own anyway. Get rid of the dead wood. He doesn’t deserve you or the children.

Leave and file for child support. At least then his kids would get some of his money.

And you’re married to him why??

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You are doing it on your on own you might as well be on your own

I’m really sorry I no it’s hard but u doing this on your own so kick him out get legal advice then he we’ll have to help pay child support to u he’s actually financially abusing u

Stop paying for everything,
You seem to be doing quiet well on your own so why are you with him leave :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

I would leave. If you are doing everything on your own, it makes no sense to stay. He’s not being supportive to you and the kids so that means he’s sticking around bc you’ve made it easy for him. He might try to make leaving difficult or start love bombing you just long enough to continue the cycle. The more you advocate for yourself and the kids by maintaining healthy boundaries, the stronger and happier you’ll become. I’m guessing if he is this protective of money he won’t want to do court. However, if court gets involved, keep in mind, that yall will probably end up with a messy schedule. He’s dad so he has the same rights as you. Breaking free from unhealthy people is always for the better. When your kids see you doing right for yourself and them they’ll also learn valuable life lessons. Everyone deserves happiness and by breaking this situation, you’ll be giving yourself the opportunity to grow and be better. It might be hard, but good things take work and aren’t always easy. Best of luck in listening to your gut and doing what feels right.

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Ummmm are you serious??? How have you not left?

You don’t. If he doesn’t get it, stop wasting your time and go. He doesn’t have the same priorities as you and at this point he’s used to his way of life. Walk away and be happy.

Let him go n be happy.

That is baffling to me. I would leave and just keep taking care of things the way I always have.


You shouldn’t have to. Kick him out and see if he changes. You already pay for everything so it won’t hurt you, then maybe you can get child support.


What are you his mom. Tell him to pay up or get out. Loser


Kick him out, you know you can do it on your own! It will be cheaper because you don’t have to feed him.


If ur doing it alone and ur married u should just be single. No married woman or man for that matter should do it alone. Marriage is a partnership.


Stop feeding him. Stop doing his laundry. Stop paying for anything that only he uses (mobile phone.)


How do you get a married man to support his family? :thinking:
If you’re doing everything on your own there will be no convincing. File for divorce and get child support ASAP


Kick him out it should be 50 /50 on everything

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Tell him he needs to start or your leaving him

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Kick him out and get child support.