How can I get my husband to stop talking so much?

Be thankful some have husbands that don’t ever want to to talk and you will miss it when he’s not around


Chatty people wear on me. Just tell him to Shut Up!

would you rather him say nothing & ignore you? :thinking:

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Honestly… if something happened to him your gonna miss the shit out of him talking. So enjoy it while you can.

Nothing to add … but :skull: at the motor mouth :joy:

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Not going to lie but this made me laugh out Loud :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Get an air horn and blow it each time he speaks. I’m totally joking, but maybe just call him out on it in the moment. I would kind of feel bad doing, but idk if it’s super annoying for you or not. Maybe y’all need to spend more time together?


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As someone who both talks a lot and needs quiet time to regulate and recharge, I get it. I’d find it really hard to handle when I was watching something and someone talked over it. I’d probably say something like hey honey, happy to chat but I’m really bad at focussing on two things at once so let’s chat x time before/after dinner (whatever suits) then we can have quiet time. You don’t have to make it a character flaw of his just explain it’s a need of yours to recharge and it’s not personal.


Tell him to shut the fuck up :joy:

Ball gag. Duct tape. Or sit on his face. :smiling_imp:


My husband does the same thing as soon as I pause it he hushes as soon as I watch starts talking… Really bad threw a movie

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Then why did you marry him if it bothers you so much? My husband is deaf but he signs a lot and I get really annoyed. Regardless, I married him so I accepted his flaws no matter how annoyed I get. I rather have that than my ex husband who doesn’t pay attention to me… :woman_shrugging:


How about next time you watch a movie and he starts talking just say oii motormouth zip it I’m watching the movie​:rofl: Failing that get some gaffa tape keep it by side of you soon as he start rip a bit off walk over tape it over his mouth :crazy_face::rofl::rofl::rofl:one of these actions he should get the hint pmsl

Shock collar works best


You knew the job was dangerous when you took it


You got to love him. It could be you and him asking the question. Be grateful. You can always tell him to take a break

At least you have a husband to listen to while he is talking. Be grateful you have him. My husband died 5 months ago and I would give my life right now to hear him talking about anything. I used to complain about how messy he was in the kitchen and a couple of weeks after I had complained to him about it God took him from me. Now my kitchen is clean and ready I cry 24/7 because I miss him so much. Enjoy it while you can because in a blink of an eye he could be gone forever and believe me silence is not golden.


Duct tape over the mouth? Lock him in a room far away from where you are? Treat him like a child & redirect him? An iron skillet over the head a few times will give you time to watch a movie.

Have you tried saying “will you just shut up”

Duct tape fixes everything :woman_shrugging:t3:


Enjoy it. You never know what will happen. My boyfriend was the same way. We recently found out he has tongue cancer and now he rarely talks. I miss the sound of his voice. He used to sing and joke around constantly. Now he’s in constant pain so he barely speaks at all. Please cherish him. Life happens when you least expect it too.


If you are a stay at home wife and he works outside the home do this: watch moves while he’s at work and when he’s home, clean and cook. Problem solved.


Haha. Aw. I feel for you. Sometimes I have to ask my boyfriend to stop talking too but usually because I’m feeling over stimulated or overwhelmed after I finish work and also have 3 kids who want to talk to me too :sweat_smile:
Just be clear in your communication. Say to him before you start the movie, “is there anything you need to say because it really ruins the experience when you talk through the movie”
If you have clearly expressed how you feel to him and he doesn’t care then that’s a bigger issue and he is effectively disrespecting your boundaries. It might seem trivial to others but it would drive me insane.


My husband says he needs the same advice​:rofl::rofl:


My husband does the same thing, but I don’t mind it, really… it’s better than being silent and having nothing to share at all.

I just tell mine to hush or I’ll ruin football season :joy::heart:

He probably needs to be medicated for adhd

I would set quiet time. For me just after the kids go to bed I need at least an hour to myself just to process the day and to begin the relaxing process.

If I don’t get a chance to do this I feel really worn out the next day or I end up having broken sleep all night.